Everyone in the photo is a Russian. Recall Shoigu is a Tuvan.
Putin took the time to make many stops in Tuva on his way to neighboring Mongolia, the first being a visit to the Kyzyl Presidential Cadet School, Kyzyl being Tuva’s capital.
Here’s what the Kremlin said about the school and Putin’s visit:
Vladimir Putin visited Kyzyl Presidential Cadet School. The President inspected the classrooms and talked with students. The Head of State was accompanied by Plenipotentiary Representative President in the Siberian Federal District Anatoly Seryshev, Head of the Republic Tuva Vladislav Khovalyg. Explanations were given by the head of the educational institution Uran-kys Ondar.
The school was opened in 2014 and implements programs of basic and secondary general education. In here 380 children (300 boys and 80 girls) are studying, the number of teachers composition - 132 people. Cadets receive mandatory military skills, are engaged in sports, master additional programs - the school has created engineering, technical, linguistic, martial arts, as well as art and etiquette.
From the academy, Putin then visited the Central Tuvan Buddhist Monastery "Thubten Shedrub Ling" in Kyzyl. Here again is the Kremlin’s description:
The idea and site of the monastery was blessed by the Dalai Lama during his only visit to Tuva on September 21, 1992. Temple Name complex is translated from Tibetan as "the abode of explanation and practice teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni."
The monastery is developing as a religious, pilgrimage and tourist complex. Its construction began in 2014, and the solemn The opening took place in April 2023. To date, it is the largest Buddhist monastery of Russia, its territory is more than nine hectares. The main thing is the ten-meter-high Buddha statue within the building that rises 56 meters and has 12 Floors. The monastery houses the exposition of the National Museum of Tuva out of three thousand items.
Unfortunately, there’s no picture of the massive Buddah, but these smaller statues in this photo are very cool:
And yes, Putin spun the prayer wheels:
Next stop was school #20, “named after the Heroes of the Fatherland and held an open lesson ‘A conversation about important things’".
Vladimir Putin: I've been getting acquainted with your new school, so I'd like to start our conversation with a housewarming greeting.
The school is impressive. It is modern, meets all Russian standards, and these standards are very high and are constantly being improved. And for Kyzyl, of course, this is a very serious educational institution. So happy housewarming to you! I am sure that you will find it interesting here, and you will make new friends. And most importantly, new knowledge is at the highest level, because the teaching staff also meets today's requirements.
Of course, I congratulate all Russian schoolchildren, students, teachers, and parents on the start of the new academic year. This is always a big event not only for students and students. This is always a big event for all family members, for parents, first of all, of course, for grandparents, for those who devote their lives to education.
After all, this is a special field of activity – teaching. What is teaching and educating? It means devoting a significant part of your life to other people. This is not just a profession, it is, to a certain extent, fate. In any case, for the vast majority of parents and teachers.
And of course, words of gratitude for what teachers do for us. They are always in our hearts, and we always carry this gratitude with us throughout our lives and remember our teachers. Both in school, and then in secondary and higher educational institutions.
You still have a special school dedicated to the Heroes of the Fatherland. In this regard, I would like to note that Tuva is still a special region of Russia. And its peculiarity lies in the fact that when Tuva – as you probably know – was still an independent state, friendly to the Soviet Union, it was the first of all countries in the world to become an ally of the Soviet Union in the fight against Nazism, in the fight against fascist Germany. And only a few hours later, other countries announced joining the Soviet Union in the fight against nazi Germany, including Great Britain at that time.
I must say that even today the traditions that were laid down by our predecessors, our ancestors, grandfathers and grandmothers are still alive and strengthening. I mean, among other things, that about 10 thousand residents of the Republic of Tuva are taking an active part in a special military operation. They are risking themselves, their lives, and their health to protect each of you and the entire country as a whole. And this is a brilliant example of both patriotism and our centuries-old traditions of special treatment of our Fatherland.
Of course, we must say special words to first-graders today in connection with the beginning of the school year, because in their lives, in their fate, cardinal changes are really coming. Until then, the whole world revolved around them, and now it turns out that they also have some responsibilities. This is the first step into adulthood. There are obligations and responsibilities. It is very important what these first steps will be.
And I really hope that older students, realizing this, will support the kids. It will be very important for them. This is the foundation that is laid for the rest of your life. Your support for them today will mean that they, realizing how important this is, will carry this gratitude to you through life and will treat other people in the same way when they need help and a shoulder that they can give to another person at the moment when they need it. This is an extremely important thing that strengthens our society as a whole.
And, of course, we are also thinking about your peers, children from the Kursk, Bryansk, and Belgorod regions, who are forced by certain circumstances to study online or study in other teams. Of course, the country and our Armed Forces will do everything possible to restore normal life in these regions, normal life for these children. I'm sure it will. There can be no doubt about that.
This is what I would like to say at the beginning. I know and am sure that you also have some questions, comments, and maybe suggestions. Let's discuss this. Even I would like our conversation to be structured not as a day of questions and answers, but as a conversation of interested interlocutors, sorry for the tautology.
Let's get started. Please, please.
Dmitry Dulush: Hello, Mr President!
My name is Dulush Danna. Let me welcome you to our Republic of Tuva. I'm a student at Lyceum No. 15.
Vladimir Putin: It didn't go according to plan, did it? Sorry.
Dmitry Dulush: We should have said something, but I took the initiative.
Vladimir Putin: Well done.
Dmitry Dulush: I study at the Lyceum No. 15 in the city of Kyzyl, I am in the 11th grade. I've been playing lawn tennis and mountain skiing since I was a child. Since my mother is a professional ballerina, the genes were not ignored, and now I am actively engaged in folk dances in the Edegey Dance and Costume Theater. My dream is to finish high school with a gold medal and enroll in international relations in Moscow.
This year, she visited the exhibition-forum "Russia" at VDNH three times, where she represented our republic. I've been to events like Entrepreneurship Day, Moscow Fashion Week, and the presentation of the Republic of Tuva. Our goal was to encourage the people of Russia to visit our republic. Part of our task has been completed – tourists are coming. But their arrival is not accompanied by comfort. They travel around the republic without comfort, as I think. Also, residents of the Republic of Tuva have a rest in the republic without comfort, in Spartan conditions.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, I ask you to support tourism projects in our republic.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Today, after the meeting with you, there will be quite a large meeting related to the development of Tuva. After all, I came to you not only in connection with the beginning of the school year, but also in connection with the fact that this year we celebrate the 80th anniversary of Tuva's entry into Russia.
