I was in high school. I distinctly remember going down the stairs leaving school and being informed that the President was shot. I assumed it referred to some sort of hunting accident. I also remember how basically the country shut down for the next ten days or more - nothing on television hardly except news coverage.
Today someone could shoot Biden and basically no one would notice. Including Biden. LOL
The Secret Team in epub form can be found for free here:
The more things change, the more they stays the same.
"Jack Ruby" had the birth name Jacob Rubenstein. He was not an observant jew, but neither, really, were the (pro Israel) Jewish mobsters he was part of the associates/crews of. "Ruby" openly said in later interviews that he did his part at the police station for reasons related to his being a jew.
Mossad elements always have made reliable subcontractors when agency deniability is required. State intelligence agencies use local organized crime groups for similar reasons.
The on sight handlers were locals, the workers were deniable subcontractors brought in from elsewhere and the fix was in at the top long before the day.
Bush the Elder later claimed not to remember where he was/what he was doing that day. Three guesses as to who could have been one of those local s?
Possibly. I've seen it, also articles aimed at debunking it. Equally interesting is a Dallas crowd photo which seems to show a Mossad agent whose specialty was running assassination teams to take out enemies outside of Israel. I just wasted an hour trying to find those images & that team leader's name again. Not surprisingly, Googol is not my friend here.
I have also seen in the past a pic taken of a crowd outside the Book Depository and it appears to include LHO standing in the crowd at the time of the gunshots.
I turned 10 just 3 weeks earlier. My teacher, Mrs. Price, also was called to the principal's office & returned in tears. She told us our President was dead & we would be going home.
Strongly recommend the book JFK and the Unspeakable by James E Douglas, which overflows with evidence. So many witnesses also died too young.
Yes, that book is excellent. Covering the trail tells almost as much as the trail itself. The immediate physical evidence cover-up the day after as detailed by Prouty tells us the depth of the overall conspiracy and the genuine nature of Dallas at that time.
Yes it was one of those events that define time. I remember as well. It was a completely different time and as you say, no one could have possibly guessed what was going on or where we would end up.
Your admission that there are "anti-human forces" having power within the US warmed my heart.
We differ on their origin, role, time of existence, etc, I'm sure, and I have no solid answers for how the world would be different were it not for these murders. I'd propose that the murders would not have occurred a without direct order to do so by someone/group that clearly DID believe these murders were necessary in order to accomplish their future goals. Why that president I do not know, being too young to know any feeling of the political perspectives of that time, it reads to me that he was carrying out his corrupt deepstate agenda diligently but he must have upset or questioned a future event or plan. My first recollection of ever hearing of the guy was some theatre release of some hours long documentary that came out in the nineties that made its rounds on TV broadcasts in the form of reviews and coverage. Not my cup of tea to dive into details that would never truly resolve anything even if known. So no I'd take the side that the current state of affairs would indeed be different and likely different in a way that would be beneficial for humans.
Thanks for your writings Karlof1, I do always enjoy them.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving and my prayers for your health brother.
Thanks for your reply. JFK had already made a number of decisions angering that Era's Establishment. As I wrote, they were the very Fascists Henry Wallace warned America about in his 1944 NYT's op/ed that's linked in my article about Mr. Wallace if you can't find it via search.
I find it curious so little history's been written about the 1930-1970 time period as a great deal happened during those 40 years that could be described as a See-Saw regarding political-economic policy. It wasn't just WW2 and the Great Depression; there's a whole lot more that affects us today. There're a few newer works that have begun to fill the gaps, but they remain only the first of the many that are needed.
I was 18. My father was in a school board meeting that evening as the news broke in the Netherlands in the early evening. My mother sent me to inform my father, why said 'Thank you,' and went back to the meeting.
I have been to the Book Depository when working in Dallas and visited the restored limo in the Ford Museum. I quit being a fan of JFK during the Vietnam War.
I am not sure if the maxim that 'Wallstreet rules the three branches of government' is still true. It certainly used the rule the CIA. Pfizer rules NIH, the CDC and the FDA.
If Wallstreet still is as powerful as it was would we be witnessing the D.I.E., ESG, woke destruction of America?
