Meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects
Another very informative long read
The camera cannot capture the entire scene except from overhead which is provided in the video.
It’s no accident that the day after Putin participated in Russia Calling! that a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects was held. This event is traditionally held close to the year-end to recap and look forward. The theme is self-evident: "On the National Development Agenda of the Russian Federation for 2025–2030." The main report was made by Prime Minister Mishustin, which followed Putin’s opening remarks; but the two-hours also featured discussion from many of those present. Let’s dive right in:
Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
At the end of the year, we traditionally hold a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects in order to analyze the progress of our key national programs together with Government members, regional leaders, representatives of business, scientific and public associations, as well as to outline further steps in this work.
As you know, this year the current national projects are being completed, within the framework of which much has been done for the economy, for the social sphere, and for improving the quality of life of our citizens.
So, a large-scale program of renovation of cities, villages and towns of the country has begun. Since 2018, almost 95 thousand public and courtyard territories have been landscaped. The All-Russian competition for creating a comfortable urban environment has been launched. 800 projects—winners of this competition—have already been implemented.
We are putting the country's road network in order. Over the past six years, it has objectively improved, and in many cities. As agreed, by the end of this year, 85 percent of roads in the largest agglomerations must meet regulatory requirements. And if we talk about regional highways, it was expected that by the end of the year their share "in the standard" will grow to 50 percent. In fact, it is already clear that this bar will be higher–-54 percent. That is, here we are going with a small, but still ahead of schedule.
Within the framework of the national project "Ecology", 242 objects of accumulated environmental damage were eliminated in sixty regions, including 157 large landfills that literally poisoned people's lives. Now these facilities have been eliminated, and their territory has been reclaimed, which has made the lives of more than twenty million people more comfortable and safer. I would like to say right away, and I appeal first of all to those who are engaged in this work in the center, and to the heads of the regions: there is still much more to be done than has been done. Colleagues, I just want to draw your attention to this. Nevertheless, the environmental platform is changing for the better, thank God.
Just as the face of Russian healthcare is changing. Over the past four years, as part of the modernization of primary care, more than a thousand polyclinics have been built and reconstructed throughout the country, and 174 thousand units of modern medical equipment have been purchased. A lot is also being done to increase the availability of medical care. First of all, I am referring to the work in rural areas and small towns, where 10 thousand facilities have been built and repaired: paramedic and midwifery centers, outpatient clinics, and so on.
As part of the national project" Demography", 246 thousand new places have been created in nurseries for children under three years of age, and almost one thousand seven hundred kindergartens have been put into operation.
Changes for the better have also taken place in the general education system. Since 2019, almost one thousand four hundred schools have been built, where 850 thousand children study. By the end of the year, another 150 schools will be commissioned for more than 100 thousand educational places.
We have also launched a major renovation program for school buildings. Classes, internal communications, and the appearance of schools are updated. By the end of the year, the number of renovated buildings will be 4,800. A total of 7,346 buildings are scheduled for major repairs in 2022-2026.
As for transport, direct flights are being strengthened through the modernization of airports and the development of the route network. The share of flights that connect cities without passing Moscow—remember, we have always talked about this before, in order to fly to the neighboring region, you must always go through Moscow–-so the share of flights that connect cities without passing Moscow already exceeds 50 percent. There is a lot to work on, but still progress is noticeable. This means that flights within Russia are becoming more convenient and faster, and I hope that this restrains the growth of fares.
During the six years of implementing the comprehensive plan for modernization and expansion of the mainline infrastructure, we have increased the volume of work on the Eastern Railway polygon. The carrying capacity of the BAM and Trans-Siberian Railway–-our main highways-has significantly increased.
What is especially important: in recent years, we have managed to deploy a powerful construction complex in the field of infrastructure–-including road, rail, and port infrastructure. This includes multi-profile companies that have professional personnel, competencies, and equipment that are ready to build new industrial and logistics facilities. In the coming years, it is imperative to maintain the pace of infrastructure construction in order to fully utilize this entire complex.
What I have just said is, of course, far from everything that has been done in the framework of national projects in previous years. I would also like to mention the experience gained in the joint work of government bodies, the business community and civil associations to achieve national development goals.
In order to systematize this experience and give it an objective assessment, I ask the Accounts Chamber to analyze the implementation of national projects from 2019 to 2024, draw appropriate conclusions and recommendations. And I ask the Government to take them into account when implementing new national projects. They are designed to provide an answer to the current challenges facing our country: Solve strategic tasks that are important for Russia's long-term development–-in fact, until the middle of the next decade. And of course, we need to take into account what we didn't do, see why we didn't do it, and what needs to be done in order for everything to be implemented.
Dear colleagues!
All our actions, plans and programs are based on the real state of affairs in the economy, on objective trends in employment, industry, finance, services and other sectors. All this determines the resource capabilities of the state, business, regions and specific localities, specific territories.
To expand these opportunities, a sustainable national development platform is needed, including its own technologies and a modern education system, addressing bottlenecks in infrastructure, logistics, communications, building the capacity of the financial sector, providing enterprises and organizations, cities and towns with affordable resources and energy.
We certainly have everything necessary to form a national development platform, and we are constantly talking about this with you, and we will strengthen it, including through strategic partnerships with our friendly states. I am sure that there will be more and more such partnerships. We can see this process.
But what do I want to emphasize? You can't become successful by relying on someone else. We must be strong, confident, and self-sufficient ourselves, and ensure all types of sovereignty: economic, social, state, and technological.
This was stated in the Message to the Federal Assembly at the beginning of the year and then set out in the May decree in the form of national development goals of the country. They are set in such key areas as demography and improving the well-being of citizens, solving environmental problems and improving the quality of life of people, creating conditions for business, for each person's self-realization, so that they can work in an interesting, well-paid job. And of course, this is the achievement of Russia's technological leadership, the widespread introduction of digital solutions in the management system, in the economy and social sphere. Of course, there is still a lot of work to be done, but in general, we are doing very well. And what has been achieved, we need to move forward on this basis.
New national projects will become the main tool, a kind of route for achieving these goals. They will be launched next year and are expected to be completed within six years. The relevant documents have been prepared by the Government. And today, within the framework of our Council, I propose to once again compare the decisions and approaches that they contain. Let me first make a few general, systemic considerations.
First of all, the target indicators of national projects should be objective. To be based, as I have already said many times, on the real state of affairs and to preserve the continuity of the achievements of previous national projects.
We must admit that so far this situation is not visible in all indicators. For example, now it is assumed that air mobility, that is, how many citizens will fly, will not change in the next five years, but will remain at the level of 2023. Obviously, this is clearly an underestimate. In just 10 months of this year, air traffic increased by more than six percent, which means that by the end of the year, it is likely to be higher than in 2023. We know the situation in the aviation industry, we know the situation with the fleet, but the trends of increasing traffic volume will not go away. So we need to solve all this, we don't need to pretend that it won't happen–-why deceive ourselves?
I ask my colleagues to once again carefully review the entire range of indicators of national projects and promptly correct them; and in the future, I suggest discussing and making such changes only at meetings of our Council. I would like to emphasize once again that we should not be guided by bureaucratic logic–-we should lower our guidelines in order to simplify our work for ourselves and then report back–-we should not do this, it is unacceptable. Why deceive yourself?
I would like to add that the indicators of national projects should reflect the planned result, that is, how much this or that parameter of socio-economic development will actually improve. For example, the urban environment and environmental situation, what additional opportunities will appear for small and medium-sized businesses, and so on and so forth.
In this regard, it is necessary to inform citizens in detail, and most importantly, in an accessible form, about the goals, tasks and indicators that national projects are focused on. And all of them, as I have already said, are built around the person, the interests of Russian families.
To do this, I propose to create a special reference book, which will tell you about the specific stages that need to be passed, not in clerical, but in clear, ordinary, civil language. About the results, positive changes in life that people will be able to see and feel following the implementation of national projects.
I ask the National Center "Russia" to prepare such a handbook, and the Government to provide the necessary support.
Further. Spending on national projects will be a priority for the federal budget in the coming years. Their activities should be fully funded. Funds should be allocated, implemented in specific projects, construction projects, and facilities, and this should be done intensively, according to the planned schedule.
I would like to emphasize once again that it is not just a matter of money and budget discipline, which is also very important. The main thing is that this is followed by visible results: new kindergartens and schools, which I just mentioned, repaired roads and utility networks, modernized hospitals and polyclinics, modern production facilities created from scratch and landfills eliminated, and so on.