Of course, it will be necessary to sum up certain results with the leadership of the republic and with colleagues from the Government of the Russian Federation and outline plans for future development.
Tourism, of course, is one of the main features of Tuva. Why? Because this is the most interesting industry from the point of view of economic development. Very beautiful, if you put it in a simple way and do not invent anything.
I've been here many times, as you probably know. And the original culture of Tuvans, and landscapes, mountains, rivers… You know, there aren't many places in the world like Tuva. Therefore, it is certainly a promising type of activity.
Of course, as well as in the whole country, and in Tuva, perhaps, first of all, you need to think about what you just said, namely, the conditions that tourists face if they come to Tuva. We have a very large program on hospitality, on the development of domestic tourism. It is developing, domestic tourism, at a crazy pace. The volume of tourists who are currently vacationing and getting acquainted with Russia, including, I am sure, Tuva, is significantly increasing.
Therefore, we will definitely talk about this today and outline the part of the all-Russian programs that will be dedicated to Tuva.
You are welcome.
U. Mongush: Good afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich!
We are very happy to welcome you here on this overcast, but no less festive day. The kids and I were looking forward to seeing you today to talk about the most important things.
Today, students from different schools of the city of Kyzyl, the best in their schools, are sitting in front of you.
I am Ulyana, adviser to the Director of Education of the State Lyceum of the Republic of Tyva.
Let me introduce my colleague Lyubov. She is a teacher of the Russian language and a mentor of the Movement of the first. Today, with your permission, we will be your assistants.
Vladimir Putin: Please.
U. Mongush: Then let's get started.
Boris Sanchat: Hello, Mr President!
My name is Bataa, I am a student of gymnasium No. 9 and I am the chairman of the First City Council of Kyzyl.
I want to touch on the topic of children's camps in Tuva.
This year and as a child I attended our children's camps, but in the spring I visited the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean" under the program "Excellent student of the first". There I met cool guys and counselors and tried myself as a counselor.
Great happiness was given to me by "Ocean". But in addition, I am a participant in the project "University shifts" and visited the Siberian Federal University in the city of Krasnoyarsk. This shift gave me the opportunity to feel like a 10-day student at one of the best universities in our country.
But in the children's camps of Tuva, in particular in the "Baylak" camp, I am very sad about his condition. After all, this is the largest camp in Tuva with more than 200 children in one season.
Vladimir Putin: How many children are there?
B. Sanchat: More than 200 children.
I want to be understood correctly. The camp and counselors there are the coolest, but the conditions of stay leave much to be desired. And I am also saddened by the fact that our children's camps are open only for three summer months.
That is why, Mr President, I am now telling you about my dream. In Kaliningrad, two years ago, one of the participants in the lesson ["Talking about important things"] asked you to create a year-round camp "Noise". As far as I know, it's already open. I dream that we will also have a year-round camp, so that children from all over Russia can come to us and get acquainted with our traditions and culture.
Vladimir Putin: Where is it located, in what place? In what part of Tuva is this camp located?
B. Sanchat: The Baylak camp?
Vladimir Putin: Yes.
B. Sanchat: It is located in the Tandi district.
Remark: Not far, about an hour's drive from Kyzyl.
Vladimir Putin: Is there a river?
Replica: There is Lake Chagytai, and there are several camps around it.
Vladimir Putin: We will definitely see. Of course, in winter, you probably need to do major things there. You are cool in winter.
B. Sanchat: Yes, it is very cold here.
Vladimir Putin: It's very cold. How much is the minus sign?
B. Sanchat: Maybe even 50.
Vladimir Putin: Nevertheless, we will definitely take a look.
As for places where young people – both schoolchildren and students – have a rest and receive some training, there are quite a lot of such places in Russia, and their number is increasing. And this is very correct. We will continue to follow this path.
Therefore, I promise you that we will definitely do this, and today, when we discuss the development plan for Tuva with our colleagues, we will also pay attention to this. And I will instruct the Government of the Russian Federation and the Administration to make sure that your proposal is taken into account in the development programs of this type of activity.
B. Sanchat: Thank you.
Boris Remarchuk: Hello, Mr President!
Vladimir Putin: Hello!
B. Remarchuk: I am Bohdan Remarchuk. I'm 10 years old. I live in the city of Kyzyl. I'm a swimmer.
Vladimir Putin: Do you like it?
B. Remarchuk: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: How many years have you been swimming?
B. Remarchuk: Four years.
Vladimir Putin: Wow! Pretty good. Are you into some special water sports or pure swimming?
B. Remarchuk: Purely by swimming.
Vladimir Putin: How long do you swim – 100 meters? Or what are your distances?
B. Remarchuk: 50 meters – 48 seconds.
Vladimir Putin: Well done.
B. Remarchuk: I do swimming, football, boxing. I also have a yellow belt in karate.
Vladimir Putin: Wow! You're a versatile athlete. What do you like most about these sports?
B. Remarchuk: Swimming.
Vladimir Putin: Swimming is a good preparation for all the other sports you have listed, that's for sure.
B. Remarchuk: I am also fond of motor vehicles.
Vladimir Putin: Do you collect anything yourself?
Boris Remarchuk: Yes, my dad helps me.
Vladimir Putin: Who's your dad's specialty?
B. Remarchuk: Engineer.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, God himself told him to help you collect.
B. Remarchuk: My dream is to buy a motorcycle for myself and save up for it myself.
Vladimir Putin: A motorcycle is a dangerous form of transport. Save up for a better car. (Laughter.) So it will be calmer for both dad and mom.
B. Remarchuk: My dad saved up for a car when he was 14 years old.
Vladimir Putin: Here, go for it. Dad's example is a good one. Why do you need a motorcycle?
B. Remarchuk: I like the mode of transport.
Vladimir Putin: Did you drive it?"
B. Remarchuk: Only on an ATV.
Vladimir Putin: And the ATV is dangerous, don't ride the ATV, don't. It flips constantly. Unstable mode of transport. So, somewhere on rough terrain you can quietly drive, you do not need to drive it. Better save up for the car, okay?
B. Remarchuk: All right.
Vladimir Putin: And how will you save money? How?
B. Remarchuk: To hand over scrap metal.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, a good, correct idea. May. Exactly, exactly, gradually. And then Dad will help you, give you a little lift for a good study.
What do you like most about your school subjects?
