Very Serious Russian Point-of-View
"Russia will have to withdraw nuclear weapons from the United States"
Timofey Sergeitsev writes op/ed columns for the major Russian language media outlet Ria Novosti and is described thusly in one bio:
Methodologist, philosopher, member of Rossiya Segodnya’s Zinoviev Club, co-founder of the Archive of the Moscow Methodological Club Foundation, research adviser of the Zinoviev International Research and Education Centre at the Department of Global Processes, Moscow State University.
This is the Zinoviev Club’s self-described description:
Zinovyev Club is a platform for expertise and analysis, created by the Zinovyev Biographical Institute together with the Rossiya Segodnya News Agency. The club is named after Alexander Zinovyev, a prominent Russian philosopher and sociologist. He spent 21 years in forced emigration before returning to Russia in 1999.
From 1978 to 1999, he lived and worked in Munich. Upon his return, he lectured at the Moscow State University’s philosophy faculty. Wrote a number of books, including Yawning Heights, Radiant Future, Homo Soveticus, Notes of the Nightwatchmen, Para Bellum, Catastroika and others.
Founded in December 2013, Rossiya Segodnya is described by Wikipedia thusly:
Media group owned and operated by the Russian government, created on the basis of RIA Novosti. The group owns and operates Sputnik, RIA Novosti, inoSMI and several other entities. The head of the organisation is Dmitry Kiselyov. Margarita Simonyan is the chief editor.
I provide all the background info because what you’re about to read is a very critical and demonstratively different point-of-view of the Outlaw US Empire than most will have seen. I find the author a very serious analyst and well versed historically. He was born in 1963, making him eight years younger than me, so he’s had plenty of time for his views to mature. His writings have earned him illegal sanctions by the Outlaw US Empire and its EU vassals. A hat-tip to Andrei Martyanov for noting his essay:
Russia Will Have to Withdraw Nuclear Weapons From the United States
It is impossible to fight Russia without Nazification. The political system of the aggressor country, which opposed Russia and the Russians, will not survive. Therefore, the United States Nazified Ukraine. The Nazi ideology dictated to Ukrainians determines their place in the "food chain", at the top of which is the United States: Ukrainians are lower than their Western masters, but higher than the Russians – so they were indoctrinated. For this they must submit to the totalitarian Nazi order and die at the front without counting the losses.
Russia allowed the existence of the Ukrainian people, but will never agree to the Ukrainian nation, for which "Ukraine is above all", to "Ukraine for Ukrainians". If Russians cannot live freely on the territory of Ukraine as Russians, then there will be no Ukraine on historically Russian territories. This is a settled issue. Ukrainian Nazism will be destroyed in all its manifestations in the historical territories of Russia.
Whether there will be anything left of Ukrainianism after this, one cannot really guess. If the Germans had a place to retreat after denazification - to their culture and history, then Ukrainians do not have such a cultural and historical basis, otherwise there would not have been fictions about the "ancient Ukies", which are seriously introduced into the education system, starting from kindergarten.
Russia has no reason to preserve the defeated Ukraine. The 20th-century communist experiment in granting privileges to fringe nationalisms in exchange for supporting the world revolution is over. The territorial remnants of Western Ukraine are also the objects of claims of several Eastern European countries.
At the same time, the solution of the Ukrainian problem does not cancel the main problem of Russia - the war of attrition and annihilation, which has been waged against it in the struggle for world domination by the United States, since the moment of victory USSR Over Hitler's Germany. The Ukrainian crisis in this war is another passing episode.
From the very beginning of the war against the USSR, the United States considered nuclear weapons as the main "argument" - the destruction of Russia is necessary because it is possible. However, the Soviet Union's swift response, both in terms of nuclear warheads and space delivery vehicles, demanded that the U.S. nuclear strategy be supplemented with the psychological and ideological warfare of the Voice of America, as well as local conflicts in which the so-called U.S. proxy forces were forged. The latter were later supplemented by "international terrorism" – also a geopolitical invention of the United States. All these additions to the development and growth of the nuclear arsenal made up the characterization of the U.S. war against the USSR as a cold war. The Cold War is the political shell of the US nuclear attack plan on the USSR.
However, the United States does not realize that the war against the USSR/Russia has become the main process that determines its own fate. The United States itself has become hostages to this struggle and its existential risks.
