May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

putin goes out of his way to mention sergey quite a number of times... i am not sure what to make of this... maybe too much is being made of it.. hard to know.. thanks karl...

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May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

sounds like wants to communicate that it is a smooth transition

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May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

that would be the obvious take away - yes... as i don't know the russian temperament, it is hard for me to know with confidence.. what he wants to communicate and what is, may be 2 different realities...

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The photos and video show more as there were many of the former this time around, and with a few curious facial expressions recorded. Of course,, what matters most is what's said once the cameras are off.

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May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

well exactly and we'll never know that either!! this is worse then trying to predict with astrology!!!

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Thanks for the laugh james!

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May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

Once again by reference to RF statements and meeting you correct and give the lie to the westie gossipy grandmas

Especially Shoigu's new role

Thanks for this

Nothing strange in VVP's comments on Medvedev, he's off limits, a freewheeling one man show, plays his role perfectly well - VVP made this clear

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May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

Putin and team are on a roll. He is absolutely right in saying that whoever has the technological lead in military science and materials wins the day. The reshuffle looks to have high potential and some of the emerging technologies and prototype production one gets hints of are ripe for mainstreaming. Already the west is on the back foot in some areas.

Equally interesting is Shoigu's new role in industry development as I see it as a means of distributing contracts to can do manufacturers and simultaneously full of power for constraining / facilitating private sector power. This is one mighty political appointment and Shoigu would not have arrived here had he been as corrupt as the dearly departed were.

Rumors of Sirovikin second coming appear to have little substance for now.

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Agree! The management team is set, and most have great, seasoned staffs and line workers. When the SMO ends, the budget cut of the MIC will drop back to 4% or so freeing up the 4+& remaining for further investment. Putin's Harbin speech out to be good.

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May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

Yevgeny Prigozhin cracked the eggs and Putin cooked the Омлет. All is good. I note the Wagner commenters on telegram are in a very approving mood these days.

As I read it, Putin's resounding election win has conferred absolute confidence in the Putin faction within United Russia party. I assume this was fragile ground prior to the SMO but has consolidated since. The days of caution and tentative maneuvers have passed as the western influencers/infiltrators have been worked on PLUS Putin and Lavrov and their extraordinary team have worked wonders in the multilateral world.

We can breath again thanks to the fresh oxygen of change. Thank you Karl for keeping up the flow.

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Lavrov and pesky are western agents.

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May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

President Putin's comment about Medvedev was very cryptic. That is somewhat surprising, since Medvedev seemed to have been assigned the Bad Cop role to Putin's Good/Reasonable cop, threatening the Euros with serious consequences if they over-reached.

Is the aim to throttle back the kinds of statements that Medvedev was making? Or is it something else altogether?

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May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

I read that Medvedev comment as merely calming any waves and also paying due deference to Medvedev's past high office. As I understand Russian language nuance (and other language nuance) that describes Medvedev as having attained the highest role he will ever get under Putin in the current circumstance, but not disparage or threaten to diminish the lad.

ie: Medvedev can rest in his current peaceful career and continue his helpful sniping at international figures as a pastime. Right now it is important to calm festering agitated minds as to 'what will Putin do next?' and the detractors are hard at it.

The good ship liberty and unification (is that 'liberation'?) is on course and gaining pace.

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He held the top two spots and remains at the top. Few are as good as Putin in running Russia in this time period. Unstable political direction isn't wanted within Progressive-Conservatism; smooth continuity of good governance attaining policy goals is desired.

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May 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

Judo master at the helm. We could all do to have such disciplined awareness and response to danger.

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Just reviewing the China trip. The Joint Declaration is similar to the previous two, which was expected, although I've yet to read it entirely. The Russian delegation is very large, so much will be happening in all areas of relations. And Putin seems to be enjoying the visit.

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Good observation. Click the link to the source and look at the photos and/or watch the video; today's are both short. We shall watch what occurs. Most of Team Putin remains as it was and that's what happened with Dmitri; he continues in his already established mode.

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Interesting to see Shogui without the uniform. Looks like quite the lineup.

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