The now illegitimate once president of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky and his cheering section visited Team Trump at the White House and generated a scene that caused Trump to exclaim “Great TV!” before he essentially threw him and his rooting section out of the White House. There’s video all over showing this spectacular event, some with discussion. I suggest Judge Napolitano’s Intel Panel show that lasts about 30 minutes before switching to Palestine. Readers will know from my previous article, “The Ukraine Conflict’s Legal Issues,” that legally Zelensky is illegitimate and has zero agency to represent Ukraine or to sign anything for Ukraine—Zelensky legally only has agency over himself. And of course, that’s been President Putin’s primary issue when it comes to negotiations—Russia demands someone legitimate to talk with. The problem exists because no one in the West made an issue over his lack of legitimacy. Team Biden treated him as if he was legitimate until the former left office. And until today, Team Trump had done the same thing—Trump anticipated signing a contract with Zelensky that would be worth less than the paper but said nothing beforehand. Even today Zelensky’s legitimacy was never challenged, although Team Trump considers him a dictator because he’s unelected. But even dictators can be the legal head of government and sign contracts for their nation.
Zelensky today showed Team Trump that he must be put out to pasture fast. As Larry Johnson illustrated to Napolitano, Zelensky could have avoided the trap that awaited him and wrong-footed Team Trump. But IMO his fuse was already lit because of his inner desperation. He clearly is of no further use for Team Trump, but it appears the Europeans are foolish enough to continue their support for him and the conflict. Zelensky is a tragic figure, but IMO he deserves no sympathy. He reminds me of the similar tragic character in the film “Less Than Zero,” although Zelensky’s responsible for millions of dead and wounded. Were the Nazis lurking in the shadows behind him too much along with the Nazi Boris Johnson. I hope Zelensky confesses before he' becomes unable to tell how he was manipulated—His people and the world need to hear what he says. And he’d better do it real soon, like Sunday.
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It wasn't as good as it could have been. 'elensky was allowed to repeat lies re who started the war, and Drumpf told a few porkies too.
The yanks are cynically trying to portray themselves as neutral mediators when in fact they are aggressors, and actual managers and planners of the entire Ukie NAZI project. Theyb want us all to ignore the billions spent by the USA, the dirty tricks by CIA, State Dept., and USAID funding of biolabs, propaganda etc. Then there is the US ISR and targetting.
I hope Russia does not forget all of what they did.
I heard that it cost the US/Europe $8 billion a month to cover Ukraine's civil wage bill, probably 2/3 US, 1/3 Europe. Most likely includes the NGO propaganda outlets, hookers and blow. Toss in the overpriced fireworks the Defence companies sold old demented Joe, plus the leftovers from the Iraq & Afghanistan debacles then we're easily looking at over half a trillion dooolars.
Say what you like about Zelensky but my issue would be that the pitchforks are not out in Europe, who've seen drastic cuts to their own public services as well as a double-tripling of their energy bills.
Gotta laugh at Macron & Starmer believing they could set the stage for Zelensky to close the trap-door, err deal, including a letter from HRH Charlie Dolittle, an invitation to the Palace.
Shakespeare would have written his finest play with this material.