It’s hard to tell, but the auditorium is filled.
As usual, lots of men. The forum's theme this year is "The Far East-2030. Let's join forces, creating opportunities."
The plenary session was also attended by Han Zheng, Vice President of the People's Republic of China, and Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia. The discussion was moderated by Alexandra Suvorova, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Rossiya-24 TV channel.
Anna Suvorova: Good afternoon!
I am glad to welcome you to the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum. This year's theme is " The Far East-2030. Let's join forces, creating opportunities."
Vladimir Vladimirovich, you have repeatedly said that the development of the Far East is a priority for the entire twenty – first century. What has already been done? What remains to be done? How is Russia developing cooperation with its counterparts in the Asia-Pacific region and regional associations today?
We will look for answers and, I am sure, find them together in the course of the discussion, but first, Mr President, you have the floor. Please come to the podium.
Vladimir Putin: Dear Mr. Anwar Ibrahim,
Dear Mr. Han Zheng,
Ladies and gentlemen, Friends!
I would like to welcome all participants and guests of the ninth Eastern Economic Forum.
Russia, Vladivostok, traditionally welcomes representatives of business, technology and scientific teams, heads of leading companies, government agencies, specialists, experts, entrepreneurs who are interested in the Russian Far East, in the truly limitless opportunities for creation and mutually beneficial partnership that this unique area of our country opens up.
As you know, we have identified the development of the Far East as a national priority for the entire twenty – first century, as our presenter Alexandra has just said. The importance and correctness of this decision was confirmed by life itself, the challenges that we have faced recently, and the objective trends, and most importantly, that are gaining strength in the global economy, when the main business ties, trade routes and the entire development vector in general are increasingly reoriented to the East and the Global South.
Our Far Eastern regions provide direct access to these growing, promising markets, and allow us to overcome the barriers that some Western elites are trying to impose on the whole world. And most importantly, as I have already said, our Far East is a huge space for business initiative, for launching the most complex projects and forming entire new industries.
In fact, today the Far East, without any exaggeration, has become the most important factor in strengthening Russia's position in the world, our flagship in the new global economic reality. And the future of our entire country largely depends on how the Far East will develop.
About a hundred events, panel sessions and round tables of the current Eastern Economic Forum are devoted to this topic – the image of the future. In general, representatives of more than 75 countries and territories take part in the forum's events.
It is very important that these discussions are accompanied by a substantive business dialogue and lead to concrete investment decisions and trade agreements. I would like to note that more than a thousand agreements totaling over ten and a half trillion rubles were signed at the last three forums alone.
In short, the Eastern Economic Forum has rightfully become a recognized platform for establishing strong business contacts and discussing strategic issues related to the development of the Russian Far East and the entire Asia-Pacific region.
In the course of my speech, I will tell you about some further steps in this direction, about our proposals to foreign partners to strengthen investment, trade, industrial and technological cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, and, of course, about the results and planned plans in the economy, infrastructure, social sphere of the Far East, in improving the quality of life of our citizens and residents of this region.
Let me remind you that since 2013, a fundamentally new strategic program and management system for the integrated development of the Far East have been launched. This approach has proven to be effective. Over three and a half thousand industrial, infrastructure, technological, and educational projects have been launched or are being prepared to be launched in the region over the past decade. The growth rate of investment in fixed assets in the Far East has increased over the past ten years, and it is three times higher than the national average.
The result of these investments is also clear. About a thousand new enterprises are operating. More than 140,000 jobs were created. The dynamics of industrial production in the region since 2013 has exceeded the national rate by 25 percent.
Let me remind you that there are currently 16 priority development territories in the Far East and the free port of Vladivostok. Preferential treatment in the Kuril Islands has been launched. A special administrative region has been created on Russian Island, where we are meeting. By the way, this region has already secured the return of assets worth over five and a half trillion rubles to Russia from offshore companies and foreign jurisdictions. To date, more than a hundred companies have become its residents.
We will definitely continue to move forward and constantly improve the business climate in Russia as a whole and in the Far East, including applying new and more effective approaches to interaction with foreign investors in this region.
So, at the last Eastern Economic Forum, it was announced that international territories of advanced development would be created in the Far East. They should offer globally competitive conditions for foreign investors, first of all, of course, from friendly countries.
The first international TOP is planned to be created here, in Primorsky Krai. Our Chinese partners, as well as the Republic of Belarus, are showing great interest in this project, which may open a new deep-water port in Primorye. I ask the State Duma and the Government to speed up work on the draft law necessary for the launch of international torsos.
An additional factor for expanding cooperation with foreign partners should be another regulatory decision, namely: from September 1 of this year, our legislation provides for the possibility of using foreign standards in design and construction. Of course, we are talking about the standards of those countries where the requirements for the quality, reliability, and safety of capital facilities are no lower than in our country. I hope that this approach will find its application, including in the international TORS of the Far East.
A good example of cooperation with foreign partners, large investments in construction and job creation should be the development of Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island in the Khabarovsk Territory. We are talking about creating large logistics complexes, checkpoints across the state border, and expanding the road network.
In May of this year, during our state visit to the People's Republic of China, we agreed with our Chinese colleagues to work together on this project. I am sure that it will give a good and powerful impetus to the development of Khabarovsk and the entire region. I ask the Government to work out all organizational and financial issues in order to start implementing this plan as early as next year, 2025.
Of course, one of the key issues for launching business initiatives in the manufacturing industry, housing construction and updating the transport network – in all spheres and sectors-is the supply of electricity.
The volume of energy consumption in the Far East is growing. Today, that's 69 billion kilowatt-hours a year, and by the end of the decade, 96 billion is projected. At the same time, some districts, localities and large Far Eastern investors are already facing a shortage of electricity, are forced to wait for the commissioning of new stations, which is why construction, industrial facilities, and infrastructure are being held back.
I have already instructed the Government, together with our major energy companies and business circles, to prepare a long-term program for the development of energy capacities in the Far East and provide for project financing mechanisms for it.
As part of this program, it is necessary to eliminate the projected shortage of electricity in the Far East, primarily through the commissioning of new generation facilities, such as the Nizhne-Zeiskaya HPP in the Amur Region, which will not only supply electricity to the region itself and the Eastern Railway Polygon, but also help protect territories and settlements from flooding. I also ask you to think about the construction of nuclear power plants in the Far East. We also discussed this with our colleagues yesterday.
I would like to emphasize that the electric power industry development plan should take into account both the current and prospective needs of businesses and citizens, as well as the long-term challenges facing our regions, cities and localities.
This fully applies to strengthening the transport and logistics capabilities of the Far East and the entire country. The most significant and large – scale project here is, of course, the expansion of the Eastern Railway Polygon.
Over the past ten years, more than two thousand kilometers of track have been built and upgraded on the Trans-Siberian Railway and BAM. More than a hundred bridges and tunnels were built and reconstructed, including across the Lena, Bureya, and Selenga Rivers. According to the results of this year, the carrying capacity of the Eastern Railway landfill should grow to 180 million tons.
This year we have launched the third stage of development of this most important transport artery. The work is underway, and it has been deployed.
I would like to emphasize that it is necessary not only to "expand" narrow sections of highways, to put into operation more than three hundred objects, including duplicates of the Severomuysky, Kuznetsovsky and Kodar tunnels, as well as the bridge across the Amur River – a much larger task. So, for example, the entire length of the BAM will have to lay a continuous second track. At the same time, you need to think about the future right now. I believe that we need to make the BAM not only fully double-track, but also electrify this highway.
In the next eight years, 3,100 kilometers of railway track will be laid at the Eastern Landfill. For comparison, the same amount was laid during the first and second stages of the expansion of the BAM and Trans – Siberian Railway combined, and the same amount was laid during the construction of the BAM, from 1974 to 1984.
In short, today we are implementing a project that is larger in scale than the largest infrastructure investment project of the Soviet Union, implemented by all the republics of the USSR, and with great effort.
Like the Trans-Siberian Railway, a new road corridor from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok should become a continental artery.
Moreover, it is not only about increasing the volume of cargo transportation and improving the quality of road communication. With the construction of the corridor, domestic tourism will also develop: the entire route of the route passes through dozens of regions of the Russian Federation.
The corridor is being developed in stages. In December last year, a modern highway between Moscow and Kazan was opened. At the end of this year, it should reach Yekaterinburg, and then Tyumen. There will also be bypasses of Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, and Kansk.
In the future, when the modern road reaches Vladivostok, the road transport corridor will consist of more than 10 thousand kilometers, including entrances to checkpoints across the state border of Russia.
In this regard, I would like to remind you of the task that was set in the Message to the Federal Assembly, namely: to reduce queues at the border, to reduce the typical time of truck inspection. It should not exceed ten minutes.
Already in 2026, we need to achieve this result at the first five border crossings of the Far East. By the way, at railway crossings, good dynamics have already been achieved in terms of the speed of cargo handling at the border.
I would like to emphasize that a lot of work has been done both at the Eastern Railway Test Site and at all major road facilities in Russia. It involves specialists, engineers, and designers from many regions of our country. With their intensive work and responsible approach to business, they prove that Russia can and is ready to build quickly, extensively and efficiently, and implement infrastructure and transport projects on a national and, in the full sense of the word, global scale.
Such projects include the development of the Northern Sea Route as an international logistics route. Over the past ten years, its cargo flow has grown by almost an order of magnitude: if in 2014 only four million tons of cargo were transported along the Northern Sea Route, then last year it was already more than 36 million tons. This is five times more than the Soviet record.
We will continue to increase cargo traffic, including through the active development of Arctic deposits, redirecting cargo from west to east, and increasing transit.
A large-scale plan for the development of the Northern Sea Route has been launched. We are building icebreakers, developing a satellite constellation, strengthening the coastal infrastructure and the network of emergency rescue centers. In order, so to speak, to roll out new logistics routes, two years ago coasting flights were launched along the Northern Sea Route. Today, this scheme includes 14 ports in the North-West, Arctic and Far East.
Last year, the capacity of Russian ports along the Northern Sea Route exceeded 40 million tons. Of course, we believe that this is just the beginning. We will continue to increase their capabilities, modernize cargo handling, and expand short-and long-distance railway approaches to them. In particular, this will allow increasing the capacity of the Murmansk transport hub to 100 million tons, and in the future, of course, even higher.
I would like to note that our partners in Eurasian integration are also interested in developing the Murmansk transport hub. So, colleagues from Belarus, whom I have already mentioned, are looking at the prospects for the development of port infrastructure and their terminals on the Kola Peninsula in detail. And, of course, we invite other countries to work in this project. I know that there is an interest in this work.
I would like to add that all major transport and logistics initiatives in Russia are implemented with the involvement of advanced engineering, digital and eco-friendly solutions, which provides additional demand for the products of domestic machine-building and metallurgical enterprises, for the services of construction and other industries, science and high-tech business.
This is exactly how we need to address the strategic development of the Far East, including further development of such a strong, basic sector of the region as subsurface use, based on the most modern approaches and taking into account the qualitatively increased technological, economic, and educational opportunities of the entire country.
Today, the Far East produces all of Russia's tungsten, tin, fluorspar and boron ores, 80 percent of diamonds and uranium, more than 70 percent of silver, and 60 percent of the country's gold. At the same time, in key mining centers, including Yakutia and Chukotka, reserves have been developed for a long time and are objectively limited, and demand for minerals is growing, not only for export, but also in our domestic market.
We must ensure the country's resource sovereignty, create a stable base for uninterrupted supply of the national economy, our regions, cities and towns with affordable raw materials and fuel, and create a basis for the production of new materials and energy sources. And, as I have already said, this should be done using more efficient domestic technologies and scientific developments in the field of ecology and nature management.
At our forum last year, the Government was instructed to draw up separate programs for studying the subsurface resources of the Far East and Siberia and include them in the federal project "Geology: the Revival of a Legend".
These programs are ready. It is estimated that every ruble of public funds invested in geological exploration will attract at least 10 rubles of private investment. But the most important thing is that the invested funds certainly pay off – they will be recouped, provide a powerful return, a comprehensive effect along the entire production chain. But you need to do this work in a timely manner, understanding the investment planning horizon.
I ask the Government to include in the draft federal budget for the next three years funding for these programs in the amount necessary to achieve the goals set.
I repeat, the Far East has the potential for a multiple increase in geological exploration, including the search and extraction of high-tech raw materials: titanium, lithium, niobium, rare earth metals, which are required in the economy of the future. And the main thing is that we have all this.
The potential of these industries for the growth of the Far Eastern regions, creating jobs, increasing the availability of various services and services, strengthening communications and logistics is huge.
We will support the development of advanced, creative industries in the Far East, the infrastructure of the big data economy, and artificial intelligence, including organizing a zone for testing unmanned aerial vehicles for civilian purposes.
To make full use of the advantages of technological progress, we will continue to increase the scientific and educational potential of the Far East. The region has already started implementing new projects for university campuses in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Khabarovsk, but this is obviously not enough for the Far East.
I propose to launch work on several other projects, namely to build new campuses in Ulan-Ude, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and Chita. We are also implementing the construction of the second stage of the Far Eastern Federal University campus here in Vladivostok. Such centers will create all conditions for students to study, work, and live, as well as open platforms for youth entrepreneurship and business clubs.
We will also develop universities in the Arctic. In addition to the already launched campus project in Arkhangelsk, the same project will be added in Murmansk.
