Meeting of Russia's Permanent Conference of the Security Council on Nuclear Deterrence
The proposed update on nuclear policy was discussed.
Talked about for most of September was the upcoming scheduled meeting held semi-annually called the Permanent Conference on Nuclear Deterrence where it’s been speculated that Russia would alter its doctrine in light of NATO’s undeclared war on Russia where NATO actors wage war on Russia behind the false front of the Ukrainian military—facts that have been known since the outset of Russia’s SMO. Missing from the meeting are Shoigu and Lavrov. Putin opens with a short 4-minutes of remarks before the classified portion commences. After Putin’s remarks, Medvedev’s notes published on his Telegram will be provided.
Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
We are holding a planned event today, the meeting is called the Permanent Meeting on Nuclear Deterrence, and it is held twice a year. And in today's agenda we have an issue related to updating the Foundations of the state Policy in the field of nuclear deterrence.
Along with the Military Doctrine, this is a document that officially defines and details Russia's nuclear strategy. First of all, the basic principle of the use of nuclear weapons is fixed, namely, the use of nuclear forces is an extreme measure to protect the country's sovereignty.
I would like to emphasize that we have always taken a very responsible approach to such issues. Well aware of the colossal power of these weapons, we sought to strengthen the international legal framework for global stability and prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and their components.
Today, the nuclear triad remains the most important guarantee of ensuring the security of our state and citizens, a tool for maintaining strategic parity and the balance of power in the world.
At the same time, we see that the current military-political situation is changing dynamically, and we must take this into account. This includes the emergence of new sources of military threats and risks for Russia and our allies.
It is important to predict the development of the situation and adapt the provisions of the strategic planning document accordingly to the current realities.
Over the past year, specialists from the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Security Council Staff and other departments have conducted a deep, comprehensive analysis and assessed the need to adjust our approaches to the possible use of nuclear forces. Based on the results of this work, it is proposed to make a number of clarifications regarding the definition of the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons.
Thus, the draft Framework expands the category of States and military alliances that are subject to nuclear deterrence and adds a list of military threats that are neutralized by nuclear deterrence measures.
What else I would like to draw your attention to. In the updated version of the document, aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear State, but with the participation or support of a nuclear State, is proposed to be considered as their joint attack on the Russian Federation.
The conditions for Russia's transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly defined. We will consider this possibility as soon as we receive reliable information about the massive launch of air and space attack vehicles and their crossing of our state border. I am referring to strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other aircraft.
We reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in the event of aggression against Russia and Belarus as a member of the Union State. All these issues have been agreed with the Belarusian side and the President of Belarus, including if the enemy, using conventional weapons, creates a critical threat to our sovereignty.
In conclusion, I would like to note that all the clarifications are thoroughly verified and proportionate to the current military threats and risks to the Russian Federation.
Let's get to work. The floor is given to Defense Minister Andrey Belousov. [My Emphasis]
Well, that was all to be expected, but no definition was provided for “massive.” Now, let’s read what Medvedev wrote:
The event that was awaited
The President of Russia outlined approaches to the new version of the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence. The main changes are as follows.
1. Aggression against Russia by a non-nuclear-weapon state, but with the support or participation of a nuclear-armed country, will be considered a joint attack. Everyone understands which countries we are talking about.
2. Equivalent nuclear protection will be established for Belarus as our closest ally. To the "joy" of Poland and the numerous pygmies of NATO.
3. A massive launch and crossing of our border by enemy aerospace weapons, including aircraft, missiles and UAVs, under certain conditions can become the basis for the use of nuclear weapons. A reason to think not only for the rotten neo-Nazi regime, but also for all the enemies of Russia who are pushing the world towards a nuclear catastrophe.
It is clear that each situation that gives grounds for resorting to nuclear protection must be evaluated in conjunction with other factors, and the decision on the use of nuclear weapons will be made by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. However, the very change in the regulatory conditions for the use of a nuclear component by our country can cool the ardor of those opponents who have not yet lost their sense of self-preservation. Well, for the stupid, only the Roman maxim will remain: caelo tonantem credidimus Jovem Regnare... [heaven thundering zeus believed To Reign] [Emphasis Original]
Little different than Putin’s remarks, although the embellishing might be helpful to some. What the exact changes become will likely be published as that’s Russia’s usual manner—there’s no sense in keeping your nuclear doctrine secret if you want it to act as a deterrent. I note that point #1 says joint attack, not joint nuclear attack since it won’t be known if the weapons fired are nuclear or conventional until they detonate. That directly deals with the Aegis Ashore weapon systems stationed in Poland and Yugoslavia that are capable of firing conventional or nuclear missiles, which if fired Russia must assume the worst and treat them as nukes. Furthermore, a joint attack would imply the use of a weapon system supplied by a nuclear power to a non-nuclear power where the non-nuclear power is merely the launching pad and nothing more as it doesn’t have the technology and ISR systems to make such an attack possible. Medvedev’s emphasized comment ought to be clear to all, but I’ll spell it out—Outlaw US Empire in combination with any non-nuclear nation that’s currently involved in NATO’s undeclared war on Russia—Ukraine, Poland, Yugoslavia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia being the most likely given their proximity. England and France are also nuclear states, so they need to beware also. But the main instigator of the undeclared war is the Outlaw US Empire and has already earned the potential for Russian retaliation for its actions to-date. Recently, Ritter warned of the use of non-nuclear Avangard warheads or other hypersonics on US targets that the Empire has zero defensive capabilities to defend against.
I expect the US response to be the usual bullshit about Putin bluffing and so forth. Russia’s timing of this meeting at the outset of the UNGA Debate was well done. The Info War Big Lie that Russia started this conflict in 2022 is dead to the Global Majority as they are all well aware this began in 2014 and even well before that with NATO expansion after the Wall fell. Then of course, there’re the three documents that tell the world the Outlaw US Empire’s intent—Wolfowitz Doctrine and the two Joint Vision papers from 1996 and 1999. And with the Empire abetting the Zionist Genocide, it has zero credibility with the Global Majority.
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I hope Lavrov successfully persuade these folks.
To me, the main takeaway was use of the term "massive". A couple Storm Shadow missiles or any missile not nuclear-capable landing in the vicinity of Moscow is not massive. Which leaves Ritter up a creek with his "we could have all died Saturday" nonsense.
Bottom line: Putin is not going to blow up the world because of the use of weapons systems which are not nuclear-capable by Ukraine/US in small numbers, most of which will be intercepted anyway.
Adding that Russia will use nukes against the US/Ukraine (or any nuclear-capable power involved in Ukraine such as France and the UK) is a no-brainer. Everyone could see that coming. That was added simply to warn those three powers not to get stupid.
It does make the likelihood of some sort of strike against the Aegis Ashore installations more likely, however. If the US sends some Storm Shadows over the border, Putin can justify taking those out after he takes down some more buildings in Kiev as punishment to the Ukrainians.
All in all, this is a nothing-burger, but the usual analysts will be blowing it up to WWIII tomorrow, most probably Ritter. I'm not buying any iodine...