Just finished writing a comment related to b’s article about CNN and Establishment Narrative propaganda that included hyperlinks to never before suppressed sites: Wikipedia and YouTube, and that pushed my buttons—again. So, my comment might not be read by as many here, but it will be read.
Yesterday there was brief mention of a protest folk song that's on fire here within the Outlaw US Empire, "Rich Men North of Richmond”. The linked video has 42 Million views as I type and over 150K comments, and that isn't the only protest song he's written. It's as Anti-CNN, Anti-Establishment Narrative as can be; and while it appears sectional, it's resonating nationally. Surprisingly, YouTube hasn't scrubbed him--yet. And he's joined with others to spread the protest gospel. Singer and song even share this Wikipedia listing, which shows how the Establishment's spinning its content.
My point is to show there's great turbulence within the Empire's grassroots, and IMO this isn't a Pro-Trump message either. The title "Rich Men North of Richmond" aims directly at the Class that rules and has ruined the nation. If you haven't listened to it, give it a try. No, it's not perfect, but that's what makes it genuine. When I first heard it, I thought of Woody Guthrie and the over 100 million people within the Empire no longer counted in the labor force, yet the Feds say unemployment is under 5%. IMO, this wave from "below" is worth trying to watch.
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I read often and comment occasionally on MoA. Much more now that the Ukraine scam was started. I will make a point of reading more of your stuff there and on here. Once I gain comfort on what I think you are all about, I will consider a subscription.
I lean toward Classic Liberalism, Conservative thoughts. I am damn concerned of the takeover of the USA, slowly, subtly, then quickly, rudely.
Keep at it, I will pay attention.
Thank you for all your excellent writing, research, posts, and commentary. I look for your posts on Moon of Alabama, and I always enjoy and learn from them. I am puzzled by the fact that any of your posts would be scrubbed from MoA; I assume that in some way this is done automatically because of some blanket ban on various sites that b does not approve of, and apparently the blacklist continues to expand, no? I think it is foolish to choose such a policy on an "alternative news" site, as this seems to be essentially a mirror image of what the Deep State does on Social and Mainstream Media.