A packed Kremlin Palace hosted the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences during which Vladimir Putin presented the Outstanding Scientists State Awards of the Russian Federation and Prizes President for Science and Innovation for Young Scientists for 2023.
The USA formally gained its independence with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783 and just reached 240 years as a state. That gives a bit of perspective on how long Russians have been undertaking scientific enquiries and is perhaps part of the reason it’s ahead of most nations in the world of scientific discovery. One of the reasons for Russia’s economic and military rebound after the 1990’s disaster is that the Academy continued to do its work. Note there’s no interruption for the Soviet period. It was perhaps the only institution that wasn’t completely purged during the Revolution and Civil War. And the Soviet Era continued to award its top scientists. But as we read on we find out it isn’t Russia’s oldest academic institution. Putin’s speech and the speeches of the awardees fill in some of the history and inform us of some current research.
Prior to the awards and anniversary evening, a meeting of the Science and Education Council was held and its transcript will follow this in a second part since they won’t all fit onto one page without making it crazy long. Note that both the state, state-owned corporations and private corporations provide direct support to the Academy just as we learned from all the university expansion being done across Russia—it’s a national effort that’s almost unique globally with very deep roots in Russian culture. All emphasis is mine. Speech time:
Vladimir Putin: Dear friends!
Today is a special day for our country: the Russian Academy of Sciences is celebrating its three-hundred-year anniversary. This event is certainly not only of national, but also of truly global significance and scale. This is why it is deservedly included in the UNESCO list of memorable dates.
It is also symbolic that we celebrate the Day of Russian Science on the Academy's birthday. I congratulate you on this holiday. This is a holiday that unites the entire research community of our country.
I would like to congratulate on the anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences all citizens of our country and, of course, academicians, corresponding members, employees of the Academy, all scientists of the country and, I will add, our foreign colleagues who [continue to cooperate], despite all the restrictions, prohibitions and barriers that are introduced by people who are clearly not of an academic mindset, who do not understand that it is impossible to create a barrier, an absolute iron curtain, as it once was. But even during the Iron Curtain era, it was not possible to ban communication between scientists. Let's remember how the nuclear project was created, let's remember outstanding physicists, Fermi, Bohr and so on, but even then it was impossible to ban communication, and today it is simply ridiculous. Nevertheless, these attempts continue. At the same time, fruitful scientific cooperation between your colleagues and contacts with Russian scientists continues. I would like to emphasize that we will always be open to partnership in the interests of all mankind.
I wish the Academy to continue to serve Russia and our people faithfully at the new historical stage, preserving its history and traditions, always moving forward, being at the forefront of progress, and ensuring our state, scientific, technological, and value sovereignty.
You know very well that the Academy was established at a turning point when our country became a great power. Peter the Great, the founder and inspirer of the Academy, saw the enormous role of science for enlightenment and education, for strengthening the military power and economic potential of the state.
It is well known that throughout its history the Academy has been engaged in fundamental science, and its role in the life of the country is also absolutely fundamental. The contribution of members of the Academy, researchers, discoverers, and pioneers to the formation of Russia as a state-civilization is truly priceless.
According to the great scientist, Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, the independent scientific work of the Russian society began with the study of the native Fatherland, the development of our boundless lands.
The natural, ethnographic, and archaeological collections and research results collected by many generations of scientists are the true property of Russia, serve to preserve our identity and historical truth, preserve our great multinational people, our culture, literature, and original traditions of the peoples of Russia who have lived in this territory for centuries, and have lived side by side in our country for centuries.
I repeat, we need to carefully and carefully treat the academic heritage. It should be open to the public, serve the cause of education, and educate the younger generations. We must and will always refer to it when forming our long-term plans in the economy, social development, and demography.
Let me remind you in this regard that it was the academic Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Forces that first systematically engaged in strategic planning of the country's development. In this sense, the growing involvement of the Academy of Sciences in the development of our major infrastructure projects, including the development of global logistics corridors and new transport highways, is deeply symbolic.
The power of scientific foresight, as well as the versatility and boundless breadth of scientific research, has always distinguished the work of the Academy of Sciences, its representatives have achieved outstanding success not only in the humanities, but also in natural disciplines, and have formed the strongest schools in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, and medicine.
The developments, discoveries, and scientific audacity of our scientists made a huge contribution to the victory over Nazism. And in the second half of the XX century, it was the achievements of the Academy that made it possible to create a nuclear missile shield and ensure the country's primacy in the study and development of outer space.
