Quite a centerpiece worthy of the seminal occasion that kicks off a week of diplomatic events: ASEAN Summit, 26th China-ASEAN Summit, the 26th ASEAN Plus Three Summit and the 18th East Asia Summit, all occurring in Indonesia.
One does wonder though, as a recent Strategic Culture article asked why the Chinese don't find a fair accommodation for all their neighbors in the Sth China Sea. It would make a host of issues with ASEAN members disappear and remove the desire of some to align with the US as China is too big for them to confront alone.
it's been my impression that russia & china consciously practise patience, time is on the side of the global south. america is china's rounding off number. there is no need for bravado & peeing on the hydrant. the dollar is on life support. biowarfare & nukes are all empire has left. the game now is to keep the senile drunk from blowing us all to hell. keep him docile, burp burp, pat pat, don't wake him up, hush a bye hush a bye.
absolutely, although wang yi, lavrov, patrushev, putin, xi are of such sublime genius to leave the impression that it is that easy. empire is seriously out ranked, its plans foiled & boasting only foolish bets, limbs missing, a self inflicted bullet lodged somewhere in the frontal lobe. empire will end the world before it will concede defeat. the end of history unfortunately along with pleonexia went to its head, & the drunk, if it cannot own all will end all.
I understand your angst, but I see the top 1% as wanting to continue to live and enjoy life for they too have an interest in a livable planet. And it's for that reason I remain an optimist.
please, karl, understand, i am an optimist. the global south will succeed, light shall overcome. most of my life i did not believe evil existed, empire has showed itself as wholly that. light & love & life will slay the dragon, & the world will embrace a world of peace, prosperity & harmony. all will be well.
Thanks for the article. Looks like more countries have figured out how USA operates.
Yes. Now it becomes a matter of what's done with that awareness.
One does wonder though, as a recent Strategic Culture article asked why the Chinese don't find a fair accommodation for all their neighbors in the Sth China Sea. It would make a host of issues with ASEAN members disappear and remove the desire of some to align with the US as China is too big for them to confront alone.
it's been my impression that russia & china consciously practise patience, time is on the side of the global south. america is china's rounding off number. there is no need for bravado & peeing on the hydrant. the dollar is on life support. biowarfare & nukes are all empire has left. the game now is to keep the senile drunk from blowing us all to hell. keep him docile, burp burp, pat pat, don't wake him up, hush a bye hush a bye.
"the game now is to keep the senile drunk from blowing us all to hell. keep him docile, burp burp, pat pat, don't wake him up, hush a bye hush a bye."
Oh, if it were only that easy!
absolutely, although wang yi, lavrov, patrushev, putin, xi are of such sublime genius to leave the impression that it is that easy. empire is seriously out ranked, its plans foiled & boasting only foolish bets, limbs missing, a self inflicted bullet lodged somewhere in the frontal lobe. empire will end the world before it will concede defeat. the end of history unfortunately along with pleonexia went to its head, & the drunk, if it cannot own all will end all.
I understand your angst, but I see the top 1% as wanting to continue to live and enjoy life for they too have an interest in a livable planet. And it's for that reason I remain an optimist.
please, karl, understand, i am an optimist. the global south will succeed, light shall overcome. most of my life i did not believe evil existed, empire has showed itself as wholly that. light & love & life will slay the dragon, & the world will embrace a world of peace, prosperity & harmony. all will be well.