In this regard, what do I want to say in addition? We agreed that new national projects will be prepared by September 1, that is, before the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are reconciled. Unfortunately, this work was somewhat delayed, and it was not possible to fully synchronize and link the budget process and the preparation of national projects with each other. As a result, the regions do not yet have a complete picture of how, how much, and when federal resources will be allocated. If I do not understand something here, or if I am mistaken, let my colleagues from the regions correct me. But it seems to me that there is still a risk that practical work on national projects may stall at the beginning of the year. This must not be allowed, colleagues.
I hope that the regional leaders will address this topic separately in their reports. And I ask the Government, in the days that remain before the New Year's events throughout the country, and if necessary, during sufficiently long festive events, to resolve these issues, work additionally so that the regions have both funds and a clear understanding of the tasks set.
By the way, a good financial support for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be the cancellation of part of the state debt, as well as the allocation of additional targeted loans for updating infrastructure and improving the situation in the housing and utilities system.
Now the Government, together with the State Council commissions, is finalizing the formation of these mechanisms. Please do not delay and work out all the details in the near future.
At the same time, special attention should be paid to the Arctic and Far Eastern regions, subjects of the Federation with a low level of budget security, and, of course, those regions of Russia where individual programs of socio-economic development are implemented. The decision to continue such programs has been made.
I would also like to remind you that following the Eastern Economic Forum, we were instructed to include master plans for Far Eastern and Arctic cities in national projects and provide them with resources. These localities are of strategic importance for our country, which means they require special attention. Moreover, the national projects "Infrastructure for Life", "Efficient transport system", "Family", "Long and active life", "Youth and children" should have separate sections with the activities of these master plans. We need to link this together. To date, this has not yet been fully implemented. I expect that the shortcomings will be eliminated within a month. Please do not delay this work.
In general, we need to make the work of project committees and the entire national project management system planned and thorough. In general, such work is well established. I ask you not to lose this quality and the pace to confidently, step by step, achieve your goals. This means that documents must be prepared and discussed in a timely manner. I would also like to ask the participants of the meeting to comment on this topic.
I repeat: it is important to immediately set a high pace and quality of overall work. In this regard, I suggest that at the next meeting of our Council in June, we assess the start of implementation of national projects, the progress of their implementation and the first results.
Of course, it is important to use modern digital and platform solutions and analyze big data. The Government has already mastered this practice. It should be actively and widely applied.
At the same time, it is necessary to constantly keep in touch with citizens, identify problems on the ground in order to correct national projects in time, make changes and additions to them based on the real picture.
I repeat: it is the opinion of citizens that is of key importance. National projects should actually solve the problems of Russian families and lead to an improvement in the quality of life of people in all regions.
In this regard, we will evaluate the effectiveness of the Government's work on national projects not only by achieving key indicators, but also by using opinion polls, based on feedback, including through the channels of the All-Russian Popular Front and with the help of political parties, primarily represented in parliament, of course, which work directly with their voters.
By the way, current surveys show the following. According to citizens, the most noticeable results of national projects have been achieved in the field of preschool education, that is, the availability and operation of nurseries and kindergartens, the creation of conditions for people's self-realization, as well as in the field of road repair and construction, in improving the quality and convenience of public services.
What is equally important, surveys also show lagging areas, where the state of affairs often does not suit citizens, and, accordingly, these issues require increased attention. I am referring to the level of medical care, the availability of housing, and in general, the creation of conditions for more children to be born in families. And this, as we understand it, is not only payments per child, but also additional opportunities in the education system, health care, sports, culture and leisure, tourism and recreation. In short, all those areas of life that are important for people and should be as comfortable as possible, focused on the needs of large families with children.
I have just mentioned these areas, which does not mean that nothing is being done in them, on the contrary, a lot has been done, but I am not talking about this, but about how people perceive, and this is the most important indicator. We are now talking and know what results we have achieved in housing, record-breaking simply, nothing like this has ever happened before. In my opinion, there was no such pace in the Soviet Union, but we have and thank God. But what I just said is the reaction of people. As you know, I mentioned earlier about transparency and accessibility of information for people. We are talking about a mortgage, a family mortgage – two percent, great, saved. But no one knows that the Ministry of Finance has any limits on this family mortgage at two percent. But let's put it bluntly to people, I understand that we need to fight inflation, it's clear, well, to be honest, we need to say: here we are by virtue of this and that [we give a family mortgage] at two percent, but the limit is the same, who wants to-hurry up, the limit will end in the middle of the year or by November-December. You just need to be honest about it, and it will be clear. And so people come for a mortgage, and they are told: no, the limit is over. What's the limit? No one knows about this, but it is necessary that they know, and then there will be a normal dialogue with society, everything will be clear, there is nothing special here, what is there to hide? It's better than when people come in and then boom, and there's not a damn thing.
I would like to repeat once again: I ask the Government, together with the regions, to carefully analyze each of the problematic areas of the current national projects, identify the regions of the Federation where the situation is most difficult, and propose the necessary solutions and adjustments in future national projects. In general, I ask my colleagues from the Presidential Administration, the Government and the regions to set targets for the future not lower than the level of the current year, 2024.
Once again, I would like to draw your colleagues ' attention to the fact that national projects are not of any departmental or sectoral nature. They should bring exactly a complex effect for the development of the country, which means that they should unite all levels and authorities, citizens, and all responsible and creative forces of our society.
A special role in drawing up and implementing national projects is assigned to the Russian Academy of Sciences and business associations. In this regard, to further coordinate the actions of development institutions within the framework of national projects, I propose to create a special working group on the site of our Council. It will also be attended by the heads of departments of the financial and economic block of the Government. I ask Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov to lead this work, organize and lead it. We talked about this in general. I think that VEB is certainly ready for this, and it is a good tool for coordinating this kind of work.
Dear colleagues!
Traditionally, at the end of the year, I would like to focus on the key tasks that we face for the coming year, 2025.
First – the main challenge for the Russian economy right now is the transition to a balanced growth trajectory, with low unemployment and moderate inflation. I spoke about this yesterday during my brief speech and later during a discussion at the VTB forum.
I would like to repeat that achieving a stable trajectory of balanced growth is a joint task of the Government and the Central Bank. It is important to understand this and build the mechanisms of the entire state policy, including monetary policy, accordingly.
Second – we will continue to increase Russia's production potential, thereby developing the supply-side economy. We will use such business support measures that can give the maximum effect to increase the output of goods and services. It is in those industries where it is most needed.
I ask the Government to continue fine-tuning the regulation of the real sector, improve the regulatory environment and remove administrative barriers for the manufacturing business. We are constantly doing this and constantly see that such work is nevertheless in demand.
I would like to draw your colleagues ' attention to the fact that you should not think that you can postpone the adoption of urgent decisions "for later". We need to act here and now, while taking into account objective factors that affect the operation of the business. I am referring to the need for personnel, specialists in working professions, and the supply of materials, equipment, and technological solutions to enterprises.
In this regard, the third thing is that the coming year will be a key one for launching a new stage of technological development of our country. Just a few days ago, the Government discussed these issues in a very substantive manner, and our colleagues discussed this topic in detail and discussed how to ensure Russia's technological leadership.
I repeat, we are not talking about producing everything internally. This is neither necessary nor possible. We need to achieve global competitiveness of our own technological solutions, enter the world market with them, and on this basis consolidate our leadership in various areas. Now, unfortunately, national projects lack a block of similar system tasks.
I would like to add that while strengthening technological sovereignty, we need to look at the situation in the industries as a whole, and not just analyze the state of their individual elements. Otherwise, it turns out that the plans of the relevant national projects have been formally implemented or even exceeded, but in essence independent, competitive areas have not been created.
At the same time, I will emphasize one more important thing. When developing priority technological areas--where this is possible, of course—it is necessary to ensure that the work carried out in the civilian segment and in the defense sector is linked. This is necessary to avoid duplication of effort and waste of resources. In addition, in the future, I think that in the near future, we will need to address the issues of diversifying the work of the military-industrial complex and individual enterprises, and we need to lay down these opportunities today.
I will focus separately on the rocket and space industry. I know that my colleagues are still preparing a relevant national project. Within its framework, we need to ensure a systematic approach so that, as agreed at the RSC Energia site in October last year, the rocket and space industry receives clear long–term plans for integrated development and retains the status of one of the technological flagships of our country.
Fourth – due to external restrictions and barriers, Russian businesses are less able to use Western logistics, insurance, and payment infrastructure, and we are actively developing here, working on our own solutions, including with our BRICS colleagues. These services are built on a modern technological base, which means that they will become more efficient and reliable compared to their Western counterparts.
In particular, it is necessary to ensure convenience and low costs for using the ruble in international settlements, in order to further strengthen the role of the national currency in such operations. And the main thing is that it is in demand. Colleagues are happy to work together.
