Putin: Second Enlarged Investigative Meeting
Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov
Officially, this is termed “Enlarged meeting of the Board of the Prosecutor General's Office” which the video shows being attended by mostly men wearing the same blue colored suit coats very similar to that worn by Krasnov. The meeting lasts 48-minutes according to the video. There’s very little related to the terrorist investigation. The meeting is clearly related to the Office’s annual review and covers a wide gamut of topics. Now for the meeting:
Vladimir Putin: Dear Igor Viktorovich, Dear comrades,
I will start with the latest tragic event: on March 22, a bloody terrorist attack in the Moscow region killed dozens of our citizens, including children, teenagers, and women. As you know, the criminals who directly committed this mass murder have been arrested. Investigators are carefully investigating the circumstances of this barbaric crime. They find out its details, determine the role and degree of guilt of each participant, and study the conclusions of criminologists and experts. The Federal Security Service and other special services work out their questions under the coordination of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee.
I hope that the prosecutors, within the limits of their powers, including when bringing state charges and during the trial, will do everything necessary to ensure that criminals are fairly punished, as required by Russian law.
In general, the security of our citizens, the protection of their rights and freedoms, ensuring Russia's sovereignty, and strengthening the rule of law have been and remain key objectives of state policy. And today, as part of the annual extended board meeting, you will discuss what areas are important to focus on this year.
I would like to note that over the past period, prosecutors have actively and effectively defended the constitutional, social and economic rights of citizens. We have contributed to the fight against extremism and attempts to interfere in our internal affairs. They firmly defended the interests of the state and society, delved into people's problems and helped solve them during personal receptions.
I would like to thank the Russian Prosecutor's Office for their conscientious work. For the integrity and responsible approach to the implementation of the tasks set. Special thanks to the prosecutors who work in difficult conditions in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. Just like your colleagues in the border regions, you act courageously, perform your duties professionally in difficult situations, help people solve acute problems, and protect their rights and legitimate interests. We will continue to strengthen the prosecutor's offices of Donbass and Novorossiya. This is important for their effective integration into the common economic, legal, administrative, and social space of Russia.
Dear Board members,
This year, the Prosecutor's Office needs to strengthen its work in a number of key areas. First of all, we are talking about the protection of labor, social, housing and other rights of citizens. All issues that determine the quality of life, the well-being of Russian families, and every person should be your priority.
In particular, you need to achieve timely and full payments of wages and pensions, allowances, subsidies, and use the broad powers given to you for this purpose. Follow a tough stance in case of violations of legislation related to supporting families, including those with many children, disabled people, pensioners, and children left without parents.
In my Address, during meetings in the regions with our soldiers and officers, I emphasized the state and moral significance of our common work to support participants in the special military operation and their families.
I instruct you to act decisively and immediately respond to complaints and appeals, red tape, bureaucratic unsubscriptions or direct violations of the law. I also ask military prosecutors to pay special attention to protecting the rights of military personnel.
Another absolute priority, and I also mentioned this in my Address – is our young generation, its upbringing and development. As you know, a new national project "Youth of Russia" will be launched. At the same time, it is important to seriously strengthen the work on protecting the rights of minors. Do everything possible to protect children and teenagers from criminal attacks, from the risks of being drawn into the criminal and extremist environment. And of course, it is the direct duty of prosecutors to regularly and thoroughly check compliance with safety requirements in educational institutions and places of children's recreation.
I have already mentioned that the most important task of the Prosecutor's Office is to control and coordinate the activities of law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime. Last year, there was a slight increase in some types of crimes, but still an increase. I ask you, together with colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies, to carefully analyze this situation and think through a system of additional preventive, preventive and other anti-criminal measures, including monitoring the rule of law in the migration sphere. The situation in this area, which is very important and concerns millions of people, must be kept under control.
In this regard, I would like to note that in 2023, prosecutors supported the state prosecution in more than seven hundred thousand cases in the courts. I hope that you will continue to professionally and competently assist in making legal, reasonable and fair decisions.
I ask you to strengthen control over ensuring the legality of the detention of accused and suspected criminals, as well as over the observance of the rights of citizens who are in places of deprivation of liberty.