Advanced engineering schools will also operate on the campuses. Two such schools - on Sakhalin and in Vladivostok-have already been established. Their task is not only to train specialists for industry and agriculture, transport and services, for the use of artificial intelligence, but also to offer original solutions for serial implementation in the management system, in the social sphere, and in economic sectors.
The Russian Research and Development center of RusHydro has been successfully operating on Russky Island for two years. He specializes in innovative developments in the global energy sector. They are already actively used in the program of technical re-equipment of the energy complex of the Far East.
Also, with the participation of our leading companies, another major innovative scientific and technological center will be created on Russian Island-on the basis of the Far Eastern Federal University. Its profile will include research and practical solutions in the field of marine engineering, biotechnology, biomedicine and other promising areas.
I ask my colleagues from the Government and Primorsky Krai to use the tools of the Far Eastern concession to implement the project, as well as to think through mechanisms for attracting scientists from other research centers in Russia and from other countries to this center. I am referring to competitive, motivational programs and a social package for professionals and their families.
Dear colleagues!
We understand that success in implementing our plans here, in the Far East, and throughout the country, throughout Russia, depends primarily on people, on Russian families.
I have repeatedly said that we should not be guided by the old logic, when first we have new plants and factories, and only then we will think about those who work at the enterprises. This logic is not only unfair, it simply does not work in the modern economy, in the economy of the future, which is built-literally built-around a person.
That is why, together with the new economic plans in the Far East, we have launched major social initiatives and launched a single subsidy mechanism. With its help, schools and kindergartens, polyclinics and hospitals, sports complexes are being built and reconstructed, the urban environment is being improved, and infrastructure is being updated. To date, almost two thousand social and infrastructure facilities have already been built.
The single subsidy has become a powerful financial lever for the Far Eastern concession mechanism. Its goal is to attract private investment in social projects. The business has already planned to invest more than 120 billion rubles for this purpose. 36 such initiatives are being implemented. Work is already underway.
For example, here, in Primorye, a year-round ski resort is being built, in Ulan-Ude-a national museum and theater, in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky there will be a new public center, in Khabarovsk-an art museum. New sports complexes are being built in Magadan and Chita. In the same place, in Chita, and in Birobidzhan, city lighting is being completely modernized. Of course, we will continue to support the operation of the Far Eastern concession and adapt it to the needs of citizens and business opportunities.
What do I want to emphasize separately? Today, schools, airports, bridges, highways, and urban transport are being built across the country as part of a public-private partnership. However, the volume of such projects is still relatively small – less than three percent of GDP, or 4.4 trillion rubles.
In order to develop this area more intensively, we need to improve the relevant legislation, as well as the mechanism of public-private partnership itself, and make sure that risks for all parties—both government bodies and businesses— are transparent and distributed fairly, including when implementing socially important projects.
Taking into account the existing experience and accumulated practice on projects of technological sovereignty, I suggest the development Corporation "VEB.The Russian Federation" to act as one of the mandatory participants in public-private partnership projects, so that the corporation controls the risk distribution system, confirms the benefits of the project for both the state and business – Igor Ivanovich [Shuvalov] and I talked about this, and the corporation is ready for this – but at the same time, as well as and in the "Project Finance Factory", it would encourage the attraction of private investment.
I ask the Government, together with VEB, to determine the specific parameters and scope of public-private partnership transactions, which, as I have already said, will have to be carried out with the mandatory participation of VEB.
Further. It is very important that private investment is attracted taking into account long-term plans for the development of industries and territories, as well as our localities – cities and towns. It is for their integrated development that we are actively promoting a fundamentally new tool for improving the quality of people's lives – the so-called master plans. Many people know about this, at least our Russian colleagues.
They have already been approved for 22 administrative centers and urban agglomerations of the Far East, where more than four million people live. In particular, such a document has been prepared for the satellite city of Vladivostok. This master plan will combine an entire agglomeration in one development logic: Vladivostok, Artem and Nadezhdinsky district. Its implementation should start as early as next year, 2025.
What is the specifics, meaning and new approach in the master plans? To do this, you need to look at: what happened before at the local level? Economic and urban planning services had little interaction. The economy and business often developed on their own; construction, housing and utilities and social infrastructure – separately, by themselves. The result was unbalanced solutions, unbalanced urban spaces.
Now the region and the local administration have held a series of discussions with residents and businesses, identified problem areas, identified potential in all areas of development of their cities, and developed an individual long-term model for each city.
In fact, for the first time in a single document, the concepts of socio-economic and spatial development were combined with the commissioning of transport, housing and communal services, energy and other infrastructure. And I repeat: the integrated task here is to improve the quality of people's lives. This is the goal.
Most of the activities of the Far Eastern master plans are being designed, but we can already say: 70 objects will be commissioned by the end of this year. And in the future, the pace of implementation of master plans should increase.
The Ministry for the Development of the Far East [and the Arctic] has compiled a special rating to mark the regions of the Russian Federation and departments that are most actively advancing in this work. The leaders in the implementation of master plans are now the Sakhalin and Magadan regions, the Republic of Buryatia, as well as the Kamchatka and Khabarovsk Territories. I thank my colleagues for the pace we have gained, and I ask them to continue building it up.
At the same time, I would like to note that every year we will monitor the dynamics of the Far Eastern master plans, mark the best regional teams and federal agencies, so that the remaining colleagues will follow their example and adopt best practices.
I would like to add that we have decided on additional amounts of budget loans for the implementation of master plans approved by the Government. An additional 30 billion rubles have already been allocated for this purpose. I propose to allocate 100 billion rubles from the approved limit of such loans for the period from 2025 to 2030 for the implementation of master plan projects in our Far Eastern and Arctic cities, that is, in excess of the limits that the regions can receive under the standard distribution.
We should not forget about the implementation of urban development plans when forming new national projects, which are currently in the final stage of development. Moreover, it is necessary to allocate funds for the development of Far Eastern cities in separate sections, primarily within the framework of such national projects as "Infrastructure for Life", "Efficient Transport System", "Family", "Long and Active Life", and "Youth and Children".
What else is important here? Half of the costs of the master plans of Far Eastern cities fall on extra-budgetary sources, that is, on investments of business, city-forming enterprises that are ready to build polyclinics and kindergartens, sports centers, lay roads, update utility networks, restore cultural monuments, and so on.
As I have already said, we will definitely support such business investments. I am sure that as the pace of urban transformation increases, their share will certainly grow, including from strategic partners – large enterprises that actively participate in urban renewal and develop their businesses as part of their social programs. Their results, capacities and experience should also be used to implement master plans.
Thus, strategic partners can fully finance the creation of a social infrastructure facility in the city, village, or territory where their investment projects are implemented, and after transferring such a social facility to a municipality or region, receive compensation from taxes, benefits, and other preferences. I ask the Government to determine the parameters of such a mechanism.
I would like to emphasize that the experience of the Far East will become the basis for scaling up the practice of master plans. As it was noted in the Message to the Federal Assembly, by 2030 such strategic documents will be prepared for 200 localities in Russia, that is, we will scale: 22 localities today in the Far East, 200-throughout the country, including the main cities that contribute to strengthening Russia's technological sovereignty.
Further. A comfortable urban environment and large-scale social infrastructure are an integral part of modern complex residential development. Far Eastern investors implementing such projects are entitled to benefits for advanced development territories under the Far Eastern Quarter tool. It is currently being tested in seven regions. With its help, it is planned to build one million 800 thousand square meters of housing, where almost 70 thousand people will live.
In general, I note that over the past five years, the volume of housing built annually in the Far East has approximately doubled – this is a good indicator. By the end of this year, it is expected to commission five million 600 thousand square meters.
An important, we can say, determining role here was played by the "Far Eastern mortgage". As you know, we have extended it to the participants of a special military operation. Also, the loan at a record low two percent per annum can be used by young families in which parents have not reached the age of 36 and, in addition, recipients of the Far Eastern hectare ,employees of military-industrial enterprises, teachers and doctors. The same mortgage – on the same terms-is issued in the Arctic regions.
We have already extended these programs until the end of 2030. I know that there were discussions in the Government about the terms of such a mortgage in the future. I propose to put a point here: keep the rate on Far Eastern and Arctic mortgages unchanged, namely at two percent per annum.
I will add that since last year in Primorsky Krai, families with a third child are born have the right to receive a payment for the repayment of a mortgage loan in an increased amount-not 450 thousand rubles, as in the whole country, but one million rubles.
We have agreed that a similar payment, i.e. one million rubles, should be introduced for large families in all Far Eastern regions where the birth rate is lower than the average for the Federal district. I ask my colleagues to speed up the adoption of regulatory acts so that this measure will work from July 1 of this year, that is, in fact, retroactively.
Separately, I would like to focus on very important issues for families, for our citizens who live, as they say, far from the "big land" – in hard-to-reach, small cities and towns of the Far East and the Arctic.
Our goal is to ensure regular, uninterrupted supply of these localities, reduce the time and cost of cargo delivery. Last year, the law on northern importation was adopted. Now it is planned centrally, at the federal level. Its implementation is coordinated locally and in the regions.
Transportation and maintenance of life-support cargo received priority in transport. Budget credits can be allocated for the purchase and delivery of the northern delivery. The main transport and logistics network of northern delivery will also be developed, including roads, railway stations, sea and river ports, and airports.
Starting next year, the single sea operator of northern delivery will start operating. So far-in pilot mode-it will transport cargo in Chukotka. In the future, we will expand the geography of his work to Yakutia, Kamchatka Krai, Arkhangelsk Oblast, and Krasnoyarsk Krai.
A separate topic is related to medical care for citizens who live in hard-to-reach regions, in cities and towns. There are localities in the Far East that can only be reached by rail [or plane]. At the same time, there are not enough specialists to conduct medical examinations, professional examinations, and provide medical care.
Since September of this year, a mobile consultation and diagnostic center will start operating in five Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation, and from next year in eight regions. In fact, this train is a real modern polyclinic and pharmacy on wheels with modern equipment and specialist doctors.
They will be able to conduct a wide range of research, consult with colleagues from leading research centers in Russia, use artificial intelligence technologies to form a medical opinion, and, of course, provide professional assistance, access to which is necessary for all citizens of the country, regardless of their place of residence.
In this regard, I would like to thank the Russian Railways company, all the doctors, nurses, railway workers, and other specialists who participate in this noble and necessary project for people. I ask the Government to help the company, to ensure the smooth operation of this modern medical center and pharmacy based on the train.
And more. To strengthen ties between cities and towns in the Far East, we will continue to develop local aviation services. As I have already mentioned, the number of passengers on domestic flights in the region should increase to four million per year by 2030. I have already instructed the Government to approve a corresponding plan of concrete steps and measures. His preparation, of course, was delayed. Please make all necessary decisions promptly.
Of course, an important issue is the airline fleet. We need to build our own aircraft, reliable, high-quality and in the volumes we need. In this regard, I ask you to speed up the development of the passenger version of the Baikal light multi-purpose aircraft.
We need to start its mass production in the near future. At the same time, please note that the cost and technical characteristics of the aircraft must be competitive, so that the price of flights on them is affordable for citizens. And if the situation looks different, then you need to subsidize it.
Dear friends!
In recent years, the Far East has become more attractive for young people, for children who want to acquire an interesting profession, as well as for trained specialists who want to prove themselves, their skills, and try out their hand in their chosen field.
For eight years in a row, the Far East has seen an influx of young people aged 20 to 24, including our targeted support measures.
Thus, within the framework of the Zemsky Teacher, Zemsky Doctor and Zemsky Paramedic programs, one-time payments were doubled: for teachers and doctors who move to work in villages and settlements of the Far East-up to two million rubles, for middle – level medical workers-up to one million. We have already agreed to extend these programs until 2030 and at the same time maintain the increased, double, Far Eastern payout ratio.
Another decision concerns the program "Zemsky worker of Culture". It is designed to support the employees of rural clubs, art centers, libraries, music schools, museums, that is, those people who, in fact, preserve our cultural sovereignty, identity, our traditional values, and educate young people.
I ask the Government to start implementing this program on January 1 next year. And of course, for cultural workers who travel to small settlements in the Far East, it is necessary to provide for increased, Far Eastern coefficients of one-time payments, as well as provide for them the opportunity to participate in the "Far Eastern mortgage" program.
I will add that we will definitely continue to create new museums in the Far East, and as part of this work, I instruct you to perpetuate the memory of the Kuril landing operation in August-September 1945, which was one of the last battles of World War II, and became, of course, a symbol of the courage of our soldiers and officers who crushed seemingly impregnable enemy bases and fortifications.
Dear colleagues!
The entire history of the Russian Far East – this vast region that occupies almost 40 percent of the country's territory – is written by purposeful, brave, and strong-minded people. They studied and protected these lands, preserved the traditions of indigenous peoples, discovered new points on the map of Russia, built cities, factories, laid roads, and developed deposits.
Our ancestors, who raised the Far East, were devoted to their work and our Fatherland. And their love for the Motherland helped them set truly meaningful, big goals. Their heroism, self-sacrifice and achievements still inspire many of our citizens, many specialists: doctors, teachers, cultural workers, university teachers, businessmen-all those who already work in the Far East or are just planning to connect their lives with it, including managers of regional and municipal teams
Since 2022, the Muravyov-Amursky program has been working in the region to train personnel for the civil service. It is also extended to the Arctic. The program is in demand: the competition is high – up to 80 people per place. Ambitious young people see that the development of the Far East and the Arctic is one of the most interesting and promising tasks facing our country. We will definitely extend the Muravyov-Amursky program until at least 2030.
