Sputnik highlights the #1 world problem that was confessed by Biden today. But before we go further, I highly suggest viewing this political cartoon.
Okay, context is now set, "Biden Believes China Wants to 'Replace US as Leading Power'". IMO, the problem is the mindset that the world needs/wants a "leading power" at all. Recall the basis for the UN Charter--all nations are to be considered equal; all are to have the same weight with regard to their voice in international affairs. And clearly with China's Three Initiatives, that's their basic philosophical foundation. The basis for the centuries of competition, rivalries and conflict between nations is based on the Zero-sum idea that One Must Be King of the Hill--that's precisely what's behind the Ukraine Crisis and the Nazi ideology driving it. The Zero-sum garbage of the past is not what China or the RoW desire. What they do desire is Win-Win cooperation where all work together to advance all.
Here are some of the things Biden said that Sputnik reported:
"I'm confident he wants to have the largest economy in the world and have the largest military capacity in the world,' Biden said.
He added that Xi also wanted to rewrite certain rules of the international order, but "not all of them."
"I think so. Not all of them. But he pointed out to me and said we weren't there when those rules were written ... But I don't think he wants, he's looking for a war conflict, expansion of territory," Biden said.
It's plain to see Biden is projecting. Plus, Xi has said he obeys the UN Charter which is the genuine International Order, which is reflected in China being a co-founder along with Russia of the group of Friends in Defense of the UN Charter--if the Outlaw US Empire was truthful about obeying the UN Chater, then why isn't it amongst its defenders? Well, we know very well why that is.
As for China wanting to have the largest economy, with 1.4 Billion people, it ought to have the largest economy and already does if honest measures were taken. And if there's to be a "World Leader," that person ought to be the United Nations Secretary General, not some national politician. The Era of Great Powers is over and with it the Age of Plunder. Those who are incapable of evolving will be left behind as the world moves to the cooperative basis Nature will dictate that humans will need to adapt to.
congrats karl! hopefully you have fun with this page and get lots of support on all levels.. you certainly deserve it!