Some may have heard of Iran’s True Promise III Plan, which follows on II and I, and is aimed at deterring the Zionists of Occupied Palestine. This article at The Cradle, “Can True Promise III reshape Iran’s geopolitical fate?” helps explain what it is and why it must be pursued. Alastair Crooke in today’s chat with Judge Napolitano tacitly agreed that Iran doesn’t really have much choice but to show the Zionists in Washington and Tel Aviv that it has genuine deterrence power, and that the previous lies about the effectiveness of Iran’s attacks were just that—lies. Unfortunately, the Zionists believe their lies. Complicating the issue for Iran is its internal socio-economic. The Cradle author writes:
While the rhetoric of Iran's leaders is often focused on the evils of western ‘malevolent’ agendas, on the home front, Iran also faces mounting challenges. Inflation is soaring, the rial is in freefall, housing is increasingly unaffordable, and energy shortages have led to blackouts. Public frustration mounts as these issues are often blamed on governmental incompetence. Iranians are asking pressing questions – What about skyrocketing rents? Food prices? Heating during winter? How will eradicating the ‘roots of Zionism’ help with ‘bread-and-butter’ issues?
No doubt, Washington will seek to take full advantage of this rare convergence of Iran's domestic and regional setbacks to target the Islamic Republic in the coming months.
Unfortunately, aside from what Crooke imparts to Napolitano, discovering Crooke’s written opinion on True Promise III or anything else at his new substack requires purchasing a subscription as it appears he’s ended his publishing relationship with Strategic Culture, where today’s companion essay would’ve appeared. An internet search reveals many basic articles from the latter months of 2024 about the reality of the coming attack although the when question is always unanswered.
The many months of hype related to the Russia-Iran Strategic Agreement whose details according to Lavrov were agreed to months ago that many thought would ease Iran’s economic problems has seen its deadline pushed out ever further and is now supposed to become reality of 17 January, although that date is also fumbled about by different commentators. Indeed, the amount of importance placed on Iran for BRI and INSTC viability gave the impression that Iran was far more stable than it appears. The Cradle points out the fact that Russia, Iran and China all share the same adversary, but they are all impacted in a different manner. Russia and Iran are essentially in direct conflict while China has yet to reach that point. The current Iranian president is anything but a warrior and has gotten this far without attacking the Zionists with phase III, which in my and other opinions irks Netanyahu.
A note on the Russia-Outlaw US Empire conflict. The Ukies have attempted a counter-attack in the Kursk region where it again forfeited most of its troops and equipment. Most commentators are calling this utterly stupid and irrational. I beg to differ. What this does it to put further backbone into the Empire’s primary policy in Eurasia which is to keep as many conflicts going along the arch of instability as it can to force Russia, China and their allies to defer their development and concentrate on security. The Empire’s Deep State doesn’t give a damn if all Ukraine’s 18-24 year-olds are killed while upholding their geopolitical policy. Trump may try to end that, but IMO he’s going to fail as any agreement reached with Russia will need to be approved by a 2/3s+1 majority vote by the Senate, which is very unlikely. Yes, he can try to cut funding and weapons transfers, but those will also be hard tasks since he has no line-item veto ability. And then we’re faced with Trump’s motivation to end the conflict with Russia versus his desire to confront Iran and China—conflicts that also fit into the Deep State’s overall geopolitical strategy of containing Eurasian economic and geopolitical power growth.
Some analysts have said Russia made a mistake by ending the genocide in Donbass, that Russia didn’t understand the degree of resolve within the Outlaw US Empire to further the conflict given the inherent risk of nuclear war. Russia’s initial strategy almost worked and would have except for the Empire’s intervention. That necessitated a change in strategy, although the SMO goals would remain the same. Further ground was gained, referendums held in those newly liberated regions, and legislation passed enabling two more oblasts to enter/return to Russia. The SMO continues now with an enlarged demilitarization aim that extends to NATO, not just Ukraine, and Russia’s doing that very well without needing to invade any NATO nation. And as it does that, Russia proves to the entire world the vast superiority of its weapons and associated systems. So, once the SMO ends, Russian arms sales—which are now curtailed—will soar. Furthermore, many analysts say Russia has yet to reach the Dnieper River, but that’s not at all correct as Russia abuts it in the Kherson and Zaporozhe regions.
So, yes, the Outlaw US Empire will continue to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian with never-ending aid from Zelensky. As for the buffers Russia would want against NATO, they appear to be forming politically as the Central European nations are already changing their political allegiances and their militaries are being deweaponized as they give what they have to Ukraine to lose on the battlefield. The Poles are properly aware of their powerful neighbor, look at Ukraine’s plight and refuse to be dragooned any deeper into the Empire’s Deep State’s project. The Baltics have no power. And with Europe’s deindustrialization, little facility exists for them to replenish, US arms are a waste of money, and no nation has any extra money to spend on war anyway. Most want peace and the resumption of trade with Russia. The fundamental geoeconomic structure in Eurasia cannot be altered by war unless the Outlaw US Empire can conquer Russia, which will never occur. The Empire’s in decline; Eurasia’s on the rise and the Global Majority wants to ride Eurasia’s bandwagon. Trump will need to become a terrorist like Clinton, Biden, Obama, and Bush while doing the Deep State’s bidding unless he refuses. But as we saw in Trump’s first term, he was all too happy to become a terrorist.
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If Iran delivers a serious blow to Israel, will that unite their people?
Iran has been under extreme sanctions, but not under military action like Yemen. And Yemen has not given up. Iranians showed courage when their people walked into Iraq's mine fields to take out the mines.
If Iranians conclude that the Zionists and the US actually are going to embark on military action to take their resources and destroy their culture, then the fight will be on the home front and this should energize them more than the drip, drip of more sanctions. .
I have been hearing for over a year that Iran has extensive military capabilities built up in anticipation of an attack by the US. If that is correct, and they executed III, they could attack infrastructure - energy, water, telecom, internet, and of course military installations. Since military offices are often in residential areas there would be collateral damage. Maybe they could repeat the drip, drip of the sanctions with a series of attacks: III.1, III.2, III.3.
A commentator recently made the claim that the only way the world and even in the US will be safe is if Zionism is completely defeated. The US and Zionists are betting that Iran won't hit back hard. Or maybe they think that Iran can't do it. Dangerous game.
True that although he had not yet lost a piece of his ear , thru an act of God