Dear comrades,
Increased demands are now being placed on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and all participants in economic life. You understand how important a healthy, efficient economy is to us. This is always important, but today it has a special meaning. We will consistently continue our strategic policy of removing administrative barriers and expanding economic freedoms, supporting business activity, and creating favorable conditions for our companies.
Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a competitive and attractive national jurisdiction, reliable guarantees of property and assets acquired in good faith are the most important conditions for the country's development, economic growth, and the creation of new jobs.
As you know, the goal has been set to fully switch to a risk-based approach starting in 2025. Where there are no risks, apply preventive measures.
With this in mind, the prosecutor's offices will have to seriously adjust and update their work in the field of exercising supervisory powers. I ask you to act here very carefully, carefully, and together with the business community. It is also necessary to reduce the number of business verification activities as much as possible and ensure the protection of the rights of citizens, consumers of goods and services. These are two sides of the same coin. Administrative pressure should also be eased, but it is also necessary to think and ensure the interests of consumers.
And one more important point. I am referring to the work of the Prosecutor General's Office to return a number of large enterprises and property complexes to State ownership.
I would like to immediately outline my position here: we are not talking about any kind of deprivation or nationalization of the economy, and we cannot talk about it.
The work of prosecutors is justified in situations where assets were acquired in circumvention, in violation of the law. Moreover, they are used to the detriment of the state. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that in each such case, it is necessary to act strictly according to the law, within the framework of clear legal procedures. I ask you to strictly stop attempts to use the powers of the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement agencies for self-serving purposes, to put pressure on businesses, participate in economic conflicts that are based on unfair competition, and various schemes for the redistribution of property.
In general, I expect the Prosecutor's Office to be more effective in the fight against corruption. At a recent board meeting of the Federal Security Service, he said that close attention should be paid to protecting funds allocated, among other things, for the social sphere, the state defense order, the modernization of the country's military-industrial complex, the implementation of national projects and federal programs.
Another important area of your work that is socially significant is environmental protection, the ecological well-being of the entire country, Russian regions, cities and towns, and therefore the quality of life of our citizens. You know, this is also something that worries our people.
I hope that environmental prosecutors will act aggressively and effectively within their broad powers. First of all, in such areas as the fight against illegal landfills and illegal deforestation. Strict compliance by industrial enterprises and housing and utilities organizations with the requirements for reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere, eliminating dirty runoff into water bodies. The same responsibility should be applied to the observance of the rule of law in specially protected natural areas. I would like to note that I have recently seen good progress here. And I want to thank you for that. Please do not weaken your attention to this important area.
Dear comrades,
People's destinies, stability in the state, and its social and economic development depend on a professional approach to solving the tasks assigned to you. I am confident that you will continue to work efficiently and professionally.
Thank you very much for your work. I wish you every success.
Igor Krasnov : Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
Dear colleagues!
Over the past year, Russia has continued processes aimed at strengthening the sovereignty of our country and improving the standard of living of our citizens. In turn, a number of Western countries, destroying centuries-old foundations and traditions, in fact, embarked on the path of dehumanization.
Almost every day, our fellow citizens and, most painfully, children are killed by targeted artillery attacks on residential areas and drone strikes on them. On March 22, a terrorist attack was committed in Moscow, which claimed many civilian lives.
These atrocities have a common goal – to intimidate people, to destroy the unity of our people. Their performers, customers, and curators will inevitably face retribution. That is why the most important task for Russia remains to achieve the goals of the special military operation.
By means of supervision, prosecutors ensured the rights and social guarantees of all participants in a special military operation, their families and relatives. The requests received from them, live communication during personal receptions made it possible to identify gaps in the regulatory regulation and organization of the work of authorized departments.
As a result of the measures taken, many problems were quickly eliminated. The mechanism for assigning the status of a combat veteran has been optimized, and more than 300,000 servicemen have received it. Simplified payment of allowances for participation in a special military operation. The range of support measures has been expanded. The procedure for their non-declarative provision has been introduced. The rights of more than 140 thousand citizens who did not receive their compensation and insurance compensation in a timely manner were restored.