I repeat: together, the authorities at all levels, the business community, public organizations, and citizens will have to take an active part in the implementation of new national projects and programs, so that they will have a broad Far Eastern dimension, help to take a step forward in the development of this strategically important region of Russia, and improve the quality of people's lives.
And of course, we will expand the ties of the Russian Far East and our entire country with foreign partners, friends, states and companies that are interested in reliable, long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation, and thus we will continue to strengthen Russia's position in the world.
I am sure that together we will definitely achieve success.
Thank you for your attention.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you, Mr President.
I'll give the floor to our distinguished guests a little later – first I have a couple of clarifying questions.
If you look at the data of Rosstat for 2023, the number of the Far East as a whole is slightly more than 7.8 million people. At the same time, over the same period, we have already seen migration growth and plus in three regions: These are Kamchatka, Yakutia and Chukotka. You have already noted that over the past eight years, there has also been an increase in the number of young people who come here. But in general, it is difficult to call the situation stable: in 2021, as you mentioned the day before, there was a migration influx, in 2023-a small but outflow.
In your speech, you noted that one of the measures that will encourage people to stay in the Far East is, of course, the master plans that are currently being discussed.
What else do you think needs to be done to improve life in the Far East?
You can go away for a long time-I understand that.
Vladimir Putin: You know, yes, you can go into this topic for a long time. We certainly need to do more than we have done so far, which is quite obvious. But at a minimum, you need to focus on two main aspects.
First – we need to improve conditions today and create interesting and promising jobs. And secondly, we need to make life in the region more comfortable.
And the most important thing is that a particular person and their families should have an understanding that this is a long-term project, that the planning horizon is large, and that life and work here create prospects for both a particular person and their children. Perspective is very important. After all, in general, we are interested in the influx of young people, people who have the future, who set ambitious goals for themselves. We need to create conditions for the implementation of these ambitious goals. This is the most important thing.
A. Suvorova: One more clarifying question. You have already mentioned that the experience of the Far East in implementing master plans will be transferred to other regions. And how exactly?
Vladimir Putin: I have already said that the novelty – if it can be called novelty at all, but nevertheless – is that we must combine both spatial development and economic development. After all, both in the Far East and in Siberia, how was the work done in Soviet times? They built an enterprise, and nearby barracks-that's the whole short time, as they say.
A. Suvorova: A city-forming enterprise.
Vladimir Putin: So it is still called-the city-forming enterprise. An enterprise is being built, and something was sculpted nearby, where people could live. By the way, BAM was also getting used to it. Many enterprises and regions have developed in this way. An enterprise – and next to it something where people could live. And only later, when people began to live in such conditions, they thought: what else can we do to make this life human?
The difference in today's approach, which we offer, is that you need to do both in parallel. As soon as we start building an object, we need to think about how and where people will live, what they will do, what needs to be done in the field of education, culture, and medical care, and immediately implement these projects.
In some [places] ... Now I won't even name them – I wanted to name them, but I think, okay, I'll refrain, because for sure not everything is done as I want, so now I will say something – they will say: but you have something unfinished there and there is unfinished. This is true – maybe something is not done yet, but the principle is to go at once, in parallel-in creating infrastructure for life and in developing production and the economy in the broadest sense of the word.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Now, as promised, I give the floor to our distinguished guests.
Vladimir Putin: I beg your pardon, I have already said that we are currently trying to develop 22 localities on this principle, and in general, in the coming years we should organize work on two hundred localities across the country.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
I now give the floor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Mr. Ibrahim, please come to the podium and we are waiting for your opening remarks.
(speaking in Russian): A. Ibrahim Hello!
(As translated) Dear Mr. President, Dear Vice President of China, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear guests,
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to President Vladimir Putin for inviting me to participate in this important and truly landmark forum here in Vladivostok.
For me, this forum is also special on a personal level, because-believe it or not – but this is my very first visit to Russia. More than 50 years ago, when I was still an active young leader, I flew on board Aeroflot, and here in Moscow we had transit on the way to Belgium, to Liege, for the annual youth conference. Then, unfortunately, we were not allowed to leave the airport, we only arrived at the transit hotel. Thus, I did not have the opportunity to set foot on Russian soil.
Therefore, it is a special honor and joy for me to finally be here in Vladivostok, where history is organically combined with progress, and the expanses of Russia - with the limitless prospects of the Asia-Pacific region. Located at the crossroads of trade routes, this city was formed under various factors, reflecting the rich heritage of Russian and East Asian traditions, which makes Vladivostok a real ensemble of cultures.
In addition to its economic significance, it is important to note that Vladivostok occupies a unique place in the history of Russia as the most important seaport and the final station of the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway. This city truly represents Russia's connection with the East. Here we find the most powerful symbol of our meeting – a fusion of geographies, ideas, aspirations and our vision of the future.
Since its foundation in 2015, the Eastern Economic Forum has consistently attracted visionaries and leaders from all over the world. This is understandable, since North-East Asia, which includes the Russian Far East, is a region of dynamic economic development and huge potential. Indeed, the region accounts for about a fifth of the world's GDP, so I would like to thank President Putin for his strategic vision and leadership in creating this forum, which continues to foster meaningful dialogue and cooperation.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Russia is not only a strategic and economic reality that attracts attention. In fact, as a cultural, intellectual and scientific force, Russia occupies a prominent place on the world stage and goes far beyond any commercial relations, geopolitics, penetrating into the deep fabric of human history and thought. Russia's preeminence is not due to military power or economic influence, however important that may be.
First of all, we are talking about the enduring power of ideas, the beauty of artistic expression, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. These achievements are at the heart of the so-called soft power, which makes Russia a unique place in the world, attracting respect and admiration, winning the hearts and minds of people around the world.
For me personally, this influence is especially noticeable in literature, and I say this quite sincerely and with absolute conviction, because I fully drank this glass of richness of both English and Malay literature at an early age during my education. Later, I discovered the works of Dante, Shakespeare, and Milton. I really believe that life would be much poorer without literature, especially without Russian literature.
In this regard, I cannot but pay tribute to the great Russian writers and poets who explored the depths and complexities of our lives with unsurpassed insight. It was their works that had an indelible impact on my personal understanding of society and human existence.
For example, the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy, not to mention many others, address the moral and philosophical dilemmas that define what it means to be human. Dostoevsky calls us to reflect on the subtleties of faith, doubt, and the human soul. Tolstoy invites us to reflect on the nature of power, responsibility, and the passage of time.
Beyond its literary significance, Russian literature demonstrates the depth of the influence of this great country, this great culture, on world thought and its ability to help us understand our own role, our ideas, and our significance in the broader currents of history.
In addition, the appeal and power of Russian literature goes far beyond philosophical reasoning. Such writers as Chekhov, Pushkin, Pasternak, my favorite writer Solzhenitsyn, and the poet Anna Akhmatova are just those geniuses who embody and reflect in their works all the joys, sorrows, and everyday struggles that everyone experiences with incredible realism. It resonates incredibly with me.
Ladies and gentlemen,
At this unique moment, when we are advancing the development of humanity through knowledge and technology, we see that Russia is constantly expanding the boundaries of what is possible: from their breakthrough efforts in space exploration to groundbreaking work in the field of nuclear physics and cybernetics. And we ourselves have just heard about the unique vision and concrete plans presented by the President.
These plans, of course, cover a wide variety of aspects, they relate to development and equally attention to the person and his needs. This contribution reflects a deep commitment to understanding and mastering the needs of this world. The importance of Russia in the collective progress of mankind is emphasized.
We are witnessing extremely worrying protectionist trends that threaten to fragment the global economy. We see rising tariffs, trade barriers and restrictions on technology exchange. All of this is alarming, and in this regard, the rise of the Global South represents not just a change in the economic balance, but certainly a reconfiguration on the global stage. Of course, the countries of Asia-China, India, Africa and Latin America, the countries of the Global South, play a key role in shaping the future world economy.
According to current estimates, the Global South accounts for about 40 percent of global economic output and is home to about 85 percent of the world's population. By 2030, three of the four largest economies are projected to be in the Global South. This growth is a reality that creates both challenges and opportunities.
It is very important for Malaysia to build strong ties so that we can participate in this growth and contribute to creating a more balanced world order. Like Russia, we see potential in these emerging economies, and we are committed to developing partnerships that can ensure mutual prosperity.
In this regard, Malaysia is actively taking advantage of the opportunities offered to the countries of the Global South. We join other countries that want to create a new development paradigm-one that is more inclusive, more equitable, more sustainable and more resilient.
In an increasingly complex world, our future depends on our ability to adapt, innovate, and build relationships that transcend traditional boundaries. The global South is on the rise, and Malaysia is determined to rise with it.
Malaysia is an open economy and we are proud to do business with the entire world. We benefit enormously from being a critical hub and a critical point in global supply chains.
It should be noted that the Madani economic program – "Civilized Malaysia", which implements an initiative on structural reforms designed to continue more sustainable, inclusive growth for our country.
In the bilateral relations between Malaysia and Russia, one of the areas requiring cooperation is Islamic finance. It is in this respect that Malaysia is a recognized global leader, with a robust ecosystem of institutions that not only follow Sharia principles, but also promote innovation in finance.
Russia, with its vast Muslim population, is on the threshold of a huge potential in the field of Islamic finance. I believe that the introduction of Islamic banking in Russia can contribute to the implementation of joint projects and attract significant investment from countries with a large number of Muslim populations.
In agriculture, Russia has made significant progress, becoming the world's most important player in this sector. Russia is one of the largest grain producers and exporters, and Russia plays a key role in ensuring global production security. Russian agricultural exports have played a key role in stabilizing global markets, especially in the face of constant supply chain difficulties.
As for education and science, Russia also has a reputation as an advanced state, especially in the exact sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics. Russian universities are consistently ranked among the best in the world, producing world-class scientists, engineers, and researchers. The recent establishment of the Russian-Malaysian High Technology Center in Malaysia underscores our commitment to fostering technological innovation and promoting academic collaboration.
By promoting collaboration in the development of high-tech solutions, especially in the areas of energy efficiency, data transmission and smart city technologies, we can use our collective strengths to drive innovation and address the challenges and challenges of the 21st century.
In addition, the pursuit of advanced achievements, such as the use of artificial intelligence and semiconductor technologies, should primarily be carried out in accordance with humanistic and altruistic values. Technology rivalries must not be allowed to lead to further inequality and hinder free trade and further fragment the geopolitical landscape.
Ladies and gentlemen,
As the ASEAN Chair, Malaysia intends to focus not only on strengthening existing mechanisms and institutions, but also, of course, on finding synergies with other regions and possible partners for dialogue and promoting development and prosperity.
In implementing this approach, it is of paramount importance to strengthen the most important principle of ASEAN centrality, which is the principle of consensus-building, which in turn obliges Member States to act as one.
Malaysia also intends to step up cooperation with other sub-regions and build on our strategic partnerships, including with Russia. In this context, Malaysia intends to join BRICS, and in this way we seek to diversify our efforts in the field of economic diplomacy and strengthen cooperation with member countries.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to President Putin for inviting me to participate in the upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan in October this year.
Of course, we are entering a new era characterized by intense rivalry between superpowers. We are seeing significant, global economic shocks. At the same time, we see that trade and technology are being used as tools to consolidate power efforts to counter the threat of climate change.
Together, we must continue this cooperation, and we must present a united front and exchange ideas on strategies and best political practices to build a future of even greater peace and prosperity in Asia and around the world.
Your Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,
As we move forward together, let us not forget that the true strength of our partnership lies not only in the agreements we sign or the projects we implement together, but above all in the shared vision and mutual respect that binds our peoples together.
(Speaking in Russian) Thank you.
Anna Suvorova: Mr. Ibrahim, first of all, I congratulate you on finally reaching us.
I would very much like to talk about the mysterious Russian soul and philosophy that you touched upon in your speech, but I will have to talk about the most pressing issue-BRICS, which you also mentioned: Malaysia wants to join the association.
What exactly – tell us in more detail-is the benefit for you?
: (as translated)But. Ibrahim We are part of the global world, and we believe that we need to continue to develop trade relations with all countries, strengthen trade relations. In addition to the United States, in addition to Europe, we pay attention to strengthening ties with China, and China is one of our key trading partners.
Russia traditionally takes the place of our trading partner, with which we have very well developed diplomatic relations. As I said in my conversation with President Putin yesterday, we have enormous opportunities to develop trade relations with Russia. Joining BRICS will allow us to strengthen these relations.
In particular, in the area of trade, we have a lot to share and can strengthen the Global South. This will allow us to develop trade relations, trade practices that are mutually beneficial for all participants in trade relations-without monopolizing these relations by any particular region. We strive for this – we strive for the development of the Global South and the strengthening of trade relations around the world.
Thank you.
Anna Suvorova: Mr President, speaking of the BRICS summit that will be held in Kazan at the end of October, what do you expect it to look like?
Let me also clarify: by the end of 2023, Russia's trade turnover with its BRICS partners is $ 294 billion. Speaking about trade, how do you see the further development of this issue, how do you assess the current pace of payments in national currencies? Is de-dollarization already a trend or just a momentary story, in your opinion?