By their selfless and heroic work, Soviet scientists have made our Fatherland one of the greatest scientific powers in the world. This foundation still serves us today, helps us maintain continuity, which means that we can move to new frontiers and set the most ambitious goals.
Dear colleagues! Dear friends!
Today, we are implementing the development agenda and building up our potential in very difficult conditions. And it is obvious that the Academy of Sciences also operates in difficult conditions. Its responsibility for the results obtained increases significantly in today's conditions.
It is your discoveries and scientific achievements that will allow us to solve problems in all areas at a qualitatively different level: in the field of security, in healthcare, in industry, in infrastructure, in ecology and energy. At the same time, I emphasize that the point is not to catch up with someone or just copy someone else's. In science, as in all other areas, we must be proactive and be among the leaders. And taking into account what we have inherited from our predecessors, from your predecessors, we can certainly do this.
By the way, I am sure you know that in those scientific and technological areas where we have significant and unique competencies, our foreign "partners", as we have always said, do not even try to impose any sanctions and restrictions against us, they understand that it is useless and meaningless here. Therefore, I repeat, we need to be strong, self-sufficient and competitive in all key vectors of progress: self-sufficient – in terms of meeting their own key needs, competitive-in order to shape the global development agenda, take a strong position in the world markets both today and in the future.
We should strive, literally, to step over the next technological milestone, build up our unique competencies in order to create equal international scientific and technological alliances. And in the areas that are critical for us, we must have the full range of technologies and means of production.
These principles will also be reflected in the updated Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development, which was discussed today at the meeting of the Council for Science and Education. The role of the Academy in its implementation is one of the central ones.
At a recent meeting with the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Gennady Yakovlevich Krasnikov, we discussed in detail the directions of further work of the Academy, the expansion of its powers, taking into account the requirements of the time. At the same time, we once again confirmed the need for unconditional preservation of all deep historical traditions. I am referring first of all to the status of the country's highest scientific institution, self-government, independence of the Academy of Sciences and the election of its leadership, academicians and corresponding members. In addition, a number of important decisions were discussed, some of which can be mentioned today.
First of all, it is important to fully integrate the Academy of Sciences into the process of making key state and strategic decisions. In this logic, a decree has already been signed to include the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Security Council of the Russian Federation. And I assume that this will not be a formal act.
It is also clear that all significant initiatives, including our national projects and plans for the development of infrastructure, industries and regions, should be subject to a deep, objective scientific expertise of the Academy, and scientific and technological programs, primarily in such key areas as space, microelectronics, quantum and biotechnologies, and genetics, should be implemented with the leading role of the Russian Academy sciences. I would also like to add that textbooks for universities and schools must pass a mandatory academic examination.
The Russian Academy of Sciences should also take over the management of dissertation councils, review their decisions, and analyze dissertations submitted for defense. I agree that the Academy should directly participate in the formation of new approaches to awarding academic degrees and titles, in the certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.
In this regard, it is logical and appropriate that the further development of the Higher Attestation Commission and the organization of its activities should be carried out under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences, and one of the Vice-presidents of the Russian Academy of Sciences should lead the Higher Attestation Commission by status.
It is also necessary to strengthen the role of the Academy in the formation and coordination of basic research, and significantly strengthen the scientific and methodological leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences in scientific centers and universities in our country. They must meet the high standards of our time, the standards of the XXI century, the speed of technological changes that are taking place in the world.
Here I would like to make a special mention of scientific organizations that have a high academic title. They are historically connected with the Academy, they are united by common achievements and scientific triumphs. And it is the Russian Academy of Sciences – regardless of the departmental subordination of academic institutions-that should determine the directions of their activities, take a direct part in solving funding issues, and select candidates for their leaders. Moreover, all this should take place according to uniform, understandable and transparent procedures for the scientific community.
I emphasize that when reorganizing and changing the jurisdiction of such scientific organizations, of course, their main goals and objectives should be preserved. The loss and inefficient use of their research infrastructure is unacceptable, as well as any decisions, especially bypassing the Academy, to allocate experimental production facilities and medical facilities necessary for training, conducting experiments and testing from the institutes.