Wall Street has transformed from what it was up to the mid-1960s when it opted to completely financialize itself and go 100% Neoliberalism, or Finance Capitalism on steroids. Hudson is the only serious Political-economist-historian who has deeply investigated and written just as deeply about it. In a recent podcast with associate Bill Black, Hudson joined his assessment that Wall Street owns all three branches of the Federal Government, and statement I asked Hudson directly to confirm which he did. Where's it going? Read "Killing the Host," and you'll find out that as with all parasites, its future is reliant on the health of its host.
As for JFK, the evidence seems to indicate he was changing his mind, but up to that point he wasn't much different from Truman and was a far cry from being anything like Henry Wallace.
If you control a large wealthy country like the US then you have access to undreamed off wealth through the Treasury, plus numerous other ways to steal when you own the oversight. Imagine as in all things it comes down to follow the money, and as billionaires long ago learned if you have the wealth you also have the power to do almost anything you want, one follows the other.
IMO, enough was known well before Prouty wrote his article. I read the Warren Report in 1968 and learned then that we were lied to. Chicago 1968 was another big clue. Then the biggest confirmation--The Pentagon Papers. Later I learned about much earlier voices and the two main attempts by the citizenry to gain control that failed. I thought of including a photo of the funeral procession in black and white as I saw on TV, but found the gif instead.
"“The Unspeakable” is a term Thomas Merton coined at the heart of the sixties after JFK’s assassination—in the midst of the escalating Vietnam War, the nuclear arms race, and the further assassinations of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy. In each of those soul-shaking events Merton sensed an evil whose depth and deceit seemed to go beyond the capacity of words to describe.
“One of the awful facts of our age,” Merton wrote in 1965, “is the evidence that [the world] is stricken indeed, stricken to the very core of its being by the presence of the Unspeakable.” The Vietnam War, the race to a global war, and the interlocking murders of John Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy were all signs of the Unspeakable. It remains deeply present in our world. As Merton warned, “Those who are at present so eager to be reconciled with the world at any price must take care not to be reconciled with it under this particular aspect: as the nest of the Unspeakable. This is what too few are willing to see.”[4]
When we become more deeply human, as Merton understood the process, the wellspring of our compassion moves us to confront the Unspeakable.
—Jim Douglass, JFK and The Unspeakable – Why He Died and Why It Matters, p. xv"
We tend to think in shallow ways, often overly complex but like intertangling ripples on a disturbed pond surface, occluding the depths below.
The public assassination of a President is a deeply significant event in the life of a nation. The fact that it can happen and the perpetrators remain protected for so many decades is clear and present proof positive that the public face of the nation is a sham - why I have for years regarded the US as a 'post-constitutional republic'.
Similarly, though in a tawdry way decades later by a nation in much further moral and political decline, the way Trump's Presidency was sabotaged by naked ill will, gross lies and a weaponized judiciary was a further sign of how literally dis-graceful the whole thing had become, ending with the staged insurrection which only recently will finally be revealed as a manufactured narrative based on a deliberately organized false flag event.
In all three cases the President, and thus the Presidency, was grossly undervalued by the Powers that Be who truly run the country; and in so doing they show their disconnection with and lack of respect for We the People who comprise the Real Nation as opposed to the Administrative and Corporate Construct they use to pervert, corrupt and profit from it.
This is a profound failure on the part of the American Republic which clearly has failed and which I believe every Founding Father would regard as such. It failed for all to see on that fateful day, and keeps failing year after year. I find it both sad and discouraging that so few are willing to acknowledge this and keep pretending that America is the greatest nation with the greatest system known to Man and History, that the Press should be honest, that hospitals should care for the sick, that Universites should educated, that Public Servants should serve, that Judges mete out impartial justice, that food manufacturers produce healthy foods, that Big Agriculture grows good crops and livestock, that the nation is fundamentally honorable. Such gaslighting - which most American citizens do to themselves with minimal prompting - prevents any remedy being developed. To overthrow the current criminal regime is a tall order. But it is absolutely impossible to effect if people are unwilling to face what they are up against and rather take refuge in feel-good exceptionalist fairy tales while sociopathic kleptocrats murder millions in their name.
The time for fairy tales ended at the precise moment captured in the dramatic photo you selected. The man and President were still smiling even as his brains were splattering out the back of his head and his life, along with the life of America as a bona fide Republic, was already over.
That event was long in the nation's past now, almost a quarter of its official duration, but in many ways things have remained frozen in time for it still presents itself with a smile and a wave as if its brains were not splattering blood and gore in its wake.
