The opening focus of Maria’s Weekly Briefing on the 21st was aimed at recapping what’s been happening during Russia’s 2024 presidency of BRICS, although 26 items were remarked upon prior to the Q&A session of which there were 20. Times whizzing along as it’s almost time for school to restart.
Results of Russia's BRICS Chairmanship in the first half of 2024
2024 is a special year for us – our country's presidency in BRICS. It is entering its decisive stage. More than 130 events of various levels have already been held in all three main areas of cooperation: politics and security, economy and finance, cultural and humanitarian contacts.
Within the framework of the political bloc, a number of specialized meetings were held, first of all, the meeting of the foreign ministers of the BRICS countries in Nizhny Novgorod on June 10-11 of this year.
On July 12, the foreign ministries held consultations in Moscow between the heads of the information departments of the foreign ministries of our countries. Prospects for deepening cooperation in order to strengthen the authority and popularization of BRICS were considered.
We continue to build up coordination between the BRICS countries at international venues, primarily at the UN. A good example is the joint thematic statement of the BRICS delegations on the sidelines of the Sixth UN Environment Assembly (Nairobi, February 26 – March 1 of this year).
Active work is also being carried out on other tracks: meetings of the BRICS Council on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism (April, June of this year), the BRICS Anti-Corruption Working Group (April, June of this year), the BRICS Working Group on Security in the Use of ICTs (April of this year), the Working Group on Counter-Terrorism (RGAT, July 22-24 of this year) were organized. Following the meetings of the RGAT, a position document was agreed with recommendations for the further development of specialized cooperation.
On June 17-18, Vladivostok hosted an international inter-party forum in the format of BRICS and Partner Countries with the participation of representatives of political forces of the BRICS countries and developing countries.
On July 11-12, the X BRICS Parliamentary Forum was held in St. Petersburg. Its extended sessions were also attended by representatives of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly member states and Chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and Speaker of the National Assembly of Tanzania Dr Tulia Ackson. The event demonstrated great interest in further strengthening the parliamentary component of cooperation in the association. A Protocol to the Memorandum of Understanding on the BRICS Parliamentary Forum was signed, and a joint declaration was adopted.
In the economic area, issues of promoting sustainable development, supporting the multilateral trading system, and improving the global financial architecture are being discussed.
A number of ministerial-level meetings were held – meetings of the ministers of tourism (June 20-21), sports (June 22-23), environment (June 28), ministers of youth affairs (July 25), economy and trade (July 26), industry (August 16), as well as meetings of chairmen of supreme courts (June 19), heads of prosecutorial services (June 18-19), heads of space agencies (May 23-24) and heads of emergency agencies (July 10-11).
In pursuance of the decisions of the Johannesburg BRICS Summit in 2023, the possibility of creating financial mechanisms for mutual settlements that are resistant to external risks within the framework of the association, and increasing the share of the national currencies of the BRICS states in trade and investment operations is being worked out. In particular, these issues were discussed at the meetings of BRICS finance ministers and central bank governors on the sidelines of the G20 events.
At the meetings of the BRICS Committee of Senior Officials on Energy in February and July of this year, promising areas of cooperation in traditional energy areas, initiatives on energy security, technological cooperation, including the exchange of best practices, were discussed.
In early April of this year, the first meeting of the BRICS Contact Group on Climate and Sustainable Development, initiated by the Russian Chairmanship, was held, during which the interest in creating the BRICS Climate Research Platform proposed by the Russian side was confirmed.
At the meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Agriculture (June 28 of this year), the Russian initiative to create a grain trading platform was submitted to partners for consideration. It is designed to contribute to ensuring the food security of the BRICS states and developing countries as a whole.
Particular attention is paid to strengthening the BRICS partnership in the field of healthcare: on February 13 this year, the first meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Nuclear Medicine was held in Moscow, on March 27 this year – a meeting of experts on the launch of the Integrated Early Warning System for the Risks of Mass Infectious Diseases. On June 20-21, the first BRICS Nuclear Medicine Forum was held in St. Petersburg. On July 18-19, Rospotrebnadzor held an international conference "Biothreats and Pathogens. The Response of the BRICS".
