Sep 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

Cheers, Karl!

When I started reading that I was kinda thinking it would be a pretty straight-forward type of thing: boy, was I ever wrong. Very interesting. And once again I am deeply impressed by the way Russia seems to have the well-being of its citizens front and center, something I think your previous articles showcasing VVP's trips throughout Russia has demonstrated across all facets of life.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Karl Sanchez

Robert Kennedy Jr.' platform is briefly 1. free speech 2. health 3. end the war in Ukraine

Your recent substacks cover all these topics.

I have been following the "pandemic" since the start and my second major concern is the War in Ukraine. I have learned about the incredible accomplishments in Russia, mostly through this substack. Your substack on biosecurity is extremely important because it shows what must be done. This is another area in which Russia is actually doing things that are taken to be impossible in the US. I am sending out this important substack to members of the medical freedom movement who support RFK, Jr.

He suspended his campaign, but it is still active in 40 states. He took his name off the ballot in 10 swing states that could determine the election. He didn't want to be blamed for the failure of either major candidate. There is a slim chance that the election could end up to be decided in the House of Representatives if no candidate gets a majority of the electoral college votes. And a very slim, but not impossible chance that he could become president.

His life work as an environmental activist attorney and a couple of decades fighting for health by exposing the corrupt health care system led by Big Pharma and finance.

He has been denied a platform in main stream media for a few decades and allied with the Trump campaign to get wide spread recognition of his main issues. Namely the three mentioned above.

It is a strange combination in this strange time as The Enlightenment framework, which some date from the 1600's, others from the 1700's, the framework of three elements: science, the state and secularism, which forms the background of the colonial project. The move to a multipolar world is fighting is fighting against The Enlightenment modernity. Russia is taken to be non modern hence the religious duty to destroy it by the neo-cons. The very Westerners who deny the importance of religion are themselves on a religious quest to destroy evil!

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Agreed. As I've described before, these "Westerners" have adopted something similar to what the Marquis de Sade developed--Libertinism--which is proven by their behavior. The irony of course is that Russia is more modern that they. If you haven't yet, I highly suggest the three latest additions to Dr. Hudson's site beginning with this, https://michael-hudson.com/2024/09/reshaping-christianity-and-the-modern-state-a-journey-from-usury-to-fiscal-power/

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It's a pity that Russia, just like all other countries, buys into the junk-science of 'virus replication', computerised 'sequencing' from cultures contaminated by animal DNA and toxic chemicals, and bogus testing using PCR. Why would 'diseases' from 'viruses' become more common, and bacterial 'diseases' less common, as a result of a growing intensity of connectivity in modern life?

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Cortisol level rise in modern concrete jungles lowering your immune system among of things. Proximity to other individuals (hosts). Bacterial down because we don't live in dirt as much.

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