As a European I realized a long time ago that our politicians were totally sold out and corrupt. And where I live there was actually a party which pushed back against the globalist liberal mantra, you know the whole End of History thing. But they were utterly vilified for years, even as their popularity grew. At the last election they were the 2nd largest party after the Socialists (the ones whose policies caused all our problems). And they're still not in government, although the 3 parties which are rely on their vote to get things done.
Look at Germany. AfD is growing hugely, so the political establishment there is seriously contemplating outlawing them. sanctions, anyone? Well, we've seen how those spectacularly failed regarding Russia, and I think that would split Germany into a clear east / west divide.
Look at Romania. There a populist was winning and the governing party in cooperation with their intel services conjured up some big lie TikTok about Russian interference, and lo and behold the election was stopped by judicial review.
In short, the people of Europe are being totally f*cked over by our politicians. And short of revolution we can do nothing about it. And, frankly, it's the same in the US, the only difference being you have the 2nd Amendment for exactly that purpose.
I suggest looking back at the situation in 2020 and compare it with today. Yes, viable political parties are being kept out of power sharing, but their power continues to grow as you note. Eventually the tide will rise too high, and the dam will break. If those now in power turn to totalitarian tactics to stem the tide, that will only cause it to rise further. The German election in 23 days and its aftermath will provide an indication as will what occurs in France. What happens in the negotiations over Ukraine will have an impact on European politics, just what being the great unknown.
in the case of romania they have resorted to shutting down the democratic process!! what is next?? elections in ukraine are on hold indefinitely... what else??? this is all thru the great guidance of that bastion of dumbocracy and freedumb, lol...
On the bright side, recall that the Romanians have some form when it comes to revolution. Their current freedom was attained after long and insulting difficulty and in that revolution they demonstrated a keen appreciation of ensuring the deposed tyrant could not return. Old and tested methods remain valid in modern times - even CEO's get the message.
the revolution in romania coincided with the other revolutions in 1989... i am not discounting it, but do you think we are at that place here yet in 2025? maybe, but i am not sure about that..
These people who’re self-appointing each other behind closed doors in Brussles will not give up the power. They have been creating “security-SS-police” since the brutal crackdown of the protest at the G8 in Genua 25 years ago. Stop thinking they with leave their lucrative enrichment positions. They’re grooming their offspring to succeed them. Look at the bio of Kalas father. This is the end of democracy and the seed Neo-Feudalism is beginning to blossom. If you want to live in a self-supporting manner you need to leave the EU.
no they have: Europol is the civilian branch's and its main objective is to enhance the effectiveness and cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of the EU member states. To achieve this, Europol facilitates the exchange of information and intelligence, provides analytical support, and offers specialized training and expertise. Some of the key areas of focus for Europol include drug trafficking, human trafficking, cybercrime, money laundering, and counterterrorism.
But the hooligans in uniform are enjoying themselves iwith training games in urban fighting. Their playground is since 2003 the GUZ, "Gefechrsuebungszentrum" in Lower-Saxony, Germany. The main-playground is a artificial town in the GUZ called "Schnoeggersdorf" where the rambolinos learn how to kill in urban warfare. Germany haven't had a police structure like Gendarmerie, Guardia Civil, Carabinieri, so they reactivated the custom-police (Zoll) and call it now Bundes-Polizei. The GUZ ist mainly owned by Rheinmetal.
Thank you Karl, looks like Klaus Schwab has had some success ratf**king europe in the short term :(
However, I like Medvedev's pov that this is a 100 year struggle with the UKUSA and some patience is recommended. Meanwhile the battle for the mind proceeds apace in Sweden as clearly evidenced here at Neutrality Studies:
This well worth watching to the end, lots of diamonds in the dust :)
And on the economic viewpoint, this too is worth reading (Swedish Language but translates readily):
The Journal is edited by the journalist Kajsa Ekis Ekman who is guest contributor in the Neutrality Studies report above. Seems like a good site imo.
«Meanwhile the battle for the mind proceeds apace in Sweden as clearly evidenced here at Neutrality Studies»
There are are two relevant different concepts: political alignment and military alliance. So for example technically the ukrainian government is neutral not being part of any military alliance, but it is wholly USA-aligned.
Spain, Sweden, Ireland, Switzerland were militarily neutral in decades past as they did not belong to any military alliance, but they were very clearly USA-aligned.