Vladimir Putin: First of all, I would like to say that we do not pursue a policy of de-dollarization. After all, we didn't refuse to pay in dollars – we were refused payments, and we just have to look for other opportunities, that's all. But this is not the main thing – the main thing is different.
The main thing is that the currency of a particular country reflects the economic power of the state. The larger this economy, the more partners it has, the more the national currency of a particular country is in demand in settlements. Naturally, you see, when a particular economy has a lot of partners, there is a need to use the currency of this country. Therefore, the use of a country's currency depends on the role of that country's economy in the world, in the global economy.
But after the Second World War, the United States, of course, took advantage, successfully used the results of the Second World War in the economy, carried out the Marshall Plan for Europe, created one world system – the Bretton Woods system, then it was slightly repaired, and another. We created a single world currency – the dollar. It depended and still depends, as I repeat, on the strength of the country's economy.
As Mr. Prime Minister has just mentioned,the situation in the global economy is changing. Already, the Global South accounts for more than 50 percent of global GDP, and the BRICS countries account for about one-third of the world's global economy. Naturally, I want to emphasize this, the priorities in using certain currencies also change naturally.
Together with our BRICS partners, for example, we are already using national currencies by about 65 percent. This is a natural process. But the financial and political authorities of the United States are pushing this process with their not just sloppy, but unprofessional and stupid actions.
I think they already understand that they made a mistake, but they just can't get out of this rut. It's probably no longer very convenient for them to admit that they made a mistake, but they should have corrected something already – they see that the tools they use are not working, we are switching to national currencies, and that's all-but they can't. Apparently, this can only be done by those people who will replace the current generation of politicians. Because to change something is to admit your mistakes. Apparently, this is difficult.
What is the reason for this behavior? Apparently, they were counting on the fact that everything would collapse, so they refused the dollar service. But the trends are obvious – they only push these processes, as I have already said-but the trends in the use of currencies are related to the volume of economic growth.
Today, the Chinese economy, as we know very well, is the first in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. Yes, the American economy is strong and good, and its structure compares favorably with others, but the size of the economy of the People's Republic of China is larger. In second place – the United States. But the gap between the two economies is constantly widening, from year to year. This is also related to the use of, say, the yuan in international payments. The United States is in second place, and India is in third. Russia already ranks fourth in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. We have overtaken the leading economy of Europe – Germany, and more recently – these are international calculations, not ours-we have overtaken Japan.
Yes, I repeat once again: Japan, Germany, and the United States have many advantages, primarily related to the structure, high-tech sector, and so on, but the size of the economy is also important, because it makes it possible to invest resources in the most promising industries and areas.
Therefore, I will repeat it again: this is a natural process, not even related to the political situation, but the authorities of Europe and the United States are simply pushing this process with their sloppy, unprofessional actions.
As for our relations with BRICS, they are developing – developing very successfully. Russia, China and India are the founding fathers of this organization: in 2005, we started this process by forming the RIC – Russia, India and China, then Brazil joined, then South Africa, and now we have expanded the circle of participants.
And this is a very good process: more than 30 countries of the world are now showing their readiness to cooperate, and some of them even join the BRICS. The new BRICS members are self-sufficient, with rapidly developing economies, with their own distinctive culture, and very interesting states. They will certainly make a positive contribution to the development of the organization.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you, Mr President.
I will now turn to another BRICS member. Vice President of the People's Republic of China Mr. Zheng, you have the floor.
(as translated) Han Zheng: Dear Mr. President Putin,Dear Prime Minister Anwar, Dear forum participants, Ladies and gentlemen, Friends! Hello!
I am very happy to take part in the IX Eastern Economic Forum together with you.
First of all, on behalf of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Government, I would like to congratulate you on the opening of the forum.
Vladivostok serves as a window to the world for cooperation between the Far East and its partners. At the initiative of President Putin, it was Vladivostok that hosted the First Eastern Economic Forum in 2015, which today, thanks to its consistent development, has become an important platform for reaching consensus on cooperation and the search for development.
The main theme of the forum is "The Far East-2030. Let's join forces, creating opportunities", which corresponds to the current situation and the needs of the countries of the region. Our common goal is to develop cooperation, mutual trust and win for all.
Under the strategic leadership of President Xi Jinping and President Putin, China-Russia relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are steadily developing in the new era. This year, our heads of state met in Beijing and Astana, and they outlined plans and guidelines for the development of bilateral relations and multifaceted cooperation between China and Russia in the context of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations as a new starting point.
In the face of a complex and volatile external environment, the two countries will work together to overcome difficulties. Resolutely following our own path, we are working hard to achieve our goals in order to bring tangible benefits to the peoples of our countries and contribute to the recovery and growth of the world economy.
The North-East of China and the Russian Far East are characterized by geographical proximity and close ties between peoples. Regions have complementary advantages in trade and investment, energy and transport connectivity, and are natural partners.
For many years, China has maintained its position as the largest trading partner and source of foreign investment for the Far East. The trade turnover between China and the Far East in 2023 amounted to 33.8 billion US dollars, an increase of 54 percent.
Currently, the northeast of China is actively cultivating a new cutting edge of China's openness to the outside world, which is in line with the Far East development strategy promoted in Russia. The leaders of our countries attach great importance and pay personal attention to cooperation between the Northeast [China] and the Far East.
In this regard, the VIII China-Russia EXPO, which was successfully held in Harbin in May, should be noted. President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to him, and President Putin personally participated in it, which served as a strategic guide for bilateral cooperation. Linking the development of these regions and expanding their cooperation is very timely and promising.
Together with the Russian side, we are ready to follow the important agreements reached at the highest level, strengthen connectivity in both cross-border infrastructure and harmonization of rules and standards at an accelerated pace, increase the scope and quality of cooperation, strengthen the foundation for the long-term sustainable development of Sino-Russian relations in the new era, and contribute to ensuring prosperity and stability in the region and around the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, Friends!
Against the backdrop of enormous changes in the international environment that have not been seen in a century, the aspirations for peace, development, cooperation and universal benefit remain an unstoppable trend. The "Community of One Destiny for Humanity" concept – the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, launched by President Xi Jinping-represents China's global governance solution, brings confidence to the world, and gives impetus to collective efforts to face challenges and ensure joint development.
We are ready to consolidate efforts with the countries of the region, strengthen cohesion and cooperation, and jointly promote peace, stability, prosperity and development of the entire region. In this regard, I would like to suggest the following.
First – it is necessary to adhere to the principles of openness and inclusivity, which are the leitmotif of the modern world. Cooperation in the spirit of openness is a trend of the era. China is adamant in pursuing a strategy of openness that focuses on mutual benefit and universal gain, promotes the construction of an open world economy, opposes protectionism, attempts to disconnect and break chains, and opposes the introduction of unilateral sanctions and maximizing pressure. We are ready to build and strengthen solidarity with the countries of the region based on the principles of openness, justice and mutual respect, and seek joint development.
The second is to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation. This is an important driver for the region's development. The unique resource advantages and high complementarity of the economies of North-East Asia determine broad prospects for cooperation. We should actively work to find new points of common interest, fully identify our own advantages, jointly protect stable and uninterrupted production and supply chains, and strengthen cooperation in such new sectors as artificial intelligence, the digital economy and the green economy in order to promote joint development of the countries of the region.
The third is to ensure comprehensive development and security. Security is a prerequisite for development, and development is a guarantee of security. China stands firm and guards world peace, promotes global development, resolutely opposes hegemonism and the policy of force in all its manifestations, against the cold war mentality, interference in the internal affairs of other states and the use of double standards.
Peace and stability, which are generally preserved in Northeast Asia, are not easy to come by. We are ready to work together with all parties to intensify dialogue and exchange and strengthen mutual understanding in the interests of protecting long-term regional security.
Ladies and gentlemen, Friends!
The third plenum of the CPC Central Committee of the XX convocation recently concluded, which resulted in a grandiose plan for further comprehensive deepening of reforms and promoting Chinese modernization. China's modernization is carried out while following the path of peaceful development and brings benefits to the whole world. China will continue to promote high-quality development, expand openness at a high level, and open up new opportunities for the region and the world based on its own development.
We are ready to join forces with our partners to promote the modernization of the entire world, aim for peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation and universal prosperity, and make a new contribution to the modernization of both our region and the whole world.
In conclusion, I wish you all a fruitful forum.
Thanks for attention.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you to the Vice-President of the People's Republic of China. It was Han Zheng.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, of course, I cannot ignore the current news agenda that exists today, and it often does not concern, of course, the Far East and the development of our cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region. For a little more than a month, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been attacking the border territories of the Russian Federation, and several regions are suffering at once.
What is your overall assessment of the situation both in the free Defense zone on various fronts and in the border area? Today, how big is the threat of nuclear danger, given that the APU is also hitting the Kursk and Zaporozhye nuclear power plants?
Vladimir Putin: When we talk about these issues, first of all we should think about the people who, of course, are going through serious trials and suffering from these terrorist acts. It is the sacred duty of the Armed Forces to do everything possible to drive the enemy out of these territories and reliably protect our citizens. The whole country, of course, should do everything possible to support people.
As for the military side of the matter, I have already mentioned this. The enemy's goal was to make us nervous, make a fuss, move troops from one sector to another and stop our offensive in key areas, primarily in the Donbas, the liberation of which is our first priority. Did it work or not? No, the enemy didn't succeed.
First, our Armed Forces have stabilized the situation and started gradually squeezing him out of the border areas. The second and most important thing is that no action is being taken to contain our offensive. On the contrary, by moving their fairly large and well-trained units to these border areas with us, the enemy weakened itself in key areas, and our troops accelerated offensive operations.
There have been no such territorial acquisitions for a long time. The day before yesterday, for example, the Vostok group captured a seven-by-five-kilometer triangle in a single blow. The Center group is also very successful in the Donetsk and Pokrovsky directions. There, too, purchases are no longer measured in hundreds of meters, but in square kilometers-four by five, three by five, and so on. This is the second one.
And last but not least, the enemy is suffering very heavy losses in both manpower and equipment. I won't mention it now, the Ministry of Defense provides these data – I consider them objective, because they are confirmed from several sources at once. And this is fraught, on the one hand, with the destruction of the front in the most important areas, and losses can simply lead to the loss of combat capability of all the armed forces, which is what we are trying to achieve.
So this is a general estimate. And what happens every day, of course, the General Staff and the Defense Ministry report to me on a daily basis – several times a day.
A. Suvorova: You have already mentioned that the most important thing is the people and people who live in these territories, who, of course, protect them.
The day before, here in Vladivostok, you visited the base station…
Vladimir Putin: I'm sorry, I missed it – you mentioned the strikes on the nuclear power plant.
A. Suvorova: Yes, for the Kursk and Zaporizhia nuclear power plants.
Vladimir Putin: These are very dangerous terrorist attacks. One can only imagine what will happen if we respond in a mirror way, what will happen to this entire part of Europe.
Anna Suvorova: Speaking of what happened the day before… You visited the base of the Primorsky Flotilla in Vladivostok and said that you recently had a phone conversation with the commander of the 155th marine brigade, they are now just in the zone of the Free Sea. When asked if there were any domestic problems, the answer was no. And yesterday, when you already communicated with its commander, on the contrary, problems were highlighted, first of all, providing housing.
How often do you encounter such contradictions?
Vladimir Putin: This is not a contradiction, there are really problems there… They are always there, these problems, but the commander of the 155th brigade did not raise this issue, because really in the Snowfall – when you yourself chose this place for future construction for housing for military personnel – construction is underway, and local authorities are helping. But, of course, we need to implement these plans in a timely manner, and I am sure they will be implemented.
Some other commanders drew attention to real issues that should be resolved in the near future. I also spoke with the commander of the 810th Marine Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet. There is a specific need to build housing for military personnel who are also performing their tasks in the border zone today and are acting very successfully – just heroic guys there, fighting heroically.
By the way, one of the tasks of the enemy, of course, was to sow panic in our country, to shake up the internal political situation in Russia, to sow uncertainty in our actions, and so on. But what did it lead to? On the contrary, the consolidation of society – as always happens in such cases in Russia, as evidenced by the fact that the number of people, our men, who feel the need to defend the Motherland, the Fatherland, has increased dramatically, the number of people who sign contracts with the Armed Forces has increased.
As for social guarantees, of course, the country should not just think about it but solve these problems. The commander of the 810th marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet told me about this, but the local authorities, I mean the Crimean authorities, are ready to do everything to allocate land, and they will do it in the near future, if, of course, the Defense Ministry – and the Defense Ministry has enough land there – does not have enough.
I gave instructions to the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff-they are preparing relevant proposals. The necessary resources will be allocated.
A. Suvorova: You have already said that Kiev may negotiate with Russia after the failure of its provocation in the Kursk region. And before, it turns out, there were still prospects for a peaceful settlement of the situation?
Vladimir Putin: We have already talked about this many times: we have reached almost all the parameters of a possible peace agreement with representatives of the government in Kiev, we have agreed on everything. Moreover, the head of the negotiating delegation – and he still heads the ruling party's faction in the Rada, in the parliament-signed these agreements. Yes, there was still some work to be done, but in general, the visa is worth it, it's a document.
Then Mr. Johnson arrived – as you know, the British authorities do not deny this, they confirm it-came and instructed the Ukrainians to fight to the last Ukrainian, which is what is happening today, in order to achieve a strategic defeat of Russia. This doesn't work. And the Ukrainian authorities publicly stated that if they had done what we agreed with them, and not listened to their masters from other countries, the war would have stopped long ago. But they took a different path. Here is the result.