The suicide of the USSR created the illusion of victory in the United States in psychological warfare. However, it did not mean the defeat of the Soviet Union. He voluntarily ended his own story. But this did not mean the defeat and even more so the suicide of historical Russia. On the contrary, Russia refused to be a resource for the world revolution and the global imposition of communism, the world communist superpower. It returned to the continuation of its own history, to its origins and traditions. Given what has been done for the good of humanity on the world stage at the cost of the sacrifices it has made, it is not surprising that it was Russia that for the first time in the world and history offered eternal peace to its historical opponents. This proposal was mistakenly considered weakness and capitulation of the vanquished.
The United States is fighting Russia, the largest state in terms of territory among the states of the world following the results of the wars of the last millennium. The "returns" from this struggle critically undermine the United States' own political system. Today, they have come close to the point where racism, the ideological basis of the United States, must be openly transformed into Nazism, the practice of total war. This final transformation began with the Patriot Act of 2001, which marked the end of American democracy. Today, American ideologues no longer mention it, but instead talk about American rules for the world, about the exceptionalism of the American nation, about the obligation of peoples to die for American interests, to sacrifice their vital resources for the sake of the United States. This fully applies to Europeans, although it is unusual for them. American Nazism is absolute and is the next, more developed version after the German one.
The United States has already done enough not only against Russia and its people, but also against the peoples of other countries, for the victims to declare a war of annihilation on them. Casus belli has been taking place for a long time. The United States has already deserved severe punishment. But they are acting without regard for such a possibility only because the victims do not yet want a nuclear war. As it seems for Washington, nuclear power exempts from responsibility. However, if and when the final Nazification of the United States takes place (including if some states that do not want Nazification and fascist dictatorship do not secede from the United States themselves), the question of how to stop them will arise for Russia and other affected states as practical and urgent. Neutralizing their proxies, including Europe, will not give the required result. At the same time, one should not count on the "instinct of self-preservation", since the subject claiming superpower does not have it by definition. Suicide is just his highest achievement and inevitable prospect. After all, the supersubject becomes such, spending resources unrestrainedly. Which one day end. However, unlike the USSR, which embraced the ideological poison of anti-communism and died quietly in its bed, the United States will try to take everyone else with it. Because they live at their expense, and not at their own. And sooner or later they [the world] will stop feeding the dragon.
Russia has announced a refinement of its nuclear doctrine. The level of nuclear tolerance based on the results of the clarification will be expected to be significantly adjusted downwards. Sensitivity to threats will be increased, a number of prohibitions and self-restrictions will be lifted. The correction of the nuclear doctrine is inevitably caused not only by the reckless stubbornness of the United States in attempts to inflict unacceptable damage on our country, but also by the consistent qualitative and quantitative growth of Russia's defense and offensive strategic potential, both in nuclear and non-nuclear weapons, and the achievement of military superiority over the enemy. Moscow returned to the systematic reproduction of armed forces capable of confrontation on a global scale, moreover, in a format that does not imply the total militarization of society, which opens up horizons of new political and economic opportunities for it that were not available in the twentieth century.
At what point will the arming, mobilization and sending of proxy tools by the United States to the front against Russia be "considered" a war between the United States and our country? This issue will not be resolved in the plane of international law, which is hopelessly lagging behind the reality of the struggle for world power waged by the United States. Russia still has enough reasons to frame the confrontation in this way. It does not do this for the only reason – the consequences of proxy aggression have so far been effectively stopped. The format of the NWO moderates military risks, reducing them to a level that is below the threshold of general mobilization. In fact, this format itself is a political, technological and social invention and achievement of modern Russia, an effective management mechanism, although it creates new and unusual social effects and phenomena unknown in the past. But working with them is a school for a new generation of Russian statesmen. In terms of preparing for a full-scale war against the aggressor, the NWO is a developed alternative to repression and spy mania, which are inevitable if there is no such alternative.
The United States is gathering political forces for a decisive blow to Russia. The democracy of poker between the two ruling parties, when the presidency is played more or less according to some rules, has been exhausted. The United States needs a dictatorship for itself, and it will establish it. Ancient Rome was able to consciously appoint a dictator in a situation of crisis. The United States did not reach Rome. But Ukraine became their political technology laboratory, here they set up a full-scale experiment on the transition to Nazism, as they say, "out of the blue." And now they will take full advantage of its results in relation to themselves. The pirate oligarchy should become a military junta. And this brings the United States to the problem of power.