I beg to differ. Ukraine is entirely part of the Nazi ideological and military alliance that has been quietly assembled under the banner of nato. Ukraine is absolutely affiliated even though not a formal member -yet-. Equally the EU is the handmaiden if not the brothel madam of the nazi resuscitation going on in Europe right now. There is absolutely zero neutrality in anything Ukraine does. There is criminality, racist oppression, religious oppression, extortion and an appalling assault on the capacity of the nation to reproduce and enjoy life as it was before 2014. One cannot claim neutrality and proceed to pick sides in either war, politics or religion imo.
«Ukraine is absolutely affiliated even though not a formal member -yet-»
Indeed it is aligned with the USA but not allied with NATO yet.
«One cannot claim neutrality and proceed to pick sides in either war»
Well neutrality in war is defined by customary international rules fairly well, and it allows picking sides to some extent, for example until Pearl Harbor the USA was technically neutral in WW2 even if in practice it was supplying mostly the english, and similarly the USSR and the PRC were technically neutral in the korean civil war.
The argument with Ukraine about it not being neutral can be that it has *applied* to be part of NATO, and that it has bilateral military treaties with the USA and other NATO members and it has terminated the friendship treaties with the RF.
But the point I was making was that *alignment* is in practice rather more important than technical neutrality, as demonstrated by the cases of Spain and Sweden eventually joining NATO, and of Ireland and Switzerland "sanctioning" only the defending side in the ukrainian invasion against the Donbas republics.
There's big sparks happening in the EU & UK which are on the verge of setting fire to their societies. The masses are finally waking up to the main stream media propaganda that has kept them controlled. People are seeing the results for themselves in their pockets. Which is what bothers them most. Then the sparks keep happening usually more often than not through the policies of the traitorous amateurs ruling over the masses. It's only going to take 1 country to combust. Then it will spread like wildfire. Who is going to be the leader to calm it down? There isn't 1, they all lack credibility. None of them represent their country or citizens. As a result they're despised. It's pathetic when we see & hear these press conferences by Von De Liar & her crowd. Who are they trying to convince? None of the citizens that's for sure. No one listens to her pathetic talk. No one takes any of these people seriously. They just spout out nonsense to try & convince themselves. It's only a matter of time because things are going to get worse at an accelerated pace. Under these fraudulent beurocrats.
The top EU "elite" do not have a plan "B", and looking at the current crop of Politicians and "leaders", there is no one they have placed in power that is able to make one, and absolutely no one who is capable of carrying one out.
The only hopeful attitudes come from smaller countries and their leaders, who are generally more practical.
Yes, agreed. I see all the central European nations in the Balkans who have seen no benefits from EU/NATO to leave, or to join with the Hungarian group first and then exit. The Benelux nations are too close in proximity to Brussels and will have a harder time, but Europe overall has a very rich history/tradition of rebellion/revolt/revolution. The economic erosion continues to worsen and that will fuel events.
Hi Karl...for the past few weeks I've been following RT's posts on X and I agree with you. I'm not even going to follow them anymore. They are compromised somehow. I heard years ago it was Israeli owned. Partially anyway.
RT is partly owned by the Russian government as explained by RT, “RT is an autonomous, non-profit organization that is publicly financed from the budget of the Russian Federation." How much of its budget I don't know. "For more information, contact:” The About RT page at its site has more info. Margarita Simonyan is the editor-in-chief and has taken a lot of undeserved crap from the West as it goes about censoring its content and banning it from broadcasting. RT is also a young organization as 2025 marks 20 years. Yes, I’ve gotten miffed at what IMO is incorrect policy before, but you can direct feedback to the management. IMO, lower echelon editors are the ones at fault. But RT has improved, and now at least links to the original, something that took years to change. RT also has a very extensive documentary section and has aired very good programs in the past, with the SMO having messed with that extensively.
Now I don't have X and probably never will, so I can't make any assessments. Unless you have translation software on your computer, it's hard to keep up as there are only a few Russian media English language sites. This Wiki page has links to many Russian print media and to other media forms. IMO, state/public owned media isn't any more or less likely to be biased than privately owned media. But that subject needs its own discussion. I read/watch almost no US/Western based media nowadays, nor do I cavort on social media; my wife does that for me.