And, of course, all regional branches and centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences – in Siberia, the Urals, the Far East, in the north and south of the country, in the regions of Donbass and Novorossiya, and of course, the newly created branch in St. Petersburg-should work together on common tasks.
Further. I fully agree that as the main scientific and expert center of the country, the Russian Academy of Sciences is called upon to form a unified database of scientific publications and research, to provide conditions for the search, exchange and dissemination of scientific information, to promote the results of domestic scientists, and to popularize science both in Russia and abroad.
In this regard, I think it is right to include in the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences the Russian Center for Scientific Information, which contains a huge array of research publications and other data that scientists need, as well as the Nauka publishing house, which is almost the same age as the Academy and dates back to 1727.
I emphasize that the Academy is designed to become a real intellectual headquarters for the development of domestic science, to solve the most important tasks of the country's development. But the support of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as science in general, from the state should also increase.
This year, federal budget expenditures on the Academy of Sciences have increased by almost a third compared to last year, to almost six billion rubles. Monthly payments to academicians and corresponding members have also been increased by one and a half times. I think that this is not enough. I propose a different solution here, namely, to double the amount of such payments compared to 2023. In this audience, I can also name the numbers. An academician will have to receive 200 thousand rubles a month, and a member of the academy – 100 thousand rubles. [$2,200/1,100 @91/1$]
I note that the total amount of government spending on research and development for civilian purposes in the next three years will exceed one and a half trillion rubles. [~$16.5Billion] I have already said at the Council on Science and Education today that taking into account new tasks, we need to increase the amount of funding for domestic science. At the council, we agreed that the Government will work on this issue and report on its decision as soon as possible.
At the same time, I would like to recall the words of the outstanding geneticist, Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov: "The share of science in the country is determined not only by the funds allocated by the state budget, the number of research institutes, but above all by the outlook of scientists, the height of their scientific flight." But, of course, this flight must also be supported by financial resources. We will definitely work on this. [Current average monthly Russian wage is 91,000 rubles or about $1,000/mo.]
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences and our research teams for their outstanding achievements in such promising areas as microelectronics, artificial intelligence, new materials, and other critical areas, as well as for effectively addressing issues related to the defense and security of our state.
I wish you and all your teams new large-scale and significant scientific achievements, so that the results of your work and research will be in demand by the economy, the social sphere, our companies and enterprises, serve people and the well-being of Russian families, lead our country forward, and help Russia develop.
Dear colleagues!
The key to the present and future achievements of the Academy of Sciences is continuity, continuity of research and traditions. Throughout its history, the Academy has developed outstanding Russian scientific schools. Mentors and scientific supervisors passed on not only advanced knowledge, but also a sense of responsibility to science and the country. At the same time, each generation of scientists did not just continue the work of their predecessors. Students constantly went forward, discovered the unknown, achieved new breakthroughs, and brought up a worthy shift for themselves.
Traditionally, on February 8, the day of the foundation of the Academy of Sciences, the Day of Russian Science, we award researchers who are just beginning their long professional career. But I believe that today, on the anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, we should celebrate not only our young generation and young additions, but also great, honored scientists who have achieved great scientific results. I would like to announce with pleasure and pride the names of colleagues who have received high awards.
The title "Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation" was awarded to Academician Yuri Sergeyevich Osipov, who devoted his entire life to serving science, led applied research in the interests of the country's defense capability, and headed the Russian Academy of Sciences for more than 20 years.
Outstanding scientists and doctors, academicians Leyla Vahoevna Adamyan and Alexander Nikolaevich Konovalov were also awarded high state awards. In their clinical practice, they boldly offer and implement the most advanced approaches, set high standards of modern medical care, and make a significant contribution to strengthening the entire national healthcare system.
Academician Valery Vasilyevich Kozlov is a prominent scientist and organizer of science. He made a significant contribution to the development of Russian mathematics, mechanics and mathematical physics.
Outstanding physicists are academicians Gennady Andreevich Mesyats and Alexander Nikolaevich Skrinsky. Thanks to their work, our country confidently holds the bar of the world's leading scientific power, including advanced scientific installations of the megascience class.
And of course, I would like to announce the winners of the Science and Innovation Awards for young scientists. Thanks to their discoveries, energy, in a good sense of the word, pressure, courage, Russian science is reaching new heights.
Georgy Pavlovich Gogaev made a significant contribution to improving the country's security and defense capability, to strengthening our technological potential in the most advanced areas, which is important, in the areas that are most necessary for us today.
