While in Baku, Lavrov was caught on the sidelines and questioned by several Russian media outlets; so, we begin with Izvestia TV:
Question: What questions should Germany answer about Nord Stream?
Sergey Lavrov: Germany must answer all questions. They must stop categorically refusing to present facts that they could not help discovering. When the information we demand is not provided through official channels but pops up in newspaper materials (in three German editions and in the American one at the same time), it suggests that everything is staged. The operation was conceived in order to somehow divert public opinion in Germany and in the world from the true perpetrators, perpetrators and customers of the terrorist act. We will insist on a transparent international investigation.
It is shameful for Germany to silently accept how it has been deprived of a long-term basis for energy and economic well-being. For many decades, this was the key to its development in the form of stable supplies of Russian gas at affordable prices. Berlin "swallowed" everything silently, without any comment.
Now we see attempts to blame everything on some officers who drank with businessmen and either hired someone or decided to learn how to dive themselves. This is not serious. Even if one of the persons mentioned in the German press (the Ukrainians were mentioned) was somehow involved, it is clear that they could not have done it alone. To carry out such a terrorist attack, a command came "from the very top". And for the West, the "very top" is Washington.
Question: After the attack on the Kursk Region and reports that a provocation using a "dirty bomb" is being prepared, can Ukraine be considered a terrorist state and seek this status in international organisations?
Sergey Lavrov: In international organisations, the decision-making mechanism requires the consent of their members. In the UN Security Council, the West has the right of veto. They will never allow decisions to be promoted there that run counter to the interests of his puppets in Kiev.
It is absolutely clear to us that this is a Nazi, terrorist regime, originally created as a result of a coup d'état organised with the direct support of the United States. Those who came to power in February 2014 immediately declared war on their own citizens, threatening to ban the Russian language (which they eventually did) and "kick out" Russians from Crimea.
Subsequent statements by the Poroshenko and Vladimir Zelensky regimes and their official representatives are pure Russophobia and hatred of everything Russian. There is no doubt that the regime is criminal. {My Emphasis]
New wine in old bottles here as Lavrov’s said as much before, perhaps with less emphasis. But the audience is almost 100% Russian, so little international enlightenment was likely obtained.
Next was Channel One Baku, which was reported in the previous article:
Question: Did you discuss the Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement yesterday during an informal meeting between the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan, Vladimir Putin and Ilham Aliyev? Is this topic on today's agenda?
Sergey Lavrov: What was discussed yesterday one-on-one is the business of the two presidents. During the press conference, they will certainly mention their assessments of the current state of relations between Baku and Yerevan.
We are convinced that the main thing is to follow the spirit and letter of the series of trilateral agreements reached by the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia in 2020-2022 (1, 2, 3, 4). They cover all aspects of the situation, as well as issues that need to be resolved in order to finally and completely resolve it.
We are in favor of concluding a peace treaty as soon as possible and unblocking communications. Unfortunately, as far as communications through the Syunik district of Armenia are concerned, it is the Armenian leadership that is sabotaging the agreement signed by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. It is difficult to understand what the meaning of such a position is.
The foundation laid within the framework of trilateral meetings and documents remains fully relevant.
My comment’s the same as earlier. Little was said to the media about where relations with Armenia now stand with Russia and Azerbaijan, and specifically Pashinyan’s attitude.
Then Pavel Zarubin of Rossiya One’s “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” program asked one then two:
Question: What do you think about the West's rhetoric and position on the situation in our border areas? They deny that they knew about it.
Sergey Lavrov: The Defence Ministry leadership assesses the military situation and reports to President Vladimir Putin several times a day.
As for the political side, the thief's hat has long been burned. The evolution from "we have nothing to do with it", "no one asked us" to "we were contacted, but we did not allow it", "Zaluzhny disobeyed" is childish babble. Everyone understands perfectly well that Vladimir Zelensky would never have dared to do this (the decision is certainly his). Now he boasts that he is creating a buffer zone, damaging the Russian state. He would not have dared to do this if the United States had not "instructed". There is also no doubt that Washington is behind the Nord Stream explosions, as a result of which Europe was left without Russian fuel and without a stable basis for economic development.
