2024 POTUS: Commentary on Crooke's Current Perspective: "Counter-Revolution – ‘Do You Know What Time It Is?’"
After commenting on the North American Colonial Era in a discourse with “Scorpion” that remains unfinished, I finally found time to read today's Crooke essay, and believe his observations deserve a major place in this thread, “The Failed State Effort Of Indicting Trump” for the topic is about the Outlaw US Empire's upcoming political implosion moment: the 2024 POTUS election.
Crooke's title reveals the topic's focus, "Counter-Revolution – ‘Do You Know What Time It Is?’" Here's one of several key excerpts:
In the U.S., the run-up to momentous elections is underway. The Democrats are in a fix: The party has long since turned its back on its old blue-collar constituency, engaging instead with an urban ‘creative class’ in an exalted, world-shaping ‘social engineering’ project of moral redress, in alliance with Silicon Valley and the Permanent Nomenklatura. But that experiment has run off into the weeds, becoming ever more extreme and absurd. Push-back is building.
Predictably enough, the Democratic campaign is not gaining traction. Team Biden has low, low approval ratings. But Biden family pressure insists that Biden must persevere with his candidature, and not yield to another. Either way – Biden staying or going – there is no ready solution to the Party’s conundrum of a non-performing, non-platform.
The electoral landscape is a mess. Heavy ‘lawfare’ artillery is intended to break the Trump defences and drive him off the field, whilst an attrition of disclosures of Biden family malfeasance are intended wear down and implode the Biden bubble. The Democratic Establishment is spooked too by the flanking manoeuvre of the R. F. Kennedy candidature, which is snowballing rapidly.
Put simply, the Democratic wokish ideology of historical redress is separating the U.S. into two nations living in one land. Divided not so much by ‘Red or Blue’, or class, but defined by irreconcilable ‘ways of being’. The old categories: Left, Right, Democrat or GOP are being dissolved by a Cultural War that respects no categories, crossing the boundaries of class and party affiliation. Indeed, even ethnic minorities have been alienated by the zealots wanting to sexualise children at age 5 years, and by the pushing of the trans agenda on to school children.
Crooke's focus this time is what's happening on the right, although as he states above, the traditional distinctions are all muddled with much boiling down to basics, like the Four Freedoms, and fundamental human rights issues, particularly the rights of children, which Belarus in its recent Human Rights Report smashed upside Uncle Sam's head. Crooke has linked to and cited this 2+ year-old essay before, which IMO is an essential read, "'Conservatism' is no Longer Enough". Here's a very important excerpt:
First, we need to set goals. It is not enough just to smash all the bad things. Mindless chaos or anarchy is no way to achieve justice. One of conservatism’s huge errors for the last several decades has been to think big concepts like justice and fairness don’t matter. So we allowed the Left to own these ideas. Big mistake! Authentic Americans are men, not gerbils—or robots.
If you are a zombie or a human rodent who wants a shadow-life of timid conformity, then put away this essay and go memorize the poetry of Amanda Gorman. Real men and women who love honor and beauty, keep reading.
Authentic Americans still want to have decent lives. They want to work, worship, raise a family, and participate in public affairs without being treated as insolent upstarts in their own country. Therefore, we need a conception of a stable political regime that allows for the good life.
The U.S. Constitution no longer works. But that fact raises more questions than answers. Can some parts of the system—especially at the local and state level—be preserved and strengthened? How would that work? How do we distinguish the parts that are salvageable from the parts that are hopeless? How did all this happen, anyway? The answers to these questions are not obvious. Having a coherent plan—thinking through what American citizenship used to mean, what made it noble and made the country worthy of patriotic love, and how to rebuild its best elements—requires input from people, and institutions, who have given these matters a lot of thought.
The essay's failure is to examine why America has failed its people--there's not one word about money, finance or Wall Street to be found. And if we were to read something written from the Liberal side, it would also likely omit those three items. But as we well know here at MoA, The Money Power is the cause of the failure. As far as I can see via admittedly very shallow investigation, only RFKjr is making Corporate Power the political issue it needs to be, which is why he's smeared and vilified. Here's a very interesting possibility:
"Ukraine will be no-longer bi-partisan in terms of support, but rather will become a sword used against the hated Uni-party establishment, and any hint of a major f*ck-up will become centre-piece in this counter revolutionary war."
Imagine, Russia has liberated almost all Ukraine by September 2024 sealing NATO's disaster and that of Outlaw US Empire policy since WW2. Will such a disastrous defeat become an election issue given Uni-party support for decades or will they try to sweep it under the rug? The only nominal Anti-war candidate is RFKjr, and I'm stretching it there.
Prior to the 2020 election I asked MoA commentators to submit draft Manifestos that would deal with the utter lack of anything being down to advance humanity within and without the Outlaw US Empire. In my first essays at VK, which I started in January 2020, I wrote that an agenda having the potential to spark a Critical Mass within the public was sorely needed and repeated it along with my call for additional input. Then Covid arrived and that seemingly defeated my activism despite there being many very bright and articulate people who might have contributed. So, here we are four years later—Again!— facing an even bleaker POTUS campaign given what the courts have said about the D and R Parties ability to completely ignore public input and name their own nominees, the penultimate example of Uni-party dominance that Nader pointed at in 2000 calling it the Duopoly. So, again, in conversation today the same issue surfaced again, and I again proposed the same solution—a Manifesto must be produced that recognizes the situation’s reality.