In the current situation, territorial and military prosecutors are required to organize supervision in such a way that solving the problems of a particular person is necessarily accompanied by eliminating the causes of systemic violations. If you need a federal response, please report it to the Prosecutor General's Office.
Of course, each participant in a special military operation and his family members are on a special account, protected by law, but there is a separate category among them that requires an individual approach. These are widows raising young children, and large families who have lost the breadwinner. It is important to ensure that personal patronage is established over them, which fully corresponds to the spirit and letter of the Presidential decrees and instructions contained in the Message to the Federal Assembly.
Before summing up the results of our work over the past year, I will focus on the most important event of this year – the Russian presidential election.
The accumulated experience of supervising election campaigns allowed us to ensure the legality and security of their conduct in accordance with the highest standards of openness and transparency within our competence. I cannot fail to note the unprecedented solidarity of the Russian citizens who voted in the elections, and the unity of our people.
Going back to the results of last year, considerable efforts of the prosecutors were directed to the full support of large and single-parent families, orphans and disabled children.
In the field of maternal, paternity and childhood health protection, more than 400 thousand violations of laws have been stopped, and a number of important initiatives have been implemented. For example, minors with type 1 diabetes can now receive continuous blood glucose monitoring systems, insulin pumps, and other supplies for free. The Government has provided the necessary funding for this purpose.
Unfortunately, the number of children with disabilities has increased in recent decades, and therefore the issues of obtaining preferential medicines, technical and medical devices to make life easier for them require our constant attention.
I instruct prosecutors to control the allocation and expenditure of funds for territorial programs at all stages, taking into account the real need for medicines and materials for young patients.
Another key task is to respect the rights of children left without parental care. 375 thousand orphaned children live in the country, almost 200 thousand adults from this category have the right to receive housing but are not provided with it. The consistent work carried out by the prosecutors contributed to the stable allocation of funding for the purchase of apartments for this category of people.
The authorities were forced to redistribute the ownerless housing stock in the interests of this category of persons. Pay attention to the proper use of the housing provided and its quality and monitor the implementation of all measures to support orphaned children for their speedy adaptation to society. Children are our future. It's not just a slogan.
Many components of a country's development directly depend on the quality of education and support for talented children and young people. I see the task of prosecutors in removing any obstacles on this path. Provision of supervision facilities, compliance with the terms of construction of educational institutions, their proper equipment, objectivity and transparency in conducting the Unified State Exam and all stages of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren.
Large families need special care. In many regions, they face the problem of obtaining land for individual housing construction, which is solved by officials slowly, and sometimes openly mocking. Land plots are sometimes provided where it is impossible to reach even without a helicopter. Each of my field visits expands my understanding of the scale and severity of this problem.
You have all the necessary powers to get them to receive land plots with the established infrastructure or monetary compensation with planned financing. And this is only one of the many support measures provided to large families in accordance with the new Decree of the President of the country.
I instruct prosecutors to monitor its implementation, stop red tape, arbitrary interpretation, leading to a decrease in the amount of assistance provided.
Solving the problem of demographic development of the country is connected with reliable medical and drug supply to the population. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of large-scale measures taken by the State to modernize the healthcare system is sometimes reduced due to improper performance of their direct duties by officials.
In many regions, prosecutors responded to violations in the organization of remote registration of citizens to see a doctor, maintaining electronic medical records of patients. Computer equipment purchased for this purpose was often not used. Egregious cases were revealed when the necessary preferential drugs for people suffering from serious diseases were not available in pharmacies, but at the same time they were gathering dust in warehouses for years and were subsequently destroyed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. For example, in the Vladimir region, the damage caused amounted to almost 60 million rubles, in the Orel region-11 [million rubles].
Each such fact needs to be dealt with in detail, to give a principled, even criminal-legal assessment of the inactivity of officials in the organization of drug supply to the population.
The area of constant attention should remain the construction and operation of FAPs in small settlements, as well as the working conditions of paramedics, nurses and ambulance drivers. Due to a serious shortage of personnel, the burden on emergency service teams is exorbitant, and often they are not paid accordingly.