Are we ready to negotiate with them? We've never given up on it. But not on the basis of any ephemeral requirements, but on the basis of the documents that were agreed and actually initialed in Istanbul.
Anna Suvorova: Do you have any idea which country can become a mediator this time, if negotiations continue?
Vladimir Putin: We respect our friends and partners, who, I believe, are genuinely interested in resolving all issues related to this conflict. These are primarily the People's Republic of China, Brazil, and India. I am in constant contact with our colleagues on this issue. I have no doubt that the leaders of these countries – we have a trusting relationship with them-sincerely seek to help us understand all the details of this complex process, which, of course, I want to remind you, began with the coup in Ukraine in 2014. That's how it all started!
We are constantly being told about human rights, about some principles of international law that everyone should respect. And what is this: a coup d'etat – unconstitutional, bloody? What is it? This led to the fact that a part of the country's population did not agree with the results and in general with this coup, they began to fight for their rights. It all ended up turning into today's conflict.
That's what it's all about, but they prefer not to think about it. But we know what the problem is, and we will certainly protect our interests and the interests of those people who are close to us and who are native speakers of the Russian language, Russian culture, and Russian traditions, which, by the way, our guest spoke so vividly about today.
Anna Suvorova: Mr President, we are all well aware that in general, as you have just pointed out, negotiations are possible not directly with Kiev, but with its Western supervisors. But at the same time, in the case of negotiations, do you think we can still trust them in the future?
After all, if you look even at the historical facts, Russia was deceived, probably, you can say, more than once. These are the issues of NATO expansion to the east, and the Minsk agreements. It wasn't us who broke it. Have we made any conclusions?
Vladimir Putin: Do you understand what the other way is? Yes, we understand who we are dealing with. These are people who do not appreciate or respect the interests of other countries and peoples. Unfortunately, there are such people, who easily violate all their obligations, even signed documents.
But what should I do? You just need to look for such forms and guarantees that would somehow, to some extent, work. But the main guarantee of security is the growth of the economy and military potential of the Russian Federation itself, as well as reliable and stable relations with our partners and allies.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Mr. Ibrahim, we have just discussed with Vladimir Vladimirovich that Russia has always tried to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.
From the outside, why do you think the negotiations in Istanbul still failed to reach an agreement?
: (as translated)But.Ibrahim I already spoke with President Putin yesterday. I paid a visit to Istanbul, spent one day there and was aware of these negotiations. And at the time, I thought that this issue would be closed, because both sides came to an agreement, agreed on the principles and parameters of the contract.
From my point of view, I believe that it is absolutely necessary to achieve peace. This affects not only relations between the two countries, but also relations around the world. There have been disruptions to certain supply chains as a result of the conflict.
But as far as I understand, the parameters were agreed in Istanbul and were the basis for reaching an agreement. Both parties have agreed to the terms of the agreement. And of course, for our part, we support such agreements, taking into account that the parameters are fair. Both sides have made commitments under this treaty, and all agree that what they have agreed to must be respected. We hope for an agreement, which should take place as soon as possible.
(to A. Suvorova): Vladimir Putin You said that we failed to reach an agreement in Istanbul through the mediation of President Erdogan. But we managed to reach an agreement – that's the trick! – this is evidenced by the signature of the head of the Ukrainian delegation, which initialed this document, which means that the Ukrainian side as a whole was satisfied with the agreements reached. [The document] did not enter into force only because they were given the command not to do so, and there was a desire among the elites of the United States, Europe, and some European countries to achieve a strategic defeat of Russia.
They thought they were going to take advantage and bring Russia to its knees, dismember it, or whatever else they were planning to do. They thought that they were about to achieve their strategic goals, which they had been striving for, perhaps, for centuries or decades. That's what it's all about. Johnson arrived and said: no need, fight to the last Ukrainian. So they are still fighting.
I sometimes get the impression that those who lead Ukraine, as if they are aliens or foreigners at all. As a matter of fact, they don't just think – no, I'm serious – you know, such losses are colossal! I don't even know what they're going to do next. Now they need to lower the draft age again, so that they can recruit children, as in Fascist Germany, and create Hitler Youth. But that won't solve the problem, that's the whole point.
A. Suvorova: This is such a total mobilization, rampant.
Vladimir Putin: Such a total war is taking place there, but the next step is to call on students now and so on, to completely bleed the country dry. I repeat once again: it seems that this is not their people. As a matter of fact, it is clear: relatives of members of the ruling elite mostly live abroad, they got on a plane – and they are not there, and that's the end of it. They don't think much about the country. They cover themselves only with nationalist slogans-that's all, and they fool people.
But, I repeat once again, if there really is such a desire to conduct negotiations, we did not refuse, but on the basis of the agreements that were reached and recorded in Istanbul.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Now let's move on to another topic-let's return to what our discussion is about today.
Mr. Ibrahim, there is such a thing as a Malaysian economic miracle. It was made possible by the special economic zones that you created.
Tell us, what are the conditions for doing business? Are you waiting for Russian companies here?
: (as translated)But.Ibrahim I met with representatives of several Russian companies both yesterday and this morning. We have not joined the sanctions – as our Chinese colleague said – and we do not enter into a confrontation with anyone, with any economic power. Therefore, we focus on developing the economy by creating economic zones, and, of course, Russian companies are invited.
We are an independent country, we follow the principles of centrality, and we are ready to interact with Russia in an effective way. And I was extremely happy that many of the companies expressed their readiness to start operating in Malaysia – they are literally ready to arrive next week, by October. Some interest was shown, and some progress was made in mutual understanding.
We are developing relations, including with China. We registered growth of 5.9 percent, while inflation is only two percent, so significant investments are being made. Many countries come to us, Germany in particular.
We will do everything that is required on the basis of the comprehensive plan outlined by President Putin. The potential for cooperation is very large, and the Russians should in no way feel that we are under any influence, under any pressure. We are ready to offer special relations to Russia as a special friend of our country.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, if we talk about our special regimes that exist in the Far East, such as the free port of Vladivostok and the territories of advanced development, how competitive do you think they are compared to other similar regimes in the Asia-Pacific region? Are you happy with the performance they are currently delivering?
Vladimir Putin: We strive to create competitive advantages and competitive conditions here. I'm not going to list everything right now, but it's all very well known, especially to the people who are sitting in this hall: these are priority development areas, free zones, the free port of Vladivostok, and so on. A lot of preferences have been created here. When we start discussing this in the Government, the Ministry of Finance gets nervous, saying all the time: you want to come up with something else, you've created so many preferences, that's enough.
You know what I want to say: Mr. Vice President of the People's Republic of China... just now I remembered our joint work in Harbin, where the economic forum [EXPO] was held, and he was sent there by the President of the People's Republic of China, our good friend Mr. Xi Jinping. Nevertheless, I am also grateful to him personally for taking part in this work, which was very interesting. But what do I want to say? It will even be unexpected for our guest and for our audience.
A. Suvorova: Will you reveal your secrets?
Vladimir Putin: Yes, I'll tell you a secret. And it will be unexpected for our Ministry of Finance.
Anna Suvorova: Somewhere, only Anton Germanovich got nervous.
Vladimir Putin: No, no, they are not nervous guys – they are all right with their health there.
What do I want to say? I talked to our diplomatic mission in Harbin, and I said: listen, what else needs to be done in order for Chinese investors to come to the Far East in a larger volume? Do you know what he said? And the Chinese authorities do not restrain their entrepreneurs: anyone who wants to – please, can go, and invest, and work. But the conditions created by the Chinese authorities in Harbin are more advantageous than those created by us in the Far East. That's what it's all about.
The Chinese authorities have long been engaged in special economic zones and have long created specific conditions for development. And, of course, we also need to look carefully at the preferences that the Chinese authorities are creating on their territory, including in border areas, in order to attract businesses from other countries, including from friendly China, to come and invest.
We need to analyze everything that we have done in terms of creating these attractive conditions, and maybe add some innovations to some of the tools, so that entrepreneurs and businesses are really interested, so that they are interested in coming and working here.
Conditions are being created, and they are generally very good, but there is something to work on. I just gave you a general outline.
Anna Suvorova: Mr. Zheng, I can't help but ask you: What is being done today to ensure that Chinese businesses stay in China and do not come to work with us? To stay on your own territory and not come to our territory?
Vladimir Putin: Why do you ask such provocative questions?
A. Suvorova: That's why I'm asking this question, because it's provocative.
Vladimir Putin: They remain – on the contrary, we need to attract them to us.
: (as translated)Han Zheng First of all would like to say that the Chinese government always supports our investors to invest in the world economy, including in Russia and the Far East.
President Putin has already mentioned this topic: let's look at cooperation between China and the Far East. We also discussed this issue during our meeting in Harbin. We need to look at this issue from two sides. On the one hand, the northeast of China and the Russian Far East maintain very good cooperation, that is, the state of cooperation is good, and we have a solid foundation for cooperation. Therefore, there is already a good trend in the development of cooperation between these two regions.
As I know, in the first seven months of this year, the trade turnover between Northeast China and the Russian Far East has already exceeded $ 60 billion. This is almost more than 40 percent of the total trade turnover between our countries. Therefore, the trend of cooperation is very good and remarkable.
On the other hand, we need to look to the future. First of all, we need to consolidate the good trend that exists between these two countries. There is a very good basis for cooperation, and the Russian Far East has a good potential for cooperation: transport logistics, agriculture, energy and mining. We have a very wide range of cooperation – we need to consolidate the results of cooperation in these traditional industries.
But this is not enough: we also need to look to the future and expand our areas of interaction. This includes green development, the digital economy, and I think the marine industry as well. Of course, also the cultural industry, art. Therefore, there is a great potential for cooperation in these industries.
I will share with you my experience-adventure. At the suggestion of President Putin, this morning I visited two branches of Russian universities in Primorsky Krai and a branch of the Conservatory in Primorye. And this trip made a deep impression on me. I specifically looked at these objects. As students, as schoolchildren – from the third grade to the third year of university-they all played beautifully on musical instruments, performed classical music, they danced in the ballet "Swan Lake". All these kids surprised me.
We have very good cooperation between our countries in these areas, and I am very happy to note that every year a large number of Chinese students come to Russia to study art. As far as I know, 40 students have already arrived from Heilongjiang Province this year.
Therefore, there is a mutual interest between these two regions in strengthening cooperation. The Chinese government always supports all Chinese enterprises – whether public or private – to invest in the world economy, to invest in the economy of the Far East, to invest in the economy of Russia. Therefore, we have very broad prospects for cooperation.
Thank you.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Mr. Ibrahim, we have already revealed two secrets here, and we want to get the third secret from you. Tell us, is Malaysian business interested in moving to the territories of advanced development, the free port of Vladivostok, in order to fully operate here?
: (as translated)But.Ibrahim As for the region, this is something new for us, this is my first visit here. We have had a number of discussions, but in general, if we look at the Russian Federation, then, of course, it attracts our attention. We are seeing an increase in trade, investment, and interaction in the energy sector, industry, and digital technologies. More and more students are being sent to study in the Russian Federation. Of course, we need to explore these opportunities, we are not as powerful as China, and this will take time.
Anna Suvorova: Mr President, if you look at the data provided by the Ministry of Development of the Far East, over the past ten years investments in the Far East have already amounted to four trillion 200 billion rubles. Is it too much or too little?
And do you think that the current investment rate will continue, given that yesterday Yuri Trutnev asked you to raise the target of $ 12 trillion by 2030?
Vladimir Putin: I think that's a lot, but it's not enough.
A. Suvorova: As usual: good, but not enough.
Vladimir Putin: Yes. And indeed, Yuri Petrovich traditionally reported on what was done in the previous year, and we traditionally also participated in the launch of new projects and new enterprises. There is an opinion that these investments can be increased by at least 1.5 trillion more – up to 12 trillion. I think this is absolutely realistic.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, back to the latest developments. At the end of August, Pavel Durov, the founder and head of Telegram, was detained in Paris. The court eventually decided to keep him under judicial supervision and [ordered him] to pay a certain amount.
How do you assess the actions of the authorities of the Fifth Republic and did Moscow not want what Paris has just done?
And I can't help but ask: in the same Telegram channels, they wrote a lot that you had a meeting with him in Baku – is this true?
Vladimir Putin: I met Mr. Durov once in Moscow many years ago, and he just told me about his plans – I meet with business regularly, and he also attended one of the meetings in the Kremlin, I don't remember when, but many years ago. I repeat, he talked about his business development plans. We haven't seen each other since, and we've never had any contact with him. I don't really understand why we should meet in Baku. I didn't even know it was there, I had no idea.
If there is a desire – there are a lot of business representatives here [in the hall] – everyone knows, I never refuse, we regularly hold such meetings both within the framework of associations of our entrepreneurs and individually, considering certain projects, especially if the business needs some guarantees from the state. I, the Prime Minister, federal ministers, and regional authorities – at least, I always encourage them to do so – do not shut ourselves off from business. Therefore, if he had any desire, he could meet me in Moscow. I don't know anything about that either. Yes, I assumed that he lives somewhere in Moscow, in my opinion. I don't know where it moves there…
Anna Suvorova: No, not in Moscow, but in Dubai.