Further. Given the global demographic crisis that has affected Russia, the most important area of government efforts is to support the family and the birth rate.
Next year, we need to create conditions for turning the demographic situation around, realizing that these are very difficult tasks and even due to objective circumstances, not everything depends on us, but we need to do everything that depends on us in order to further achieve a steady growth in the birth rate in our country on a positive trend.
In this regard, what is called a red thread through national projects should be aimed at solving the problems of families, especially families with children. At the previous meeting of our Council, in May, we already talked about this, and the corresponding instruction to the Government has been formulated. I ask the relevant commissions of the State Council to keep under constant control the activities of all national projects that are designed to improve the well-being and quality of life of families with children.
I will add that we will also consider this issue very soon, at a meeting of the State Council, where the results of the Year of the Family will be summed up.
Thanks for attention.
Mikhail Vladimirovich, please.
Mikhail Mishustin: Thank you.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
On your instructions, the Government has prepared passports for 19 national projects. They are aimed at implementing the national goals and the program of socio-economic development of Russia until 2030, which you outlined in your Address, as well as other tasks to strengthen the stability of the economy and improve the quality of life of our people in each region.
The work was carried out in close contact with relevant commissions of the State Council, parliamentarians, expert and business communities, with a focus on feedback from citizens. It is planned to allocate more than 40 trillion rubles from federal resources to national projects by the end of 2030 and attract at least 13 trillion rubles from extra-budgetary investments. In the draft federal budget for the next three years, the government has provided all the necessary funds for this. [$550-650 billion depending on exchange rate]
Now learn more about the content of national projects. I will start with three issues that are important for people, in general, the savings of the people of Russia. The federal budget will allocate more than 17 trillion rubles for the implementation of the national project "Family" until 2030. In it, we combine the new existing measures to support parents with children. We are focusing on creating more large families in Russia. [Interesting that budget monies are considered citizen savings.]
We will continue to build affordable, high-quality infrastructure, especially in rural areas, including to improve the quality of medical care for those who are planning to give birth to a child, pregnant women and babies. It is planned to equip children's polyclinics and create women's clinics, build kindergartens, modernize educational spaces, update cultural and leisure institutions in small towns, theaters, museums, libraries.
For the older generation, we will continue to introduce a system of long-term care, put in order social hospitals that can be used by older citizens and disabled people. An equally large–scale project—"Long active life"—is aimed at further modernization of primary care, including in rural remote areas. It will help create more than three thousand healthcare facilities and overhaul more than seven thousand, as well as purchase about 54 thousand pieces of equipment and transport for visiting patients.
As you instructed, Vladimir Vladimirovich, we will strengthen the fight against cardiovascular and oncological diseases, hepatitis, and provide people with such diagnoses with the necessary medicines at the expense of the state. To help people with diabetes, we will update endocrinology centers. Children and pregnant women will continue to receive continuous glucose monitoring systems. We will also pay special attention to the development and modernization of federal medical organizations.
Creating conditions for self-realization of the modern generation of citizens will be carried out under the national project "Youth and Children". As you pointed out, this is a project about the future and for the future. It will cover about a third of all residents of Russia. The work includes the construction and repair of schools, the renovation of pedagogical universities, the formation of educational and industrial centers and clusters of professional training, and engineering schools. And, of course, the development of a world-class network of campuses. After 12 years, there should be at least 40 of them. We will provide support to universities through the Priority 2030 program.
Now let's talk about two national projects that will serve to achieve your goal of creating a comfortable and safe environment. First of all, this is the national project "Infrastructure for Life". It includes measures to upgrade at least 20 percent of the housing stock, increase its availability in the primary market, relocate from dilapidated homes and modernize utility networks.
The improvement of cities and towns will continue, large-scale road construction and repair projects are planned, which will affect both the federal and regional networks, as well as further updating of public transport.
According to the national project "Ecological Well-being", the elimination of landfills, objects of accumulated damage, and the promotion of the use of secondary raw materials will continue. We will also support the installation of modern ecological boilers in homes and the modernization of coal-fired boilers.
Important areas are the improvement of water bodies, conservation of forests, their restoration, conservation of biological diversity—all this is provided for in the new national project.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
To achieve the national goals of progressive development of the country and confident further progress, a strong economy is needed, and the following four national projects are aimed at this.
Within the framework of one of them–-"Efficient and competitive economy"-–we will stimulate the growth of small and medium-sized businesses, expand the infrastructure of industrial and techno-and business parks for them. To increase labor productivity, we will focus on the social sphere and sectors where it is growing at a slower pace than the country's economy as a whole. By the end of 2030, such initiatives will cover all state and municipal organizations in the social sphere.
In terms of ensuring the inflow of investment in fixed assets, we will continue to create a favorable business environment, distribute risks between business and the state, and reduce costs, including through the introduction of a regional investment standard. We will also keep our proven tools, and we also rely on the accelerated development of small technology companies. Their revenue is expected to increase sevenfold in six years.
On your instructions, Mr President, we are also developing the supply chain economy. Here, the most important thing is the national project "Tourism and Hospitality". We will continue to create affordable and convenient placement tools. Federal resorts of the Five Seas and Lake Baikal project will also be built on the territory of nine regions.
The task of improving the logistics system will be solved within the framework of the national project "Efficient Transport System". It provides for measures that will ensure an almost twofold increase in the capacity of the infrastructure of the unified backbone transport network of Russia by the end of the decade. As you instructed, by this time we will upgrade 75 airports in order to increase the air mobility of citizens by one and a half times. There are also plans to launch a high-speed railway line between Moscow and St. Petersburg, further develop the Northern Sea Route, an icebreaking fleet, and build port infrastructure.
Such a reliable transport framework is a prerequisite for increasing trade with foreign partners, and we have identified the tasks of expanding international cooperation in a separate national project, which involves the creation of an end-to-end support system for our companies, as well as the introduction of tools for reorientation to friendly markets.
We will build up the most effective mechanisms in place and strengthen efforts to create infrastructure that is in demand by Russian businesses in importing countries. Ultimately, in six years it is necessary to increase the volume of non-primary non-energy exports by more than one and a half times the level of last year.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
One of the priorities, as you have repeatedly stressed, is to achieve technological sovereignty. This is exactly what eight national technology leadership projects are focused on. They will be used to create specific lists of products, and their implementation should form a guaranteed long-term demand for our technologies.
According to the national project "Means of Production and Automation", over six years it is necessary to increase the independence in the production of such products to 95 percent, and also to ensure Russia's entry into the top 25 in terms of industrial robotics density, as you instructed, to develop more than 340 technologies.
Under the national project "New Materials and Chemistry", we plan to significantly reduce the share of imports of chemical and critical biotechnological products, as well as rare and rare earth metals. It is planned to set up production facilities and competence centers in this area all over the country, increase production of scarce raw materials, develop metal processing technologies and create capacities for distributing concentrates, introduce promising products, and, of course, support industry enterprises.
Within the framework of the national project "Industrial support of transport mobility", we will complete the developments necessary to improve the operational characteristics of aircraft, master the production of the most significant elements.
In the automotive industry, it is necessary to create a universal modular platform consisting of various components and assemblies for putting cars of various classes into production, and in railway transport, to establish the production of high-speed electric trains.
The activities of the national project "New technologies for saving health" will help to increase the number of applied biomedical technologies, methods of regenerative medicine, and increase the availability of advanced approaches to prevention and treatment for citizens. The share of domestic production of vital and essential medicines should grow to 90 percent.
Within the framework of the relevant national project, we plan to multiply the share of new Russian machinery and equipment in the country, encourage investment in scientific developments, their testing, in the field of breeding and genetics.
The national project "New Nuclear Energy Technologies" is aimed, among other things, at expanding Russia's global presence in the international market of nuclear and related developments, as well as providing our fuel and energy complex with domestic equipment.
An increase in the number of spacecraft will serve to achieve independence in space services, which is provided for by the national project "Development of a multi-satellite orbital grouping".
The implementation of the national project "Unmanned Aircraft Systems" continues. It contains measures for the development and mass production of such machines and components, and expansion of the necessary infrastructure for them.
To provide the economy with in-demand employees, we will launch the national project "Personnel". It will help coordinate the efforts of educational institutions, companies, and the state. Every year, the forecast of the economy's demand for specialists for five years will be formed and updated, which will become the basis for allocating budget places in universities and colleges. We will strengthen both practical training of students and professional orientation of schoolchildren.
Another national project is the "Data Economy and Digital Transformation of the State". Among its tasks are further improvement of the public services system, creation of digital platforms in key sectors, accelerated implementation of domestic IT solutions in all sectors of the economy, and development of communication services, including high-speed Internet.