The military – those who fight and die on the battlefield, and not just are listed as soldiers in peacetime – are the only caste that can rule. This is an ancient tradition, but such is the modern situation, since power requires unlimited responsibility, when life is pledged and not authorized capital. The United States is a society where power has been usurped by traders. And they, in principle, avoid responsibility, even limited ones, and strive to transfer the maximum of risks, losses and costs to others. In the USSR, power in the twentieth century was appropriated by the clergy of a godless religion – faith in communism. This distortion of the political system led to its destruction. The imbalance of the US political system also leads its internal crisis to the point of no return. The U.S. military community is corrupted by the influx of external resources and the logic of plunder. It is not ready to build a state – a system of reproduction of power based on its own internal resources. For two centuries, the US trade community bought the services of its own military, effectively turning them into mercenaries. But there are fewer and fewer funds left for this internal mercenary. And mercenaries do not and cannot have political qualifications.
The political crisis in the United States and its further deepening will not postpone, but, on the contrary, will bring closer their military conflict with Russia. Even the logic of unilateral rule-making is no longer available to the United States: those who are unable to establish them internally cannot project rules onto the world. In the escalation of the conflict to a full-scale world war, the American clans will look for mechanisms to resolve both their own contradictions and write off the American debt to the world in all its dimensions, from financial to moral. In this strategic perspective, Russia will not expand the use of US military proxy tools and include European countries in their aggression. The lesson that the West will have to teach will apply not only to these countries, but also to the American metropolis itself.
The lack of principles and policies of self-restraint deprives the United States of the right to nuclear weapons. The growth of contradictions between state states, the absence of a single American people, the collapse of the political system formed as a result of the Civil War of the North and the South, the degeneration of the United States into a Nazi-fascist dictatorship will be the last arguments in favor of the withdrawal of the nuclear arsenal from the United States - possibly against the background of the collapse of the union of North American states with the formation of several confederations and under the protectorate of Russia and China. [My Emphasis]
The point Martyanov made in assessing the essay is “Sergeitsev, paradoxically, makes an interesting case of WHY the US Armed Forces will not save the US, unlike it happened with Russia in 2000,” the latter clause also being somewhat controversial. The third paragraph above is the one to reread. Those with some knowledge of US History will recall that many former presidents were military generals, but the last was Ike during the period where the Neocons became dominant by making the Anti-Communist Crusade the nation’s religion. The US military is no longer a genuine military whose primary task is to defend the nation. Its top generals have no political acumen as their goal for reaching the top echelon is to cash in on the Military Industrial Complex’s perks. It’s now corrupted beyond redemption and completely hostage to the weapons makers, who are more financialized than industrial anymore and thus produce crap systems whose only point is to generate profits, dividends and share price capital gains. In other words, it has “no internal resources’ it could use to form the basis for a government. The US federal government has long degenerated into a parasitical system
where power has been usurped by traders. And they, in principle, avoid responsibility, even limited ones, and strive to transfer the maximum of risks, losses and costs to others.
I’ve long described the Neoliberal system as being Fascistic having written many short essays on the topic; so, the idea that the Outlaw US Empire’s federal political system was moving to something that could be termed American Nazism. The idea that to fight Russia an ideology akin to Nazism is required. Installing in in Ukraine was easy because of its history, but getting the majority of Europe to adhere to it is chimeric, although the EU/EC/NATO are trying hard and have converts in other societies where the historical situation allows for its promotion. The big exception seems to be the Old Europe core—France, Italy and Germany. Their internal politics could do great damage to the Empire’s attempt to go to war directly with Russia.
As “for the victims” of US Imperialism “to declare a war of annihilation” in retribution but “do not yet want a nuclear war,” a different alternative is taking shape that seeks to become capable of halting US Imperialism by taking away its tools—Dollar Hegemony, Military Superiority, and Narrative/Information Dominance—with the Outlaw US Empire already having ceded industrial/economic capacity/power without a shot fired thanks to the addiction of its Deep State elites to Pleonexia and Megalomania, which have been the bane of elites for many centuries and what’s the real aspect of today’s global conflict—the seemingly never ending Class War waged by Creditors against Debtors: Individuals and nations. That’s another way of describing the fact that the ancien regime that’s existed for well over 2,000 years continues to keep its dominant position by using its usual method of wealth extraction—collecting rents in as many places as possible—while continuing to adapt to political and technological changes that occur, so their external appearance changes but the internal dynamic, philosophy and the driving addictions remain constant.