Among other significant results, following the results of the first meeting of transport ministers (June 6 this year), an agreement was reached to launch a regular mechanism for cooperation in the transport sector. At the first meeting of the heads of geological surveys of the BRICS countries (July 15-17), the prospects for the formation of the BRICS Geological Platform were discussed.
Traditionally, great importance is attached to issues of cultural and humanitarian cooperation. This track has already hosted the BRICS International Film Festival (April 19-23), the Academic Forum (May 22-24), the Civil Forum (July 3-4) and many other events with the participation of experts and representatives of civil society of our countries, cultural figures.
From June 12 to June 23, the BRICS Sports Games were held in Kazan for the first time in an open format. Athletes from almost 90 countries took part in them. The sports program was designed for 27 sports.
The apogee of the Russian year in BRICS will be the summit of the association. Let me remind you that it will be held in Kazan on October 22-24 of this year, and we intend to continue the tradition of organising an expanded meeting with the participation of the leaders of leading developing countries in the outreach/BRICS plus format.
We hope that, with the active support of our partners, Russia's chairmanship will be marked by serious practical results and will make a significant contribution to strengthening the position of BRICS in the international arena.
The 6th BRICS Plus Forum of Young Diplomats
From August 27 to August 31, 2024, the VI BRICS Young Diplomats Forum will be held in Ufa. It is being held in accordance with the Action Plan of Russia's chairmanship of this association.
The theme of the Forum will be "The Role of Youth Diplomacy in Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security". Organized by the Council of Young Diplomats of the Russian Foreign Ministry with the assistance of the Roscongress Foundation and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the event is designed to promote youth cooperation, friendship, and trust between the countries of the Global South and East and the peoples living in them.
A rich business and cultural program awaits the delegates. The main topics of the working sessions are international cultural, humanitarian and youth cooperation in the BRICS space, the role of the association in the global political, financial and economic system, the global security architecture and the formation of multipolarity.
It is expected that about 110 delegates from more than 30 countries will take part in the Forum.
The event will include meetings with the leadership of the Foreign Ministries of Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan, prominent politicians, economic experts and public figures, winners of the BRICS Olympiads and Games, as well as acquaintance with the history and culture of this unique region of Russia.
On the last day of the Forum, an official ceremony will be held to admit new members to the International Association of Young Diplomats. Let me remind you that it was established at the initiative of the Foreign Ministry's Council of Young Diplomats in 2017 in order to strengthen cooperation among the youth activists of the foreign ministries of the world, and today it has more than 150 diplomats.
About the BRICS Solutions Awards
As part of Russia's BRICS Presidency in 2024, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, together with the National Technology Initiative Platform and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, are holding a competition for the best technological solutions and practices of the BRICS countries in various fields – BRICS Solutions Awards. It has been held since 2020 in the BRICS chairmanship.
The main objective of the competition is to develop a system of independent and multipolar cooperation. To this end, it is important to create, improve and implement new technologies that meet the needs and interests of the BRICS countries.
Participants must submit projects in 8 categories: "New Industry and Energy", "Biotechnology and Health of the Nation", "Sky, Space and Communication Technologies", "Artificial Intelligence and Digital Services", "Climate and Environmental Technologies", "Platforms and Integrated Solutions for Public Administration", "Competencies and Personnel Development", "Cognitive Technologies and Creative Economy".
Applications have already been received from Brazil, Egypt, India, China, South Africa. The nomination "New Industry and Energy" aroused the greatest interest, followed by "Platforms and Integrated Solutions for Government and Public Administration".
You can apply for the competition until August 30, 2024 on the website. The finalists and winners will be invited to a ceremony at the BRICS Business Forum, which will be held in Moscow in October 2024.
Uzbekistan's intention to join BRICS
We are following the activity that countries are showing when they declare their desire to join BRICS and join the work of the association. In this regard, we receive many questions. A lot of statements were also made.