B. Remarchuk: Russian. Oh, math.
Vladimir Putin: I got it a little mixed up. But in fact, both are very important. Knowledge of the native language, and this is also the language of interethnic communication for our multinational country, which is very important, because it unites all the peoples of Russia in a single common organism, in a single people, this is very important. Therefore, knowledge of the Russian language is one of the most important tasks for teachers at school.
B. Remarchuk: My dad and I recently went to Yrban and caught a six-kilogram pike. I love fishing.
Vladimir Putin: Who pulled it out? Dad?
B. Remarchuk: Dad helped, but I caught it.
Vladimir Putin: So that's what you threw. Did you catch baubles?
B. Remarchuk: Yes, for spinners.
Vladimir Putin: Is the spinner big or small?
B. Remarchuk: On the "fish".
Vladimir Putin: The spinner is like this, but the pike is like this.
B. Remarchuk: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: This is a good result. The efficiency is very high. Great.
Are you going to this school or where?
Boris Remarchuk: Can I ask you a question?
Vladimir Putin: You can.
B. Remarchuk: I would like to ask you a question: how many hours do you sleep and rest to be in such good shape?
Vladimir Putin: Lying is inconvenient. I'll say it as it is, but it's not a good example – don't take an example from me in this sense: I slept four hours today. This is not enough. I usually get six hours of sleep. You should sleep normally for at least eight hours. You have a lot of activity, various sports, so you need to be in shape. And I need to be in shape. The fact that I only slept four hours today, and I only sleep six, is not because I am such a busy person, but because I can not properly organize my working day.
Everyone should be critical of everything they do, of themselves, and draw conclusions. I'll try to do it, and I advise you to, okay?
B. Remarchuk: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: Agreed. Good luck to you!
You still have a difference of four hours from Moscow, so there is a certain failure. I will work on myself and improve. We'll do it together, right?
B. Remarchuk: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: How many hours are you sleeping now?"
B. Remarchuk: Eight.
Vladimir Putin: That's right. Well done. Just do it.
A. Novoselova: Good afternoon, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
I am Alisa Novoselova, cadet of the 82nd platoon of the 11th class of the Kyzyl Presidential Cadet School. I am a platoon commander, and I also consider myself a responsible and creative person. I'm a professional dancer and play KVN. Now I try to develop in other areas of creativity as well.
As a cadet, I fully understand how important motivation and support are, because life as a cadet is not so easy. And in difficult moments, I remember the words of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov: the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. And these words give me motivation.
I would like to ask: what is the motto that gives you strength in difficult times?
Vladimir Putin: If you think of Suvorov, there is such a specific expression, but you can also give it a broader meaning: a bullet is a fool, a bayonet is a good boy. We must always, as Bogdan said, be in shape and always fight, always be ready to fight, and success will be guaranteed. The way you speak, with what confidence, you feel inner motivation, immediately says that you are a commander and you have a wonderful future.
A. Novoselova: Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: I wish you every success!
Alexander Babushkin: Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich!
My name is Artyom Babushkin. I am a student of the 9th grade of school No. 1 in the city of Kyzyl. I have a lot of hobbies, but mostly I am an activist in my school of the Movement of the First. At the moment, I am the chairman of the primary department and thanks to this, I flew to Moscow for the All-Russian Forum of School Presidents. I'm also interested in history. My grandfather Viktor Petrovich Strukov, a former submariner of the Soviet Army and a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, instilled in me a love for this.
I spent a lot of time with him as a child. He told me a lot, especially about the Great Patriotic War. In your greeting, as I noticed, you have already mentioned the Great Patriotic War, how our people fought and fought with Nazi Germany. I have no questions for you, I have a suggestion.
I would like to offer you a tour dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory in those key places where battles and battles took place. For example, near Moscow, Leningrad, Rzhev, Sevastopol, Stalingrad-now Volgograd and the Kursk Bulge. Not only citizens of the Russian Federation can participate in this tour, but also citizens of the CIS countries, with whom we forged the Great Victory together.
Vladimir Putin: A good idea, as well as the creation of permanent children's and youth camps.
In this regard, we can recall the words of Vladimir Vysotsky, who in such cases said: apparently, you read the right books in your childhood. This is a very good offer.
In general, we have such programs. We do such programs both together with Belarus and within the country. But, of course, if you pay attention to this, then this direction should be continued.
Now you remember your grandfather. You know, there is nothing more significant, nothing more effective in raising a person in general, and a young person even more so, than the example of his own family.
You remembered your grandfather. He was also a submariner and served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He seems to have told you a lot. And it was not in vain, it is part of your consciousness, part of your mentality. Of course, we should know both the family history and the country's history. We should be proud of our history, which we do, and always reinforce in our own minds the significance of what our people have done over a thousand years of development. This is very important for the future.
This is especially true for those people who are no longer with us, who defended their sovereignty and independence during the Great Patriotic War, who are fighting neo-Nazism today, with those who organize all sorts of coups in other countries and try to suppress people of a culture close to us and native speakers of the Russian language. This is very important for all of us. Not for those who no longer exist, but for us today and for future generations.
These activities, which you mentioned, certainly need to be developed further. And we will definitely do it. I will try to make sure that both you and your peers here in Tuva take part in such events without fail. I will also tell my colleagues from the Presidential Administration about this. I hope that both you and many of those present here will get into these programs.
You are welcome.
Alexander Vorobyov: Hello, Mr President!
Artem Vorobyov, a student at School No. 7. I am a Young Army soldier and a platoon leader in my school. I am a participant of two "Zarnitsy 2.0" events and a participant of the regional first aid stage.
It was useful to me, by the way, in my life. We had such a story. At the end of May of this year, my friend and I were walking to school past our park, if you know, the national park, where the bayou is. A woman called out to us and said that the girl was going to go into the water in order to harm herself. We ran there without thinking. At first, it was kept afloat. We first asked her to get out of the water, but she didn't listen to us. So we had to get in the water and get her out.
I myself want to finish the ninth grade – I am now in the ninth grade – and enroll in the Novosibirsk Cadet School. And from there, get to the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School and then try to get into the Special Operations Forces.
I have such a question for you, or even more – a suggestion. We do not have a full-fledged training base in the republic for people who want to link their future profession with the military.
Vladimir Putin: How? A cadet school has appeared.
A. Vorobyov: Cadet education means you also need to go there.
Vladimir Putin: We need to do a little more work.
A. Vorobyov: Well yeah
I would just like to take a weekly or two-week, monthly course to prepare for military service for a certain fee or, if it is provided by the state, free of charge.