The death of Thomas Merton himself was highly suspect. Allegedly electrocuted by a faulty electric fan while getting out of his hotel shower in Thailand. Yet he was found dry and wearing clothes, with a large bloody injury to the back of his head. His "room mate" who "found him" was a French priest, except there are no records of a priest with his name to be had from the French Catholic church, also he left Thailand quickly afterwards and was never to be found again.
Questioning "the narrative" effectively was a good way to have an early death or see ones career destroyed for quite a while after the event.
I wrote my first newspaper article about it. (Happily it was not published.)
As for "Unspeakable" Merton most certainly did not 'coin' it. Have you never run across Oscare Wilde's definition of Fox Hunting? "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable." ?
Here we go with the same old ' everything bad that happens politically is fascism'. Fascism, properly understood which you obviously don't, existed as an ideology and movement in Italy between 1919 and 1943. That's it, nowhere else. What went on in Germany was National Socialism. What has been going on in the U.S since at least the 1890's is a gradual Jewish takeover of your society and instructions with the end goal of displacing and replacing the European majority.
Chris Hedges disagrees with your definition of Fascism having to be restricted to "Italy between 1919 and 1943" - where are your sources, or is this just your own personal uninformed onion, sorry opinion?
"Robert O. Paxton, who taught European history at Columbia Unhiversity, in 2004 wrote “The Anatomy of Fascism.” He explained that “the language and symbols of authentic American fascism” would “have little to do with the original European models. They would have to be familiar and reassuring to loyal Americans as the language and symbols of the original fascism were familiar and reassuring to many Italians and Germans, as Orwell suggested.”
"The European Commission has been ferociously zionist and gung-ho for this Palestinian genocide. It displayed the Israeli flag on its Berlaymont headquarters. It has taken a side in the most ferocious way. It is therefore deeply sinister that the European Commission is actively working to shut down pro-Palestinian information and comment on social media. The European Commission has written to all major social media organisations and is able to threaten them with massive fines if they do not remove information of which the European Union disapproves.
Following the terrorist attacks by Hamas against 🇮🇱, we have indications of X/Twitter being used to disseminate illegal content & disinformation in the EU.
— Thierry Breton (@ThierryBreton) October 10, 2023
The notion is plainly nonsense that through the fog of war the European Commission – which is 100% parti pris – is qualified to say what information is true and what information is false, and what comment is legitimate.
Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner in charge of this operation, is a former chief executive of electronic companies – and defence contractors – Atos and Thomson. He has no genuine interest in freedom of speech, and is engaged in a process of silencing dissent for military aims, which is quite simply fascist.
We are witnessing almost all western governments deliberately facilitating massacre, ethnic cleansing and genocide. We are witnessing almost all western governments turning on their own people to crush dissent at that complicity in genocide."
And "Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt [disagrees with your 'only Italy was fascist' nonsnese] recently wrote an article about fascism ("Fascism Anyone?," Free Inquiry, Spring 2003, page 20). Studying the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common."
1) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2) Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4) Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
5) Rampant Sexism
The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.
6) Controlled Mass Media
Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7) Obsession with National Security
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8) Religion and Government are Intertwined
Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
9) Corporate Power is Protected
The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10) Labor Power is Suppressed
Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11) Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.
12) Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13) Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
14) Fraudulent Elections
Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
Chris Hedges is not a serious commentator. Partisan, sensationalist, banal, superficial, and with an axe to grind against his intra-christian theological opponents.
Understandably there will be differing definitions / interpretations of the term 'fascism' as seen everyday in the media with political opposites hurling this term at each other. Where do you get your definition of fascism? And also, where do you get the grand theory of a Jewish takeover of American society and institutions as a conscious plan devised by a cabal, as you seem to imply?
Who defined fascism? Mussolini. "Everything inside the state, nothing outside the state". Hardly what pertains today now is it?
As for the Jewish takeover, where do I get it? From my own observations facilitated by an IQ of 150. And they're not a cabal, they're a people with a promise from their god of world rulership. God helps those who help themselves, and boy are they helping themselves to everything that they can.
Everyone else here seems to rely on some outside authority to do their thinking for them. Argument from authority, another fallacy. Oh no, some shut-in up in his ivory tower disagrees with me, I'm defeated!!