Mathematical neural network models of Susanna Gordleeva opened the way to the creation of qualitatively new artificial intelligence technologies, to understanding the principles of the brain.
The results of Sergey Pavlushin's research are of crucial importance for agriculture and forestry. The scientist has made a significant contribution to the development of biological protection of our forests in the face of climate change.
Olga V. Yakubovich proposed and put into practice fundamentally new methods of geological exploration. They are already used in Russia to search for deposits of strategically important metals.
Dear friends!
I once again congratulate all my colleagues on the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. I wish you success in serving progress, our Fatherland and the people of Russia.
I am pleased to give the floor to the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Gennady Yakovlevich, please.
G. Krasnikov: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dear guests,
Today is a very important day for all of us: we are celebrating the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This is a truly historic date for the Academy.
Established by Peter I, the Russian Academy of Sciences, together with the state, has come a long and bright way in these three centuries. It has always brought together leading researchers, true seekers of truth, who helped the country develop, studied its natural resources, made breakthrough discoveries and created scientific schools.
Our predecessors have formed traditions that are significant for the scientific community, including open and public discussions of scientific results, and freedom of scientific discussion.
Despite difficult and crucial historical events, we at the Academy of Sciences have maintained continuity, and have carried respect for our great teachers and students through the generations.
Russian scientists have laid a solid foundation for the development of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, geology, biology and many other areas of scientific thought. They have made a huge contribution to understanding history and the role of man in the world, and have contributed to the preservation of the richest historical and cultural heritage. Without their fundamental works and outstanding scientific results, medicine, agriculture would have developed differently, and of course, the modern world based on advanced technologies would have been completely different.
Our predecessors were not just great scientists, many of them were truly statesmen. Both in difficult times and in years of prosperity, they kept their dedication to science, made their contribution to solving national problems.
When we faced challenges of a universal scale in the last century, the Academy of Sciences helped us find worthy answers to them. Without exaggeration, the best minds of the country worked on the tasks in the field of defense. We owe them the creation of a powerful military-industrial complex, which strengthened the sovereignty of our state and ensured its security for years to come. Our scientists managed to tame the atom, created the nuclear power industry and the nuclear fleet, it was they who were at the origins of space exploration, and it was they who brought the Soviet Union to the leaders of world science.
Today, our country, and therefore our national science, faces truly large-scale, epochal tasks, and of course, they impose a huge responsibility on us, which, perhaps, every scientist feels. In order to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow with dignity, the Russian Academy of Sciences must fully realize its potential. And it is very important that today this vision is shared by the leadership of our country.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your continued commitment to scientific and technological development and understanding of the opportunities offered by the Russian Academy of Sciences. After all, today the Russian Academy of Sciences is not only 1,900 members of the Academy of Sciences, including 28 heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, 13 full holders of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 378 State Prize laureates. The academic community also includes teams of research institutes all over the country that work under our scientific and methodological guidance. In total, the Russian Academy of Sciences forms research topics for 746 research institutes and 388 universities.
Of course, some words of appreciation for the decisions you made. At this truly historic moment for the country, they not only strengthen the authority of the Academy, but also create new opportunities for effective participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the state decision-making system. This will make it possible to correctly prioritize scientific work, properly manage resources, and build a unified, holistic scientific landscape, where the Russian Academy of Sciences will play a key role. Your initiatives in relation to the Academy emphasize the high, responsible mission entrusted to us, and remind the society and the whole world of it. And the academic community, we all feel this especially strongly today.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, I am sure that with your constant support, the Russian Academy of Sciences will definitely meet its goals today and in the future, and will write new and bright pages in the history of world science and our Fatherland.
Dear friends, happy birthday to you, happy anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences!
Yu.Osipov: Of course, it is a great honor for me to receive this award, to receive it on a historic day-the day of the 300th anniversary of our Academy.
I'll just remind you that this is one of the oldest academies in the world, it is the fourth by birth. It was correctly stated here that the history of the Academy's formation and its development are inextricably linked with the history of Russia itself, with the history of its people. Therefore, it has always been and remains the mainstay of the state in many of its fundamental affairs.
Thank you so much for the honor.
L. Adamyan: Dear President of the Russian Federation, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
Today is the fourth time I have received an award from you.
