Feb 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

The Vietnam era of Buddhist monks setting themselves on fire is still engraved in my mind. Aaron Bushnell's heroic sacrifice is worthy of a little discussion across the various schools that tolerate a discussion.

The Medal of Honor is awarded, not earned, not given. I sat through a long lecture on the subject in the Naval Institute in DC once.

Tucker Carlson is a 'frat boy.' Jane, in MoA, called his number perfectly. Blinken also looks like a sociotype but I cannot quite lay my finger on it. He and his ilk have caused an amazing amount of damage, something in the league of 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice.'

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Feb 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Aaron Bushnell stood for freedom and died for freedom. This eloquent barrister for the Arab League explains why Israel is against law and despises freedom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRn4qYAORAE

Thank you Karl and Caitlin.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Aaron Bushnell's sacrifice yesterday for human dignity is not without precident in the US. In 1965 Norman Morrison did much the same in front of the Pentagon. It is not the only way to fight for a moral consciencceness but such conviction is sorely needed.

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Thanks for the mention of Norman Morrison. I was too young to read at the time and had never heard of him or his 1965 self immolation at the Pentagon.


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Feb 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Some further thoughts: You say "The Narrative is becoming as demented as Biden. The Western Bloc is losing its mind", indeed it is so and Macron is a driven man with a classic French infatuation with people from exotic lands. But in the case of Ukraine, which seemed so exotic a year ago, the French now dread the Ukenazi retreat to the EU states and all the consequent 'difficulties' that represents for their oh so civilised garden. The impending swastika refugee swarms will decimate the EU economies and severely fragment their social cohesion. So Macron and his mates in Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Romania etc are now proposing some nato force to threaten occupation of west Ukraine as part of their imagined round of negotiations with Russia. Hohoho what a curse is that lost mind of theirs.

I can imagine the scenario where the UK (who started this entire fiasco) wont be having any more of those awful nazis on their shores... remember WW2 they will scream, "can't have any of that" will be their cry plus " we too busy looking after all these Israeli refugees right now". And so EU will be foot deep on a British turd and so on... :)) Meanwhile the USA Congress and Senate postponed the Uke funding and took a fortnight holiday - to refresh their mind. Nice friends the French have, and I guess as they cannot, dare not say one word, then they must lose their mind. Jung must be laughing his rs off.

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Feb 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Namibia in its closing remarks calls on the ICJ to make it clear that BDS does apply to Israel in its status as an apartheid state oppressing Palestinian peoples:


and calls for strict timelines set by the court to end its illegal occupation beyond the original UN decision of 1947.

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Feb 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

This is IMO one of your best missives.I want very much to contribute to your work but alas my retirement financial situation is limited.Have you considered Buymeacofee.It allows one time donations that i can easily budget for.Once again I say WELL SAID!

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Feb 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Macron and other European US vassal states have registered their intention to start WW3 and destroy Europe in the interests of US hegemony to preserve a Unipolar global Financial Elite safe from the challenges of the emerging Multipolar World of sovereign states. The hubris of these Transatlantic elites and their Security States

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Feb 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

The 'Western Bloc' has long lost its mind. We now know. To our surprise, shock and dismay.

Cut to the chase: the laissez faire democracies have to end.

We have been running them because of two things, I think:

1. Historic precedent. People have always been ruled by (a) the power of rulers and (b) the machinations of their 'betters' Not by themselves. Despite the introduction of 'democracy', rule of the people by the people, the mindset has remained: we don't rule, we are ruled.

2. Practical constraints. Before now we never could have a proper participatory democracy. We just didn't have the means. So spasmodically elected spurious representatives became the closest imitation we could get.

Well now it can all change and must change. We have the internet and smartphones. We are all connected all the time and all have access to computer power, all the world's data, news in real time and broadcast ability to the world from each and every one of us.

We can now rule ourselves.

So it is necessary to inform the public that we can and that we should and on how we can and get them started.

And the start is, of course, smartphone apps.

This is the way out, the way forward.

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Feb 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

I suspect Iran is close enough to sustaining whatever Israel, USA and UK can throw at them.

USA/UK have a severe hindrance in sealift. CDRSalamander who host debates on naval matters went through the demise of USA maritime transport.

US tactical aircraft are aging and do not achieve readiness in peace times training operations. F-35 is even more unready, has not entered operational test bc would fail readiness in the operation test.

Aerial refueling is essential, KC 46 is not suitable, and KC 135 would be ready but intended unnecessary retirement put off heavy maintenance.

All those guidance kits…..

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Very good Crooke piece - and Johnstone's as well.

Of course Iran "doesn't want a wider war." They are obviously aware that despite the West's current military weakness, they can still bomb much of Iran's infrastructure (until they run out of bombs, of course) and kill a lot of Iranians, despite Iranian air defenses. The real takeaway, however, is that they want the US - and Israel - gone from the Middle East - because otherwise nothing changes. It's like living with a very painful ingrown toenail or piriformis syndrome (both of which I've had).

The US and Israel "got's to go."

But everyone has calculated this is going to require a wider war regardless of anyone's wishes.

Everyone keeps saying "the US doesn't want a wider war." Yes, it does. Who is "the US", paleface? If the electorate is ignorant, all of Congress is behind it and the neocons are running the show, does it matter if a bunch of other people in the Beltway - a minority whose number Crooke can not actually know the number of - are opposed? Iran, on the other hand, as I say, is fully aware of the consequences. But they want the US gone anyway.

This is one of those sayings that people dredge up when they haven't thought it through. I keep saying what "the US wants" is to avoid being BLAMED for starting a wider war. This is basic human nature: deliberately make a massive mistake, then try to avoid blame - beforehand, if possible. I excuse my desire to eat a quart and a half of ice cream, or two medium meat pizzas - then I do it anyway!

Jesus, can't any monkey-ass human acknowledge how fucked up people are? I acknowledge it every day. It's - reality - the entire basis of my philosophy. Humans are the fucked.

"it’s the moral obligation of ALL to do what they can to halt an existing or soon to exist Genocide; and that means no payment of federal taxes until the Genocide is halted."

Well, I have no "moral obligation" whatsoever to anyone for anything.. And I haven't paid taxes or even filed in decades. And I robbed two banks and did eight years+ in Federal prison. So I've done my part - and I'm studying hacking with the intent to do more. But Resistance - and Revenge - is also part of my philosophy.

That's why I write "The Five Essentials" - and I why recommended the TV show "Revenge" in one of my articles - not to mention all the ninja movies I devoted one article to.

Not paying taxes only to pay them later is frankly a "simp" move. So is Saturday afternoon protesting. There's a lot more one could do if one is smart enough. There are a ton of books on the Internet on how to "get revenge" - and they all work against the government.

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Karl, you need to ban grr or I'm unsubscribing. I know you couldn't care less, but I don't tolerate assholes in my Substack and neither should you.

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