In the past year, people have been concerned about the overall increase in the cost of living and especially the rise in food and motor fuel prices. Pensioners and other socially vulnerable segments of the population felt this most acutely. On my instructions, inspections of the validity of prices for sugar, chicken eggs, wholesale and retail surcharges for medicines were promptly organized. This made it possible to significantly reduce the tension in society.
On our initiative, adjustments were made to the standards for packaging goods. Now manufacturers cannot reduce the volume and weight of products in the package to create a deceptive effect of maintaining prices. Managers of large trading companies have been warned against unjustified increases in fuel prices.
Within the framework of previously given instructions, use supervisory means to identify and prevent price collusions and other abuses related to overstating prices in the food and other socially significant consumer markets, especially in the housing and communal services sector.
The rising cost of public services concerns almost the entire population of the country. In the Republics of Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, Moscow, Pskov regions and a number of other regions, the facts of including almost 6 billion rubles of illegal expenses in electricity tariffs, including for servicing premium cars, holding banquets and other expenses, were revealed.
Supervisory support was provided for measures to stabilize the operation of the electric grid complex, including reducing the level of losses in the networks and stopping the facts of illegal connection to them.
Thanks to the measures taken, more than 10 billion rubles of debt for various types of energy was repaid by management companies, organizations and enterprises.
Gas is supplied to 11 thousand households in 26 regions of the country. More than 8,5 thousand ownerless energy facilities have already been transferred to state and municipal ownership.
The Government has implemented our proposed mechanism for free construction of gas pipelines to the borders of sites where educational and medical organizations, including FAPs, are located. As a result, more than 100 such objects were connected to the networks.
At the same time, the current harsh winter has exacerbated unsolvable problems in the housing and communal services sector in the Primorsky Territory, Volgograd, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Leningrad, Penza, Sverdlovsk and other regions. Residents waited an unacceptably long time for heat supply to their apartments. Taking into account the multiple increase in the number of accidents at heat, water, and electricity supply facilities, which caused a fair indignation of people, we drew the attention of the Ministry of Energy to the need to identify the most complex sections of communications and resources for their modernization.
In turn, I instruct the prosecutors to establish strict control over the recalculation of payments for non-delivered utility resources. As part of the instructions given to you in January, carefully evaluate the measures for updating utility networks, connecting new consumers to them, and their impact on the accident rate.
Separately, once again I have to pay attention to the slow task of putting property into concession circulation. Do not allow the facts of uncompetitive transfer of infrastructure to private hands, including for rent, and seek to bring to the established responsibility all officials affiliated with housing and utilities companies and developers. Respond in a timely manner to the inaction of local governments and operating organizations to take over the balance of engineering communications. This directly affects not only the comfort, but also the safety of living of our citizens, including the environmental component.
Environmental protection is undoubtedly one of the key state tasks. Supervisory inspections covered almost all environmental areas.
In 60 regions, prosecutors have stopped the activities of public utilities and other water users who discharge into drains without treatment. Measures were taken to bring the perpetrators to justice and compensate for the damage. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, more than 465 million rubles of damage caused to the Volga River was recovered from the violator.
In total, 84 wastewater treatment plants were repaired and built in compliance with the prosecutor's response acts.
More than 1.5 thousand guilty persons were brought to various types of responsibility for soil contamination with hazardous waste, their storage in social institutions, on forest lands and within the boundaries of sanitary zones of resorts.
The issues of loss of protected lands due to the lack of complete information about them in the cadastral register are relevant. The same problem is typical for forests. The borders of half of the 1.5 thousand forest districts are currently not specified, and therefore forest lands are illegally included in settlements and illegally alienated. All this is fertile ground for the so-called black loggers and the smuggling of strategic raw materials.
By means of supervision, put a barrier to illegal disposal of forest and protected land plots, including under the guise of implementing new mechanisms for organizing tourism.
In the run-up to floods and fire hazards, it is necessary to assess in advance the actual readiness of the authorities to prevent their possible consequences.
The problem of overflowing landfills remains acute. React to the sluggishness of regional authorities in organizing the construction of waste-processing enterprises and remediation of accumulated damage objects.