Vladimir Putin: I understand.
First of all, I want to say that it is very noble of you to think about this. This means that the influence of your family, environment, and the atmosphere that is being created in the country and in the republic is such that it encourages a young person like you to think about your future, and the military future, especially since you mentioned the Special Operations Forces. This is the case when we can say that these are elite units. And now, more than anyone else, I know how our Special Operations Forces soldiers perform combat tasks. You know, you can write books about it, that's real. And I hope that they will be written.
What, apparently, needs to be done? Starting this year, our schools will start teaching the subject "fundamentals of security and homeland protection", where I hope a lot of things will be put on a systematic basis. However, if you see that this is not enough, we have created the Youth Army cadet schools.
As for secondary and higher educational institutions, the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies determine the number of these educational institutions based on the needs, so that there is no overproduction of specialists and that there is no shortage. Nevertheless, you have just spoken about preparing for this military future. Apparently, something doesn't quite work here, something is missing.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will definitely talk to my colleagues about this.
Alexander Vorobyov: May I add this?
Vladimir Putin: Please.
Alexey Vorobyov: I mentioned the preparatory bases. If we don't need it, then what about training, as you mentioned above, about the Youth Army? What if, on the basis of the Youth Army and without special events – taking the oath and so on – we make camps for the younger generation, like Bogdan? He is also a member of the Youth Army, but there are not enough military sports camps.
Vladimir Putin: I understand. It's all there, but you just said it for sure: it's not enough. Therefore, we will work to expand this practice.
Alexey Vorobyov: Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: And I want to congratulate you on this choice. It is very interesting. Modern Special Operations forces are, among other things, in addition to internal motivation, courage, heroism, readiness for self-sacrifice in order to protect the Motherland, high-tech units. They use the most modern means of conducting armed struggle. This requires, of course, good preparation. You need good intellectual training, and physical training is the same as yours.
All the best to you!
Thank you for this suggestion.
Zh.Kechil-ool: Hello, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
My name is Jeanne, I am 16 years old. I am a student of the 11th "A" class of school No. 1 in the city of Kyzyl. I play basketball. I was brought to this sport by my older brother, who was the captain of his school. He took me to practice. I was inspired by this sport that I also started to practice.
Now I am a player of the national basketball team of the Republic of Tuva. I don't have enough time for anything but training and school. So I would like to know how you would spend your day if you were an ordinary free person, that is, not the President?
Vladimir Putin: It's hard for me to imagine it now, to express something in the subjunctive mood.
Do you know what I can say? In my opinion, what I am about to say is important. The more you do, the more results you achieve, the more you get something. Of course, you need to do everything wisely, count in your own time, and organize your working day. But the more tasks you set for yourself, the more success you achieve. So don't be afraid of it. We must do what you are doing now. If you don't have enough time for something, then everything is correct. So continue on. I am sure that you will improve your schedule and determine your priorities. But the more you do, the faster you'll find the most important thing you want to do in life.
Zh.Kechil-ool: Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: I wish you every success.
E. Chamzyrai: Hello!
My name is Chamzyray Eliza, I am 17 years old, I study at school No. 2 in the city of Kyzyl, in the 11th" A " class. I play sports, run and dance.
For our region, the topic of free education is very relevant at the moment. And for me, too, this topic is very personal and important, because my father is now in the area of a special military operation. And many of the children sitting in the class also have relatives. And my close friend lives in the Belgorod region.
Of course, it is important for all of us that our country wins, that our relatives return alive and whole. Among our people, there is such a thing as hei-at. "Hei-at" It is translated into Russian as "strength of spirit". The higher it is, the more courageous and courageous a person is. This is probably why, as you said, a lot of guys and soldiers left our region to defend our homeland.
People write a lot of contradictory information on the Internet, and they write a lot about negotiations. As the main person, I would like to ask you: how are things going there? And what can we students do to help, besides weaving camouflage nets and writing letters?
Vladimir Putin: This inner attitude of yours is the most important help and support, because this attitude to what is happening is the basis for the unity of Russian society, it is the basis for all our victories.
As for the fact that residents of the Republic of Tuva are actively participating in a special military operation, this is a fact. I have already said this: today, almost 10 thousand people are participating in the SVO. Four Heroes of the Russian Federation. And these are really heroes, these are not some titles awarded for years of service, but for personal heroism in the struggle for Russia and for all of you, as I have already said.
Let me remind you that the beginning of the special military operation was associated with endless provocations committed by our enemy, and the coup d'etat in Ukraine, after which they began to suppress everything that was more or less positive about our country. They began to create bases on this territory, on the territory of Ukraine, in fact, they began to suppress everything related to the Russian language, our culture, and historical memory. They started creating an anti-Russian enclave out of Ukraine, an anti-Russia one. They have moved on to the actual construction of foreign military bases there, and so on. They started suppressing, I repeat, people who wanted normal relations with our country.
We protect both the people who live in the Donbas and our common future, the future of Russia, because we cannot afford to have hostile structures set up near us, which harbor aggressive plans against our country and constantly try to destabilize the Russian Federation.
So all your close people, all your relatives, all your friends, acquaintances, older brothers, fathers are fulfilling the most important state mission to protect the Fatherland. This has always been the case in Tuva, ever since the Great Patriotic War. I have already said that Tuva was the first state that became an ally of the Soviet Union in the fight against Nazism. And today we are all fighting neo-Nazism together.
About the peace talks. I have always said that we want to resolve all disputes by peaceful means. You young people are still very young, schoolchildren, but you read everything, you know everything, because it all started, the hot phase began when our enemy threw out all the agreements related to the possibility of a peaceful settlement in the Donbas. They announced that they would not implement the so-called Minsk agreements, when we agreed then on how we should continue to build relations with Ukraine and within Ukraine with those people who do not lose touch with our country, with Russia. No, they threw out all these agreements and started preparing for military operations, which they have already repeatedly carried out on the territory of Donbass. What have we actually started to do? To protect the people, our people, who live in this territory. Nevertheless, we have always supported a peaceful settlement.
What's going on there now? After all, the current authorities, even by virtue of domestic legislation, are not legitimate. They were supposed to hold presidential elections, but refused to hold them, citing martial law. And this does not comply with the Basic Law, the Constitution of Ukraine.
What did it lead to? If the fighting stops, the Ukrainian authorities will have to lift martial law. And after the lifting of martial law, presidential elections should be held immediately. And the current authorities are clearly not ready for this, because they have little chance of being re-elected. Therefore, they are not interested in the cessation of hostilities, so they committed this provocation in the Kursk region, and before that they tried to carry out the same provocation in the Belgorod region, where your friend lives. I think that is primarily related to this.