The author and many analysts expect great public unrest to erupt within the Outlaw US Empire in the aftermath of the elections on 5 November, and that’s very likely given the degree of election fraud that exists and the public’s awareness of it being done because one faction of the Duopoly hates the other now in ways that’s both part theatre and reality and is the outcome of decades of using divide and rule tools to create that outcome. The number of deranged nuts make further assassination attempts on both candidates probable, although Harris has yet to be targeted. Given what we’ve seen with overt censorship, government harassment of people for just speaking their minds on policies that are never discussed or debated because neither party has anything good to offer ordinary citizens, that’s likely to worsen. Yes, passions are high mainly because Wall Street owns the three branches of the federal government and thus nothing emerges policy-wise that’s aimed at helping the masses. For historical perspective, political passions were much higher from 1794-1802 because of the undeclared war against France and the resulting Alien & Sedition Acts, and from 1856-1861 as the Slave Power wanted to capitalize on the Imperial land acquisitions of its presidential agent James Polk and was prevented, which generated the Civil War as the Southern States demanded the right to exercise their sovereignty.
The idea of disarming the Outlaw US Empire by removing its nukes struck me as novel and impossible, but in light of what I recently wrote about the ossification of the Empire’s nuclear systems, that doesn’t seem as impossible as it did at first. However, as I noted in that article, the Empire may be thinking that Bioweapons offer better opportunities for use. I note the author omits any mention of that weapon capacity or threat. The Ukraine gambit is lost; the author and others believe other proxies will be found and used. The talk now is to attack Russia using NATO missiles that are seen as being categorically different from those that have already been employed—even though they also relied on NATO crews and targeting info that don’t differ at all from these other systems. In other words, NATO’s been at war with Russia since 2014, although one could argue that war never ended with the USSR’s demise since the main reason for the conflict is Western elite passion for Russia’s vast resources.
Perhaps once the ancien regime is finally uprooted and the multipolar world becomes reality Humanity can agree to round up the nukes and dispose of them and their delivery systems. Yes, that’s a tall order for now, but perhaps by 2050 that will become a possibility. I’d sure like to live to see that. The other set of fanatics in the Levant also need to be defanged and dispersed so the longtime residents of that region can finally know peace and enjoy the absence of colonialism. And yes, the nukes possessed by those fanatics also must be taken from them and soon. IMO, Zionist Terrorism is a greater current threat to Humanity than the Outlaw US Empire.
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Thanks Karl, I find the logic highly plausible. The elites in the US will use any WMD to maintain their hegemony over the global majority. I think you covered the decline of US nuclear weapons in an earlier piece, and seeing UK trident test fails that too is plausible.
Now it looks like a race towards outright fascist dictatorship and disintegration of the Union. And possibly a bit of both meaning civil war. And why not? Most of the European states are under economic strain that can spread into sectarian violence, and once that path is opened (even if manipulated) outcomes become uncertain.
Russia could be an example of how a multi-ethnic state can function when the Russian core is strong. The west has become vacuous, it's core is neoliberalism having completely subsumed all other values to "money" and profit.
"withdrawal of the nuclear arsenal from the United States"
That whole concept rendered his entire article useless. But then he has zero military background, so it surprises me that Martyanov takes him seriously (apparently because the guy has a physics degree, whoop-de-do.)
US nukes may be "ossified", but they still work. It may be possible for Russia to survive a US nuclear attack and be able to rebuild (China certainly could given its size and population), but I'm sure no one in Russia wants to find out.
This relates to Scott Ritter losing it completely about how we were "all going to die on Saturday" if the US military hadn't advised Biden to drop the long-range Ukraine missile idea. Putin isn't going to nuke the US because a couple Storm Shadow missiles land in Moscow. Putin is not an idiot and doesn't want WWIII any more than anyone else outside of the US neocon crazies. What Putin would do is bring the hammer down on Ukraine (finally), and possibly take out some airfields in Poland and Romania - and if he's smart, use the opportunity to take out the Aegis Ashore installations there, too.
I notice this guy suggests that Russia doesn't want western Ukraine. He's like Martyanov in that respect: western Ukrainians hate Russia, so he hates western Ukrainians, and he assumes the Russian military planners don't want western Ukraine. None of that follows. It's not a question of what Russia "wants" - it's a question of military necessity. But again, this guy has no military background so understanding why it's important to put your air defenses as close to the enemy's launch points escapes him.
This is what happens one allows emotional issues to cloud one's analysis - as it did with Ritter.