Vladimir Putin: Well, in Dubai. These are the people of the world – billionaires, they can afford to go anywhere. We didn't have any complaints about him. But I know that many countries have complained about the fact that the platform is used in a certain way by some people, some structures that can damage the economy or security of certain states with their activities. I think that the Russian Government might also have some questions for him. But all platforms of this kind are guilty of this. If they do this to Durov, then they should probably also close others down, arrest them, or put them under house arrest or some other form of restriction of freedom.
Therefore, the actions of the authorities themselves are not very clear to me, since they are selective in nature. This refers to the French authorities.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
And we turn again to the topic of our meeting today.
Mr. Ibrahim, at the end of last year, your country received a record number of Russian tourists – 110 thousand people. The indicator has grown by 37 percent over the year, and this is clearly not the limit. In order for this figure to grow, do Malaysian airlines plan to launch direct flights from Russia to the country's resorts?
A. Ibrahim: Yes, of course, we should not block Aeroflot's direct flights to Malaysia. We are actually seeing an increase in Russian tourists, and we are extremely attentive to them. To increase this flow, we need to open direct air links, and we are working on this as quickly as possible. In addition, it is necessary to raise awareness among the Malaysian public, and it would be useful for them to know that Russia is a peaceful country, a beautiful country, and an economically viable country.
Of course, it is difficult to compete with Russia and China, but Malaysia has something that Russia does not have, and, conversely, Russia has something that Malaysia does not have. Therefore, it would be great to increase tourist flows, because then people can get to know each other's countries. It seems to me that there is a great potential here, in particular for the arrival of Russian tourists to Malaysia.
Malaysia is a friendly country, without any prejudices, it is not influenced by dictates of any power, and we would like to have special relations with Russia, as we have had with many other countries. If you come to Malaysia, you will realize that this is an authentic Asia.
Anna Suvorova: Mr. Ibrahim, what to see in Russia, I think we can tell you, but then what to see for those Russian tourists who go to Malaysia? What is the real Asia, in your opinion? Why not ask the Prime Minister about it?
A. Ibrahim: We are a multi-racial country with a strong indigenous population, particularly the Malay population. We are a rich and diverse culture, we also have an impressive Chinese minority, there are representatives of the Indian diaspora, again the indigenous population I mentioned. Virgin jungle, beautiful beaches, very mild equatorial climate. We do not have winters, you can swim in the sea all year round. I think this is a big advantage.
It's always very difficult for me when you go somewhere, all the time you wonder if there will be winter, if it will be cold, if you will have to dress warmer. This is not the case in Malaysia. In Malaysia, if you are at least in something, in some clothes, you will be comfortable.
A. Suvorova: By the way, there were more smiling faces in the audience at this phrase that it is nice and warm in Malaysia.
Vladimir Putin: I was in Malaysia, and I can confirm everything that the Prime Minister just said.
Anna Suvorova: Mr President, speaking of tourism, you also visit a lot of Russian regions, and domestic tourism is also developing in our country. According to the Government, 83.5 million Russians chose to travel to Russia in 2023, which is 23 percent more than in 2021. At the same time, by the way, the Far Eastern Federal District is among the leaders, in fact, a lot of people come here, more than six million people were there last year.
In general, what is the economic effect of such an active growth of domestic tourist flow?
Vladimir Putin: Tourism is one of the most efficient economic sectors in many countries of the world. What is far to go, the number of our tourists, for example, in Turkey – somewhere under five million people. This is simply the most important item of revenue and budget of the Republic of Turkey. And tourism is becoming an increasingly efficient sector of the economy in many countries around the world. This should also be the case in Russia, taking into account the huge potential of tourism. Therefore, the Government has adopted a whole program for the development of domestic tourism.
We have already said a lot about this here, but I probably won't say anything new: we need to develop infrastructure, take care of nature, so that the development of tourism does not adversely affect the environment.
We have a lot of programs: "Five Seas and Lake Baikal", many people probably know about it, hear about it, benefits for the construction of small hotels, including the creation of buildings and structures of a non – capital nature, and so on-all this gives results, thank God, really. Well, such a crazy region just for its tourist opportunities as the Far East, of course, attracts and will continue to attract more and more attention of tourists.
It is very good that our citizens are guided to a large extent by the capabilities of our country. You need to stay in the country of your own language and culture, avoid the problems of crossing state borders, customs, and so on, and enjoy communicating with nature or with our history, traditions, and so on. Very interesting, it's exciting.
But we need to do a lot to support this process.
And what it gives people, those who live in the territories that are visited by tourists, is simply an increase in the standard of living, because it increases the level of incomes at all levels, and budgets at all levels, and specifically brings a certain income to citizens. And the more attractive this or that region is, the more private business invests money in it, that is, it is such a "revolving" win-win operation. We will do everything possible to develop domestic tourism further.
Anna Suvorova: But this is a long-term prospect. Even if you look at the figures that are available today, in principle, I think they show that everything is fine in the country's economy. Our unemployment rate is 2.4 percent – a record low. But at the same time, if you look again at the statistics, there is now a shortage of personnel in key sectors of the economy.
How do I fill in the gap? Because, for example, in January, 47 percent of industrial enterprises had a shortage. And is such a low unemployment rate an indicator that the economy is developing at a good pace, or are we just physically small?
Vladimir Putin: Everything is never good.
Anna Suvorova: But there is always something to strive for.
Vladimir Putin: Well, yes, I have already said it, I recalled Faust recently: stop, just a moment, you are beautiful! This, in general, is not our method. We must always strive to reach new milestones, and everything is never good. But in general, the Russian economy is certainly developing steadily. If last year we were happy that our GDP growth was 3.4 percent, [then] in the first half of this year – yesterday we discussed with our colleagues what we will talk about today-I said: four percent. My name is [Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration] Mr. [Maxim] Oreshkin corrected: no, in the first half of the year – 4.6 percent growth.
Of course, this is a good indicator for our economy. I think that there will be a correction by the end of the year, but in general, we can expect at least a repeat of the results of last year, and most likely it will be, more growth. This is the main indicator of the state of the economy. But, as I said, all is not well. Malaysia has two percent inflation, but unfortunately, we have more. We have a target of about four [percent], and it reached more than nine percent recently, 9.2. However, now it has a downward trend, it is already less than nine, 8.9, and the downward trend. And that's a good thing.
As for what we physically lack… Well, yes, here is another Solzhenitsyn, whom Mr. Prime Minister [of Malaysia] recalled, Alexander Isaevich, said that the main task of the state is to save the people. Of course, we need to solve demographic problems and take care of families with children, and so on. But the labor market is really in a unique position – a little over two percent, 2.4 percent, in my opinion. This has never happened in our history. This is due to the needs of real production.
How can this issue be resolved? First, of course, I repeat, we need to take care of the population, increase the birth rate, create conditions for people to start a large family, so that it is fashionable to have many children, as once in Russia there were seven, nine, ten people in families.
And the second direction is to increase labor productivity, so that fewer employees can achieve greater results.
What is it, and in what way, and in what way, can we achieve an increase in labor productivity? The Deputy Chairman of the People's Republic of China mentioned some methods and tools. We need to introduce artificial intelligence, introduce modern methods of production management, and robotize them. I remembered Japan, which we had overtaken in terms of purchasing power parity, becoming the fourth economy in the world, slightly pushing it. But I think there are 10 times more robots per thousand working there, you know? By a factor of 10. We have a lot to work on here. Please: robotics, biology, genetics, especially in agriculture. We have a lot to do. And we will move in all these directions.
And personnel. It is necessary, of course, to train personnel. This is the most important task of the state, which is why a new national project has appeared and is being developed, and it is called "Cadres".
Anna Suvorova: Well, I will move forward on further economic issues.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, we are meeting here a week before the next meeting of the Central Bank. At the previous meeting, it was decided that the rate would be 18 percent. By the way, Andrey Leonidovich Kostin is sitting in the first row, already saying on the sidelines of the forum that he expects to keep the rate of 18 percent this time.
At the same time, over the past year, banks have increased consumer loans that are not secured by mortgages by 3.5 trillion rubles, and the monthly growth rate here remains very high, and corporate lending also grew by 2.3 percent in July – the Central Bank cites data. How can you explain this contradiction?
Vladimir Putin: The contradiction between a high key interest rate and a high interest rate is a very important factor.…
Anna Suvorova: Between the high interest rate that we currently have, and at the same time, lending is growing at a very good pace.
Vladimir Putin: According to experts, this is largely due to two points. The first is that consumer lending remains at a high level, because individuals are not very sensitive to the key interest rate.
And secondly, as for corporate lending, first of all, certain plans have been drawn up by enterprises, and yet, despite the increase in the key rate, they continue to be credited-first. And secondly, we have decided to implement support measures for certain sectors of the economy. There are state tools related to supporting, in fact, subsidizing certain rates for industries and large projects.
I think that explains it.
Anna Suvorova: By the way, the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, said that there are no risks to financial stability, but at the same time noted that the scale of economic overheating in the first half of the year was the highest in the last 16 years.
Do you think there are any risks to stability today, and how do you plan to cool the situation if it needs to be done?
Vladimir Putin: That's how they cool it down – by raising the key rate, canceling preferential mortgages, which are now supported by benefits in IT mortgages, in the Far East, in the Arctic, and family mortgages. These are the ways in which the cooling you mentioned is provided.
But another factor is the stable work of the Government and the Ministry of Finance to balance the budget.
A. Suvorova: Speaking about investments, we have already noted the figures that exist in the Far East, but at the same time, fixed capital in 2023 – according to Rosstat, investment growth was about 9.8 percent. This is after the recovery that took place in 2022. The trend continues today. What do you think, will the same rate of investment continue and what can prevent it?
Vladimir Putin: It will not be easy to maintain the same pace of investment, given the circumstances that we have just discussed, but we need to strive for this. For this purpose, the special support tools that I mentioned are being invented.
But, I repeat, it will not be easy to maintain investment in the same volume. The government should think about where and in what areas to support business, so that there is no noticeable, serious and harmful failure for the economy as a whole.
Anna Suvorova: Now another topic that is not directly related to what we are discussing here today, either with the Russian or Far Eastern economy – is the topic of the US election campaign. I can't help but ask.
You said before that you have – you can probably call it-your favorite on it, but he dropped out of the race. Who's new? And in November, when the results of this race become known, will you call to congratulate the new head of state or not?
Vladimir Putin: We have not called representatives of some European states and the United States for a long time, although we have not refused these contacts, they are the ones who limit them. Although, of course, certain information can be exchanged through various channels, primarily through the channels of the Foreign Ministry.
As for the favorites, it's not up to us to determine them, it's still the choice of the American people. I already told you: our favorite, so to speak, was the current President, Mr. Biden. He was removed from the race, but he recommended that all his supporters support Ms. Harris. So we will do the same, we will support it.
That's the first thing.
A. Suvorova: If you have been bequeathed, then it is necessary, right?
Vladimir Putin: And secondly, she laughs so expressively and contagiously that it means that everything is fine with her. And if she is doing well, then... Trump has imposed so many restrictions and sanctions on Russia that no president has ever imposed before. And if Mrs. Harris is doing well, then maybe she will refrain from such actions.
A. Suvorova: Or cancel them.
Vladimir Putin: Ultimately, the choice is up to the American people, and we will respect that choice.
Anna Suvorova: Speaking of the United States. In early August, there was an exchange of prisoners between Russia and the United States. Thanks to the assistance of which countries did this become possible in general? It turns out that in some cases it is still possible to conduct a dialogue with the West. And yet, I will immediately add the same question. In an interview with TASS, Russia's Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov noted that more than 60 Russians remain incarcerated in US prisons. Do they have a chance to return to their homeland?
Vladimir Putin: We always treat all citizens of the Russian Federation who need state assistance equally, and we will continue to do so in the future – this is the first thing.
Secondly, as for the exchanges that took place, many countries took part in this work, in this mission. For example, as for a United States journalist who worked "under the cover" of a journalist, or rather, but clearly carried out intelligence missions and tasks – at the first stage, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia took an active part in this work, for which we are also grateful to him, since this ultimately led to the return of our citizens to their homeland. citizens. And Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan provided the Turkish platform for the final resolution of these issues, as well as some other countries from the Arab world, from some other states, showed good will here. In the end, I think it is in the interests of all those who participated in this process that we have achieved the final positive result, the most important of which is, of course, the return of our citizens to their homeland, including those who performed special missions in the interests of the Motherland abroad.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you, Mr President.
Mr. Ibrahim, let's return to the topic of our meeting today and talk about the prospects for the growth of trade turnover with Russia. You already mentioned yesterday, at your meeting with Vladimir Vladimirovich, that there are prospects and it is necessary to do so. At the same time, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, today we have free trade agreements between the EAEU, which includes Russia, with Iran, Vietnam and Serbia, and it has already been decided that the same agreement will be signed with Mongolia. Negotiations are also underway with Indonesia and a number of other countries. Does Malaysia have any similar ideas?
A. Ibrahim: We believe in free trade, there are no restrictions, and I assured President Putin yesterday that we will continue to do so. We have good relations with Iran and many other countries. If everything goes well, we will continue to develop free trade. Even now, without a special regime, we can see that there is a new wave of interest from both sides: from Malaysia and from Russia.
With these agreements, we will continue to develop this area, help the business community, and invite delegations from both banks and industry.
What is important, we will see faster changes, more positive changes in terms of trade, as well as exchange between Russia and Malaysia. And we hope that we can achieve this as soon as possible.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, in your speech, you spoke about ways to solve the problem of the projected electricity shortage in the Far East. If we talk about the whole country, is there enough electricity generation today?