And the calculation was to stop our offensive actions in the main areas – in the Donbass. The result is known. Yes, of course, first of all it concerns our people, people go through difficult trials, especially in the Kursk region. But the main task that the enemy set for themselves – to stop our offensive in the Donbass – they did not achieve.
Moreover, now we are not talking about moving 200 or 300 meters forward. We haven't had such a rapid offensive in the Donbas for a long time. The Russian Armed Forces are already putting territories under control not by 200-300 meters, but by square kilometers. Therefore, I am confident that this provocation will also fail. It seems to me that after this, there will be a desire to really move on to peaceful negotiations and resolve these issues by peaceful means, not in words, but in deeds. We've never given up on that. But we must, of course, deal with these bandits who have entered the territory of the Russian Federation, namely in the Kursk region, with their attempts to destabilize the situation in the border region as a whole.
E. Chamzyrai: Thank you for your reply.
Alexander Oydup: Mr President, hello!
I am Oidup Ayush, a student of the State Lyceum of the Republic of Tuva. I am a leader of the Council of First Students of the city of Kyzyl, and I also have a project on literature, which helped me take third place at the republican scientific and practical conference.
I don't have a question for you, but a suggestion.
Vladimir Putin: Excuse me, but I have a question: why did you surprise the commission that gave you the third place – a very worthy and honorable place? What was the subject of discussion at this conference?
A. Oydup: The theme of my work was color painting in the works of a Russian writer and a Tuvan one, the very purpose is to compare them, to see how writers of different nations convey their attitude to history.
Vladimir Putin: Interesting, great.
A. Oydup: I have a suggestion for you. There is an acute shortage of specialized specialists in the republic, such as speech pathologists. For me, this issue is acute, because in my family there is such a child – my younger sister. For health reasons, she is not taken either to a regular school or to a correctional one, because for an ordinary one she does not have speech, but for a correctional one, everything is fine with her mental development.
I would like to suggest sending specialists to Tuva in both the "Zemsky Doctor" and "Zemsky Teacher" programs.
Vladimir Putin: All right, all right.
How old is your little sister?"
A. Oydup: This year there will be seven.
Vladimir Putin: Already a big girl.
First, I'll see what I can do specifically for your little sister. And in general, this work is very important, especially in the first years of life, when a person begins to speak, it is very important, because this then forms the future of a person. That's for sure. And it's good that you paid attention to this.
I will definitely talk to the relevant Minister, we will think about what can be done for this and how. After all, it also depends on the number of children who need this help. Therefore, it may not be appropriate to create a separate service here. It may be advisable to create some inter-regional structures. We will definitely think about it. I will definitely talk to [Education Minister Sergei] Kravtsov.
You are welcome.
D.-H.Ondar: Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich!
Ondar Dan-Khaya, lyceum No. 15, 11th" A " class.
For a long time now, I like history and English. I take places at Olympiads and competitions in these subjects. Although I got poor grades in English in elementary school, I still managed to find an approach to it, and eventually I practice it every day.
Now, as I watch China's politics and relations with Russia, I wonder if the Chinese language will become as widespread and popular as English. For a long time, Russia practiced only the study of European languages. Chinese, which is completely different in structure, could be the beginning of a new one for Russians.
Vladimir Putin: You know, it's simple enough. Interest in a language and its spread in the world depend on the role of the country it plays in the world, and in a variety of ways. This applies, of course, to history and culture. But at the heart of the interest in language is primarily economics, as it may seem strange at first glance. Hence science and education. These are all things that are very much interconnected.
Now we have a growing interest in the Chinese language. Why? Because there are a lot of contacts. Business is developing accordingly, and there are a lot of new partners between Russia and China. They appear naturally. We have a turnover of over $ 200 billion with China, which is already $ 230 billion, according to various estimates. And the volume increases. What does this mean? This does not just mean that goods are transported from one country to another, or that our joint research teams are created, and so on. This means that when people communicate with each other in solving specific tasks that life puts before them, there is a need to learn each other's language. And in China, by the way, there is a growing interest in the Russian language, and in our country – in Chinese. Little members of my family speak Chinese, speak fluently.
But this does not mean that we should forget our interest in the English language there. English is a great language. He gave a lot to humanity in terms of combining knowledge, uniting people in the field of culture, and so on. We don't give up anything. We don't have hostile languages; we don't even have hostile countries. We have hostile elites in some countries who have been fighting Russia for centuries, not just now, in order to weaken the country. Because they think it's too big. They are "threatened" by such a large country as Russia. They are trying to slow down our development, "flood" a little, and maybe even "slightly". Some people publicly – you know, I don't invent anything, it's written in their books, in their articles – think about dividing Russia into separate parts.
We don't have such relations with China. The People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation are allies in every sense of the word. First of all, of course, we are joining forces in the fields of economy, culture, and humanitarian relations, and the language is in demand. And as it grows, and China's economy grows… Let me remind you that today, in terms of purchasing power parity, which means the size of the economy, China's economy is the number one economy in the world, followed by India. Russia came in fourth place. And most importantly, China's economic growth rate is higher than that of other economies in the world. In other words, this gap between the Chinese economy and others, including the US economy, will grow, at least in the near future, in the near historical perspective. This is an obvious thing.
Yes, there is still per capita is considered a good, correct indicator, too. In this sense, the United States is far ahead. In China – one and a half billion people, and in the United States-300 with a little. The US has more people per capita, but the size of the economy in China is already significantly higher. And the gap is constantly increasing. Therefore, the importance of the Chinese language will certainly increase. As they say in our country today, this is a medical fact, there is no getting away from it.
But when we think about it, we should not forget about the role and significance of the Russian language. First of all, as a language that unites all the peoples of the Russian Federation, and secondly, as a language that helps us communicate with other countries. It is the language of international communication and is one of the official languages of the United Nations. It is spoken by more than 300 million people worldwide. And we must do everything possible to maintain its level and status both within the country, and with our closest friends, neighbors, and allies, first of all, of course, in the former Soviet Union, but also with our main partners and allies, including with such a huge and promising area of cooperation. a country like the People's Republic of China.