We respect the sovereign desire of like-minded countries to deepen cooperation with BRICS. This basic position is well known.
The doors of BRICS are not closed, and the association aims to strengthen ties with representatives of the World Majority. To date, more than 30 states have shown interest in building systematic cooperation with the association. This clearly demonstrates the attractiveness of the principles on which cooperation in this format is built – mutual respect, a balance of interests and a consensus approach.
Taking into account the decision to join new members in the association from January 1, 2024, special attention is paid to their harmonious integration into all mechanisms of strategic partnership while maintaining the dynamics and effectiveness of our cooperation.
In pursuance of the decisions of the meeting of BRICS leaders in Johannesburg on August 22-24, 2023, the modalities for the establishment of a new category of "partner states" and the list of potential candidates for it are being coordinated. The results of this work will be reported to the leaders at the summit in Kazan on October 22-24 of this year.
Let me remind you that an expanded outreach/BRICS plus session is planned as part of it. Leaders of a large group of leading developing countries are invited to attend. We hope that this will be a good opportunity to discuss topical issues on the international agenda, including the formation of a new, fairer world order, strengthening cooperation between BRICS and the countries of the Global South and East, and increasing their role in international processes.
In contrast, I would like to tell you what block discipline, consciousness, and organization are. Why in contrast? BRICS is an association formed on the principles of mutual respect, a consensus basis, which does not imply any dictatorship or administrative totalitarian practices of control. But there is another approach to building international relations.
About the AUKUS unit
The creation of the AUKUS trilateral partnership was a harmful and dangerous idea from the very beginning, and its development, including in terms of the "boat component", is another proof of this.
We should not forget that the AUKUS project is not just a military-technological platform. I would like to emphasise that this is a bloc basis for ensuring NATO's "permanent residence" in the Asia-Pacific region with far-reaching consequences for the stability and security of the region. Other associations of "minor geometry" created by the Westerners in this part of the world, including the "Indo-Pacific Four" (Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea), are working on the same tasks. Its participants show increased interest in joining AUKUS.
The tripartite Anglo-Saxon alliance is a backbone element of various multilateral military-political tracks, specially branded under the American concept of the "Indo-Pacific region". [It’s crucial to understand that the Indo-Pacific concept was coined/invented by the man described as Hitler’s Geopolitical strategist Karl Haushofer and was readily adopted by US State Department people during WW2 to be used for their own geopolitical purposes.] It is noteworthy that NATO officials are among the participants in these formats.
Such destructive schemes objectively work against the positive and constructive cooperation accumulated in the region over decades of peaceful development, which has always been based on the architecture of ASEAN-centric mechanisms for stability, security and cooperation.
Obviously, for the sake of their own interests, the AUKUS member states actually act on the principle of "everything for their own, the law for the rest." This is not something approved by consensus, but a world order based on their own "rules". All this is "adjusted" to suit its own interests, to its own international obligations in the field of nuclear non-proliferation and export control. The partnership calls into question Australia's good faith compliance with its obligations under the South Pacific Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NWFZ) Treaty (Treaty of Rarotonga). Canberra's actions actually undermine the credibility of the very idea of the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone.
It is indicative that concerns in this regard are beginning to be voiced by thinking and, apparently, knowledgeable experts in those countries that are members of AUKUS. There is a growing awareness that this grave geopolitical challenge has every chance of escalating into an insurmountable threat to international peace and security. [My Emphasis]
Now we’ll move to the Q&A session which will mostly deal with Armenia and Azerbaijan:
Question: You probably saw yesterday's statement by the Armenian Foreign Ministry spokesman regarding Sergey Lavrov's remarks in Baku. I would like to ask you to comment on this statement, in particular, the fact that none of the points of the agreement on unblocking communications in the Syunik region has been implemented, except for paragraph 9, and the fact that "the statement of the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry not only causes open regret, but also casts doubt on the constructive involvement of the Russian Federation in the process of normalizing relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan."
