Based on my knowledge of history I’ve been musing about the following paragraph for several years. It remained under the rug of my scalp until the post Al-Aqsa Flood response began and became what it is—Genocide, which is the main Zionist Plan for Palestine and always was. Many articles at the Gym deal with that topic but none have dug into the deeper depths of the underlying context—a context that’s over 2,000 years old. The formulation of this thought began in 1996 when I returned to college and began treating all my classes as Grad level courses, meaning I read way beyond the content of the assigned texts and discussed things with my professors, with whom I was close to being their peer age-wise, which made conversation easier for both. My Western Civ prof was rather sly in the way he went about teaching the underlying history of religion as he was keen to provide the historical context for the three Abrahamic religions. And what I discovered then made me ready for what Dr. Hudson and his team along with others have unveiled since, all of which is fascinating since I’m a historian and anthropologist. Some readers will be familiar with Hudson’s … and forgive them their debts, and the major points he makes there which ought to be revolutionary. As I mentioned recently, metaphysically I’m an agnostic, but very much lean to the Gnostic Persuasion that the “godseed” is in everything, and which IMO jibes with what Carl Sagan said: “We’re all Star Stuff.” Originally posted as a question to the bar at MoA. Now that the preamble’s been delivered, here’s my Longstanding Thought:
Zionist apologists and their Christian Death Cult fans are rather few globally--maybe 150 million at most with the majority being Cult members. Now there're close to 8 Billion Humans, meaning those 150 million are a rather small percentage and they currently advocate the most hideous of human behaviors--Genocide--for which there's a very strong code that was enacted to try and prevent that behavior from occurring. How does Humanity deal with 150 million deviants intent on becoming or abetting Genocidalists? Clearly as we see here at MoA, such people have zero shame or morality as they advocate murder of the serial variety. Yes, there might be a few million with a genuine moral conscience who could be shamed into disowning and ceasing their behavior, but that still leaves too many millions. It appears eliminating the Zionist support structures, foreign and domestic, is one component. But how to deprogram the Cult members who continue to recruit new victims? Perhaps the formation of an honest church institution that promotes the actual mission of Jesus the Rabbi to eliminate the Rich Class via legislation and debt eliminating jubilees as Mosaic Law demands. Such an institution would treat Jesus the Rabbi as a mortal human who was murdered by the state because he challenged those having power because of their wealth. Currently, the various institutional churches calling themselves Christian do nothing to honor and forward Jesus's mission, preferring instead to profit from their alleged connection, for which there is none in reality. I'm not aware of any previous effort of this sort mounted to alter the status quo. Metaphysically, it doesn't directly challenge monotheism, just one version and its related eschatology.
As intended, comments are encouraged.
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Hi Karl,
Do you mean how do we deprogram people who have been brainwashed in this kind of cult?
I've noticed an evolution in Jewish people over the past forty years or so. Word on the street was ya, they're great people, but just don't bring up Israel. And that seemed to be the norm.
And I remember when the first Jewish person I knew came out and said he didn't support Israel, and it blew us away!
It seems that so many Jewish people now don't support Israel -- the Jewish people online and off are against what Palestine is doing.
However the genocide is still occurring with most in Israel supporting it. I wonder how we speed up the process that I've seen building gradually over the decades.
I also wonder if there's a class component to this. All through history, atrocities have taken place that were justified as civilizing or getting rid of bad people or something, while taking over land and resources. There were people who were aware of this double standard but were comfortable with it. That attitude is hard for me to grasp, but I see it in many ways in some upper middle class people who feel superior and entitled to certain other classes, races, etc.
lol... it appears i have to come here to read what you have to say at moa!! i missed your post at moa.. nice picture from calvin and hobbs! i don't know the answer here.. at this point i am seeking a higher power to resolve the problems on the planet.. people seem incapable of doing it on their own..