Hi Karl, thanks for extensive reply. I agree that RT is much much better than any western news outlet, and its a bigger size than X pages so has so much more to contend with. And yet, I did start following them again a couple of months ago, yet yesterday I just shut down on them again, although right now I don't remember exactly why, but I just got sick of hearing a certain not quite truthful slant on some current event. And its frustrating when there is so much agony and criminality in the world, to got to RT and read on and on about everything except Gasa. I know they do publish some stuff, but you would think by their webpage that its just a trivial side topic. Not the worst thing the world has ever seen by 100 times. Anyway- I don't even know now if that was why I deleted their bookmark yesterday- before I read your article. It was one of the recent current events . I'm sick right now so have a bit of a foggy brain. Not from the vax but from a cold
«Europe’s natural geoeconomic dependency is on Eurasian nations not the Outlaw US Empire across the ocean»
Overland transport is 10 times more expensive than overseas transport so crossing that ocean is relatively cheap. Containerisation made overseas transport a lot cheaper, and it does make overland transport cheaper, but not to the same extent. As a result Europe is far more dependent on North America, South America and Arabia for fuel and food (and for exports) than on Eurasia. Even China is dependent on North America, South America, Arabia, and Australia for many vital imports *and* exports.
«Everyone in power’s been bought or controlled via kompromat and thus kisses the boot and does the Empire’s bidding.»
But I used to know some european elites and many are quite aware of the downsides of USA vassalage and would rather be ruling independent powers, but *voluntarily* choose it even without being bought or compromised because it is the best actually feasible deal: the USA government control all the sea routes through which european exports and imports flow, the USA are a huge export market only accessible to vassals (as the PRC are being reminded), the USA government is pretty good at "color revolutioning".
The elites of Europe (or Japan, Korea-south, China-Taiwan) really do not want to be "sanctioned" by the USA, embargoed or blockaded by the USA, or destabilized by the USA; the cases of Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Bolivia, Korea-north, Libya, Serbia, are not that attractive. Independence is not achieved merely by having the big balls to make loud proclamations.
So they can only choose to be someone else's vassals, and China is too far away, Russia is too small and weak, and as long as the USA elites can afford to pay for a strong USA navy they can strangle any trade-dependent disobedient vassals.
As a European I realized a long time ago that our politicians were totally sold out and corrupt. And where I live there was actually a party which pushed back against the globalist liberal mantra, you know the whole End of History thing. But they were utterly vilified for years, even as their popularity grew. At the last election they were the 2nd largest party after the Socialists (the ones whose policies caused all our problems). And they're still not in government, although the 3 parties which are rely on their vote to get things done.
Look at Germany. AfD is growing hugely, so the political establishment there is seriously contemplating outlawing them. sanctions, anyone? Well, we've seen how those spectacularly failed regarding Russia, and I think that would split Germany into a clear east / west divide.
Look at Romania. There a populist was winning and the governing party in cooperation with their intel services conjured up some big lie TikTok about Russian interference, and lo and behold the election was stopped by judicial review.
In short, the people of Europe are being totally f*cked over by our politicians. And short of revolution we can do nothing about it. And, frankly, it's the same in the US, the only difference being you have the 2nd Amendment for exactly that purpose.
I suggest looking back at the situation in 2020 and compare it with today. Yes, viable political parties are being kept out of power sharing, but their power continues to grow as you note. Eventually the tide will rise too high, and the dam will break. If those now in power turn to totalitarian tactics to stem the tide, that will only cause it to rise further. The German election in 23 days and its aftermath will provide an indication as will what occurs in France. What happens in the negotiations over Ukraine will have an impact on European politics, just what being the great unknown.
in the case of romania they have resorted to shutting down the democratic process!! what is next?? elections in ukraine are on hold indefinitely... what else??? this is all thru the great guidance of that bastion of dumbocracy and freedumb, lol...
The public revolts or riots demanding the constitution be followed or holds its own plebiscite.
that's a bit like waiting for cows to revolt over the price of milk, lol... not likely to happen..
On the bright side, recall that the Romanians have some form when it comes to revolution. Their current freedom was attained after long and insulting difficulty and in that revolution they demonstrated a keen appreciation of ensuring the deposed tyrant could not return. Old and tested methods remain valid in modern times - even CEO's get the message.
the revolution in romania coincided with the other revolutions in 1989... i am not discounting it, but do you think we are at that place here yet in 2025? maybe, but i am not sure about that..