Vladimir Putin: It depends on which regions. In Siberia, for example, there is excess generation, in the Far East – a shortage, and it will, unfortunately, increase if the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner. In the European part, we also need to think about timely repairs, but also deep modernization. Therefore, there are plans, some of them are being developed, some have already been approved. The main thing is to execute everything in a timely manner and establish economically sound work in this area and make timely decisions.
Anna Suvorova: Speaking of energy, there is another issue, although it is probably already related to foreign markets. At the end of this year, the agreement on the supply of Russian gas in transit through Ukraine to the EU ends. The head of the Kiev regime has already stated that he is not going to renew the contract.
In general, what do you think are the energy prospects for Europe and are the voices of those who will suffer heard at all?
Vladimir Putin: Here is the head of Gazprom opposite [sitting in the hall], also in the first row, as well as [the head of] VTB.
Anna Suvorova: I will also contact German Oskarovich [Gref].
Vladimir Putin: ... And Herman Oskarovich - all "tuta". But this is good, because everyone is showing interest in developing their business in the Far East.
As for Ukraine, we do not refuse this transit, oddly enough. Why? Because we – and Gazprom-intend to fulfill all our obligations to our customers, with whom we have long-term contracts. One of the mandatory components of this joint work is transit. There is a transit contract that ends on December 31 of this year.
If Ukraine refuses this transit – well, we can't force them. And our main consumers in Europe, apparently, do not want to do this, although they provide comprehensive assistance, military, financial, and any other support to Ukraine. But Ukraine refuses our transit, which means that the volumes of gas that come to Europe will be reduced. They will go on other routes, in particular through the "Turkish Stream", maybe partly through the "Blue Stream" to Turkey the same. Although this is for domestic consumption, it will nevertheless create and help energy stability in Europe.
But it's their choice. How this will affect them, I don't really know. We take care of our own issues, and let them take care of their own. I don't even know how to describe it, the attitude towards our allies and partners that so many people in the United States and in Ukraine demonstrate. It is very strange, just incomprehensible to me. We blew up this gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea, Nord Stream, and blew up both lines of Nord Stream 1 and one line of Nord Stream 2. By the way, one exists, it is in working order. What prevents the same German government from pressing the button, negotiating with us and enabling it? How much is it? 25 billion cubic meters per line?
A. Miller: 27.5.
Vladimir Putin: 27.5 billion cubic meters of gas would immediately go to Europe, to Germany. Why they don't do this, I don't understand. They can get it through the territory of Ukraine, they can get it through the Turkish Stream, but they can't use the line that runs along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. In my opinion, this is some kind of professional deformity, schizophrenia, just nonsense. Why?
Well, if they don't want to, don't. We will gradually increase our deliveries to other regions of the world. We have a good project with the People's Republic of China for a long time, before all these crises in Europe and in the Ukrainian direction, on supplies to the People's Republic of China. Next year, we will reach the design capacity of 38 billion cubic meters, plus from the Far East, from here, from the Sakhalin-Vladivostok gas pipeline to the People's Republic of China, plus another 10 billion cubic meters. We are exploring other routes.
I repeat, this has nothing to do with the events in Ukraine, it's just our agreements that were reached many years ago, and we are implementing all this. Plus, we will develop gas liquefaction. Yes, and here they are trying to create problems for us, [head of Novatek] Mr. [Leonid] Michelson knows this better than anyone else. But it is still developing, and Russia's share in the supply of liquefied natural gas to world markets is gradually increasing. It is not as big as we would like, but we will do it anyway, despite all the difficulties that they are trying to create for us, we will still do it.
After all, what is the problem here? No matter how anyone tries to shut down our energy sector, it is impossible, because production is at the limit in accordance with the needs of the global market. It's not easy, you know? It's impossible. Let's imagine that they took everything tomorrow and closed everything: our gas, oil, and so on. The global economy will not survive such a shutdown. It's just that prices will rise to the skies, but they will still buy, without this it is impossible. That's the whole point. After all, when our detractors and those who impose illegal restrictions, which the Vice-President of the People's Republic of China mentioned, do it, they do it from the bottom of their hearts, but not from great intelligence, as they say in such cases, because there is no result. They are guided only by what? Arrogance and self-confidence. And the result is the opposite of the expected one.
Therefore, we will solve our own problems-yes, with some losses, but we will still solve them. And those who do not want to cooperate with us – well, then let them bear losses. We can see what is happening in European countries, and many of them are teetering on the brink of recession. And the situation will get worse, because those who supply them with energy resources are primarily concerned with their own national interests, in the same States. Well, two or three times supply... Or how much is there? 50 percent, 60 percent more than our energy carriers cost, I mean gas first of all. Of course, the European economy, including Germany, which relies on our energy resources, is experiencing very serious challenges. Many industries are simply shutting down. That's the whole point.
But this is not our choice, we are ready, please. Agree with Poland to open up pipeline systems, because they exist. "Yamal – Western Europe" was closed by the Poles. Now Ukraine is closing, and the route under the Baltic Sea "Nord Stream-2" is not included. Well, if they don't want to, don't. There will be damage to them. For us, there will be a certain reduction in revenues, but nothing else, Gazprom will supply more domestically. Also good. We will develop social gasification.
A. Suvorova: I will clarify a little more about gasification. As for Gazprom, by the way: Alexey Borisovich [Miller] mentioned the volume that went along the Nord Stream branches.
In your opinion, given the projects that are currently being implemented in Central Asia, Iran, and China, do you see any prospects for Gazprom to restore its previous volumes of supplies to foreign markets?
Vladimir Putin: I have already mentioned this – that we are reaching the design capacity for deliveries to the People's Republic of China. As for supplies to Central Asia, to Iran, this is also not connected - I want to make it clear-not directly connected with the Ukrainian events. It's just that the economies of these countries are developing, developing actively – they need additional resources, that's all.
The same Uzbekistan-I have already said this, but it is well known – the population growth in Uzbekistan is one million per year. Do you understand? A million a year plus. There are already 37 million people there, very soon there will be 40, and so on. The economy is also growing, you know? And they still have obligations in foreign markets. Of course, the republic needs additional resources. In Tashkent, it was minus 21 the year before last – this has never happened before in history, probably. Of course, they need it, and we have such resources.
We will coordinate our actions with Turkmenistan, of course. Iran has been asking us for supplies for a long time. This is also a very convenient place for us, the deposit is nearby. We are currently thinking, and I believe that this is quite a feasible project. I mean, the markets are huge and there is a huge need in neighboring countries with Iran. There are different opportunities here, and we will develop different markets, work on swaps, liquify, as I said, and so on.
Of course, we will gradually restore the volume of sales-there is no doubt about that. We will also develop our own economy. In many regions, by the way, here in the Far East, we do not have enough gas generation. Gazprom has such plans to unite the European part of the gas transmission system, as well as the Far Eastern part, so that flows can be carried out accordingly.
All this is in our plans. All this will be implemented.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
We will continue to talk about energy.
Mr. Ibrahim, Malaysia is the second largest oil and gas producing country in Southeast Asia. By the way, those most famous twin towers-Petronas in the capital-are just named after the largest energy company in the country.
How do you assess the current situation in the global oil and gas market? And is Malaysia currently considering any joint projects with Russia in the energy sector?
: (as translated)But.Ibrahim We are all now actively discussing the issue of energy transition, and we believe that Russia has a very strong position here. Of course, we continue our exploration and production projects, because, of course, we have a task to reduce our dependence on oil and coal, but we clearly understand that at the moment these energy resources continue to play a very important role.
I would also like to emphasize the importance of importing coal from Russia in the amount of 600 million US dollars. And, of course, we still need traditional sources of energy – until we can make the transition to using renewable energy sources that are more environmentally friendly.
We are well aware that Russia is an important player in this market, so we certainly expect certain synergistic effects in this regard. Although, of course, the energy transition is underway – it cannot be stopped, and we need "green" technologies. They are also important for ensuring our progress as a country that cannot afford to depend entirely on oil.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, you have already mentioned in your speech that the NSR [Northern Sea Route] is now actively developing, and it is also used for transportation of energy resources. You said that by 2030 the figure is planned to increase to 150 million tons – namely transportation.
Do you think that the construction of not only the infrastructure, but also the vessels that will run along this route is proceeding at a sufficient pace today? For example, the day before you also visited the place where a new merchant shipyard will be built in the future, here, near Vladivostok.
Vladimir Putin: This is an issue that should really be in the center of our attention. This is mainly due to the provision of transportation, but also to those vessels, ships that transport cargo, and those that provide pilotage of vessels. This is primarily an icebreaking fleet.
Russia has a unique icebreaking fleet. We have 34 diesel-powered icebreakers of various classes and levels, and seven active nuclear-powered icebreakers. Four are under construction, or rather, three are already under construction – the fourth one will be laid in early 2025. That means seven plus four is eleven. And one more, very high power-an unprecedented high power, in my opinion, about 136 thousand horsepower, if measured in horsepower. This is the so-called "Leader", it is already being built here, in Vladivostok, on the"Star".
All this grouping will certainly provide year-round transportation, because the new icebreaker, especially the Leader, is not only powerful, but also wide, and will be to ensure the escort of convoys of vessels. This is the first one.
Secondly, the ships themselves need to be built, which will transport cargo. Of course, we will expand the capabilities of our shipbuilding industry in the European part as well – we discussed yesterday with the head of VTB, with Mr. Kostin, and with the representatives delegated to our United Shipbuilding Company, the prospects for the development of the European part-and here.
You paid attention correctly: yesterday we looked at the location for the future shipyard. I am sure that we will build it – just as we did with great difficulties, but we also built the Zvezda here in the Far East, in Vladivostok. We need to build infrastructure, port facilities, provide services in these ports, ensure the safety of navigation, take care of the environment, and so on. It's all in one package – everything is planned, implemented and, I am sure, will be implemented.
Taking into account climate change, of course, movement along the Northern Sea Route, and our icebreaker fleet capabilities, should be and, I am sure, will be provided all year round. This is very important for our economy, for the world economy, and for the economy of our friends. In particular, the People's Republic of China shows keen interest in working together in this area. We invite everyone for this, and I am confident of success.
Anna Suvorova: By the way, we are talking about construction, but now we are talking about housing.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, how close is the need for it in the Far East? We know that preferential mortgages are still available here, while it has been canceled in the country. As promised, I quote the words of German Oskarovich Gref, who said that the withdrawal from the preferential mortgage program was delayed.
Do you think that the problem of housing in the whole country has been solved today if we have closed the preferential program?
Vladimir Putin: Mr. Prime Minister quoted Tolstoy and Chekhov.
A. Suvorova: And I'm Gref.
Vladimir Putin: And you already quote Gref – he is also one of the classics.
As for construction, I think we have achieved outstanding results in construction. We have never had such a volume before, as the results of last year: 110 million [square meters of housing]. True, our goal was to reach 120, but 110 is already a very good indicator.
Of course, due to the fact that the preferential mortgage has ended, this cannot but affect the housing construction market, but, I repeat, it is now supported by preferential mortgages in the Far East, the Arctic, family and IT preferential mortgages. But the point and action of the financial authorities, the Government, is, as you said, to cool down this market somewhat.
A. Suvorova: I also quoted it once again, as Nabiullina said.
Vladimir Putin: Yeah, that's good. But in general, of course, such an effect is expected so that there is no "overheating" of the market and that this does not affect macroeconomic indicators. But nevertheless, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we have a very good backlog of construction projects. You can quote him more often – they used to quote him, but now they quote Mr. Mutko less, because he is also a great expert on some issues. But, in any case, it works very well.
Anna Suvorova: From the bottom of my heart.
Vladimir Putin: It depends on everything, but it works with good results. I say this without any irony, without any jokes. The result is that 110 million square meters were set up – including taking into account the work of his corporation ["DOM.Russian Federation"], which he heads.
What I want to say is that we have a very good foundation – 160, maybe even a little more, 163-165 million [square meters] - the foundation of the construction that has begun. So I don't think there will be any failure next year.
Anna Suvorova: I have one more question for you, Mr President, and then we will move on to other topics. One of the most discussed topics of recent times, I think, is that a law that legalizes cryptocurrency mining will come into force in November. Earlier, Federal Law No. 259 "On Digital Assets" came into force.
Does this mean that Russia is moving towards global leadership in the field of cryptocurrencies and that in the future there may be other, new legislation that will regulate this area?
Vladimir Putin: I think that Russia is already one of the world leaders in mining. This is due to the surplus of energy capacities in Siberia. But there are certain issues that have arisen recently.
Of course, we are happy that businesses operating in this area are making good money, but this surplus of energy resources in Siberia should not turn into a deficit, which would be a deterrent to the development of Siberian regions.
Because mining is good, but the construction of housing, industrial social facilities, and the supply of electricity to production facilities planned for construction is no less, and perhaps even more important. That is why the Government has made a decision that should structure this work accordingly.
As for digital currencies, the digital ruble, the Central Bank has made a decision. We are currently working to increase these volumes. And the digital ruble is just one of the types of national currency that will be used by both participants in economic activity and citizens.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you. As promised, we are moving on to another topic.
Mr. Ibrahim, let's not ignore the Middle East conflict. How do you see a way out of this situation?