There will also be the 20th national project aimed at developing the bioeconomy. On your instructions, we will prepare it for launch by the end of March.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
National projects are an important but not the only tool for achieving national goals. Therefore, on your instructions, a single plan is being developed to achieve them, which will take into account all available tools and mechanisms. Based on it, we are creating a comprehensive digital platform for analyzing progress towards national goal indicators in order to track the risks of non-compliance and respond quickly, including taking into account the feedback you mentioned.
Concluding the report, I will say that all national projects have been prepared for approval. I note that their number has grown. Therefore, a larger number of indicators are provided. This is an additional burden on the regions. We are ready to discuss them again together with the governors and within the framework of the State Council commission, so that we can have a unified idea of how they will be implemented on the ground.
We plan to implement national projects based on a proven management and monitoring system that covers all levels of implementation: from municipal to federal and, once again, takes into account feedback from our citizens.
In order to achieve all the plans, the center and the Russian regions need to work closely together, and even now, at the stage of preparing for the practical implementation of national projects, so that the regions have a clear understanding of what indicators they should focus on and what activities should be carried out in their territories.
Agreements with Russian entities should also be concluded in a timely manner, including on the provision of financing. Drafts of such documents have been sent to the regions, and the necessary instructions have been given to the heads of national projects at the federal level.
We expect that, as planned, work on new national projects will begin in full across the country from January next year.
The report is over. Thanks for attention.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much, Mikhail Vladimirovich. Thank you.
I know that a lot of work has been done by the Government to prepare, summarize, and achieve goals for the documents that were formulated earlier, as well as for new projects.
Well, we are in contact with you constantly on these topics. We will keep this in the field of our attention, of course, in the future.
And now I would like to ask Sergey Sobyanin to speak, not only as Mayor of Moscow, but also as chairman of the State Council commission on State and Municipal Administration. You are welcome.
Sergei Sobyanin: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear colleagues!
Just a few days ago, a new Decree was signed on assessing the effectiveness of the activities of top officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Thus, key tasks and indicators for their assessment are defined for the regions. When we prepared the relevant proposals for you, we tried to maintain the continuity of indicators with the previous decree and avoid an excessive increase in the number of indicators, so that we could focus on the main areas of work. In principle, this is how it turned out in the end. Thank you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, for supporting our proposals. Now it is necessary to finalize and approve the methods for new indicators. This work should be completed by the end of January.
In addition, in accordance with your instructions, the regions have been actively involved in the development of new national projects over the past six months. Representatives of the State Council commissions are members of the relevant project committees. Today, this work is largely completed.
Nevertheless, a number of proposals were made by various State Council commissions. As usual, the most pressing issue is about money. Colleagues from a number of State Council commissions noted the lack of regional funding in certain areas of national projects. I think that these issues can be discussed during the budget execution process.
But on the whole, I would like to thank you, Mr President, and the Government of the Russian Federation for ensuring that spending on national projects remains a priority for the federal budget at a time when addressing the challenges of free trade and countering sanctions requires the utmost mobilization of all state resources. Moreover, when compared with the previous period of national projects, they grew by 12 percent in real terms. Now it is very important to bring these resources to the contractor in a timely manner. The situation is better in this regard, but there are certain difficulties, and you, Mr President, mentioned them in your speech. I am sure that the regions will eventually cope with these problems.
But for the future, we propose to fix the rule and actually observe it, according to which the formed distribution of co-financing volumes for national project activities is brought to the regions no later than August of the previous year. This will allow the regions to form and, most importantly, execute their budgets in a planned manner, thereby more effectively solving the tasks of national projects.
Currently, the process of concluding agreements between federal and regional authorities on the implementation of updated national projects is underway. By the end of the year, all approvals should be completed and the agreements signed. In this regard, the development of methods for calculating indicators of national projects for specific regions remains an important task.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, you have already given instructions to once again carefully review the indicators of national projects in general and make the necessary changes. For our part, we propose to provide for the possibility to complete the work on adjusting the methods in the coming months and based on the results provide for the possibility of clarifying the values of the indicators themselves. This will make it possible to form an objective distribution of tasks and indicators of national projects by specific regions.
The following. The national project "Data Economy and Digital Transformation of the State" provides for the development, as Mikhail Vladimirovich just said, of a large number of federal digital platforms and systems, including duplicating existing regional systems. At the same time, absolute priority is given to the unified portal of public services.
The logic of our colleagues is absolutely clear. Nevertheless, I would like to draw attention to the fact that our own digital platforms serve regions not only for accounting and reporting purposes, but first of all they are the most important management tool that ensures the functioning of critical sectors of health, education, housing and utilities and a number of others.
In addition, regional platforms allow you to organize the provision of public services to citizens, taking into account local specifics, settlement features and the structure of local self-government.
Finally, in order to identify bottlenecks in a timely manner and adequately assess the achievement of project goals, it is extremely important to use the widest possible range of information sources, including up-to-date regional management data. Therefore, we suggest maintaining the possibility of using existing regional information systems and platforms and working out the technical possibility of two-way data exchange between regional portals and a single portal of state and municipal services.
A few words about the work of the State Council commissions.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, in accordance with your instructions, the chairmen of the commissions are included in the national project committees as deputy chairmen of the project committees.
The commissions, together with the Government, have done a lot of preparatory work. At the same time, many people note the lack of efficiency of this work. In order for the work of the commissions to be meaningful, it is necessary to provide more time for reviewing draft decisions and documents, which is reflected in the draft instruction that was distributed today.
Another suggestion is to link national projects with the country's spatial development strategy. The Russian Government is currently finalizing a spatial development strategy. One of the key ideas of the strategy is the formation of a network of supporting settlements, which are designed to become a locomotive for the development of individual sectors of the regions and the country as a whole.
It is important not only to indicate that strongholds require priority development, but also to combine their development plans with industry strategies, strategies for developing transport, energy infrastructure, and, of course, national projects.
For this purpose, it is proposed to link the strategy with new national projects and infrastructure plans in the near future. This task has already been discussed at strategic sessions with Mikhail Mishustin.
Separately, my colleagues ask us to pay special attention to the development of the cities of the Far Eastern Federal District and the main population centers of the Arctic zone, which were given your separate instructions within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum, as you also mentioned today.
In conclusion, Mr President, I would like to thank you for your great attention to the formation of national projects and the development of the regions as a whole.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Mikhail Vladimirovich, do you have a comment?
Mikhail Mishustin: Mr President, you have already mentioned this, and Mr Medvedev has also spoken about increasing subsidies for national projects. I will briefly say that, of course, we have done everything to ensure that they are ready by September. However, during the most difficult budget process in the period when we had unprecedented sanctions, it was necessary to adopt a huge number of nuances, changes and amendments. There were more than a thousand of them. One hundred rejected, 900 adopted together with the parliament for several trillion rubles.
At the moment, the distribution of transfers to the regions has been completed, as everyone knows, by the second reading of the budget in November. The regions know about the volumes. The task now is to adopt all the regulatory acts on bringing it to the market and conclude agreements with the regions. This should be done in December. I will just briefly say that in 2025 we need to bring one trillion 93 billion rubles–-this is 83 subsidies. The lack of rules for granting subsidies is the main problem. My colleagues know this.
Therefore, I have a request, as the President said, to complete everything by January 1.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
Of course, I fully support what the Prime Minister said.
Please, Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov.
Igor Shuvalov: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear Council members, Dear colleagues!
Vladimir Vladimirovich, first of all, let me thank you for creating a new coordination mechanism and development tools that will be required to achieve the 2030 Development Goals, and for trusting us to work in this updated mechanism.
Let me say a few words about how the development organization's agenda has been implemented so far. In December 2024, the previously approved strategy ends, and we are on the threshold of approving a new strategy until 2030.
I must say that it is no secret that the main economic successes in a number of countries are related to development organizations, and first of all to development banks. In the Russian Federation, the Development Bank has existed since 2007, but it is not the only organization that provides various measures to support the economy. According to the Government's decision for 2020, the development group also includes the SME Corporation, this is a separate large block of work to support small and medium-sized businesses, this is export support for the REC group and, of course, this is a large technological and innovative agenda. This work is carried out by the Skolkovo Foundation, RFRIT, the Industrial Development Fund, the Bortnik Foundation and other organizations.
According to the strategy that we are finalizing this month, in December 2024, we were supposed to provide the entire group with support for the economy from total sources in the amount of 17 trillion rubles. According to preliminary data--we will have the final data on the results of statistics only by the end of the first quarter of 2025–-I report to you that the entire development group supported projects together with commercial banks and, of course, with federal and regional support totaling 22 trillion 900 billion rubles. Once again, this amount is subject to clarification during the first quarter of next year.
