Sep 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Regarding the Hezbollah attack on Sunday, August 25. It was very confusing until Sayyed spoke at 6 pm, even after the speech the early morning confusion remained. In particular, why did Israel do the "preemptive strike" just shortly before Hezbollah's attack?

Facts on Sunday:

I wake up early around 5:00 am.

I checked news, Hezbollah's Manar website and international English language news.

In the English news, there was talk of "massive Israeli attack on Lebanon"

On Manar website, there was no mention of this attack.

I checked with my friends in different regions of Lebanon, nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

Around 6:00 am on Manar, there were reports from Israeli media that 200 Hezbollah rockets were launched on Israel.

Later about 6:30 am on Manar, more reports from Israeli media, that 400 Hezbollah rockets were launched on Israel.

6:00 pm Sayyed Nasrallah gave his speech mentioning the attack on Israeli intelligence headquarters.

Israel cordoned off the area surrounding the intelligence headquarters.

Israeli media confirmed that 6 drones hit the intelligence headquarters.


Facts about Hezbollah

1. Before any special operation, Hezbollah undertakes months of surveillance.

2. Before executing special operations, Hezbollah does extensive rehearsal of the attack.

3. Hezbollah launches an attack only when they are 99% sure of success.

Resolving Sunday morning confusion:

Target of the Hezbollah attack was to execute the head of signal intelligence and Unit 8200

To execute him, it was essential that he be in his office or on his way to the office, depending on their plan.

To get him to the office, Hezbollah made a ploy of moving rocket launchers en masse very early Sunday, say before 5:00 am, knowing well that these maneuvers would be caught by US-Israel-UNIFIL intelligence. This explains:

1. Timing of "preemptive" strike

2. Declaration of military alert in Israel, so the head of signal intelligence is in his office.

3. Hezbollah starts heavy rocket barrage on Northern Palestine confirming the attack.

4. Hezbollah attack drones slip to Intelligence headquarters and execute head of Unit 8200 as planned.

Success or Failure of Hezbollah attack:

Since Sunday August 25 word spread on the net of the death of head of Unit 8200 and his second in command.

Israel imposes a total blackout on news about the attack on intelligence headquarters.

As Alastair Crooke explains, the narrative is more important than reality. So if head of Unit 8200 was not killed on Sunday, then he would be trotted out to prove failure of the Hezbollah attack. So far nothing of the sort has happened.

If by following Sunday September 1, head of Unit 8200 is not shown in public, then it means that 99.9% he was killed on Sunday.


Sunday September 1, The Hebrew site "Walla" reports a major shakeup in the intelligence division: The commander of Unit 8200 in the Israeli military is set to announce his retirement in the coming weeks.

Accordingly, as was expected, head of Unit 8200 was killed by Hezbollah in the attack of September 25.

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Excellent deception.

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Sep 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

You won't believe the extent to which Hezbollah prepares for a special operation.

Interesting fact: Whenever an operation involves death of someone, the military wing of Hezbollah has to obtain permission from "The Religious Council".

Prior to Hezbollah kicking Israel out of South Lebanon in 2000, an operation was planned for executing Aql Hashem, Head of Intelligence of the proxy army of Israel. Hashem was responsible for torture and death of tens of prisoners in the Khiam Prison. After months of surveillance a roadside bomb was planted in a specific location. When Hashem's car arrived, the Hezbollah fighter responsible for triggering the bomb, noticed that Hashem's wife and kid were in the car with him. Hezbollah guy contacted officer in charge and informed him. Officer told him NOT to trigger the bomb. Hashem escaped. Some weeks later, Hashem was in car alone with his military driver. Bomb was blown and Hashem was executed.

In Islam, there is no such thing as "collateral damage". It is stated in the Quran, that killing an innocent person is like killing all of humanity. For this reason you can notice the minimal if any civilian casualties in their operations, including during the past 10 months of battles with Israel.

To understand Hezbollah you need an Islamic scholar lol

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Sep 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Karl thank you! This is huge news.

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deletedSep 2
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The photo of Yossi Sariel is a fake

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Sep 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Ok thanks the message on x?

