I enjoy these transcripts in part because the participants' remarks suggest that they consider themselves part of a team, albeit of many departments and therefore often having different constraints and objectives.
I'd be interested to know the budget of Russia's financial, administrative, and regulatory departments and their share of the country's tax revenues. I get the impression that they deliver good value for the money, which I wish could be said about most US government departments.
Can you imagine Biden being able to make this statement?
long read as you say! thanks karl... many interesting ups and downs they are dealing with..
I enjoy these transcripts in part because the participants' remarks suggest that they consider themselves part of a team, albeit of many departments and therefore often having different constraints and objectives.
I'd be interested to know the budget of Russia's financial, administrative, and regulatory departments and their share of the country's tax revenues. I get the impression that they deliver good value for the money, which I wish could be said about most US government departments.
This page suggest a starting point and will allow you to go to other areas of Russia's Ministry of Finance. https://minfin.gov.ru/en/statistics/fedbud/?ysclid=llpaz8jhl0645825112