These people who’re self-appointing each other behind closed doors in Brussles will not give up the power. They have been creating “security-SS-police” since the brutal crackdown of the protest at the G8 in Genua 25 years ago. Stop thinking they with leave their lucrative enrichment positions. They’re grooming their offspring to succeed them. Look at the bio of Kalas father. This is the end of democracy and the seed Neo-Feudalism is beginning to blossom. If you want to live in a self-supporting manner you need to leave the EU.
But Brussels has no police or armed forces as all are national, and the growing animus is aimed at Brussels. I have more optimism.
no they have: Europol is the civilian branch's and its main objective is to enhance the effectiveness and cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of the EU member states. To achieve this, Europol facilitates the exchange of information and intelligence, provides analytical support, and offers specialized training and expertise. Some of the key areas of focus for Europol include drug trafficking, human trafficking, cybercrime, money laundering, and counterterrorism.
But the hooligans in uniform are enjoying themselves iwith training games in urban fighting. Their playground is since 2003 the GUZ, "Gefechrsuebungszentrum" in Lower-Saxony, Germany. The main-playground is a artificial town in the GUZ called "Schnoeggersdorf" where the rambolinos learn how to kill in urban warfare. Germany haven't had a police structure like Gendarmerie, Guardia Civil, Carabinieri, so they reactivated the custom-police (Zoll) and call it now Bundes-Polizei. The GUZ ist mainly owned by Rheinmetal.
Thank you Karl, looks like Klaus Schwab has had some success ratf**king europe in the short term :(
However, I like Medvedev's pov that this is a 100 year struggle with the UKUSA and some patience is recommended. Meanwhile the battle for the mind proceeds apace in Sweden as clearly evidenced here at Neutrality Studies:
This well worth watching to the end, lots of diamonds in the dust :)
And on the economic viewpoint, this too is worth reading (Swedish Language but translates readily):
The Journal is edited by the journalist Kajsa Ekis Ekman who is guest contributor in the Neutrality Studies report above. Seems like a good site imo.
«Meanwhile the battle for the mind proceeds apace in Sweden as clearly evidenced here at Neutrality Studies»
There are are two relevant different concepts: political alignment and military alliance. So for example technically the ukrainian government is neutral not being part of any military alliance, but it is wholly USA-aligned.
Spain, Sweden, Ireland, Switzerland were militarily neutral in decades past as they did not belong to any military alliance, but they were very clearly USA-aligned.
I beg to differ. Ukraine is entirely part of the Nazi ideological and military alliance that has been quietly assembled under the banner of nato. Ukraine is absolutely affiliated even though not a formal member -yet-. Equally the EU is the handmaiden if not the brothel madam of the nazi resuscitation going on in Europe right now. There is absolutely zero neutrality in anything Ukraine does. There is criminality, racist oppression, religious oppression, extortion and an appalling assault on the capacity of the nation to reproduce and enjoy life as it was before 2014. One cannot claim neutrality and proceed to pick sides in either war, politics or religion imo.
«Ukraine is absolutely affiliated even though not a formal member -yet-»
Indeed it is aligned with the USA but not allied with NATO yet.
«One cannot claim neutrality and proceed to pick sides in either war»
Well neutrality in war is defined by customary international rules fairly well, and it allows picking sides to some extent, for example until Pearl Harbor the USA was technically neutral in WW2 even if in practice it was supplying mostly the english, and similarly the USSR and the PRC were technically neutral in the korean civil war.
The argument with Ukraine about it not being neutral can be that it has *applied* to be part of NATO, and that it has bilateral military treaties with the USA and other NATO members and it has terminated the friendship treaties with the RF.
But the point I was making was that *alignment* is in practice rather more important than technical neutrality, as demonstrated by the cases of Spain and Sweden eventually joining NATO, and of Ireland and Switzerland "sanctioning" only the defending side in the ukrainian invasion against the Donbas republics.
i agree with your last pargraph karl..thanks for the post..
There's big sparks happening in the EU & UK which are on the verge of setting fire to their societies. The masses are finally waking up to the main stream media propaganda that has kept them controlled. People are seeing the results for themselves in their pockets. Which is what bothers them most. Then the sparks keep happening usually more often than not through the policies of the traitorous amateurs ruling over the masses. It's only going to take 1 country to combust. Then it will spread like wildfire. Who is going to be the leader to calm it down? There isn't 1, they all lack credibility. None of them represent their country or citizens. As a result they're despised. It's pathetic when we see & hear these press conferences by Von De Liar & her crowd. Who are they trying to convince? None of the citizens that's for sure. No one listens to her pathetic talk. No one takes any of these people seriously. They just spout out nonsense to try & convince themselves. It's only a matter of time because things are going to get worse at an accelerated pace. Under these fraudulent beurocrats.