Show firmness in defending the rights of citizens to a favorable environment, not allowing extreme forms of protest of people, fueled by pseudo-environmentalists with foreign funding.
Enforcement of court decisions requires constant attention. In the activities of bailiffs, the facts of long – term – more than 10 years-conducting enforcement proceedings, up to their loss, are not excluded.
Many distortions in the work are associated with improper digitalization of processes, which creates confusion and, as a result, illegal enforcement actions against namesakes and other persons not involved in the recovery.
After large-scale prosecutor's checks, the rights of more than 60 thousand claimants were restored in two years, and they were paid more than 650 million rubles. I demand that you respond to the relevant signals in the strongest possible way.
Mistakes in this area should be finally eradicated, since this significantly affects the financial well-being of our citizens, and its source for most households, as is known, is wages.
A month ago, I signed a new order on the organization of supervision of compliance with labor legislation. In fact, it is a "road map" in which, in addition to paying off labor debts, all other mechanisms and tasks for protecting the labor rights of our citizens, including vulnerable segments of the population, participants in a special military operation, their families and relatives, are clearly spelled out. Provide personal control over its execution.
Supervision of national priority projects, as before, was aimed at high-quality and timely execution. Administrative fines totaling more than 1.5 billion rubles were imposed for violating the terms of contract work under the decisions of prosecutors.
Claims for recovery of almost 4.5 billion rubles from unscrupulous contractors have been sent to the courts, and 719 criminal cases have also been initiated based on our materials.
The measures taken contributed to the completion of construction, repair and commissioning of more than 130 social facilities across the country. These are new clinics, hospitals, schools, kindergartens.
Today, the implementation of the tasks set by the Address to the Federal Assembly requires enormous budget funding. In this regard, build proactive oversight. Its integral component, in addition to ensuring its safety.
The purpose of using the allocated funds should be to assess the impact of the results of the measures taken on ensuring the rights of citizens.
Efforts to recover lost property are also aimed at strengthening the State's economic base. In court, prosecutors have succeeded in restoring state control over dozens of strategic enterprises, whose products are critical for strengthening the defense capability and development of our country. They left the property of the Russian Federation in an illegal, including corrupt, way. Moreover, some of these funds were even used to finance terrorist activities on the part of Ukraine. Based on the real value of assets, the amount is more than 1 trillion rubles.
Carefully deal with the illegal alienation of businesses and real estate in order to withdraw the asset abroad, including in the course of bankruptcy. Challenge illegal transactions and seek a legal assessment of the actions of managers, founders, and other beneficiaries. At the same time, it is obvious that the absolute majority of entrepreneurs in the country conduct their business honestly and openly. In their interests, prosecutors have continued to take supervisory measures to eliminate excessive control and reduce the administrative burden.
Last year, out of 98,000 unscheduled inspections and 150,000 events proposed by the inspectors, less than a third were authorized by the prosecutors for the current year. Basically, those of them that are necessary for ensuring public safety have been agreed upon.
In the course of a direct and open dialogue with entrepreneurs, we learn about the systemic problems they face. We approach the solution in a comprehensive manner, starting with initiating changes in the regulatory framework and ending with monitoring the actual restoration of the rights of specific economic entities.
Protection of the interests of bona fide entrepreneurs, strict filtering of control measures requires constant adjustment of supervisory decisions depending on changes in legislation and a number of other factors. Due to the growing number of risk indicators as independent grounds for unscheduled visits of inspectors, there is a threat of resuming mass business inspections. Therefore, their unjustified establishment and use should be strictly suppressed.
When an entrepreneur is not distracted by inspectors, abuse, including corruption, is eliminated, and forces and resources are saved. As a result, they have more time, resources, and energy to develop their business. Such processes are taking place today. The business is showing strong growth in many areas.
In the current circumstances, a return to full-scale inspections is absolutely unacceptable. In our work, we will proceed from the President's instructions in his Address to the Federal Assembly.
Significant efforts of prosecutors last year were aimed at ensuring the stable and uninterrupted functioning of the country's military-industrial complex. A special impulse to this was the exploits and successes of our soldiers on the battlefield in the area of a special military operation, understanding their basic needs.