As for Natashas long list of points regarding what denotes a fascist government, it's meaningless. All governments engage in precisely those behaviours. Are all governments fascist? Then it has no meaning.
Mussolini's definition, without the context in which he said these words, is meaningless. What is 'everything'? Economic - likely. In that case, it is similar to Marx and Lenin. Political? if yes, what political activities does it encompass? Social - don't know.
Re the Jewish takeover ... it could be a theory, but nothing more. Human behaviour, human society, is far too complex to be shoe-horned into convenient boxes.
More importantly, you lost me when you felt the need to broadcast your 'IQ of 150'. Anyone who needs to rely on this crutch does so because they have no evidence or logic to defend an answer. Btw, i was tested for IQ in my teens and it showed a very high, comparable number. But I never, ever mention it because since my teens I have known that: a) IQ is an extremely inaccurate and misleading measure of capability. High IQ people are almost never successful, by any definition of success, in the real world. b) Secondly, IQ is extremely culture specific and cannot be compared across different cultures. I am from a non-English, non-Christian/European/white culture, so achieving a high IQ for such a person is even more remarkable. But, IQ is trash science.
Mussolini didn't just mean economics. Social, cultural, artistic etc. All of societal activities organised and overseen by the state, All.
Ironically, the communists came closer to that reality than the Italians. Again, not what you see in the U.S.
The Jewish takeover of the States is an observable reality if you can see the patterns, which is where IQ is applicable and the only reason I mentioned mine. And the evidence for the takeover is all around you if you would but look, and have the moral and intellectual courage to do so.
IQ testing nowadays relies solely on the ability to recognise and reason out patterns. Is that culturally specific? How so?I never said anything about capabilities outside this.
I agree with regards to high IQ people rarely being successful in the hands on world, but why this makes their observations invalid you haven't made clear.
As for you never mentioning your IQ? Well, you just did. Remarkable even. Yet trash science? Incoherent!
People don't pay me to post my memories and links to the facts surrounding them. Indeedydo it was AMERICAN FASCISTS who conspired to murder JFK, and you Mr. Hugo Jones are not just an apologist but a collaborator; and if you're an American citizen, you're committing Treason too. You probably thought I'd delete your trash, but it stays as proof assholes like you exist.
Who am I apologising for? Who am I collaborating with? I'm interested in historical accuracy, nothing more. You're projecting your own assumptions upon the motives for my comments. You have priors buried so deep in your subconscious from 75 odd years of relentless mental subversion that you wouldn't even know where to look for them. You throw around terms without having the slightest understanding of their actual meaning. And of course without any real argument, you resort to ad homenim.
Knowledge always seems like arrogance to the ignorant. Resorting to ad homenim is always an admission of one's inability to argue the point. Have a splendid day Sir.
What was your point other than to insult the author. Your original comment, much like my response, was just an opinion piece. So, go forth and multiply. I will do the same and have a splendid day. ;o)
This a welcome post - on a subject RoW is much less familiar with than Gaza UK China China China etc
Just to put this in perspective: in RoW in 1963, or 1964 (RoW was smaller then than today as far as news updates) everyone from schoolboys on up was much more interested excited and overwhelmed by the then Cassius Clay's seemingly miraculous series of victories
Who still today is much more influential admired if not revered
"I was in 2nd Grade."
I was in high school. I distinctly remember going down the stairs leaving school and being informed that the President was shot. I assumed it referred to some sort of hunting accident. I also remember how basically the country shut down for the next ten days or more - nothing on television hardly except news coverage.
Today someone could shoot Biden and basically no one would notice. Including Biden. LOL
The Secret Team in epub form can be found for free here:
Some others that might be of interest (I don't vouch for any of them):
Coup in Dallas: The Decisive Investigation into Who Killed JFK
Target JFK: The Spy Who Killed Kennedy?
Reporting on the Kennedy Assassination
and a host of others at Anna's Archive.
The more things change, the more they stays the same.
"Jack Ruby" had the birth name Jacob Rubenstein. He was not an observant jew, but neither, really, were the (pro Israel) Jewish mobsters he was part of the associates/crews of. "Ruby" openly said in later interviews that he did his part at the police station for reasons related to his being a jew.
Mossad elements always have made reliable subcontractors when agency deniability is required. State intelligence agencies use local organized crime groups for similar reasons.