I am overwhelmed with feelings-feelings of gratitude and feelings, I would say, of a real, worthy award for the entire Academy, for the entire Ministry, for our science, which is the most humane in the world. For our medicine, which is the most correct, gentle to the person, with a human face. For our Ministry of Health, for every doctor. Our doctors are heroes. Our country is great.
I must say that I have been working for 52 years in the same institution, in the best center in our country-the center for mothers and children.
On behalf of all colleagues, on behalf of doctors, nurses, their patients, who saved the lives of many children, happy families… I am proud that today I can say before our people, before my colleagues, before you personally that I am proud to carry the banner of our medicine.
And more: Your personal contribution to the development of our healthcare system is great, to the development, implementation and development of new technologies. Immaculate and absolutely great in fact. For us today, medicine is not only the mother and fetus, it is the medicine of the future, it is the medicine of the embryo, cells, eggs, and spermatozoa.
And the most important thing is that I am receiving this award at a very symbolic time-300 years of the Academy, the most authoritative academy in the world, scientists who have created a lot of really, all the basic, unique things in the world. And absolutely everyone knows this. Thank you for that.
Your contribution to the future – I am very much looking forward to the next many years. And I would like to thank you very much for believing in our medicine and science. This year is not only the 300th anniversary of the Academy, but also the Year of the family.
Year of the family! What could be better, more important, holier, more meaningful? Today we say that we glorify our Academy. I will wear this order with great honor.
You know, Mr Putin, I very much hope that God will give us great victories and great achievements. I wish you good health and happiness.
Thank you very much.
Vladimir Kozlov: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear colleagues! Dear friends!
Of course, I am very happy to receive such a high state award from our President on the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. I am grateful to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, for such a high assessment of my work and all my colleagues who work together with me in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
This high order is like a piggy bank of awards of my native institute, the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is famous primarily for its outstanding mathematical achievements and results over its almost century-long history.
At the Institute, we are mainly engaged in fundamental mathematics and, of course, we feel responsible for the level and state of this very important field of knowledge in our country.
We also strive to develop competencies in applied areas that are of key importance for the development of modern technologies. As an example, two new laboratories were recently created at our Institute. The topic of one is related to the mathematical aspects of quantum technologies, and serious work on quantum cryptography has already been launched there. The subject of the second laboratory is related to the problems of artificial intelligence.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, in your speech, you stressed the importance of maintaining continuity in the work of our Academy of Sciences. I think this is a very good idea. Looking back, and remembering in my case the history of mathematics in the Academy of Sciences, it seems to me that one can even say this: one of the main tasks of our fellow mathematicians is to preserve and develop the traditions that were laid down by our great predecessors.
On this wonderful day, I would like to congratulate all our colleagues on the holiday, who have linked their fate with scientific research. I wish you all good health, happiness, prosperity and, of course, new bright achievements for the benefit of our science, for the benefit of our Fatherland!
G. Month: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear colleagues!
I would like to congratulate everyone on the 300th anniversary of our Academy, and thank the country's leadership and President Putin for what I consider to be a very high assessment of this anniversary.
I want to say a few words, very briefly, about the physics that is being developed at the institute where I work, the Lebedev Institute. The paradox is that although the Academy of Sciences is 300 years old, the Institute of Physics begins its history 310 years ago. In 1714, during the creation of the Kunstkamera under Peter the Great, a laboratory of instruments was organized, which later turned into a physical laboratory, then turned into a physical office. And then, in 1934, the Institute of Physics and Mathematics was created, which was divided into two parts: the Steklov Institute of Mathematics and the Lebedev Institute of Physics, and they moved to Moscow. Academician Kozlov's previous speech suggests that this was indeed once a single root from which everything came.
I must say that the creation of this institute was very important for the country. Outstanding works were made at the Institute, which can be named here. This is the work of Wexler, the creation of the first Soviet accelerators, which actually laid the whole foundation of accelerator physics. The laser era was initiated by Basov and Prokhorov, pioneering work in the field of thermonuclear fusion was done, and the tokamak theory was created by Tamm and Sakharov. Ginzburg explains the phenomenon of high-temperature superconductivity, and begins scientific space exploration. FIAN employees have made a significant contribution to the nuclear project.
Such names of our employees as academicians Tamm, Sakharov, Ginzburg, Fok and others are inextricably linked with the creation of the Soviet nuclear shield, which allowed our state to develop and defend its interests. In different periods, seven employees of FIAN were awarded Nobel Prizes.