Our main product in recent years, which we have been able to provide to the market, is the "Project Finance Factory". Our Supervisory Board has done a lot to make this project a reality. At the moment, together with commercial banks, we are financing projects worth more than two trillion rubles, and we are financing 36 projects.
A huge subsidy from the federal budget has been provided for next year and approved by the Federal Budget Law, so that the Project Finance Factory can be fully implemented at the interest rates approved for customers–-this is 125 billion rubles. And all 36 projects will be continued.
To date, 20 projects have been prepared, and project documentation is highly ready for signing for ten projects. Not only project documentation, but also loan documentation.
We are in constant dialogue with the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, and the Government as a whole. We understand that we need to take a break. We intend to hold a meeting with investors on the VEB platform under the leadership of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board in order to explain the reasons for this pause, the return of funding for this project and the readiness to sign loan documentation, and the return of the key rate to acceptable results. We will agree with the Central Bank and the Government on what kind of cut-off period we will return to financing new projects.
However, the road to signing such loan documentation is not closed. Just recently, during the Transport Week, the Prime Minister made a decision, and even in these tough conditions, when credit contraction and credit cooling are expected, Mikhail Vladimirovich supported the projects. Funds were found to start construction of an airport in Murmansk. As I understand the Government's position, key projects, especially on basic infrastructure, will continue under these conditions.
The Project Finance Factory was launched in 2017. Mr Putin, the conditions were very different back then. At the moment, project financing is already a reality. Our main partners are Sberbank, VTB, and Gazprombank. PSB and Alfa are also ready to join this work.
At the moment, we are hearing a request from the Government, the Central Bank. You said this yesterday at the Russia Calls! forum, that we need to switch to mixed financing. In particular, my recent meeting with the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber also suggests that the existing mechanisms of the "Project Finance Factory" should be improved.
We have prepared such proposals, we are currently in discussion, and I hope that in early 2025 we will be able to present new tools on the "factory" in order to provide mixed financing. We are working with the Government to issue a corresponding government decree. And we will ask for special regulation, quite possibly pilot regulation by the Central Bank, so that we can work with pension savings. This work is supported by Anton Siluanov. Under his leadership, we are working to launch long-term pension insurance systems.
As a state-owned management company, we have been managing a large sum of 2.5 trillion rubles of insured persons' money for many years. We intend to introduce a new product to the market so that middle-aged people can trust their funds and provide them for those projects that we launch within the framework of the" Project Finance Factory", because we are sure that these are some of the most reliable and best projects in the country. They are repeatedly checked not only by VEB's risk management service, but also by commercial banks, they are verified by the Ministry of Economic Development, and they are certainly part of the big development agenda. In other words, they make a significant contribution to the federal projects mentioned by Mikhail Vladimirovich.
I had the opportunity to report to you in 2024, Mr President, that we have been working on new financing methods within the framework of the BRICS interbank cooperation mechanism with the BRICS banks. And what we are currently discussing in the Russian Federation is, of course, a model of mixed financing. And this is now an agenda for the People's Republic of China, for India and for other countries where development banks are significantly larger than in the Russian Federation and have more capital. However, the agenda is the same. We are confident that we will make significant progress along this path.
According to our new strategy: it is, of course, based on the federal projects that the Prime Minister just mentioned. In agreement with the Prime Minister, we will defend the new strategy of the development group during the strategic session before the end of the first quarter, most likely in March 2025, so that it will be our common agenda, both for the Presidential Administration, the Government, and all organizations that are part of the coordination system. According to preliminary data, we are facing the task of providing support for projects in the amount of up to 30 trillion rubles, including 2030.
Under the leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development, we conducted preliminary work on requests for funding for various projects. This figure is subject to clarification, but I will mention it. An amount of 41 trillion rubles is being requested for project financing. This includes funds from the initiators, the development group, commercial banks, budget support and, of course, new ways and new sources of work in the capital market. Nevertheless, we believe that we can and will make a significant contribution to achieving this goal.
The new strategy states that VEB will have to support projects through various mechanisms. This is not only project financing; it is also our separate agenda for urban development, it is an agenda to support projects through participation in equity, through the issuance of sureties and guarantees, and it is our common responsibility for these goals–-at least 15 trillion rubles by 2030.
A large block of work lies with the REC, the Russian Export Center, and companies that enter, including lending, and financial measures, including export insurance. This amount should be at least 10 trillion rubles. According to the SME Corporation, this amount is not less than five trillion rubles. And the technology agenda, which sets the tone for Skolkovo startups and accelerators, where we work under the leadership of Denis Valentinovich Manturov at the Industrial Development Fund. We believe that their contribution will be provided with at least one trillion rubles.
I must assure you, Mr Putin, that when we adopt this strategy, we have enough capital to meet these figures. We commit ourselves to achieving these goals in full by 2030. And by implementing this strategy, we will be a reliable partner not only for commercial banks, but also for the entire commercial sector, which is united in such associations as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
We are well acquainted with the agenda of these companies, maintain a constant dialogue, and will develop the development agenda together with them.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
Please, Gennady Krasnikov.
G. Krasnikov: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear colleagues!
On February 28 of this year, the Presidential Decree approved the updated Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this document, the Scientific and Technical Council of the Commission for Scientific and Technological Development under the Government of Russia was established. As President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, I was assigned to lead it. As a result, an effective mechanism for the participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences in solving key issues of science and technology development in our country has emerged.
During this period, the Scientific and Technical Council has done a lot of work, including reviewing 16 projects of national technological leadership. In total, more than 30 meetings were held with federal authorities--direct developers of national projects.
The Scientific and Technical Council made over 270 comments and suggestions to the projects. Together with the Government Commission for Scientific and Technological Development, which is chaired by Dmitry Nikolaevich Chernyshenko, these comments were worked out, and in fact most of them were taken into account.
I would like to note that the Government has carried out a large-scale, in-depth work on the preparation of national projects. To date, these national projects have already been sufficiently balanced and implemented. Now it is important to create an effective monitoring mechanism that would allow you to track their current status. The Russian Academy of Sciences is also ready to take part in this process.
However, based on the results of our work, I would like to note the following. The presented national projects are primarily aimed at solving the problems of import substitution, which is probably correct in the current conditions and is associated with the need to strengthen technological independence as soon as possible. Nevertheless, we believe that it is also necessary to provide for projects focused specifically on technological leadership. We have areas where Russian science and technology have traditionally been strong, and they have always occupied and still occupy global positions.
For example, there are good achievements in nuclear technologies, strong positions in biotechnologies, photonics, microwave electronics, and other areas. It is important to strengthen these reserves and increase them. Of course, there shouldn't be many technology leadership projects. It seems right to prioritize those areas where our country claims to be a world leader, form a list of them and put such projects into operation next year, 2025.
I would like to emphasize that technological leadership projects require special approaches that differ from the tasks of import substitution. They involve longer-term planning with different time horizons. I consider it necessary to allocate separate resources for technology leadership projects.
We are ready to join the consideration of such areas by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific and Technical Council and form a list of them at the site of the Commission for Scientific and Technological Development under the Government of Russia.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
Please, Mikhail Kuznetsov.
Mikhail Kuznetsov: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
On your behalf, the People's Front has been monitoring national projects since 2018. During this time, more than three million people took part in the events of the people's control.
We regularly communicate with people. Our data show that the number of Russian citizens who feel real changes in their lives, which occurred due to the implementation of national projects, is growing.
They will name the five areas with the greatest changes. Digitalization of public services is in the first place–-most people noticed it—roads are in the second place, urban environment improvement is in the third place, family and childhood support is in the fourth place, and domestic tourism is in the fifth place. This is very much in line with the sociology you mentioned earlier, Mr President.
The new national projects are the result of a lot of work by the Government. They take into account the tasks that are fundamental for the country's development in a comprehensive manner, with detailed performance indicators. It is very important that the indicator of people's satisfaction and trust has appeared as an assessment tool.
For our part, in addition to the sociological indicators, we carry out the so-called people's control, continue to check the actual implementation and collect feedback.
Here are a few problems that were not fully resolved by previous national projects, which, in our opinion, should remain in the focus of attention.
In the housing and utilities sector, people are concerned about the quality of housing stock management. A third of citizens tell us that they have encountered fake protocols for selecting managing organizations. So far, only 32 percent of citizens are satisfied with the quality of capital repairs, although this figure is constantly growing. We are working closely with the Ministry of Construction on these issues.