The on sight handlers were locals, the workers were deniable subcontractors brought in from elsewhere and the fix was in at the top long before the day.
Bush the Elder later claimed not to remember where he was/what he was doing that day. Three guesses as to who could have been one of those local s?
A photo exists of GB there on the day.
Possibly. I've seen it, also articles aimed at debunking it. Equally interesting is a Dallas crowd photo which seems to show a Mossad agent whose specialty was running assassination teams to take out enemies outside of Israel. I just wasted an hour trying to find those images & that team leader's name again. Not surprisingly, Googol is not my friend here.
I haven't seen the Mossad pic.
I have also seen in the past a pic taken of a crowd outside the Book Depository and it appears to include LHO standing in the crowd at the time of the gunshots.
I also spent wasted time searching for these.
The key to those pics are the trees masking the Depository building's windows, which were all cut down to prove the frame as Prouty noted.
I turned 10 just 3 weeks earlier. My teacher, Mrs. Price, also was called to the principal's office & returned in tears. She told us our President was dead & we would be going home.
Strongly recommend the book JFK and the Unspeakable by James E Douglas, which overflows with evidence. So many witnesses also died too young.
Yes, that book is excellent. Covering the trail tells almost as much as the trail itself. The immediate physical evidence cover-up the day after as detailed by Prouty tells us the depth of the overall conspiracy and the genuine nature of Dallas at that time.
Yes it was one of those events that define time. I remember as well. It was a completely different time and as you say, no one could have possibly guessed what was going on or where we would end up.
Your admission that there are "anti-human forces" having power within the US warmed my heart.
We differ on their origin, role, time of existence, etc, I'm sure, and I have no solid answers for how the world would be different were it not for these murders. I'd propose that the murders would not have occurred a without direct order to do so by someone/group that clearly DID believe these murders were necessary in order to accomplish their future goals. Why that president I do not know, being too young to know any feeling of the political perspectives of that time, it reads to me that he was carrying out his corrupt deepstate agenda diligently but he must have upset or questioned a future event or plan. My first recollection of ever hearing of the guy was some theatre release of some hours long documentary that came out in the nineties that made its rounds on TV broadcasts in the form of reviews and coverage. Not my cup of tea to dive into details that would never truly resolve anything even if known. So no I'd take the side that the current state of affairs would indeed be different and likely different in a way that would be beneficial for humans.
Thanks for your writings Karlof1, I do always enjoy them.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving and my prayers for your health brother.
Thanks for your reply. JFK had already made a number of decisions angering that Era's Establishment. As I wrote, they were the very Fascists Henry Wallace warned America about in his 1944 NYT's op/ed that's linked in my article about Mr. Wallace if you can't find it via search.
I find it curious so little history's been written about the 1930-1970 time period as a great deal happened during those 40 years that could be described as a See-Saw regarding political-economic policy. It wasn't just WW2 and the Great Depression; there's a whole lot more that affects us today. There're a few newer works that have begun to fill the gaps, but they remain only the first of the many that are needed.
I was 18. My father was in a school board meeting that evening as the news broke in the Netherlands in the early evening. My mother sent me to inform my father, why said 'Thank you,' and went back to the meeting.
I have been to the Book Depository when working in Dallas and visited the restored limo in the Ford Museum. I quit being a fan of JFK during the Vietnam War.
I am not sure if the maxim that 'Wallstreet rules the three branches of government' is still true. It certainly used the rule the CIA. Pfizer rules NIH, the CDC and the FDA.
If Wallstreet still is as powerful as it was would we be witnessing the D.I.E., ESG, woke destruction of America?
Wall Street has transformed from what it was up to the mid-1960s when it opted to completely financialize itself and go 100% Neoliberalism, or Finance Capitalism on steroids. Hudson is the only serious Political-economist-historian who has deeply investigated and written just as deeply about it. In a recent podcast with associate Bill Black, Hudson joined his assessment that Wall Street owns all three branches of the Federal Government, and statement I asked Hudson directly to confirm which he did. Where's it going? Read "Killing the Host," and you'll find out that as with all parasites, its future is reliant on the health of its host.
As for JFK, the evidence seems to indicate he was changing his mind, but up to that point he wasn't much different from Truman and was a far cry from being anything like Henry Wallace.
