Thanks for the handy extracts in english - I have followed Russian speeches as best I could over the years especially Putin's who I greatly respect. I cannot stand the ways these people are verballed and misrepresented in the west by both the journalists, the media in general and the politicians.

I wish Putin, Lavrov and Zakharova could find many more effective avenues to present their ideas and knowledge to the western polity. Though suspect it is impossible, and will remain so for a long time to come. Their websites take too long to provide english translations - which are generally more accurate then the machine alternatives as well.

At least you are doing your bit for a long time, (it does help and well done) it's just such a shame the audience in the West/OECD and global south regions is so small and those who might catch these items are typically already aware of where people like Zakharova are coming from anyway.

I look at people like Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi and Aaron Mate etc who spoke up about Russiagate and Intel agency interference in social media censorship but they never report on what the Russians and Chinese and others are really saying to people in the west. It's very disappointing, helps no one.

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Thanks for your comment. There's very little Russia can do about the suppression of Western-based Russian media aside from constantly pointing out the gross hypocrisy which I take a step further by pointing out the #1 Freedom of the Four Freedoms WW2 was fought to establish and forms the basis for the Atlantic Charter, UN Charter, and NATO. What Russian diplomacy is very skilled at is patiently explaining to RoW the genuine realities of situations and deft use of rhetorical wit to make fools of the West's fools.

When I began providing translations of transcripts at VK, I did a lot of parsing adding my analysis to what was being said, but found it was better to let Russians or Chinese speak for themselves after a preamble/introduction by me since readers weren't interacting with the content for some reason, whereas here I get some feedback. One point I need to ask readers about is the level of items published daily as it would be very easy to do two or three, but I don't want to overload as the point is for readers to read what I write, not ignore, or let a large number accumulate in their inbox.

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At times it's difficult locating your comments at MoA as a good number threads are quite lengthy. I do like your having this Substack location for quick substance reading with links or where to find pertinent subject reading. I for one read mostly 2-3 hours daily as I have other commitments. Thanks Karl I'm a advid reader of yours.

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Yeah I hear where your coming from of being aware and informed. But as Ms Zasharova stated the numbers of average americans such as myself are probably few. I too commend Karl for doing his part on his many writings, an obvious gift he has for good use. I at times feel overwhelmed with grief and frustration not being able to contribute something anything that could make a difference. Over the years I have contacted my legislators and representative but only to then be marked as a party establishment outsider and ignored. I find

it useless even voting anymore. Although as Karl said and other writers, the course ahead for America will be a difficult one, but with great difficulty comes great change. I'm optimistic that our youth are capable for the challenges they face.

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Additionally I believe American arrogance manifested it's in its Congress must be brought to its knees before anything significant will happen most probably externally as the new multi global order unfolds. Perhaps another mass covid size type protest of the american masses could help facilitate such a change at the state and local county level

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Thanks John. There's plenty to protest about right now. However, I must agree with psychohistorian about the need to get public banking enabled at the state/local levels, which needs to have state legislation enacted to give it life. Then there are the great many other things that ought to be public utilities too, not just water and sewer but power, phone/internet, waste disposal/recycling, medical care, and so forth.

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Incredibly articulate woman, well positioned.

She would do well in any US Congressional or UN sessions, not that they have not made up their minds already.

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When I only provide a small portion of here briefing, I feel I'm cheating readers as there's always so much more. And the way she handles the Q&A is awesome at times. Her great advantage is she doesn't need to lie about anything.

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