I see the revolutions of 1848 as the model.
The top EU "elite" do not have a plan "B", and looking at the current crop of Politicians and "leaders", there is no one they have placed in power that is able to make one, and absolutely no one who is capable of carrying one out.
The only hopeful attitudes come from smaller countries and their leaders, who are generally more practical.
Yes, agreed. I see all the central European nations in the Balkans who have seen no benefits from EU/NATO to leave, or to join with the Hungarian group first and then exit. The Benelux nations are too close in proximity to Brussels and will have a harder time, but Europe overall has a very rich history/tradition of rebellion/revolt/revolution. The economic erosion continues to worsen and that will fuel events.
Hi Karl...for the past few weeks I've been following RT's posts on X and I agree with you. I'm not even going to follow them anymore. They are compromised somehow. I heard years ago it was Israeli owned. Partially anyway.
RT is partly owned by the Russian government as explained by RT, “RT is an autonomous, non-profit organization that is publicly financed from the budget of the Russian Federation." How much of its budget I don't know. "For more information, contact:” The About RT page at its site has more info. Margarita Simonyan is the editor-in-chief and has taken a lot of undeserved crap from the West as it goes about censoring its content and banning it from broadcasting. RT is also a young organization as 2025 marks 20 years. Yes, I’ve gotten miffed at what IMO is incorrect policy before, but you can direct feedback to the management. IMO, lower echelon editors are the ones at fault. But RT has improved, and now at least links to the original, something that took years to change. RT also has a very extensive documentary section and has aired very good programs in the past, with the SMO having messed with that extensively.
Now I don't have X and probably never will, so I can't make any assessments. Unless you have translation software on your computer, it's hard to keep up as there are only a few Russian media English language sites. This Wiki page has links to many Russian print media and to other media forms. IMO, state/public owned media isn't any more or less likely to be biased than privately owned media. But that subject needs its own discussion. I read/watch almost no US/Western based media nowadays, nor do I cavort on social media; my wife does that for me.
Hi Karl, thanks for extensive reply. I agree that RT is much much better than any western news outlet, and its a bigger size than X pages so has so much more to contend with. And yet, I did start following them again a couple of months ago, yet yesterday I just shut down on them again, although right now I don't remember exactly why, but I just got sick of hearing a certain not quite truthful slant on some current event. And its frustrating when there is so much agony and criminality in the world, to got to RT and read on and on about everything except Gasa. I know they do publish some stuff, but you would think by their webpage that its just a trivial side topic. Not the worst thing the world has ever seen by 100 times. Anyway- I don't even know now if that was why I deleted their bookmark yesterday- before I read your article. It was one of the recent current events . I'm sick right now so have a bit of a foggy brain. Not from the vax but from a cold
«Europe’s natural geoeconomic dependency is on Eurasian nations not the Outlaw US Empire across the ocean»
Overland transport is 10 times more expensive than overseas transport so crossing that ocean is relatively cheap. Containerisation made overseas transport a lot cheaper, and it does make overland transport cheaper, but not to the same extent. As a result Europe is far more dependent on North America, South America and Arabia for fuel and food (and for exports) than on Eurasia. Even China is dependent on North America, South America, Arabia, and Australia for many vital imports *and* exports.
«Everyone in power’s been bought or controlled via kompromat and thus kisses the boot and does the Empire’s bidding.»
But I used to know some european elites and many are quite aware of the downsides of USA vassalage and would rather be ruling independent powers, but *voluntarily* choose it even without being bought or compromised because it is the best actually feasible deal: the USA government control all the sea routes through which european exports and imports flow, the USA are a huge export market only accessible to vassals (as the PRC are being reminded), the USA government is pretty good at "color revolutioning".
The elites of Europe (or Japan, Korea-south, China-Taiwan) really do not want to be "sanctioned" by the USA, embargoed or blockaded by the USA, or destabilized by the USA; the cases of Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Bolivia, Korea-north, Libya, Serbia, are not that attractive. Independence is not achieved merely by having the big balls to make loud proclamations.
So they can only choose to be someone else's vassals, and China is too far away, Russia is too small and weak, and as long as the USA elites can afford to pay for a strong USA navy they can strangle any trade-dependent disobedient vassals.