Despite the difficult situation in which we all find ourselves, it is necessary to note a number of successes that have been achieved in recent years with the support of the state and, Mr Putin, you personally, because you have helped us so much.
The creation of a large scientific center for high-temperature superconductivity, equipped with the most modern equipment, has been completed at the FIAN. The center was created by your decision, because on the day of Ginzburg's anniversary, you called him and asked: what do you need? He said: create a center of superconductivity, and we will do everything to ensure that superconductivity is at room temperature.
Although Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg left, but this conversation was recorded, we used this situation, and your support and the Ministry of Economy, which allocated us this money, was very important. Today, it is a truly outstanding superconductivity center that is actively working.
Now it conducts research at the cutting edge of science. A unique proton accelerator was also created at the FIAN, just based on the ideas that Wexler once developed. We have implemented new methods of cancer treatment that are used by our doctors. The work is actively developing together with leading medical centers and the Kurchatov Institute. Hundreds of patients are being treated.
Fianov's development of the first full-size magnetic resonance tomograph has been transferred to Rosatom, where it will be implemented.
After the successful completion of the RadioAstron space mission – this is an outstanding work, when the largest earth–to – space radio telescope was created-the FIAN is now working on the creation of the Millimetron station project, which should become a worthy competitor to the American James Webb.
As part of the roadmap for quantum computing, the FIAN has created, according to my estimates, at least the strongest and most powerful quantum computer in Russia. The work was performed in the laboratory of corresponding member N. N. Kolachevsky, our director. I think you won't blame me if I say that this is a brilliant young scientist who works very well and maintains the institute in very good condition. I also did a lot of this, I was a director for almost 12 years, but it is rare for a retired director to praise the new one who came.
Scientific instrumentation is being developed, and samples of laser technology, microelectronics, and sensors are being developed to ensure Russia's technological sovereignty.
I think it is very important that these works attract a lot of attention from young scientists and students. The Institute has very good connections: it has established its own departments at Moscow State University, the Institute of Physics and Technology, and MEPhI, which are already the driving force for the development of the Institute.
The Science and University program has provided a huge boost for attracting new employees. A number of new laboratories have been set up and run by young scientists, and many state-of-the-art instruments have been purchased, for which I would like to thank you very much, Mr President.
And two more words. Consolidation in the scientific, technical and social fields is now more important than ever for our society and for successful development. We make every effort to engage constructively and maximize our potential.
I would like to say that this fall marks the 90th anniversary of the real FIAN, which was created, as I said, in 1934. Vladimir Vladimirovich, on behalf of the team, I invite you to this anniversary. You will really take a look and see what has been done to the institute, how it has been re-equipped. Thank you very much for this, because we constantly receive your support, support from the Ministry and other organizations.
Thank you so much for everything you do for science.
S. Gordleeva: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear colleagues,
I would like to thank you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, and the Presidential Council for Science and Education for such a high assessment of my research results.
I am confident that in the near future, neuromorphic artificial intelligence technologies will surpass existing technologies in a wide variety of areas: from unmanned transport systems to neuroimplants in medicine. Neuromorphic artificial intelligence technologies repeat the principles of how the brain works. This is what allows them to work more efficiently.
The award I received is a recognition not only of my personal achievements, but also of the achievements of my colleagues from Nizhny Novgorod State University, whom I would like to thank in the person of Rector Oleg Trofimov.
I would like to express my special gratitude to my supervisor, Viktor Kazantsev, and our entire team for their support in conducting scientific research.
Thank you to my family, my loved ones and my parents for their help in the work I have done.
In conclusion, I want to say that I am absolutely convinced that such neuromorphic nature-like technologies are the future, and we are not inferior in such developments in the world.
Thank you very much.
Happy holidays!
Sergey Pavlushin: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear colleagues!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to be here today, it's a great honor. I thank the Presidential Council for Science and Education for such a high assessment of my work. But, of course, without close cooperation with other teams, not only in Novosibirsk, but also in other cities, it would have been impossible to get such significant results. Therefore, special thanks to all our colleagues.
I would like to express my special gratitude to Natalia Bogomolova – unfortunately, she recently passed away. But it was thanks to her that a team was formed on the basis of the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals. And it is a great honor for me to represent him here before you today.