Education. We regularly interview school principals, teachers, and parents. A third of parents report that they are forced to hire tutors, and in the 11th grade this number reaches 71%. At the same time, half of families spend from 10 to 15 thousand rubles a month on tutors, and 20 percent–-more than 15 thousand rubles. This problem needs to be thoroughly understood, the numbers seem very high. The Ministry of Education–-they are already doing this–-has a lot of work to do to systematize school programs in terms of compliance with the unified state exam.
Health care is the most sensitive and complex area in which it is impossible to solve all problems at once, but at the same time there are tangible changes for the better. We consider the issue of drug supply to be a priority here. There are localities where the cost of travel to the nearest pharmacy exceeds the cost of purchased medicines.
Separately, I would like to note that 45 percent of patients who are entitled to preferential medicines still face problems in obtaining them. Especially here, we need to pay attention to the needs of those who return from a special military operation zone, even if this requires additional funding and regulatory changes.
77% of parents whose children study on a state-funded basis pay extra for children's sports. Typical expenses include uniforms, inventory purchases, additional classes, and master classes. The cost of training camps and competitions, according to the figures that people tell us, can reach 100 or more than 100 thousand rubles. 44% of parents say that their children want to play sports, but do not because there are no free sports sections nearby.
Among the systemic problems that we would like to avoid when implementing new national projects, we can distinguish the following.
The first is delaying the time and quality of work on objects. We have identified them at every tenth major construction site.
Second, municipalities do not always have sufficient funds for the maintenance of constructed facilities, especially when it comes to large-scale improvements. This is the most noticeable thing.
Third, the implemented state information systems do not always reduce the burden on teachers, doctors, and civil servants who use them, and sometimes, according to their assessment, they lead to a noticeable increase in it.
The People's Front, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, has achieved 44,000 decisions on various cases of social injustice this year, and has checked the progress of construction of more than four thousand socially significant facilities. To be honest, our feedback is perceived differently.
In this regard, I would like to thank the federal authorities and, separately, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, with which we actually work together on a daily basis to solve the problems of military personnel and support manufacturers of products for the front.
Also, thank you to all the regions who respond constructively to our suggestions. We will continue and strengthen this work in the future.
Thank you so much for your attention.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
I would now like to ask my colleagues from the Government to respond very briefly to what has just been said, and to some other things.
Let's start with housing and utilities. The problem has been dragging on for decades, of course. I believe a very large resource is dedicated to solving these problems.
Marat Shakirzyanovich.
Mikhail Khusnullin: Mr President, as part of the national project Infrastructure for Life, we have formed a separate federal project: Modernization of Municipal Infrastructure. The amount of resources is planned at 4.5 trillion. It implies a part of the money-direct financing within the framework of the municipal infrastructure modernization program. It implies at least 50 percent of the financing of investment budget loans. This was mentioned in your Message. The total amount is about 1.5 trillion rubles. We believe that at least 700 billion rubles will be spent on public infrastructure.
Also, the mechanism that you mentioned is the cancellation of debt on budget loans, which also implies at least 50 percent of the use of these funds. This is still about 500 billion.
We are preparing a large regulatory framework for this task. We are planning a large amount of extra-budgetary resources, including tariff regulation, and are very actively engaged. We talked to each governor about a long-term, ten-year tariff, so that it would be gradual. A number of legislative initiatives.
And the Prosecutor's Office is very seriously involved in this project in terms of monitoring the implementation of these projects. Just yesterday, I discussed the issue of his last trip in great detail with the Prosecutor General. As part of the headquarters, we agreed together with the governors that we were working on roads and housing, and that we will continue to do the same, Mr Putin.
We hope that as a result of this work, the situation will change for at least 20 million residents in terms of improving the provision of housing and communal services. And we will be able to stop the negative trend of dilapidation of this infrastructure. So far, we are dilapidated more than we upgrade every year. I think that in the next couple of years we will be able to reverse this trend.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Good. Thank you very much.
Dmitry Nikolaevich, regarding education, what was said by Mikhail Mikhailovich and the President of the Academy of Sciences about the allocation of a separate resource for the technological leadership project. As far as I understand, funds are provided here.
Please, your reaction.
Dmitry Chernyshenko: Dear Mr President,
I'll start in reverse order. What Gennady Yakovlevich said is a very strong analytical tool and support within the framework of the Commission for Scientific and Technological Development, which manages the budget of the 47th state program. These are combined budgets for all civil scientific developments. There is, in fact, a scientific and technical council that provides expertise on all issues related to science and training of personnel.
Since all the national projects of the technical leadership on your behalf have federal projects that reflect this, and there are other national projects that are not included in the technical leadership, but there is money for science, such as the "Data Economy" or the same "Youth and Children", or "Infrastructure for Life", the NTS is a scientific and technical center. The Technology Council, under the leadership of Gennady Yakovlevich, does this work perfectly. Quite logically, he suggested that this council should be involved in the process of monitoring the implementation of national projects. We support this initiative.
From the point of view of prioritizing the allocation of resources, what was proposed, what exactly for promising areas of technological development, we will definitely discuss, since you have identified these promising areas within the framework of the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development and have formed, let's say, efforts and prioritization in these areas around them.
And also, since you have set a very ambitious goal to increase spending on science to two percent, and now it is in the region of one percent of GDP, this will be a very serious amount by 2030. We will actively involve businesses in joint work. It is precisely the share of participation of businesses that rely on the development of domestic scientific solutions that will increase.
As for the issue of tutors and the Unified State Exam, on your instructions, a strategy for the development of education in our country is being prepared by March next year, where a separate working group is devoted to this issue. A total of 14 of them were created. Just yesterday, we held a regular meeting. About 500 different experts representing parents and teachers participate.
As for the issue related to tutors, that parents are forced to spend money on paid services of tutors, who are often teachers themselves or leave teachers and become self-employed tutors: we plan to replace it with improving the quality of education, free services, improving the quality of education of students, so that they pass the Unified State Exam without the need to attract paid specialists. This will be reflected in the strategy that we will present to you in March.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Good. Thank you very much.
Tatyana Alekseevna, about health care.
Tatyana Golikova: Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
It was said about the drug supply. I want to say that this topic is divided into two parts: the powers of the Russian Federation and the powers of the country's regions.
As for budget support, all the powers assigned to the Russian Federation are financially secured, and resources are provided in the budget for three years. We conduct similar monitoring of the financial resources that the regions provide for the implementation of Government Decree No. 890 in the preferential categories that fall within their competence.
Last week, on Tuesday, I held a meeting with the vice-governors of all 89 regions of the country, who are responsible for coordinating and providing all types of assistance to participants of the special military operation who were demobilized from the Armed Forces, with the invitation of both federal executive authorities and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 909 demobilized participants of the special military operation also took part in the video-conferencing platform. We have thoroughly reviewed the issues that concern the guys.
Now I want to speak only about the provision of medicines. Indeed, there were various proposals of a regulatory nature, as well as issues related to the provision of medicines. On my instructions, Roszdravnadzor and the Ministry of Health reviewed all the appeals that were voiced. As far as I was informed, the issues have been resolved. But this does not mean that it will not be on our agenda. This will remain on our agenda all the time, as it is our priority, and we are now working in this direction individually.
As for other proposals, Mr President, we are ready to report them to you separately.
As for the availability of medicines from the transport point of view, as I understand it was announced, as part of your instructions and the instructions of the Prime Minister, we have made changes to the legislation that concerns the possibility of dispensing medicines not only by pharmacies, but also by medical organizations, as well as using the capabilities of mobile points, which is being implemented. And as the modernization of primary health care is expanded, which will be financially supported under the next national project, this work will continue.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
Dmitry Nikolaevich, are you an environmental expert or Alexander Alexandrovich?
Dmitry Patrushev: I can do it for ecology.
Vladimir Putin: Please.
I would like to ask you to pay attention to any problematic issues.
Alexander Nikolaevich, I would also like to ask you later to comment on the readiness of our industries and enterprises to implement the decisions that were made by the legislator, as well as the decisions that we made in the field of ecology in previous periods of time.
Dmitry Patrushev: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear colleagues!
We have a new national project "Ecological well-being". This is, in fact, a continuation of the national project "Ecology". We will deal with the tasks that we were unable to solve within the framework of that five-year cycle.
The first thing we will pay attention to is the formation of a closed-loop economy. In fact, this is work with MSW—municipal solid waste: these are containers, transportation and sites where we will bury them. We will also pay attention to this and work together with the regions. The relevant decisions on monitoring this area at the federal level have all been taken, and we have created an incident.