On a daily basis, we monitored and, most importantly, eliminated the shortcomings and problems that prevent enterprises from quickly and efficiently fulfilling the state defense order, the volume of which has increased many times.
Taking into account the chains of cooperation, the necessary interaction of prosecutors and enterprises, sometimes located in different parts of the country, was ensured. Their coordination with the company's managers online made it possible to quickly eliminate emerging problems and in some cases contributed to the early implementation of the state defense order and the delivery of new weapons and equipment to the front line.
Also, on a systematic basis, inspections of compliance by defense industry organizations with the legislation when filling vacancies in popular specialties, creating appropriate social and living conditions for their employees were carried out.
The result of this work was an increase in the number of employees of enterprises, wages and, as a result, the fulfillment of the super-task of producing additional volumes of military products.
At the same time, supervisory measures in the field of import substitution and modernization of weapons require significant strengthening. Territorial and military prosecutors should respond promptly and harshly to every signal of the use of counterfeit materials in the production and repair of military equipment, abuse in the use of allocated budget funds. Unfortunately, there are such facts. Last year, prosecutors initiated 531 criminal cases.
In the conditions of a high level of threats to the security of important objects, sabotage using drones by means of surveillance, it is necessary to achieve the maximum level of security of strategic enterprises, their provision with special means of detecting and suppressing such aircraft.
The state and structure of crime have not changed significantly over the past year. However, the negative dynamics in certain categories does cause serious concern.
Cybercrime has once again increased, and its share in the total number of criminal acts has reached 35 percent for the first time. Only a quarter of them are revealed. The amount of compensation for the damage caused is critically small, even in cases sent to court, it does not exceed a third.
Criminals who have lost their human form choose victims from vulnerable segments of society, pensioners and even children. Taking advantage of their credulity, deceiving, intimidating, sometimes take away the last money, and to circumvent the measures taken to prevent cybercrime, all new ways of committing them are used. [AI?]
In this regard, in cooperation with all interested agencies, step up efforts to prevent such illegal activities, and pay special attention to the fight against the use of special technical devices for fraudulent actions, for example, mass phone calls of citizens.
With the involvement of financial institutions, mobile operators and providers, make every effort to inform people about threats in the digital environment and improve legal literacy.
The issue of combating crimes of illegal and labor migrants remains relevant. The total number of criminal acts committed by them has increased by three-quarters to 21,894. Prosecutors need to analyze the situation in this area, taking into account regional specifics, and develop balanced solutions based on the need to ensure the safety of citizens and economically feasible use of foreign labor.
The past year has been marked by the achievement of significant tasks in the field of anti-corruption. The systematic work carried out jointly with other departments has yielded positive results. Almost 50 thousand officials who violated anti-corruption bans were brought to disciplinary responsibility under acts of prosecutor's response, and more than 560 were dismissed due to loss of trust.
Our claim work remained an effective measure for violators, both in the framework of monitoring the expenses of officials, and in the course of supervising operational-investigative and criminal-procedural activities. As a result, during the year, corrupt officials lost almost 4 thousand real estate objects, cars and new expensive property purchased with unconfirmed income.
In total, the courts satisfied anti-corruption claims of prosecutors in the amount of more than 400 billion rubles. Most of it has already been collected and received by the budget. This work has a clearly defined preventive component. When the possibility of losing property or being deprived of rights is obvious, law-abiding behavior of citizens becomes a priority, especially taking into account the measures taken to increase the prestige of the state and municipal service.
I demand to respond harshly to every case of non-compliance by officials with the restrictions provided for by law, to ensure that responsibility for corrupt behavior is inevitable, regardless of rank and rank.
Last year, in the context of an unprecedented increase in extremist and terrorist threats, the work of all authorized bodies to prevent them was intensified.
Considerable efforts were made directly by the prosecutors to stop the spread of radical ideology and false information on the Internet that destabilized public order, the number of which increased significantly with the beginning of the special military operation.
During this period, according to the requirements of the Prosecutor General's Office, illegal information was removed from more than 270 thousand sites. The list of foreign and international non – governmental organizations deemed undesirable on our initiative has more than doubled to 128.