: (as translated)But.Ibrahim I keep repeating that we cannot follow the narrative that is actively presented in the media, especially in the Western media. That all this allegedly began on October 7 with an attack by Hamas. All this started much earlier – it started with colonization, with the colonization policy back in 1948, with the relevant UN resolutions. And we see a constant, ongoing violation of the rights of citizens who live in the West Bank. We certainly need to correctly define the situation and its narrative.
Do we want to find a solution? Definitely. I welcome the position of the Russian Federation and China. We know that the Foreign Ministry has taken many initiatives to resolve the situation, and many countries, I would say most countries, share this position, including the recognition of the State of Palestine.
But why is there no progress? Because we see the position of Israel, and, unfortunately, this position receives full support from the United States. In fact, we saw that the United States and Congress gave a standing ovation to the heinous crimes that were being committed.
And I ask our Western colleagues: where is your humanity, where is your value for justice? You are constantly lecturing us on the value of democracy and the importance of human rights. Isn't there an obvious contradiction in how you feel about this situation?
And again, what we really need in today's world is an absolutely consistent and clear message: Yes, we respect freedom, we respect the dignity of man and woman, and we must resist all forms of colonization.
Because what is the problem of Palestine right now – not just in the Gaza Strip, but in all of Palestine? This is primarily a problem of loss of property, rights: people were robbed of their land, people were killed, they are being held back, they are being restricted, they are being deprived of their homes. And people are treated as if they were in an open-air prison.
I understand that, of course, Malaysia is a small country, and I clearly understand our limits and abilities, which is why I am very grateful to my dear friends present in this Hall for their support and for the positions of their countries. But, of course, this situation creates so many problems not only in the Muslim world – for everyone who believes in freedom, believes in justice. Because people are outraged: absolutely nothing happens in a situation where people are being killed every day.
I hope and pray that common sense will finally prevail in the minds of decision makers. They are responsible for this situation.
No one, no country, should put up with this outrageous situation, this monstrous brutality any longer. You can't think that we're all safe. This situation is unacceptable. We all have to fight for the justice of all humanity, and we cannot live in a world where everything is determined by skin color or religion. This can't be happening.
If we say justice, then it must be justice for everyone, for all of humanity. Because Palestine and the Palestinians should be treated as human beings, not as second-class citizens or slaves.
Thank you.
Anna Suvorova: Mr President, continuing the topic of the Middle East conflict. Moscow has repeatedly conveyed its position to both sides of the conflict. Can they hear us? Both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
Vladimir Putin: I can join in much of what our guest said. Russia's position is not of a conjunctural nature – it has always been based on decisions that took place earlier and which, in my opinion, should form the basis of the settlement. This is primarily the creation of two independent states.
By the way, this position is shared by many people in the world, including, oddly enough, many in the United States share this position. But, unfortunately, this issue has not been resolved, and it is precisely this issue that underlies both the current aggravation of the situation and the current confrontation. In particular, the current problem is related to the attempts of the United States to monopolize the settlement, because the United States is not considered as a country with neutral positions – and this is the problem.
But I repeat once again: we will do everything that depends on us – and I said this at a recent meeting with Mr. Abbas, who was in Moscow – to contribute to the settlement of this long-standing and very serious crisis.
And as for the humanitarian issue, we are certainly trying to resolve the issues related to the hostages, and we are also achieving certain results here, which we are very happy about. And we will try to do this in the future.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Let's move on to one more topic. Mr. Ibrahim, in your opening remarks, you mentioned and reminded us that Malaysia will assume the ASEAN Presidency next year. What will be the main priorities in the work and how will the association's interaction with Russia be built?
A. Ibrahim: This region is the most peaceful and economically dynamic region in the world, and the most important thing is that countries take an independent political position in this region. We maintain excellent and strong diplomatic relations with our neighbors. We aim to develop economic activities in southern Thailand, northern Malaysia, and Johor, which will help attract large investments. As I have already mentioned, we maintain strong, strong relations with the countries of the region, including I was just in Brunei, and we decided to continue developing multilateral mechanisms for trade development.
The only issue that is important to us at the moment is Myanmar. There are certain problems. Malaysia must now work with the 200,000 refugees who are coming to the country, and of course we are trying to solve these problems. We would not like to dictate certain ways out of the situation to the country in the process of its transition. But the most important thing for us is to maintain peace in the region.
A country must decide for itself what form of statehood it chooses. The main thing is that we don't try to dictate to them what kind of government they should form. First of all, we need to reach a consensus, we need to reach a situation where countries comply with the general rules of cooperation. We have certain problems and positions to discuss with the Philippines and China. We see that these countries are making efforts to solve problems in the spirit of the ASEAN countries. This is exactly what we are aiming for in the future.
I also believe that the position and principle of centrality is primarily to ensure that our region is not a bone of contention for third-party states. We would not like and do not welcome any interference from other regions in our region. My presence in Vladivostok carries this message – that we believe that our task is primarily to ensure that we must serve our peoples, our countries, serve their interests, and maintain diplomatic relations, including Russia, of course. Some countries in the world have certain problems.
As for our country – we have no problems, we have some issues that we are discussing. And we would like to maintain just such a tradition in ASEAN, we would like to maintain just such a level of relations. We have excellent relations with many countries. This does not mean that we agree with all questions, with all positions, but nevertheless we are close friends.
We have a disputed issue with the South China Sea. Yes, there are problems for every country in this region, there are certain problems, because we are located in the center of Asia. We have certain difficulties and issues that we are dealing with with Brunei, the Philippines, and other countries. But can this be called a serious problem? As a matter of fact, no, these are issues that we resolve.
We are not going to quarrel with China. There are issues on which we disagree with China, and there are issues on which we agree. I've been Prime Minister for two years, and I don't think we have any very serious problems with China. Why do countries outside of Asia think that we have serious problems? That's not so.
I support the position of ASEAN, we agree on technology, we agree on political issues, and we agree on economic cooperation. This is an excellent example of a peaceful region that is developing dynamically in the field of economy.
Anna Suvorova: Mr. Zheng, I have a question for you.
At the end of last year, China's trade turnover with ASEAN exceeded $ 911.5 billion, the country's General Customs Administration reported. How do you generally view and assess the economic prospects for China's economic growth today?
Han Zheng: The policy of openness reform has been implemented for 40 years. And more than 20 years have passed since China joined the WTO. Both President Putin and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim expressed very valuable opinions.
The Chinese economy has been developing well for many years. Although we have the second largest economy in the world, the GDP per capita is slightly higher than 12 thousand dollars a year. But China's contribution to global economic growth has been 30 percent for many years. China has already become a major trading partner for more than 140 countries and territories.
President Putin and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim made very valuable suggestions. I think that the elimination of poverty in China is, of course, a contribution to the development of the world economy, because China's population is almost 18 percent of the world's population. Therefore, the elimination of poverty in our country is a contribution to the development of the world economy.
Cooperation and exchanges between our country and other partners in the world are always conducted on the basis of mutual benefit and a very friendly atmosphere, so we can call our cooperation very successful. President Putin expressed a good opinion that it is necessary to adhere to mutually beneficial cooperation.
As you all know, the third plenum of the CPC Central Committee of the XX convocation was recently successfully concluded, and a decision was made to comprehensively strengthen reforms and promote Chinese modernization. This is a clear signal that China will continue to reform and expand openness. As I said in my speech, the Chinese side has always clearly regulated the relationship between openness and reform, so I myself believe that China's development is a contribution to global development, and Chinese development brings huge opportunities to the whole world.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
We are gradually approaching the end of our plenary session.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, we actually spent three hours talking about what the Far East will be like in six years. And what will be a marker for you that everything was successful? What is the main thing?
Vladimir Putin: Population growth. (Applause.)
We need to create the conditions that we have discussed so much today, so that the birth rate increases and people, especially young people, want to come here, to this region, a wonderful, brilliant region with good prospects, and connect their lives with it.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
The last question I would like to address to all the participants of our discussion today is: It reads as follows: what are the main challenges facing our countries today? Please name them. And what are the potential responses to these challenges?
Mr. Ibrahim, let's start with you.
A. Ibrahim: We usually start with the senior representative, the one who leads our meeting. In general, I would give the floor to Vladimir Vladimirovich.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
A question about the future, right?
Anna Suvorova: Of course.
Vladimir Putin: As for Russia, we must ensure the development of the economy based on our own technological solutions with highly qualified, trained and motivated personnel. This is the first one.
As for all of us together, we mean the countries of the Global South in the broadest sense of the word-of course, we must ensure global leadership in the economy. And taking into account the pace of development of the world economy and the pace of development of our countries, this task will certainly be fulfilled.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
(To A. Ibrahim.) Same question.
A. Ibrahim: The question, of course, boils down to the development of the economy. But the fact is that the economy is no longer developing according to the scenario of capitalism of the past. The approach to economic development should be more humane, within the framework of humane capitalism. The growth of trade, of course, but more sympathetic, more attentive to the well-being and welfare of the people, as Mr. Putin has already pointed out.
We must take into account the achievements that Western countries have made – but at the expense of what? Due to the poverty of the population. We must strive for economic growth that will be progressive and sustainable, that will take into account the need to protect the environment, that will happen so quickly and keep up with changes and changes over time, that will keep up with the development of our youth, take into account the interests of young people, take into account the values that are currently in short supply.
I believe that progress should follow the path of humane values and ethics. It is precisely because of this lack that we meet with racism, we meet with distortions, we meet with fanatics, including religious fanatics, and such serious problems. Because we have dehumanized ourselves, so to speak.
I have read many Russian writers and quoted them precisely because they have always emphasized moral, ethical and humane values and their priorities. In fact, we must learn from this, we must learn from the mistakes of the past, especially when it comes to serious distortions and unfairness in our future modernization.
Thank you.
Anna Suvorova: Mr. Zheng, I would like to ask you the same question: what are the main challenges facing our countries today?
Han Zheng: President Xi Jinping said that building a community of common destiny for humanity is the most important task and challenge for all of us, because cultures, religions, and peoples in different regions are different, and all these peoples are at different stages of development, and everyone has different needs. Building such a community is a big challenge for us all.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: I understand that we are finishing up, and for my part, I would like to thank our guests for their bright and informative speeches and for participating in our work, for paying attention to what is happening in Russia and in the Russian Far East.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: And I want to appeal to the audience. First of all, there are people who work in the economic sphere, or civil servants who are currently engaged in discussing these issues. I must say that I am deeply convinced that entrepreneurship is primarily about creation. If we treat this as a creative process, then we will certainly achieve all the goals that we set for ourselves, and we will achieve the solution of the tasks that we face.
I would like to thank you for your participation in this work and wish us all success in implementing our plans.
Thank you very much.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you. For my part, as a moderator, I would like to quote you again, Mr President. Summing up the session, we can say one thing: the priority for the entire XXI century is the Far East.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: And many thanks to our host. Thank you so much for working together.
Anna Suvorova: Thank you. [My Emphasis]
Readers will want to know why I emphasized the word cooperation so many times above. It’s because the opposite was omitted—competition. Ms. Suvorova asked a very pertinent question that troubles many Russians—that China will overwhelm Russia with its wealth and manpower within the competitive global economy. China’s Win-Win mantra is hard for many people to believe because the Zero-sum world has existed for so long—competition generates winners and losers and that’s what history records. Russia’s new political-economy when looked at objectively is based on the Win-Win concept, but it exists within what remains a Zero-sum world, although that’s in the process of being modified—evolving is the term I prefer. The reality of the natural world that’s slowly becoming known because of the great advances made in evolutionary and earth systems theory is that cooperation is the actual driver of evolution, not competition. Thinks about that for a few minutes.
Working together to achieve goals is more productive and far less wasteful than working against each other to attain goals. That logic is the basis for Win-Win, and its foundation exists within the natural world. And when we look at what the goal of evolving into a Multipolar world is it’s to promote a world where all work to advance all. Early in his speech, Putin said that was the same goal for Russian development that is grounded in people centered development—all work for the benefit of all. That is ultimately what socialism is supposed to do. Competition can exist but it must occur within the confines of cooperation. The closing statements by Mr. Ibrahim and Mr. Zheng support this very large goal for Humanity. Zero-sumism has certainly “dehumanized” Humanity and the global conflict is all about altering the paradigm that’s existed for far more than the 500 years of the Colonial Era for its roots in the Western world go back 5,000 years. And while the majority focus of the Forum was on Russia, it ended on an internationalist note exemplified by Mr. Zheng’s answer:
building a community of common destiny for humanity is the most important task and challenge for all of us, because cultures, religions, and peoples in different regions are different, and all these peoples are at different stages of development, and everyone has different needs.
IMO, “building’ is the key word because cooperation is required to properly build things. And the only way to provide for the solution of non-positive differences is to cooperate and work together putting the wellbeing of people at the top of the priority list by making them the focus of development.
Like what you’ve been reading at Karlof1’s Substack? Then please consider subscribing and choosing to make a monthly/yearly pledge to enable my efforts in this challenging realm. Thank You!
So much opportunity, it's good to see Malaysia making the most of future opportunity What should be apparent is that the nation builders will attract the "best and the brightest" with challenging projects. China has shown by its high speed rail that economic opportunity flows and that it takes public investment in infrastructure to create the conditions that allow businesses to develop. Looking forward to seeing developments on the Kuril islands as presently on Google's Earth it looks remote and could do with more attention.
I retouched the first photo. (don't know if this will show up here)