But that doesn't mean – and I want to come back to you again – that you should give up English. No, of course not. And today, even from the point of view of the same economy, the economy of Western countries is high-tech, modern, and we certainly have a lot to learn there. Contacts don't actually disappear. The ruling elites there are trying to isolate Russia, it is clear that nothing is working, everyone already understands this. There are a lot of people in these countries who support Russia, support our desire to strengthen traditional values, and also fight in their countries for these traditional values: for the family, healthy relations between our countries, and traditions in our country and in theirs. We need it all, it's all in demand.
Don't drop out of English, study English. But if you see a need to learn other languages of the peoples of the world, do so, do not stop there.
D.-H.Ondar: All right. Thanks for the reply.
Vladimir Putin: Please.
T. Shyvyk: Mr President, hello!
My name is Shyvyk Tagir, a student of the 10th grade of school No. 7.
I am the deputy chairman of the Council of the first of the city of Kyzyl, an athlete and an active participant in the Movement of the first. My favorite sports are judo and sambo.
Vladimir Putin: We have something in common.
T. Shyvyk: Yes.
Two years ago, my father said to me: son, get up, let's go to judo. I agreed and went with him. When I went to the gym, I saw the guys in "snow-white armor", that is, kimono, we call it. I said to myself: I will be exactly the same. And two years later, thanks to the efforts of my coaches and friends, I finally began to take first places in city and national tournaments. As a judoka, I know very well that you are also a judoka and sambo wrestler, and you even have the title of Master of Sports.
I also dream of becoming a pilot and entering the St. Petersburg Civil Piloting School after the 11th grade.
Vladimir Putin: Civil aviation.
T. Shyvyk: Yes, civil aviation.
Vladimir Putin: It is located on Liteyny Prospekt in St. Petersburg. A good, solid institution.
T. Shyvyk: Yes, it's solid.
From sports, I made a rule for myself: keep the defense and attack first. Almost the same as yours: if a battle is imminent, strike first.
I have a question for you: what rule of sports have you adopted in your life, what rule do you use in your life?
Vladimir Putin: You have just remembered our favorite sports. And I really started with sambo wrestling, fulfilled the standard of the master of sports of the Soviet Union, then moved on, our whole group, the whole section moved to judo, fulfilled the standard of the master of sports of the USSR in judo there.
Judo and sambo are very good sports. They are close, but the difference is in the rules, and therefore in the movements, in throws, in pain techniques. But there is a very good rule in judo – flexibility in everything. This is a very good rule that applies to life in general. Somewhere it is good, as I said, "a bullet is a fool, a bayonet is a good boy", you need to be ready for a bayonet attack and not be afraid of it and go forward yourself, but it is often very important to show flexibility in order to win.
T. Shyvyk: What rule do you use?
Vladimir Putin: So I told you.
T. Shyvyk: Flexibility?
Vladimir Putin: Yes. It is very important to be able to show flexibility, but to achieve the ultimate goal – to win.
T. Shyvyk: Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: I wish you every success in sambo. Do you also practice Sambo?
T. Shyvyk: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: Excellent. Do you understand the difference, do you feel it?
T. Shyvyk: Yes, there is a difference.
Vladimir Putin: These are very good sports, especially for boys, boys and men.
T. Shyvyk: Especially for children.
Vladimir Putin: Game sports are also very good. It is interesting to watch both basketball and football, all game sports are team sports. There is a team here as a whole, there is responsibility for the team, but when you go out on the mat, on the tatami, only you and the opponent, and everything depends on you personally. And this is very important for the education of male character.
T. Shyvyk: Thank you very much.
L. Ichin-Norbu: Mr President, we understand that you are very busy, but do you guys have the opportunity to ask a few more questions?
Vladimir Putin: Please.
Fr Tomur-ool: Hello, Mr President!
My name is Tomur-ool Oyuuna. I study at school No. 11 in the city of Kyzyl, in the 11th border cadet class.
Since childhood, I have been fond of singing, dancing, and drawing.
Vladimir Putin: You see? And you say: there are not enough institutions that are engaged in patriotic training and preparation for future military service. There is also a borderline one, it turns out. I didn't even know.
O. Tomur-ool: Only in school No. 11.
Vladimir Putin: All right, all right. I realized that it wasn't enough. I've already figured it out.
I beg.
O. Tomur-ool: I've loved playing sports since I was a child. I was also engaged in boxing. Participated in many sports competitions and events.
Vladimir Putin: I'm sorry to interrupt you all the time. You were engaged in boxing. Have you watched the Olympic Games where a man who claimed to be a woman knocked out a real woman and broke her nose? How do you feel about this?
O. Tomur-ool: I don't think this is very fair to other girls who have been preparing for this competition for a very long time.
Vladimir Putin: I just said that you need to be flexible to win, but you're already very flexible now: "not very fair." It's not fair at all. This is nonsense, nonsense.
O. Tomur-ool: Yes, it's not fair.
Vladimir Putin: Another Italian with a big beard said that he was declaring himself a woman in order to punch the face of the man who broke the nose of the Italian woman.
They are completely killing women's sports, just killing women's sports. After all, any man can declare himself a woman, just declare, and perform in any sport, without giving any chances for women to take prizes, especially first places. But it's just a distraction.
O. Tomur-ool: I totally agree with you.
Vladimir Putin: I interrupted you. You are welcome.
O. Tomur-ool: I participated in such sports competitions as "Zarnitsa 2.0", "Scout Trail", in the paramilitary relay race of the Border Department of the Republic of Tuva.
Now, at the moment, my peers and young people instead of a healthy lifestyle choose, for example, vapes. This is very frustrating for me.
Vladimir Putin: Are these e-cigarettes?
O. Tomur-ool: Electronic cigarettes, yes. This is very frustrating for me.
I have an initiative to raise taxes on vapes and use the money from these taxes to build sports zones for all of us.
Vladimir Putin: The fact that you are worried that young people are using these vapes, electronic cigarettes – is very correct. There is something to worry about, I'll tell you about it now.
As for sports: in order for a person to achieve results in life as a whole, of course, you need to regularly engage in physical culture and sports. Modern research shows that playing sports also affects cognitive abilities. A person can hardly be full-fledged and effective, and can hardly achieve serious results if he does not engage in physical activity at all. The body is a single whole, and physical activity is also associated with brain activity, so this should be done without fail.
In my opinion, the number of people who go in for sports has increased by 16 percent in the last three years, from 40 to 56 percent. But this is not enough. We need at least 70 percent of Russian citizens to exercise regularly by 2030. We try to encourage our people to take regular classes.