If you control a large wealthy country like the US then you have access to undreamed off wealth through the Treasury, plus numerous other ways to steal when you own the oversight. Imagine as in all things it comes down to follow the money, and as billionaires long ago learned if you have the wealth you also have the power to do almost anything you want, one follows the other.
Too bad morality always seems to get lost along that path.
I was an undergraduate at Long Beach State, Long Beach CA.
We congregated on the lawn. In shock.
Two years later I was at Berkeley protesting against the Vietnam war.
If R F Kennedy Jr is elected, he will finally release some files. How many files were destroyed?
I am not holding my breath on another Kennedy presidency or meaningful paper trails unshredded at this point.
RFKjr won't become POTUS. The Establishment won't allow it. I still think Biden will be replaced and that person with be made POTUS.
@Karl Sanchez
They are pre-positioning THIS guy as "The younger, richer (without having to steal it) and fashionably jewish Joe Biden clone".
IMO, enough was known well before Prouty wrote his article. I read the Warren Report in 1968 and learned then that we were lied to. Chicago 1968 was another big clue. Then the biggest confirmation--The Pentagon Papers. Later I learned about much earlier voices and the two main attempts by the citizenry to gain control that failed. I thought of including a photo of the funeral procession in black and white as I saw on TV, but found the gif instead.
Also from the ratical website:
"“The Unspeakable” is a term Thomas Merton coined at the heart of the sixties after JFK’s assassination—in the midst of the escalating Vietnam War, the nuclear arms race, and the further assassinations of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy. In each of those soul-shaking events Merton sensed an evil whose depth and deceit seemed to go beyond the capacity of words to describe.
“One of the awful facts of our age,” Merton wrote in 1965, “is the evidence that [the world] is stricken indeed, stricken to the very core of its being by the presence of the Unspeakable.” The Vietnam War, the race to a global war, and the interlocking murders of John Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy were all signs of the Unspeakable. It remains deeply present in our world. As Merton warned, “Those who are at present so eager to be reconciled with the world at any price must take care not to be reconciled with it under this particular aspect: as the nest of the Unspeakable. This is what too few are willing to see.”[4]
When we become more deeply human, as Merton understood the process, the wellspring of our compassion moves us to confront the Unspeakable.
—Jim Douglass, JFK and The Unspeakable – Why He Died and Why It Matters, p. xv"
We tend to think in shallow ways, often overly complex but like intertangling ripples on a disturbed pond surface, occluding the depths below.
The public assassination of a President is a deeply significant event in the life of a nation. The fact that it can happen and the perpetrators remain protected for so many decades is clear and present proof positive that the public face of the nation is a sham - why I have for years regarded the US as a 'post-constitutional republic'.
Similarly, though in a tawdry way decades later by a nation in much further moral and political decline, the way Trump's Presidency was sabotaged by naked ill will, gross lies and a weaponized judiciary was a further sign of how literally dis-graceful the whole thing had become, ending with the staged insurrection which only recently will finally be revealed as a manufactured narrative based on a deliberately organized false flag event.
In all three cases the President, and thus the Presidency, was grossly undervalued by the Powers that Be who truly run the country; and in so doing they show their disconnection with and lack of respect for We the People who comprise the Real Nation as opposed to the Administrative and Corporate Construct they use to pervert, corrupt and profit from it.
This is a profound failure on the part of the American Republic which clearly has failed and which I believe every Founding Father would regard as such. It failed for all to see on that fateful day, and keeps failing year after year. I find it both sad and discouraging that so few are willing to acknowledge this and keep pretending that America is the greatest nation with the greatest system known to Man and History, that the Press should be honest, that hospitals should care for the sick, that Universites should educated, that Public Servants should serve, that Judges mete out impartial justice, that food manufacturers produce healthy foods, that Big Agriculture grows good crops and livestock, that the nation is fundamentally honorable. Such gaslighting - which most American citizens do to themselves with minimal prompting - prevents any remedy being developed. To overthrow the current criminal regime is a tall order. But it is absolutely impossible to effect if people are unwilling to face what they are up against and rather take refuge in feel-good exceptionalist fairy tales while sociopathic kleptocrats murder millions in their name.
The time for fairy tales ended at the precise moment captured in the dramatic photo you selected. The man and President were still smiling even as his brains were splattering out the back of his head and his life, along with the life of America as a bona fide Republic, was already over.