Special thanks to my supervisor, Head of the Laboratory of Ecological Physiology Vyacheslav Martemyanov, and our director Viktor Glupov.
And, of course, thank you to all our colleagues and students who also made a great contribution to this work and continue to work in the scientific field.
And of course, special thanks to my family and friends who supported me and believed in me.
Thanks Happy holidays!
Oleg Yakubovich: Receiving this award is a great honor for me. I would like to thank everyone who was with me on this journey: school teachers, university teachers, colleagues from academic institutions and specialized geological organizations.
This work is the result of many years of close cooperation between St. Petersburg State University and the Precambrian Institute of Geology and Geochronology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Thank you for this cooperation.
Separately, I would like to thank my supervisor, Yuri A. Shukolyukov, who, unfortunately, has not been with us for a long time, for his inspiration, faith and for teaching me a lot. For me, this award is a recognition of his achievements, including those of the St. Petersburg School of Isotope Geochemistry.
Today it is especially pleasant to receive this award, considering that today is the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. But today is also the day of the foundation of my native university – St. Petersburg State University.
Thank you, and happy holidays!
Grigory Gogaev: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
First of all, I would like to thank you and the Presidential Council for Science and Education for your high assessment of the work done and for creating conditions for the implementation of young specialists.
To receive such an award is a great honor and high responsibility, which motivates you to continue working further with double efforts.
The results achieved were made possible by the contribution of a large number of people. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them. These are teachers at the Lyceum of Arts in Vladikavkaz, teachers at the Moscow Aviation Institute, mentors in the scientific company of the Air Force and colleagues at the enterprise.
Separately, I would like to mention my research supervisor – General Designer, Director of the Arkhip Mikhailovich Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau Yevgeny Yuvenalyevich Marchukov, the person who nominated the work for the prize, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Leonidovich Chernyshev, and my mentors from the Strength Department – Mikhail Anatolyevich Bogdanov, Igor Arkadyevich Shubin, and Nadezhda Ivanovna Demkina. Of course, the results achieved would not have been possible without the support and assistance of my family.
In conclusion, I join the congratulations and wish scientists and researchers perseverance and good luck in achieving their goals.
Vladimir Putin: Dear friends!
I congratulate the awardees and all those present, all Russian scientists, on today's event - the 300th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences.
At the end of this part of today's solemn event, I would like to say the following. If it were not for the achievements of Russian scientists, and at all times: in the pre-Petrine era, and after the creation of the Academy of Sciences, and, of course, in modern history, before the Great Patriotic War, after it and today, if it were not for the achievements of our scientists, it is not known how the history and fate of the Russian state would have developed. This is something we should all clearly understand.
I must honestly say that at some time there was such a common idea in society that we do not need a sovereign science – why are they sitting somewhere in laboratories, soldering something, twisting something, burning something ... yes, everything, the world is open, you can get it, and this, and the money should be used for some other purposes. If we want Russia to be Russia, to develop, to have a future, to stand firmly on its feet, of course, of course, we must support both basic science, without which there is no future, and applied research. And we will definitely do it.
Happy holidays to you! Congratulations on the 300th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences!
I think it important that Putin recognized all scientists, not just Russians, in his opening remarks for Nature’s Secrets are there for anyone to discover and for someone else to make the next discovery, and so forth. And it’s quite true that science talk can’t be muted. The last paragraph above is highlighted in two different ways. The plain italics is what has become to Western science as young people not only have no interest, but their imaginations are filled with dreams of acquiring riches, not scientific discoveries or the erecting and building of objects. The second bolded italics part signifies something that’s absolutely true and is again occurring in the conflict with NATO. I provided some cost-of-living stats above for which there’s quite a lot of online info. This site provides lots of info, but the most important is available in this short summation:
Cost of living in Russia is, on average, 59.3% lower than in United States.
Rent in Russia is, on average, 77.5% lower than in United States.
Just one example from the list of foods: 1# of potatoes, 20 rubles, at the current exchange rate is 21 cents per pound, which at my local grocery store is now $1.25/# or about 124 rubles, or 6X higher. Salaries/wages appear low compared to the West, but most everything in Russia costs much less and the state doesn’t inflate the money supply and is working very hard to increase salaries across the board—Putin just gave scientists a significant bonus. But as we learned yesterday, “tech” employees of all types are being hired even before they graduate.
Now we’ll find out what was discussed before this anniversary and awards celebration.
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