For us, the picture is very clear. No matter how they dodge, the truth is visible and known to all objective and unbiased observers. [My Emphasis]
Question: Westerners used to insist that Russia was allegedly violating someone's territorial integrity, but now they are silent.
Sergey Lavrov: They always told lies and got confused in their testimonies (this is how we characterise such situations). They stated that they did not allow the Ukrainian leadership to use Western long-range weapons against the internationally recognized territory of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, other official representatives of Washington, London and some European capitals said that Ukraine decides for itself how to protect its sovereignty. The Germans went so far as to say: allegedly, when they handed over weapons to Ukraine, they were already its weapons, and they had nothing to do with it. Shamefully.
To a certain extent, this indicates the growing despair of the West, the inability of Vladimir Zelensky to fulfill his mission, and the fact that the Ukrainian leaders are in a desperate situation. They are already looking for a replacement. The German and US media are already beginning to "leak" Vladimir Zelensky and create an image of a loser for him. See. [My Emphasis]
The usual circus of lies and double standards we now know so well, begging the question: When will the act change, or perhaps that’s all the performers are capable of doing? Much the same can be said for the non-negotiations between the Zionists and for now nobody from Hamas understandably since the Zionists assassinated Hamas’s top negotiator. Yet, BigLie Media still trumpets negotiations are ongoing when it’s just the mediators talking to themselves. Same with the BigLie floated in the WaPost about negotiations between Ukraine and Russia just after Putin announced there can be no negotiations with the Terrorist Ukraine Regime.
Today, the MFA summoned the Outlaw US Empire’s Chargé d'Affaires in Russia Stephen Holmes for the following demarche:
Summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on August 20, US Charge d'Affaires in Russia Stephen Holmes was strongly protested in connection with the provocative actions of American reporters who illegally entered the Kursk Region to cover the crimes of the Kiev regime, as well as evidence of the participation of the US PMC on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the invasion of the territory of the Russian Federation.
It was emphasised that such actions, which run counter to the Biden administration's assertions that it was allegedly not involved in the attack by Ukrainian neo-Nazis on Russia, clearly prove that the United States, as a direct participant in the conflict, is involved in Vladimir Zelensky's malicious plans.
It was especially noted that in relation to the American citizens involved in these crimes, in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the competent agencies will carry out the necessary investigative actions to bring them to justice. In addition, it is clearly understood that all foreign "specialists" and mercenaries who illegally cross the border of our country automatically become a legitimate military target for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. [My Emphasis]
My guess is the ambassador was to afraid to appear, so she sent the Chargé d'Affaires. And the Grand Farce Circus continues with a German MP demanding Ukraine pay compensation for Nord Steam attack:
Ukraine should pay for the damage done to the German economy following the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, Bundestag MP Alice Weidel has said.
While TASS reports, “German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has dismissed speculations Berlin plans to cut support for Ukraine:”
Scholz vowed that "nothing at all" can shatter Germany’s promises to provide support for Kiev.
You can’t make this shit up!! The turmoil ought to continue to roil NATO and EU and further alienate European citizenry who mostly have nothing in common with what’re still described as leaders.
And finally, Azerbaijan formally announces its intent to join BRICS. And I finally get the photo I wanted to provide for my Putin in Azerbaijan article. Today, Putin’s back in Southern Russia which will be covered in the next article.
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excellent.. thanks karl!
As a westerner, I hope those of you who are from Russia or the vast majority of citizens of the world who support Russia. Know how refreshing it is, to see a country being as strong & determined in its morally right path. Sadly my own country like all Western countries is ruled by a select hand picked bunch of globalist vermin. Who have no interest in the well being of their citizens or countries. They lie cheat, theive & commit crime after crime. They've convinced the vast majority in our western countries through their media friends. That they are the ones with morals, when it's in front of everyone's face, they've none at all. The wiser ones amongst us are silenced & ridiculed. It's that bad today. I'm well into my 50's & lived through a steady decline through our rulers corruption, greed & lies. The majority will realise when it's to late. There's hope for the world, sadly not in the country where I'm from. The world needs strong & morally just countries now more than ever. Those who are aware know these countries aren't the Western ones.