We are introducing a rule according to which if a person fulfills the TRP standards and passes a medical examination on time, they receive certain tax benefits. We are constantly building new sports facilities all over the country. In my opinion, there are 350 sports facilities a year, and only the federal budget finances their construction. In principle, these are good programs.
But, of course, you need internal motivation for physical activity and you need to understand what bad habits lead to. Especially young people do not think about it. It seems that it is possible, that it is cool to smoke electronic cigarettes. But no one thinks that there are problems, first of all, with memory, problems with general physical condition, problems with immunity. Because with these electronic cigarettes in the lungs, it turns out, oddly enough, like they are electronic, nevertheless penetrate various pathogens, and this lowers the immune system. And for young people, which is especially important, the reproductive function decreases, for men and women, that is, the possibility of having children in the future decreases. These are all very serious things. But when it seems that it is fashionable and cool, people don't think about it. But you need to know about it and think about it.
Do I need to increase taxes? I think we've been raising taxes for two or three years in a row. As you know, there are always certain restrictions related to tax increases and bans.
In the Soviet Union, they laughed, there was such a formula "grab and don't let go" – prohibit, suppress. Somewhere it is necessary to prohibit, but there is always a line that crosses which these prohibitions no longer apply. Electronic cigarettes will appear and are already appearing in large numbers, which enter the market "rough" or "in earnest", without any taxes, and are not produced within the framework of the current law.
Unfortunately, there was an experience in our country when they fought against alcohol, cut down all the vineyards-all this led to an increase in moonshine brewing and to the fact that people began to drink all sorts of denaturates, mixtures, and impurities. The number of deaths has increased dramatically. This should be a comprehensive effort. First of all, the main part of this work is explaining the real situation: what it leads to. We need a healthy lifestyle, regular sports, so that they become fashionable, so that it is cool.
The young man who is sitting in front of you said that he is engaged in sambo and judo wrestling and began to take the first places. That's what's cool. It requires concentration, willpower. This requires your own organization and self-improvement. And here is the result-to take a worthy place in a fair competition.
Getting an electronic cigarette costs nothing. What is the heroism?
O. Tomur-ool: Nothing.
Vladimir Putin: Nothing. Just to show off: I'm so cool. You're cool when you go to the tatami mat or the mat or the basketball court and win – you're cool. And so-I got it, smoked it, and what? Zero. Everything just went into negative territory.
We are all together, including, by the way, at these youth events – in youth camps, in the Movement of the First, in the Youth Army and so on, in schools… You just need to explain, show, but do it beautifully, competently, clearly and convincingly. Then success will be assured.
O. Tomur-ool: Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you for your question.
Leonid Antonov: Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich!
My name is Antonov Lev, a student of the 11th grade of Lyceum No. 15, I am 17 years old. I play sports, go to the Olympic Games, scientific and practical conferences and paramilitary relays.
I am the president of my school. In my election campaign, I promised a lot to my participants. Over the past year, I didn't manage to fulfill one point – I wanted to hold interscholastic sports competitions. Thanks to this meeting, I hope that the principals and presidents of other schools will support me, and we will finally hold them.
Question, Mr President, I would like to ask as President of the President: is there anything from your election campaign that you did not manage to complete, and if there is such a thing, how are you going to fix it?
Vladimir Putin: There is always something to strive for. Always a person should feel that he did not do something or could have done better. If this feeling is not present, you need to stop this work.
You see, there can't be a situation that is perfect. There can be no such situation as in the famous work: "Stop, moment, you are beautiful!" Moments can be beautiful, but it can be even better. If there is an internal need to achieve more, better results, then there is a chance to do it and achieve it.
Of course, when you, as a responsible person who makes some promises, should think before making them: is it doable or not? I hope you will do the same.
We were just talking about these vapes, or whatever they are called. And you are now talking about competitions. These are related things. It is absolutely necessary that it is cool to win these competitions. So that people can be proud of it, so that young people who achieve this result are heroes, and not those who drag on cigarettes, and then do not remember what happened yesterday, do not remember what their father's name is, and cannot give birth to children, you know? They have nothing to do with it, everything that could have been is gone. But sports, on the contrary, provide opportunities for development, create basic conditions for movement in other areas as well. And of course, if you promised that you would organize such competitions, you should do it.
L. Antonov: Thank you for your reply.
Vladimir Putin: Please.
A. Popkova: Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich!
My name is Arina Popkova, I am 14 years old, I am a student of the 9th" B " class of Lyceum No. 15.
I have been participating in various conferences, Olympiads, competitions since the youngest grades, and I also do very well at school. I do yoga in my spare time, and I also love traveling around Russia with my family. I was in different cities: Sochi, Moscow, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Abakan.
Vladimir Putin: Where did you like it the most?
A. Popkova: I liked Sochi the most.
Vladimir Putin: It's warm and beautiful.
A. Popkova: Yes.
I also recently got my dad back with his SVO. The military has a vacation twice a year. Every time he comes, we go somewhere to travel. Recently we went to Krasnoyarsk by car, it took about 10 hours. We usually travel by plane, but plane tickets are becoming more expensive every year from our republic, and we do not have a railway.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, I have a question for you: will the construction of the railway from other regions of the country to our republic continue?
Vladimir Putin: We have big plans for the development of railways, and first of all the so-called Eastern Polygon – this is all that is generally connected with the development of transport, including railways in the direction of Asian markets, because, as I said in answering the previous questions, the volume of trade is growing, and there is not enough transportation capacity. Therefore, we will definitely do this. I know that there were certain plans for the so–called Kyzyl-Kuragino branch. Unfortunately, it is not developing properly, including because initially those who planned it, wanted to turn it purely into a commercial project, without calling this line into settlements.
But the republic's leadership still insists that this project should be implemented precisely and primarily in the interests of people who live in various localities in the republic. So there are such plans. I hope all this will be implemented.
As for air traffic, we are also constantly developing processes related to subsidizing transportation, especially from the regions of Siberia and the Far East to the European part. I won't list everything now, but this applies to different categories of our citizens by age, it applies to certain periods, certain months of the year. We will continue to expand this program. And we will keep in mind, of course, Tuva as well.
A. Popkova: Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: And the fact that you and your dad are traveling around the country is very cool. Is he here now, or has he left?"
A. Popkova: No, he's still here.
Vladimir Putin: Give him my regards.
A. Popkova: All right.
Vladimir Putin: How's he feeling?"
A. Popkova: Everything is fine with him.
Vladimir Putin: Everything is fine. The man came from a war zone, and he is doing well. So we'll all be fine, too.