That event was long in the nation's past now, almost a quarter of its official duration, but in many ways things have remained frozen in time for it still presents itself with a smile and a wave as if its brains were not splattering blood and gore in its wake.
Time for a Reset!
@Random Ruminations
The death of Thomas Merton himself was highly suspect. Allegedly electrocuted by a faulty electric fan while getting out of his hotel shower in Thailand. Yet he was found dry and wearing clothes, with a large bloody injury to the back of his head. His "room mate" who "found him" was a French priest, except there are no records of a priest with his name to be had from the French Catholic church, also he left Thailand quickly afterwards and was never to be found again.
Questioning "the narrative" effectively was a good way to have an early death or see ones career destroyed for quite a while after the event.
I hadn't heard that about his death, but in any case his work is greatly respected by contemplatives in many traditions.
and I was at the LSE
I wrote my first newspaper article about it. (Happily it was not published.)
As for "Unspeakable" Merton most certainly did not 'coin' it. Have you never run across Oscare Wilde's definition of Fox Hunting? "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable." ?
Here we go with the same old ' everything bad that happens politically is fascism'. Fascism, properly understood which you obviously don't, existed as an ideology and movement in Italy between 1919 and 1943. That's it, nowhere else. What went on in Germany was National Socialism. What has been going on in the U.S since at least the 1890's is a gradual Jewish takeover of your society and instructions with the end goal of displacing and replacing the European majority.
I can't believe people pay you for this nonsense.
Chris Hedges disagrees with your definition of Fascism having to be restricted to "Italy between 1919 and 1943" - where are your sources, or is this just your own personal uninformed onion, sorry opinion?
"Robert O. Paxton, who taught European history at Columbia Unhiversity, in 2004 wrote “The Anatomy of Fascism.” He explained that “the language and symbols of authentic American fascism” would “have little to do with the original European models. They would have to be familiar and reassuring to loyal Americans as the language and symbols of the original fascism were familiar and reassuring to many Italians and Germans, as Orwell suggested.”
And so does Craig Murray
"The European Commission has been ferociously zionist and gung-ho for this Palestinian genocide. It displayed the Israeli flag on its Berlaymont headquarters. It has taken a side in the most ferocious way. It is therefore deeply sinister that the European Commission is actively working to shut down pro-Palestinian information and comment on social media. The European Commission has written to all major social media organisations and is able to threaten them with massive fines if they do not remove information of which the European Union disapproves.
Following the terrorist attacks by Hamas against 🇮🇱, we have indications of X/Twitter being used to disseminate illegal content & disinformation in the EU.
Urgent letter to @elonmusk on #DSA obligations ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/avMm1LHq54
— Thierry Breton (@ThierryBreton) October 10, 2023
The notion is plainly nonsense that through the fog of war the European Commission – which is 100% parti pris – is qualified to say what information is true and what information is false, and what comment is legitimate.
Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner in charge of this operation, is a former chief executive of electronic companies – and defence contractors – Atos and Thomson. He has no genuine interest in freedom of speech, and is engaged in a process of silencing dissent for military aims, which is quite simply fascist.
We are witnessing almost all western governments deliberately facilitating massacre, ethnic cleansing and genocide. We are witnessing almost all western governments turning on their own people to crush dissent at that complicity in genocide."
And "Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt [disagrees with your 'only Italy was fascist' nonsnese] recently wrote an article about fascism ("Fascism Anyone?," Free Inquiry, Spring 2003, page 20). Studying the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common."
1) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2) Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4) Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
5) Rampant Sexism
The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.
6) Controlled Mass Media
Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7) Obsession with National Security
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8) Religion and Government are Intertwined
Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
9) Corporate Power is Protected
The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10) Labor Power is Suppressed
Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11) Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.
12) Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13) Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
14) Fraudulent Elections
Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
Chris Hedges is not a serious commentator. Partisan, sensationalist, banal, superficial, and with an axe to grind against his intra-christian theological opponents.
All political regimes across the spectrum engage in most or all of these activities to a greater or lesser degree. Are all political regimes fascist?
It is clear you don't know what fascism is. Pot meet kettle.
Understandably there will be differing definitions / interpretations of the term 'fascism' as seen everyday in the media with political opposites hurling this term at each other. Where do you get your definition of fascism? And also, where do you get the grand theory of a Jewish takeover of American society and institutions as a conscious plan devised by a cabal, as you seem to imply?