It’s very notable that the 2+ year old conservative essay posits the Constitution’s demise, which is correct. A point I’ve made since 2000 is us commonfolk have more in common than differences and must talk to each other civilly to establish common ground. One of the key points I make is the Culture Wars are aimed at all of us to divide us so ruling over us is facilitated. That point is agreed to. Then there’s the political-economic problem wherein the system doesn’t work for commonfolk; it’s rigged to make the filthy rich richer. That’s usually agreed to, although there’re times I need to provide examples. And this is in conversations with Trump folk in the South.
Clearly, this is only the opening essay on this topic. I value Crooke’s insight from the outside and his use of sites I would usually omit. The need to replace what was a document ensuring elite rule is dawning on ever more people. The great comedian George Carlin used to ridicule a specific part of the Constitution’s Preamble: “We the People” by noting We the People had no say in that product of what was actually a coup; it was all arranged by the elites of the North and South who were forced to add the Bill of Rights to buy its ratification by less than 10% of the people. That’s grist for a different mill, but that reality must be recognized. We the People need to establish a new guiding document and institutions to support it as the current arrangement has utterly failed.
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Response to Karl Sanchez' post:
2024 POTUS: Commentary on Crooke's Current Perspective: "Counter-Revolution – ‘Do You Know What Time It Is?’"
"Mindless chaos or anarchy is no way to achieve justice. "
LOL Two points: 1) "Justice" is one of those terms humans like to use that have absolutely zero reference in the real world; it is used solely to bludgeon other people; and 2) anarchy IS the only way to achieve "justice" in the sense that everyone literally and physically gets what they deserve by definition.
"We the People need to establish a new guiding document and institutions to support it as the current arrangement has utterly failed."
As individualist anarchism points out, there is no "We the People" - there are only individuals who do not necessarily have common interests. There is one such: survival - and at scale in a society of rational entities is best achieved by cooperation. Hint: The human race is not such a society and can not be such a society in the present state of human nature.
Second, any "guiding document" is not going to be put together by an individual and probably not by any group of random individuals. It would have to be put together by a group of extremely rational and extremely well-educated individuals with a range of subject matter expertise involving human physiology, neurophysiology, evolutionary psychology, ethnology, sociology, history, economics, geography, and other subjects that escape me at the moment but I am sure are considerable in number. It probably would take several years to produce.
And third, until the present system is smashed, there will be no "institutions" to support a new one. In fact, it's likely that any "institutions" presented as the solution will turn out to be the exact opposite. But no such institutions can be created while the present ones exist in any form that entails an armed force protecting them. The elites that exist are not going to fade away after an "election" that supposedly turns them out of power. As demonstrated by history, they will subvert or simply overthrow any system than suppresses them.
What do you think happened to the US system? Within ten years, they were suppressing habeas corpus in order to arrest rioters in Massachusetts...
There's a book I just downloaded last Friday which is very relevant to that last. I haven't read it yet, but here's the synopsis:
From Independence to the U.S. Constitution
The "Critical Period" of American history—the years between the end of the American Revolution in 1783 and the ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1789—was either the best of times or the worst of times. While some historians have celebrated the achievement of the Constitutional Convention, which, according to them, saved the Revolution, others have bemoaned that the Constitution’s framers destroyed the liberating tendencies of the Revolution, betrayed debtors, made a bargain with slavery, and handed the country over to the wealthy.
This era—what John Fiske introduced in 1880 as America’s "Critical Period"—has rarely been separated from the U.S. Constitution and is therefore long overdue for a reevaluation on its own terms. How did the pre-Constitution, postindependence United States work? What were the possibilities, the tremendous opportunities for "future welfare or misery for mankind," in Fiske’s words, that were up for grabs in those years? The scholars in this volume pursue these questions in earnest, highlighting how the pivotal decade of the 1780s was critical or not, and for whom, in the newly independent United States.
As the United States is experiencing another, ongoing crisis of governance, reexamining the various ways in which elites and common Americans alike imagined and constructed their new nation offers fresh insights into matters—from national identity and the place of slavery in a republic, to international commerce, to the very meaning of democracy—whose legacies reverberated through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and into the present day.
Contributors:Kevin Butterfield, Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon * Hannah Farber, Columbia University * Johann N. Neem, Western Washington University * Dael A. Norwood, University of Delaware * Susan Gaunt Stearns, University of Mississippi * Nicholas P. Wood, Spring Hill College.
Book is available for free download here:
Prior to the 2020 election I asked MoA commentators to submit draft Manifestos
I love this idea. 1) anti imperialist war 2) anti oligarchs and their system, capitalism 3) anti police state measures against the working class (could probably just add some class content to the bill of rights for this one) 4) anti division of the working class via bourgeois identity politics.