Now it is very important to stop any actions aimed at resuming their programs or projects in a timely manner. The inevitability of criminal punishment for those who pose a threat to our country and our society must be ensured.
Unfortunately, hostile attempts to draw Russians into destructive actions and processes continue unabated. A vivid example is the event in Dagestan, when literally at the click of a finger from abroad, more than a thousand local residents responded to calls for violence posted in Telegram channels, while showing unprecedented aggression. Illogical events took place in Bashkortostan at the beginning of this year.
It is necessary to strictly stop any such manifestations, increase the demand from all subjects in prevention for the preventive work carried out.
Pay special attention to the activities of government agencies and law enforcement agencies in terms of the speed of their response to emerging threats, primarily under the influence of national and religious factors. Unjustified delay in such cases can also be considered as a form of hidden complicity in order to influence the stability of the socio-political situation in the region.
Once again, I demand a tough response to this. Be proactive, especially when dealing with the prevention of terrorist threats.
The terrorist attack in Crocus City is a new challenge for the entire law enforcement system, primarily from the point of view of protecting objects with a mass presence of people.
Taking into account the obvious increase in the level of terrorist threats in the whole country, it is necessary to oblige executive authorities to update their safety data sheets by means of supervision. When assessing vulnerability, a formal statement of compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security of such facilities by means of security guards and licensing conditions is unacceptable.
Within the scope of your authority, take comprehensive measures to prevent a repeat of the tragedy. Your area of special attention should include all public event venues, critical infrastructure, and transportation facilities.
In general, transport prosecutors should focus their efforts on protecting the rights of passengers and implementing legislation in the field of transportation. Supervisory inspections should cover the maintenance of proper technical condition of aircraft, rail and water transport.
Ensure legality in spending budget funds allocated for the construction of the Eastern Landfill, modernization of ports and other important infrastructure, and control the time frame for the construction of facilities. Bring the deoffshorization of strategic companies operating in seaports to its logical conclusion.
I should note that despite the continuing tension in relations with a number of countries, we remain open to constructive cooperation with foreign partners in fulfilling our commitments. Prosecutors need to demonstrate just such a professional, non-politicized approach to all incoming requests, regardless of the country of the initiator, of course, not to the detriment of the national interests and rights of Russian citizens.
In the context of the rapid development of information technologies, we need to use artificial intelligence more boldly and widely, use it to predict the dynamics and structure of crimes and offenses, and determine the areas of prosecutor's activity that will be relevant in a few years.
To this end, at the federal level, I have approved a plan for the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the prosecutor's office for the next three years. I look forward to your overall involvement in new approaches to the organization of supervision. However, no artificial intelligence, of course, will not replace the prosecutor with his professional flair, skills, loyalty to his country and attentive attitude to people. This is especially important when communicating with citizens who need to solve many acute social issues and restore justice. The procedure for resolving complaints that has been adjusted in recent years has increased the targeting of supervisory measures, their effectiveness and relevance.
I think that the next significant increase in complaints received by the prosecutor's office, and their number is over 6 million 300 thousand, was primarily the result of all our work in this direction.
Once again analyze all its aspects in your region, identify the most pressing issues of concern to people. To do this, sometimes you just need to follow the route of an ordinary schoolboy. I believe that all the problems associated with the lack of light on the streets, the safety of crossings over roads and railways, the availability of public transport, the prosecutors will feel, as they say, on themselves and take measures to completely eliminate them.
At the same time, it is necessary to increase the level of requirements when supervising the legality of resolving complaints in other bodies that are required by law to do so.
In turn, monitoring of mass media, social networks, and analysis of the state of legality in the regions for organizing my field receptions this year will definitely continue.
In conclusion, I would like to note that taking into account the complexity of the tasks facing the prosecutor's offices, increasing demand and expanding the areas of activity, we certainly need a strong human resource potential. This is especially important in our historical territories that have been reunited with Russia.
A branch of the University of Public Prosecutor's Office has been opened in Luhansk, where it is necessary to strengthen the scientific base, attract teaching staff from other universities of the country, and introduce advanced teaching methods, including modern digital competencies.