The next direction in which we will work is the elimination of landfills. About 190 landfills had to be eliminated under the previous national project. We will not have time to finish about 16 landfills within the set time frame, but we will finish it literally in the first quarter, I think, in 2025. There will be an additional 50 objects that will need to be reclaimed. And we will do all this, too.
The next direction is to reduce air emissions in cities where pollution is associated with the use of coal fuel by 2036. This project is called "Clean Air". It expanded our geography to 29 cities.
We will also continue to work on reducing the volume of untreated wastewater. We did this on the Volga River and on Lake Baikal. Objects are built, but not all of them are. They provide the regulatory effluents that would need to be provided. I think that we will finish it and start implementing new projects in this direction.
Eco-tourism is one of the areas that we will work on. In general, the amount of funding for the national project will amount to 1.2 trillion rubles. Of these, about 400 billion will be outside the budget.
If we talk about the agro-industrial complex, then technological support for food security; in fact, this is the first national project that is being implemented in the agro-industrial complex. There will be five main aspects. The first is breeding and genetics. The next direction is the development of biotechnologies, as well as the development of our veterinary drugs and vaccines. And the next area, probably the most important, is agricultural machinery and equipment. We will work in all areas and, of course, focus primarily on staffing the industry.
The new national project provides funds for this, and appropriate support will be provided. About 260 billion rubles are allocated for this project: 127—the federal budget, the rest outside the budget.
Thus, Mr Putin.
Vladimir Putin: Well, thank you.
In the field of agriculture, we have obvious results. This is well known to everyone, and we are proud of it. Just yesterday I said: in 1988, the Soviet Union bought 34, almost 35 million tons of grain, and last year we sold 66 million on the foreign market. This is the indicator that speaks best for itself.
In addition, Russia confidently ranks third in the world in terms of food supplies in general and retains the first place in terms of grain supplies.
Dmitry Patrushev: Of wheat.
Vladimir Putin: First place in terms of wheat supplies. This is all very well, but I would like to draw the attention of both you and the Ministry of Finance to the fact that we need to provide timely funding, of course. Projects-of course, this is a very important prospect. We are currently discussing projects. This is a very important prospect, and we must not fail in any way right now. It is necessary to provide timely funding for spring field work. I ask you to pay constant attention to these issues and, of course, to take the Prime Minister under control. This is one of the key things.
As for the environment, Denis Valentinovich, the plants that we planned, especially for processing, where are the plants? Was Rostec supposed to build them?
Dmitry Manturov: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
As for waste incineration plants, today two are on the way out, and we expect in the first quarter of next year.
As for waste sorting plants, which, by the way, are mainly Russian technologies, and probably form the basis for recycling, a sufficient number of such enterprises have already been created in the country over the past four years, so that--as Dmitry Nikolaevich said--companies that deliver waste for recycling can do this when landfills are being liquidated, do not send them to landfills, but then use plastic, glass, and wood for the production of other products that are in demand in our market today. Therefore, we will continue to actively provide support and assistance to companies that produce equipment, and continue to localize it as much as possible.
And what you have noticed about Rostec's incineration plants is that our technology is already localized. The main thing was heat treatment. And we'll invite you to the opening.
Vladimir Putin: All right, for the opening, all right, cut the ribbons – we're all happy to do it. But I want to understand how many factories they had to build: five? By what date? Did you get the money or not? Where is the money? I understand that the issues may be related to localization, but then there should be a joint action plan for the so-called "catch-up" work schedule. It's all under your control, what's going on there?
Dmitry Manturov: Mr President, several factories were supposed to be built in Tatarstan and the Moscow Region. The main problem was, and the first one, as I said, was technology, because our foreign colleagues, the Japanese, left. Rosatom took the initiative here, and we actually made the equipment that was missing at the Podolsk plant. This is the first one.
And secondly, it was necessary to solve the economic basis of this project. It was also necessary to make changes to the energy market council, where Alexander Novak provided support, since tariffs will initially be more expensive. Therefore, all this work has already been implemented, it remains to be completed.
Vladimir Putin: We just need to keep it under control and understand what is happening there, and in what time frame. In our country, however, inflationary processes are taking place, and the cost of projects is rising. So that they don't come back later and say, "This is the problem, this is the problem.” They need to be seen in advance simply and work on their solution, that's all.
I will ask you to start by simply reporting to the Chairman what is being done in this area, okay?
Dmitry Manturov: We will definitely report back.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
Alexander Nikolaevich, please.
Alexander Shokhin: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
The business community is actively involved in the implementation of national projects, as it was mentioned in your speech, as well as in the speeches of colleagues. This was the case both in the ending cycle of implementation of national projects and in the new cycle. We actively work in all project committees and the State Council's working group, which are also focused on national projects.
On the one hand, we understand that the amount of funding is quite large. In this regard, as you know, Mr Putin, we, the business community, reacted quite positively—perhaps unexpectedly for many--to the fact that tax conditions were changed and the income tax was increased. We understand that the implementation of the national development goals requires additional resources within the budget.
At the same time, we see that the implementation of most of the goals requires serious investment on the part of the business. This also applies to those areas that are directly related to a sustainable and dynamic economy; it is also related to the realization of the potential of the employee and the person as a whole, environmental well-being, and technological leadership. Therefore, we would ask you to find a compromise, a balance between a balanced macroeconomic policy, the goals of sustainable economic development and the continuation of those projects that are primarily focused on the implementation of national projects, within the framework of the thesis that you clearly formulated yesterday at the forum "Russia is Calling!".
Many of these business investment projects are already in the middle of being implemented. It would be very important to complete them. That's the first thing.
Secondly, it is necessary to clearly define, perhaps even through more stringent criteria, a set of projects that will be supported by the state as part of the implementation of national projects until 2030 and even 2036.
Finding a balance is now one of the key problems, which, we believe, should be solved literally by the beginning of next year, when national projects will be actively implemented.
I would like to see that by the next meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, which is scheduled for June, we can already report on the possibilities of achieving this balance. This can be done within the framework of the working group that you have assigned Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov to lead, as well as within each of the State Council commissions, and within each project committee, we are ready to conduct a constructive dialogue.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
Alexander Nikolaevich, it was not by chance that I asked you to speak out, because I still have regular contacts with representatives of our real production industries, the largest companies, and they continue to be regular. And I already hear claims that our enterprises will not be able to do everything, especially in the field of real production, because the pressure is high, the rates are high, and their revenue is decreasing. Investments are needed in order to solve the tasks they face, including those formulated by both the legislator and the Government. We need to deal with this in advance, please. And as part of our dialogue with the Government, we need to understand what we should and can do in this area, not at the last moment, but on a planned basis.
I ask you that in no case should anyone hide behind the difficulties of the current day. There are always enough difficulties. You know how we have repeatedly postponed decision-making in this area. It is clear that this is connected: one thing interferes, then another, then a pandemic, then something else. Everything is clear, now there are also some problems. But we just need to really look at our obligations to the country and to society, to people, because solving environmental issues directly affects the lives of people, millions of our citizens.
Therefore, I would ask that no one hide behind the difficulties of the current moment. But the Government, of course, must also take into account the realities that are emerging. In general, on such a serious basis, it is necessary to analyze what is happening in this area, and, most importantly, to make appropriate decisions in a timely manner.
I have a few questions for Vitaly Savelyev.
The first concerns the development of unmanned aircraft. Here we look at the Government's plans to reduce some indicators of the total volume of the Russian market for unmanned aircraft systems, the number of subjects of the Russian Federation equipped with a universal infrastructure to support the flights of these systems, and so on. I will now ask you to comment on this.
What do I pay attention to? All of us are well aware that to a large extent, what is happening on the frontline and on the frontline will determine the life of our country for many years to come, or at least for decades to come. Look at what's going on with the guys: they are designing new aircraft themselves right on the line of contact and using them in combat conditions. To be honest, I am both surprised and simply admired. What does this mean? That we have, to a certain extent, created an environment that generates such specialists, of course, courageous and heroic, but at the same time well-trained. But if we reduce the indicators of this environment, we will agree that appropriate conditions will be created in a much smaller number of subjects, if we train fewer specialists, then both in the civil sphere and in the field of state security, we will not solve the tasks that are being solved today with the help of "drones".
You are welcome.
Vladimir Savelyev: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear colleagues!
The national project "Unmanned aircraft Systems" was approved in 2023. It includes five federal projects. We have 15 targets.
Mr President, you have correctly pointed out that we are working on this issue now.
In fact, we are now creating a new industry-the unmanned aviation industry. We are now adopting a lot of regulatory documents so that we can fully use these unmanned vehicles in the civil sphere.
We have a decline, as you correctly say, we have objective and subjective reasons, and we are currently working on it. I hold regular meetings on this topic. We have an incident on this topic.