Who defined fascism? Mussolini. "Everything inside the state, nothing outside the state". Hardly what pertains today now is it?
As for the Jewish takeover, where do I get it? From my own observations facilitated by an IQ of 150. And they're not a cabal, they're a people with a promise from their god of world rulership. God helps those who help themselves, and boy are they helping themselves to everything that they can.
Everyone else here seems to rely on some outside authority to do their thinking for them. Argument from authority, another fallacy. Oh no, some shut-in up in his ivory tower disagrees with me, I'm defeated!!
As for Natashas long list of points regarding what denotes a fascist government, it's meaningless. All governments engage in precisely those behaviours. Are all governments fascist? Then it has no meaning.
Fascism is the modern political bogeyman.
Mussolini's definition, without the context in which he said these words, is meaningless. What is 'everything'? Economic - likely. In that case, it is similar to Marx and Lenin. Political? if yes, what political activities does it encompass? Social - don't know.
Re the Jewish takeover ... it could be a theory, but nothing more. Human behaviour, human society, is far too complex to be shoe-horned into convenient boxes.
More importantly, you lost me when you felt the need to broadcast your 'IQ of 150'. Anyone who needs to rely on this crutch does so because they have no evidence or logic to defend an answer. Btw, i was tested for IQ in my teens and it showed a very high, comparable number. But I never, ever mention it because since my teens I have known that: a) IQ is an extremely inaccurate and misleading measure of capability. High IQ people are almost never successful, by any definition of success, in the real world. b) Secondly, IQ is extremely culture specific and cannot be compared across different cultures. I am from a non-English, non-Christian/European/white culture, so achieving a high IQ for such a person is even more remarkable. But, IQ is trash science.
Mussolini didn't just mean economics. Social, cultural, artistic etc. All of societal activities organised and overseen by the state, All.
Ironically, the communists came closer to that reality than the Italians. Again, not what you see in the U.S.
The Jewish takeover of the States is an observable reality if you can see the patterns, which is where IQ is applicable and the only reason I mentioned mine. And the evidence for the takeover is all around you if you would but look, and have the moral and intellectual courage to do so.
IQ testing nowadays relies solely on the ability to recognise and reason out patterns. Is that culturally specific? How so?I never said anything about capabilities outside this.
I agree with regards to high IQ people rarely being successful in the hands on world, but why this makes their observations invalid you haven't made clear.
As for you never mentioning your IQ? Well, you just did. Remarkable even. Yet trash science? Incoherent!
Apologies, replace instructions with 'Institutions'
People don't pay me to post my memories and links to the facts surrounding them. Indeedydo it was AMERICAN FASCISTS who conspired to murder JFK, and you Mr. Hugo Jones are not just an apologist but a collaborator; and if you're an American citizen, you're committing Treason too. You probably thought I'd delete your trash, but it stays as proof assholes like you exist.
Who am I apologising for? Who am I collaborating with? I'm interested in historical accuracy, nothing more. You're projecting your own assumptions upon the motives for my comments. You have priors buried so deep in your subconscious from 75 odd years of relentless mental subversion that you wouldn't even know where to look for them. You throw around terms without having the slightest understanding of their actual meaning. And of course without any real argument, you resort to ad homenim.
I'm not American by the way, thanks God.
@Hugo Jones
We can agree on this- Thanks to God you are not an American. We have more than enough of your kidney here already.
"... you resort to ad homenim."
You deserve nothing less, you arrogant twat. Have a good day.
Knowledge always seems like arrogance to the ignorant. Resorting to ad homenim is always an admission of one's inability to argue the point. Have a splendid day Sir.
What was your point other than to insult the author. Your original comment, much like my response, was just an opinion piece. So, go forth and multiply. I will do the same and have a splendid day. ;o)
This article is top of the daily list at the geopolitical aggregator site www.sitrepworld.info. Congratulations!
This a welcome post - on a subject RoW is much less familiar with than Gaza UK China China China etc
Just to put this in perspective: in RoW in 1963, or 1964 (RoW was smaller then than today as far as news updates) everyone from schoolboys on up was much more interested excited and overwhelmed by the then Cassius Clay's seemingly miraculous series of victories
Who still today is much more influential admired if not revered
I should add that the very same crowd as did away with JFK tried going after Muhammed Ali - they only made him the more widely admired