While developing the mentoring institute, attract the most experienced employees, whose knowledge and authority will ensure the earliest possible mastery of the specialty and achievement of the required level of professional skill. The formation of highly qualified personnel is directly related to increasing the prestige of the prosecutor's office. In these matters, a lot depends on you as managers.
Dear colleagues!
In the limited scope of the report, I have reflected only a small part of the problems that reduce social tensions, ensure stability in economic sectors, and ensure national security largely depend on overcoming. The relevant instructions to prosecutors are detailed and set out in the draft decision. To implement them, we will cooperate with all state authorities and law enforcement agencies.
I assure you, Mr President, that joint efforts will become a reliable basis for fulfilling all the tasks you set out in your Address to the Federal Assembly.
Concluding our report, allow me to congratulate you personally and the entire staff of the Russian Prosecutor's Office on your re-election as head of state and wish you to implement all your plans in the interests of Russia and its citizens.
Thanks for attention.
Vladimir Putin: Dear Igor Viktorovich, Dear colleagues!
In conclusion, I will say just a few words: they are, of course, of a general nature, but nevertheless I think it matters.
As you know, our country is fighting for the protection of its vital interests, for the right of independent, independent and sovereign development. Unfortunately, our detractors, our competitors, and our opponents forced us to defend these interests by armed means, to fight those whom they armed and trained to fight Russia on the territory of a neighboring state. And in today's conditions, everything we do in all spheres of our life should be dedicated to Russia's success in this area. This means that the prosecutor's office, of course, retains the most important tools for achieving success. In no case should we allow any laxity, we should encourage all authorities, all citizens of the country to strictly comply with the current norms and laws.
We need to be focused and efficient. No slackness in anything. At the same time, the situation is not simple, and it requires a creative, flexible approach to all areas of regulation. First of all, of course, we need to pay attention to assistance and support, as I said in my report and opening remarks, for military personnel and their families. People should understand and know that they are doing their duty to the Motherland, risking their lives, and are protected by the state. And everything that the state has outlined in the sphere of supporting military personnel, of course, must be implemented.
We should also pay special attention to the economy, because it is the key to success in all areas of our life. There are a lot of tasks here, I won't repeat myself now, I won't list anything that I said myself or what the Prosecutor General said.
What would you just like to pay attention to? Of course, the prosecutor's office aims to just strictly monitor the implementation of laws, and that's all, but I ask you to approach all these problems that arise in the economic sphere flexibly. Do not just act on the principle of "grab and don't let go", but rather engage in prevention. Bona fide participants in economic activity should be advised in time where they can enter the danger zone from the point of view of violating the current law. We need to help people. But, of course, it is necessary to strictly punish those who knowingly commit these violations, engage in embezzlement.
We are only allocating an additional nine trillion rubles for the next few years-a huge amount of money - in all areas: improving defense capabilities, supporting defense industry enterprises, and in the social sphere – education, healthcare, science, and so on. It is necessary to make sure that no money goes into anyone's pocket and no money sticks to anyone. So that they are all effectively aimed at improving our economic well-being.
But, of course, another important aspect, social in general, in the broadest sense of the word, is that people should feel that the prosecutor's office is protecting their interests. What is most important and highly valued in our country depends on this – justice. The internal political state of Russian society depends on how effectively we will ensure this social justice – this is the preservation of our state and ensuring the achievement of the goals that we set for ourselves in all the most important areas.
You have a huge responsibility on your shoulders. I would like to thank you for the work you have done in the previous year, and I would like to wish you every success.
Thank you very much.
I see a very wide gap in the duties of Russia’s prosecutors and those in the West. There’s a rather large percentage of the US population that sees all law enforcement as the enemy of freedom and protectors of the wealthy at the expense of all those who actually pay their salaries. As noted, providing the means to attain social justice in Russia are delegated to the Prosecutor General’s Office as well as some other important social duties I would never expect police to do within the Outlaw US Empire. Clearly, Russia still has trouble with “white collar crime” and bureaucratic corruption. Altogether, further insight into the differences between Russian and Western systems of Law Enforcement and the greater realm of responsibilities Russians have in that regard. IMO, Russian law enforcement’s motto ought to be Defend, Enforce and Support.
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