Russia’s former President, Prime Minister and current Secretary of Russia’s Security Council Dmitry Medvedev wrote the following—obituary, perhaps—about Europe at his VK page instead of his Telegram. Some have taken part of what he wrote and reposted it to other social media platforms. Although written on 29 October, I just learned of it and thanks to having my own VK page was able to access and copy it so I can share it with readers here:
"Nigeria has the largest gas reserves in Africa. German companies are interested in gas supplies from Nigeria," Chancellor Scholz said. Well, that's probably going to help Germany. By the way, according to experts, there are about 100 trillion cubic meters of suburban gas in Antarctica. It is time to turn our attention to this region as well. Generally speaking, poor Germans. They have become hostages to the idiocy of their politicians. And this is a good occasion to remind of what is no longer in Europe and what can no longer be returned...
1. Relative geopolitical autonomy. No matter what European leaders say, the European Union is no longer able to act independently not only in the international arena, but even in the European field. Almost all EU countries stood up to the United States and Britain and obediently began to carry out their instructions to support the Nazi Kiev regime. And now for any instructions at all. Dreams of the European Union as one of the pillars of the world order have gone up in smoke. The EU has squandered its international credibility as a mediator in any conflict. And Europe today, alas, plays the role of an aging whore, meekly fulfilling any whim of the overseas clientele.
2. Strong world-class leaders who must defend the interests of their countries. There are simply no of them left in the EU. Although there used to be: charismatic, angry, toothy. Now there are only sexless Macrons, Scholzs and other ursulas with pipes.
However, there are exceptions. Little by little, some independent politicians are also emerging, moreover, from the countries of the former Warsaw Contract. They love their homeland and their people more than the toxic liberal speeches and loot of the Anglo-Saxons.
3. Cheap energy resources from Russia. Europe has castrated itself bloodily and without anesthesia, refusing energy cooperation with our country. It is spoiled or frozen for a very long time. But now America, rubbing its hands, supplies its LNG to Europe at exorbitant prices. As a result, the economies of the largest European countries, which for many years were the locomotive of the European Union, have shown a significant decline and will grow (if any) very slowly. And for the weaker countries of Western Europe, this is a shoddy prospect. Hard times have come for a long time.
The European Commission has worsened its forecast for eurozone economic growth in 2023 to 0.8% from the previously expected 1.1%. Inflation in many EU countries is still off the charts. Food prices are rising sharply and will continue to rise in price.
4. A place in the sun for European business. Another conflict in the Old World is a great chance to boost the American economy both at the expense of the traditional military-industrial complex and at the expense of new high-tech industries from Europe. European companies, affected by the prices of gas and other raw materials, are moving their operations overseas. The U.S. is reindustrializing with someone else's help, while the strongest European countries are experiencing stagnation and deindustrialization.
5. Promising Russian market. European companies have suffered colossal irretrievable losses when leaving our country. Their damage is measured in tens of billions of dollars (and hundreds of dollars with lost profits). But if they may someday be able to cover the financial losses, then the image and reputational ones are unlikely to be covered. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to return to Russia. There are no voids in the market. After all, even quite high technologies are successfully replaced or simply borrowed in the modern world. Moreover, we are constantly increasing our own production. And this is a unique chance to create your own competencies where there were none.
6. Household well-being. No one can guarantee that the next winter will not become too cold. This means that the growth of tariffs for heat and everything else will continue. And here no American LNG, which is sold in Europe at exorbitant prices, will help. There has been a final rejection of the pricing policy that provided Europeans with a well-fed life a couple of years ago. Those days are irrevocably gone. Let them console themselves with the fact that they have forever overcome their dependence on energy from the hated Russia.
7. Fragile migration balance. It has long been skewed by waves of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. Coupled with rising inflation, the state budgets of European countries may finally crack, which will provoke acute discontent among local residents, who feel the collapse of the social security system in their guts. And, of course, there are clashes with migrants, who often receive benefits that exceed the incomes of natives.
8. Russian culture. Reptilian Russophobes in the West are constantly trying to erase Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and other Russian geniuses from history. Contemporary figures of Russian art are not allowed to work in Europe. Now European theatergoers, together with their overseas directors, willingly give applause to elderly fascists in their parliaments, and not to performers from our country.
9. Russia as a predictable partner of Europe. We are no longer even neighbors, but real enemies. And now the EU is raving about Russia's complete unpredictability, building crazy conspiracy theories, spending astronomical sums to maintain its security. The European Union has lost Russia as a long-term strategic partner. We are not happy about this, but it is a fact...
And the last thing. Having decided, at the instigation of the United States, to become the worst enemy of our country, Europe has come very close to the final degenerative degeneration. Sooner or later, the great powers will agree on how they will live in the foreseeable future under the new conditions. Washington has no escape from Russia, China, and the countries of the Global South. And it makes no sense for us to start a full-fledged conflict with America.
But the sweet little old lady Europe will soon be gone. She was ruthlessly restricted in her rights by a fat-faced overseas relative, whom she recklessly trusted. At first, he cynically robbed a well-to-do old woman, depriving her of many sources of livelihood and sending millions of poor relatives to her.
And soon he will simply throw the insanity grandmother out onto the cold street, mercilessly slamming the door of her own house behind her.
Medvedev’s future outlook for Europe as a whole is pessimistic to be charitable. There are a few nations that refused to burn their bridges to Russia. Russia’s diplomats use nicer language, but their outlook is very similar. Major structural changes will be required that also include drastic political changes to happen first before Russia’s going to entertain friendly conversations again with the vast majority of European nations. Yet, Russia hasn’t forbidden the European people from continuing to show their friendship and maintain business relations; so, there’s some light within the very dark cave.
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blunt, but true.
EU leverage evaporates in many arenas, and trade partners of all kinds will extract more. (think Turkey, China, financial intermediaries in US or Dubai or HK now that Euro's reputation as a neutral finance arena is also dead...). With this, likely to see wave of reactionary politics across the continent, making it even worse.
i like medvedevs line at the bottom in regards to usa towards europe -
"And soon he will simply throw the insanity grandmother out onto the cold street, mercilessly slamming the door of her own house behind her." a sad, but truthful summation as i see it..