I think we will meet the targets that we have set for ourselves, because now many of our enterprises are extremely interested in unmanned aircraft systems: this includes agriculture and forest protection. Many of the aviation assets that we are currently making in the civilian sphere correlate with what is being used on the front line of operations. Dual-use unmanned aerial vehicles, we understand that they are used. We are certainly working on this together with our industry. There is a slight decrease in funding for this story. We are now looking for extra-budgetary sources to compensate for what we lack to create unmanned aircraft systems.
We are working with the regions, because many regions had some concerns about the use of unmanned aircraft, because it was not possible to identify which drone was in the territory. Now this problem has been solved technically. Therefore, we are also currently considering options and working with the regions to ensure that they are not afraid and can identify an unmanned aircraft when it appears in the airspace.
The Federal Air Transport Agency is doing a lot to ensure that we determine and develop methods and rules for certifying unmanned aircraft systems, which will grow in the near and foreseeable future in very large numbers.
Therefore, Mr President, we will correct this situation. I do it regularly. There are problems, and we will solve them.
Vladimir Putin: Listen, you say "a slight decline". Yes, in some ways small, but in some ways noticeable. An illustrative example is that the number of Russian regions equipped with universal flight infrastructure by 2030 has been reduced from 89 to nine. How small is it? Big. I'm asking you to take a closer look at this.
The second issue is the dynamics of updating the public transport fleet. We understand that the issue is multifaceted. On the one hand, it is ensuring the interests of citizens, creating and strengthening the necessary urban environment; on the other hand, it is loading our factories that produce the appropriate types of transport.
Vladimir Savelyev: Public transport is under a different national project, but we are working to upgrade it, especially the bus fleet, which is seriously worn out. We are working on electric transport so that it can be revived.
There is a program, Mr Putin. I can't remember the exact figure, but we have significantly increased the supply of public transport in the coming years, including this year. Serious growth in public transport. It is also included in new national projects. I believe that these tasks will be solved as well.
Vladimir Putin: I will ask you to pay close attention to this, and I ask Denis Valentinovich Manturov to pay attention to this as well. We understand: loading, I repeat, businesses and updating transport. It should not be allowed to fall apart on the move.
Please, Marat Shakirzyanovich.
Mikhail Khusnullin: We must put 40 thousand buses in the public transport system by 2030, and bring them up to 85 percent in total…
Vladimir Putin: The main thing is that this should be done.
Denis Valentinovich, do you have anything to add?
Dmitry Manturov: Marat Shakirzyanovich and I are in close contact. Therefore, from the point of view of plans for enterprises that produce public transport today, the main volumes for 2025 have been adjusted. There are still free containers. But I am sure that the regions should quickly register their contests and sign up for contracts by the end of next year.
Vladimir Putin: Good.
And another topic is transport "unmanned vehicles". Alexey Leonidovich Kudrin visited me late last night, practically at night, and told me what Yandex was doing in this regard. I know what is happening at other sites, in particular, at KAMAZ. We must certainly support everything that is happening in this area. Yes, they do it for their own money, this is understandable, they have their own technological solutions, but, of course, they need appropriate regulation. Without the support of the Government, they will not be able to solve such serious problems in this area on their own, or this solution will be very difficult. And we need to support them, especially since in this area we are really able to provide the very technological leadership that we talk about so much.
V. Savelyev: As for unmanned logistics corridors. On the M-11 highway, you remember, we launched the first unmanned KAMAZ trucks at the St. Petersburg Forum a year ago. By the end of the year, 43 vehicles will be operating on the M-11 highway. We have now also switched to the M-12 highway: we have given permission and built digital doubles of the routes.
We are currently working together with the ministries, our colleagues, and the Interior Ministry on the issues of regulatory regulation, because we have already had incidents where clashes occur: how to deal with this case? Now everything is still normal, and I think that next year, in 2025, we plan to launch up to 100 cars on the tracks in the near future. And we are also doing all the regulatory work right now.
Vladimir Putin: Support them. You need to support them.
Dmitry Yuryevich, about the grouping of spacecraft. Space is a separate topic, and we discussed this with Yuri Ivanovich not so long ago, but I am now primarily referring to the grouping for communications and broadcasting. We must not fail here in any way.
You are welcome.
Dmitry Grigorenko: Mr President, we do have a separate federal project planned in our national projects–-the creation of a low-orbit communications cluster. Similar to what is currently being done in the world by Musk.
We are planning a phased launch of unmanned space vehicles by 2030 – I won't mention the figures right now, but we have closed data, together with a large share of extra-budgetary funding.
To date, we have already launched several unmanned spacecraft into orbit. They are successfully tested and functioning. We believe that we will do what we have planned by 2030. Accordingly, funding is also planned.
If we focus on the national project at all, then we have a strong digital transformation of the state in the national project. A great emphasis is placed not only on communication, on modern communication, but also on the services that we provide to citizens. This is what was said when we, on the part of citizens, looking at the state, transform services into life situations in order to minimize the number of requests to the state, to make these services the most convenient and comfortable.
Vladimir Putin: We certainly need to ensure that the orbital frequency resource is preserved, so that our communications and radio broadcasting work stably. This basic stuff is simple, don't miss anything here.
As for the overall orbital grouping of the space industry development, this is a separate topic, of course. But that's exactly what I meant now.
Yuri Petrovich, in my opening speech I also spoke about the master plans of Far Eastern cities in national projects. Can you comment on this in any way?
You are welcome.
Yu.Trutnev: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
In accordance with your instructions, work is underway to monitor the implementation of master plans for Far Eastern cities. A digital control model has been developed. On each business trip, we monitor the execution process.
Funding for the program is currently within 30 percent. We will continue to work on the implementation.
Vladimir Putin: I ask you to pay attention to this, as well as the Government leadership as a whole. Of course, the national projects "Infrastructure for Life", "Efficient transport systems", "Family", "Long active life", "Youth" and so on should be finalized, taking into account the need to include separate sections containing activities related to these master plans. We just need to see which of our major national projects have the task of developing these cities, that's all, so that no one will come and demand additional money later. Although the work is provided for, and funds are allocated within the framework of these programs.
These cities and localities that we have identified as priorities in certain territories just need to be included there, that's all, there is nothing complicated, you just need to remember about them.
Thank you.
Colleagues, who would like to add something? All?
I would like to thank you, first of all, the Government, of course, and those specialists who took part in summing up the results of the previous stage. I know that a lot of work has been done to prepare new projects. Now we have discussed all this. Obviously, many things still need to be finalized.
Please make sure to pay attention to the fact that for some reason it was not possible to do this. There is nothing terrible here, this is a huge, very large-scale work. We just need to honestly say to ourselves: that's why we didn't manage to do this and that, but we know what we need to do in order for all the plans that we are planning for ourselves to be implemented. Let's proceed from this.
Thank you all very much. All the best! [My Emphasis]
I’m continually impressed by Putin’s managerial abilities and how he integrates Soviet-Era shortcomings related to human nature and simplifies it all by saying we have a lot of work to do, some discussion may have missed something, but we’ll discover that, fix the issue and continue—he knows mistakes and oversights will happen, and the best remedy for them is to acknowledge them—don’t be afraid to say Oops—and solve the problem. And who is supposed to benefit from all these national projects? The nation. And what is Russia? The Russian people. If anyone within the Outlaw US Empire wants to know how to renew the nation, they merely need to read this transcript and ponder all the work and coordination required to complete it all within a federalist system, that albeit is rather different, yet similar in many respects.
Gym readers over the last two days have read how a successful government operates, one that actually works for its national/citizen’s interests. One can then review the talks Putin has with scientists, workers, entrepreneurs, governors, and soldiers to get a further idea of how to properly govern. As I read, I wondered if the SMO was going to be mentioned and sure enough it was at the end:
All of us are well aware that to a large extent, what is happening on the frontline and on the frontline will determine the life of our country for many years to come, or at least for decades to come.
That was said to underscore the vast importance of their efforts. Putin’s has said before that the government’s efforts count just as much as those on the frontline, and the war with the Outlaw US Empire has greatly served to sharpen the focus of Russian governance at all levels—they are aware of the stakes involved. Sure, there’re shirkers, but they’re not very many. National Projects will continue in Russia as they’re its version of Xi Jinping’s continual modernization of China. The idea of Putin and Xi is to make those processes part of the national culture so it will continue well beyond their tenure.
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Amazing effort you put into this
Amazing, Russia has a plan and follows through with projects the improve life for their citizens.
Then you have Amerika that has a plan to help make citizens life's worst. The new potus will finish the job other potus started.
Thanks, Karlof1 another long read but worth the time