Maria Zakharova: We have seen the Armenian Foreign Ministry's reaction to Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's statements. This is yet another example of Yerevan's policy of placing the blame for its own mistakes and strategic miscalculations on others, in this case, on Russia.
We see that their policy is defined in such a way that you just need to find someone to blame (whoever it is) for your own failures and then everything will return to normal.
Let me remind you of paragraph 9 of the November 9, 2020 statement by the leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, to which Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov referred: "All economic and transport links in the region are being unblocked. The Republic of Armenia guarantees the security of transport communication between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic in order to organize the unimpeded movement of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions. Control over transport links is carried out by the bodies of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia."
A lot of work has been done in this direction within the framework of the Trilateral Working Group on Unblocking Economic and Transport Links in the South Caucasus under the co-chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Ministers of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. A total of 12 meetings were held, as a result of which significant progress was achieved. Thus, at the request of the Armenian side, it was decided not to link the launch of the railway connection with the road. At the last meeting in Moscow on June 2, 2023, the principles of sovereignty and jurisdiction of the parties regarding the routes passing through their territory were confirmed, which was insisted on by Yerevan. I hope that those who published the comment you mentioned will have enough time to comment on this as well. The issues of international transit of goods and their customs control have been regulated.
Nevertheless, it was not possible to reach final agreements on the launch of railway communication precisely because of the intransigence of the Armenian side on border control issues. Yerevan departed from previously agreed positions and began to insist on the principle of "reciprocity" regarding the presence of Russian border guards, demanding that they be not only on the Armenian, but also on the Azerbaijani side. It is not clear what they referred to. I have just quoted the text of the agreement to you.
Contrary to the quoted paragraph 9 of the leaders' trilateral statement of November 9, 2020, signed (I must note that the Armenian Foreign Ministry may later abandon this), including by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the representatives of Armenia refused to coordinate the control of transport links by the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. In addition, Yerevan did not assume any obligations on the timing of the launch of the road route between Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan.
Subsequently, the Armenian authorities followed the lead of their new Western "friends" and actually "froze" joint work in the Trilateral Working Group. But this did not give any practical results in terms of unblocking communications in the interests of Armenia. Unfortunately, official Yerevan, once again, acting at the behest of the West, misses the opportunity not only to establish transport links with its neighbors for the benefit of the national economy, including through the implementation of its idea of a "crossroads of the world", but also to contribute to the normalization of the situation in the region as a whole.
For our part, we remain committed to the trilateral statements at the highest level of 2020-2022 (1, 2, 3, 4). The set of these agreements remains the only basis for the Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement, in general, for achieving stability, security and prosperity in the South Caucasus.
We call on the authorities in Yerevan not to allow the West to derail its long-standing efforts to establish sustainable peace in the South Caucasus. This seems to be especially relevant given the obsession of the United States and the EU with the idea of squeezing Russia out of the South Caucasus and driving a wedge into our relations with Armenia and other countries in the region.
Question: On August 18-19, President of Russia Vladimir Putin was in Baku on a state visit. The main topic of discussion was the Azerbaijani-Armenian settlement in accordance with the trilateral statements. But on the same dates, the Armenian side attempted provocations - shelling in the Nakhichevan direction. Can you comment on this?
Maria Zakharova: The presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan, Vladimir Putin and Ilham Aliyev, discussed in detail the topic of reconciliation between Baku and Yerevan during the Russian president's state visit to Azerbaijan. The leaders dwelt on this issue in detail during a joint press conference.
All our efforts on this track are in line with the spirit of special allied relations with both Baku and Yerevan, which are based on deep historical and cultural ties between our peoples and a joint desire to build a solid security system in the region.
As for the possible increase in tension on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, we regularly call on Yerevan and Baku to show restraint and avoid any actions fraught with degradation of the situation. All controversial issues must be resolved exclusively through peaceful, political and diplomatic means.