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Yes, the photo on X. I was told by a reliable source that it is a fake

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But the message itself?

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Sep 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

I had seen this message early last week. But I could not find confirmation in any reliable source, so I did not give much weight to it. It is highly unlikely that Israel would admit death of head of intelligence in a Hezbollah attack. Accordingly, the narrative they chose was a "shakeup in intelligence officers, and the head of intelligence Unit 8200 will resign" lol lol

This conforms more to Israeli way of hiding their casualties. ;-)

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Sep 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Netanyahu 'The Genocide' and his cronies are a true reflection of Israeli society: lobotomized, indoctrinated, psychopathic and delusional. A monster like that cannot last. Its days are numbered.

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Sep 1Liked by Karl Sanchez

If you believe IDF, generating 100 strike sorties is quite an accomplishment. I wonder how many were “combat turns”. Checking out, fueling and rearming a fighter is like an Indy car pit……

That said most of the IDF statement is questionable. Dug in weapons require big bombs, accuracy, and knowing where to shoot.

Some between IDF and U.S. supporters keep saying IDF won in 2006!

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As Crooke has labored to point out, the IDF isn't an actual modern armed force prepared to face peer opponents. It's akin to NATO as it mostly attacks civilians. Another point, there are very few genuine civilians within Occupied Palestine that are Zionists. IMO, IOF reservists are merely soldiers out of uniform and often are allowed to keep their weapons at their homes, which make them militia at minimum. The current protests won't change Zionist policy nor will the general strike. Will Smotrich unleash his goons on the strikers? I wouldn't be surprised.

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Sep 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Good piece thanks. It seems again that Western/Israeli military intelligence might be in some sort of group think relating to the effectiveness of airpower and - much like the misassessment of Russia's military capablities - trying to convince themselves that their narrative represents real facts. A dangerous siuation if so as it tends to lead to escalation in the belief that force can be used to deliver desired outcomes.

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STANDING UP TO ZIONIST TYRANNY The path for Russia laid out by Putin & Lavrov is to arm & supply all the Arab countries with the best weaponry & munitions & strategize with them for a counter-strike Nuclear Umbrella to neutralize Israel Oligarch controlled USA, Britain, Canada, Australia (5-Eyes) & France, weapons capabilities. The Arab countries with this Russian/Chinese/Iran supply-chain & World Satellite capable detection system, can then station troops surrounding Israel & finally take back the 1948 borders plus a little more, which must be fully protected by an Arab international force. By that time most dual citizen Israelis will have fled back to their homelands. The Israel economy (70% world arms trade) will have fallen to pieces. As a side-effect the Zionist controlled 5-Eyes will have received the greatest defeat at the controlling Fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med, Agri-business COMPLEX centre of their empire. The whole region can be restored to RELATIONAL-ECONOMY & peace. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy



Present day Israelis can learn from South Africa's TRUTH-&-RECONCILIATION process of Both-sides-now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues or what all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (L 'self-generating') ancestors refer to as COUNCIL PROCESS. Beyond sending in a protective military force to protect Palestinians from Zionist dispossession & murder, every effort should be made by the international community, to safeguard Palestinians. The UN illegally sent in Blue-Helmets in 1948 & 67 to kill Palestinians trying to defend their homes & livelihood. Peace & collaboration can still be achieved with formal dialogues for reaching formal understanding, working-agreement, written-contracts together, restitution as well as conflict-resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

We can do more to mobilize citizen & soldier 'intellect' (L. 'inter' = 'between' + 'legere' = 'to-choose') through engaging all in mindful 'DEBATE' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight'). Mohandas Gandhi stated, "Non-violence springs from love, cowardice from hate. Non-violence always suffers, cowardice would always inflict suffering. Non-violence & cowardice go ill together. I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a COWARD." Gandhi is speaking here to the intelligent mind of the soldier as an active contributor to his or her community, society & ultimately to the international conversation of war & peace such as Social Media might afford today if converted from Mono to Dialogue? as westerners failed in stimulating around our travesty in Libya? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-communication-converting-social-media-from-mono-to-dialogue-libya

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