All these resplendent royal chambers (in so many pictures of meetings in Russia) made from within a monarchist culture now so fashionable to deplore as incorrigibly corrupt.

But boy do they seem to love those chambers and how they project Russia as a great civilization.

As well they should....

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I've toyed with the idea of publishing a mostly pictural article, but it would be very difficult to choose what to include as there're so many choices. The aerial shot of the small palace was a great find. Can't post pics in comments. What's most impressive is most everything in that region was completely totaled by the Nazis and rebuilt by the Soviets in a project that began in 1957.

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Its easy to upload pictures to https://imgur.com/ and make a link to each one. For example: https://imgur.com/y1Zgvxf (back kitchen door to the house am building in rural Mexico). I just clicked on the file on my hard-drive once logged into imgur and the whole process took 15 seconds. You have to create an account first but it is an easy and free process.

I saw a series of photos via someone at MoA (S?) showing the results of city renovations done by RF. Somewhat moribund post-communist 'before' with lovely 'afters' featuring domes, gold leaf, color etc. Quite impressive. I love Russia's blend of Byzantine and European and hope they continue it in the New World emerging.....

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Olga, Viking Queen of the Rus . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/olga-viking-queen-of-the-rus

All of the Russian emperors after Catherine the Great (Sophie Friederike Auguste from Anhalt-Zerbst) were Germans . . . we had every right to invade Russia after the Soviet Jews murdered Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov.


In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . .


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A Lot of organizations in which Russia is involved. BRICS+, CIS, SOC, ASEAN, OPEC+, EAEU. I Wonder how they all interact together.

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And there are more. They all expand multipolarity and are founded on the same principles as the UN Charter--the fundamental equality of all states and peoples.

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