Question: Does Moscow plan to step up its mediation efforts in the Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement after President Vladimir Putin's visit to Baku? The Russian leader confirmed that he would be happy to help sign a peace treaty between Baku and Yerevan.
Maria Zakharova: The conclusion of a peace treaty is the most important condition for restoring peace and stability between Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as in the South Caucasus region as a whole. Russia is invariably interested in this happening as soon as possible. In practical terms, we did everything for this. Our commitment to continue providing assistance to our Armenian and Azerbaijani partners was reaffirmed personally by Vladimir Putin at the above-mentioned news conference. The President of Russia also outlined his intention to contact Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan following his visit to Azerbaijan to continue the dialogue on normalisation [Putin called and talked with Pashinyan today, but litttle substance was noted in the Kremlin readout.].
We remain ready to help the parties on all tracks of the 2020-2022 high-level trilateral agreements (1, 2, 3, 4), which, in addition to the peace treaty, includes the delimitation and demarcation of the border, the unblocking of transport communications and the development of contacts between civil society.
We also welcome the efforts of our neighbours, such as Kazakhstan, in this area.
Question: Do the West continue its attempts to open a new political front against Russia in the South Caucasus? Armenian media report on the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to Armenia in a month, on September 21. At the same time, Yerevan again refused to participate in the new CSTO exercises.
Maria Zakharova: The Russophobic aspirations of the West, including in the South Caucasus, that you mentioned, have not gone away.
We have repeatedly covered the destructive activities of Westerners in the region, in particular, we gave a detailed comment on this topic at a briefing on July 18.
As for Armenia's participation in CSTO events, the doors are open for the republic's return to full-fledged cooperation. Ultimately, there are no alternatives to the CSTO and Russia as guarantors of the stability of this country. This has been tested for centuries, appreciated by the Armenian people, and also recorded in the history of Armenia, which is not subject to rewriting, despite any pseudo-textbooks published….
Question: Mongolia has not included Gazprom's Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline in its national development plan until 2028. How are the negotiations on this project going?
Maria Zakharova: We consider the construction of the new Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline (its official name is Soyuz Vostok) as one of the most significant regional energy and infrastructure projects, which meets the interests of all its participants and in the future will become an important part of the Russia-Mongolia-China economic corridor.
Initially, the initiative to lay a gas pipeline from Russia to China through the territory of Mongolia was put forward by Ulaanbaatar almost 15 years ago as part of the national program "Steppe Road", aimed at developing the transit potential of this country. Let me remind you that the trans-Mongolian route was considered as one of the alternatives when the Power of Siberia gas pipeline was designed. Subsequently, all Mongolian leaders, regardless of their party affiliation, repeatedly returned to discussing this idea within the framework of bilateral contacts since 2014, and in a trilateral format with the participation of representatives of China.
The decision to start preparatory work was made by the leaders of Russia and Mongolia in 2021. In January 2022, a feasibility study of the project was approved with the Mongolian side, the route was agreed, and the necessary engineering surveys and studies were carried out. At the end of December 2023, the development of project documentation was completed. The total length of the gas pipeline through Mongolia will be 962.9 km, and will include 5 compressor stations. The estimated volume of pumping is up to 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.
The project is in a high degree of readiness. The start of the practical implementation of the project will be possible immediately after the price conditions and volumes of supplies are agreed with the Chinese side and binding documents are signed. Relevant negotiations are underway between PJSC Gazprom and the China National Petroleum Corporation.
By the way, if initially the Mongolian partners wanted to limit themselves only to the role of a transit country, now the possibility of using part of the cheap pipeline gas for the development of their own economy, industry and infrastructure is being considered.
Taking into account the partners' interest in the phased gasification of the regions, PJSC Gazprom offered to provide the necessary consulting support for the development of the General Plan for the Development of the Mongolian Gas Industry, as well as the timely training of specialists for the Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline project. At present, 34 Mongolian students are already studying at Tomsk Polytechnic University in the required specialties….