A. Popkova: Thank you.
G. Alekseev: Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich!
I am Georgy Alekseev, a cadet of the MES class of school No. 1 in the city of Kyzyl.
I have been engaged in army hand-to-hand combat for eight years now. Recently completed the standard for the first adult category. My passion for sports in the 7th grade was noticed by my teacher-mentor Denis Sergeyevich Popugalov, who is the director of this school. He helped me develop my abilities in terms of military training. Why military training? Because he started taking me to the competitions of the paramilitary sports contests, even putting me in command of some detachments.
Previously, I didn't think about what kind of profession I would have. But after Denis Sergeyevich started inviting me to various competitions, I already thought about my profession, and at the end of the 11th grade I want to enter the Novosibirsk Military Institute named after I. K. Yakovlev. According to the stories of friends who already serve and study there, they say that every year elite special forces come there and conduct selections. I was fired up with this desire. I want to join Special Forces Alpha.
I have a question for you: what made you choose your profession?
Vladimir Putin: What about yours?
You know, this is a difficult question actually. It is related to the environment in which we live. It is connected with the school, with the people who surround us. It is associated with literature, books that we read, and movies that we watch. It is related to the general mood in society.
I grew up in a simple family, but still in an environment that was very patriotic. My father fought during the Great Patriotic War, my mother was with the child in besieged Leningrad. All relatives were somehow involved in the events of the Great Patriotic War. They were simple, but very solid people, just solid. All this together – and school, literature, family-all this affects the formation of our worldview. All of this seemed to affect me, too.
In the end, I also caught fire with this, I wanted to be a military man. I originally wanted to work in the foreign intelligence service of the Soviet Union. And so it turned out. I do not know whether it was by chance ,as we say, "The Lord ruled" or whether it was fate.
Apparently, you have the same thing. You just talked about your teacher, who drew attention to you, your leadership qualities and abilities. I am sure that it was not by chance that he made you an offer to be the head of certain teams and so on. All this has shaped you.
All the same things shaped me, all the same things shape each of those sitting here and in general every person. When we talk about strengthening our traditional values, it is of great importance for the future of our state, because it forms the people that you become.
I want to congratulate you on this choice. If you have such a serious choice, then it shows that your entire previous life was correct in terms of forming your character and attitude to life, to your family and to your country.
Service in such a unit as the Special Operations Forces, "Alpha" – one of the parts of the Special Operations Forces-is, of course, a special service, this is certainly not just due to love for the Motherland, for the Fatherland, for your family, it is connected with the willingness to fight for what you devote your life to, until the end.
G. Alekseev: Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: We must be prepared for this internally.
G. Alekseev: I would also like to thank my teacher for guiding me to the right choice.
Vladimir Putin: I would like to wish you every success.
G. Alekseev: Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: We need to finish up slowly. Let's have a few more questions.
You are welcome.
V. Darzieva: Hello, Mr President!
My name is Veronika Darzieva, I am a student of the 11th grade of School No. 15.
Since childhood, I have always been interested in technology. As a result, I developed my own personal website and won many places and nominations in scientific conferences in the 10th grade. When we were sent a link to such an application as Sferum, which is designed for school communication between students and teachers, I immediately became interested in the functions and capabilities of this platform.
As a future developer, I understand that this service can be improved. Since Russia is a country of opportunities, I would like to know about these opportunities using the Sferum app, so that you can track all the Olympiads and events that are currently taking place in our region or country, so that you can choose something according to your interests, register, apply and get the best results. participate in these events by challenging yourself.
Vladimir Putin: The Sferum platform was created by us, if memory serves, at the end of 2021, and today it is used by almost 25 million people. These are students, students, and teachers. It was created to address the issues that you just mentioned.
In general, the IT sector is one of the most important areas that the state is engaged in, because the future of our country undoubtedly depends on how effectively we will work in this area.
I must say that we work quite well here. For example, the use of IT technologies in the field of public administration is one of the most striking areas, even in comparison with our competitors. But we certainly need to make sure that almost 100 percent of public services are provided electronically in the coming years.
In general, those who work in IT technologies know that the state provides a whole set of benefits in this area, so that this activity develops at the fastest pace.
Let's say we had zero income tax until the end of this year. Since 2025, it has been rising slightly, but this is only five percent. For this type of activity, these are very favorable working conditions. Those who work in this field enjoy a preferential mortgage loan of less than six percent, and so on. There is a very large set of support for this entire industry.
But, of course, you need to make sure that there is only one window. If it is not available, I will certainly talk to my colleagues, including my colleagues in the Government, the Ministry of Digital Development, and Maksut Igorevich [Shadaev, Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media]. Then we need to focus our efforts on ensuring that users of this platform have the opportunity to receive all the information they need, including information related to what is happening in this area, in order to navigate and take part in the activities that you have just mentioned. We will definitely do this.
V. Darziyeva: Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
I think we should definitely be finishing up by now.
L. Ichin-Norbu: Vladimir Vladimirovich, the guys really asked for a photo with you. Allow me?
Vladimir Putin: Yes, with pleasure. Let's do it.
Guys, thank you so much for the conversation. This is the first one.
Second. I understand that you represent different teams from all over the republic, so I have a huge request to you: please convey my best wishes and best wishes for success to all your friends and students.
I once again congratulate you on the start of the school year. [My Emphasis]
Just two short comments before moving on to the second part of Putin’s visit to Tuva on his way to Mongolia. In the discussion with Eliza Chamzyray, Putin went quickly went over the series of events that brought about the SMO but always referred to “they” instead of the actual players who happen to be the top rulers of the Outlaw US Empire beginning with Obama, then Trump and now Biden since those who were the Golpistas that performed the 2014 Coup were never legitimate under Ukraine’s constitution. IMO, it would’ve been better for Putin to name those hostile leaders. The second point I hope readers noticed is all the competitions that are possible for Russian schoolchildren to enter along with the fact that summer camps are available for children of all ages nationally. Tuva’s not the only region where its camps need upgrading, and as Putin said this is known by the government and the issue is being remedied. And we also read some small confessions by Putin about himself, most of which were previously stated. The small aside about his family was also welcome while the content wasn’t at all surprising.
The report about the two meetings on Tuva’s socio-economic development will conclude with Putin’s interview with the Mongolian newspaper Onodor, which will make for another long read with few colorful photos.
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I always enjoy the back and forth Putin does with young people. Thanks.
"Tuva or bust". Inside joke. Admire Pres. Putin's wisdom and energy. Thanks for this update.