Question: Director of the 1DSNG of the Russian Foreign Ministry M.V. Agasandyan made a statement that at the moment about 90% of settlements in the Eurasian Economic Union are made in national currencies. How stable does the process of abandoning the dollar seem to be within the framework of this association? Does this process help reduce the negative influence of Westerners, primarily the United States, on the states of the Eurasian Economic Union?
Maria Zakharova: The quote from the interview of the Director of the 1DSNG of the Russian Foreign Ministry M.V. Agasandyan is absolutely accurate.
Thanks to the joint efforts of the EAEU member states, we managed to achieve this impressive figure, which we do not plan to stop at. Work in this direction will continue. We feel that it is in demand on the part of our partners in the integration association. Moreover, the interest is not only in increasing the role of national currencies in mutual settlements, but also in using the currencies of friendly countries in case of mutual interest.
Due to this, we increase the stability of our own financial systems, guarantee the continuity of daily mutual settlements between member states, and create comfortable conditions for businesses to secure contracts and stay on the stock exchange.
At the same time, it should be noted right away that the process is absolutely voluntary. Unlike the Westerners, we do not force or block the use of financial instruments of other countries. Other members of the Union have the right to pay in dollars and euros when and where it is convenient for them, or when there is no alternative. However, having before our eyes more than one example of how the financial systems of the West become a method of political pressure and even theft, blackmail or racketeering, they cannot ignore the countries that responsibly conduct their financial, economic and economic affairs. It is impossible to rely on Western financial instruments – they have discredited themselves. It was declared as a peaceful element of international cooperation, a convenient method and achievement that Western countries are ready to provide to everyone for the common good. As a result, it turned out that the trap with a noose at the end turned into a weapon of the West against states that do not obey their will.
Question: In connection with President Vladimir Putin's Executive Order on supporting foreign citizens who share traditional spiritual and moral values, there has been more and more information recently about the conversion and relocation to Russia of families of foreign citizens who are actually fleeing the satanic dictatorship established in a number of countries. Are there any statistics on this issue?
Answer: We do not keep separate statistics.
As part of its implementation, the Russian Foreign Ministry is entrusted with a number of tasks related to the definition of "a list of foreign states implementing a policy that imposes destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" and the issuance of visas to foreigners who have expressed a desire to move to the Russian Federation from such countries.
When applying for the appropriate visas, foreigners will submit special applications indicating the indicated motives for moving. As a result, it is the number of visas issued in this regard that will be able to reflect the statistics. [My Emphasis]
This archived Foreign Affairs article from 1942 provides part of the basis for my parenthetical remark. I should also remark about what’s happening in Georgia by linking to this “Georgia’s ruling party pledges to outlaw opposition” short, informative RT article showing the trend in Georgia is moving away from NATO/EU cooptation of the sort being pushed in Moldova and Armenia. Unrelated to this report is the important article b posted at MoA today, “Dire Warnings As Israel's Fascists Have Taken Over The Rein,” as it provides further evidence of the validity of Alastair Crooke’s ongoing warning about the danger posed by the settler radicals. One other note, Putin held a meeting with the Security Council of which no details were released. However, the Ukie incursion into Kursk region is slowly being wrung out like water being squeezed from a sponge. Also, it seems that weekly there’s a mishap at a NATO nation’s MIC facility, which seem too coincidental IMO. And I should say the same regarding incidents within Russia. It’s a very dirty war.
Like what you’ve been reading at Karlof1’s Substack? Then please consider subscribing and choosing to make a monthly/yearly pledge to enable my efforts in this challenging realm. Thank You!
Maria Zakharova, lovely and smart. Very professional and well prepared.
Cheers Karl.
The invitation for Westerners dissatisfied with their lives in vassal states to come to Russia has so far an aspect missing. Where in Russia will these people initially temporarily settle, and who will decide it? Considering that CIA/MI6 and the respective secret services of the countries involved will almost certainly insert their agents and saboteurs into the migration, Russia will have to defend itself against this infective manoeuvre. How will it do this? Some sort of social and political quarantine would seem to be required.