BREAKING NEWS: Putin Agrees 2020 Election Stolen; Ukraine SMO Not Needed if Trump Remained President
Putin was at Moscow State University today to celebrate its 270th Anniversary and after his talk with its board of trustees was interviewed on video by the intrepid and seemingly ever-present Pavel Zarubin:
Pavel Zarubin: Mr President, President of the United States Trump has made many different statements about a possible meeting with you and the prospects for a Ukrainian settlement. I would like to know your opinion.
Vladimir Putin: Indeed, The President of the United States has made many statements on this matter.
First of all, I would like to say that Russia has never refused contacts with the United States Administration, and it is not our fault that the previous administration refused these contacts. With the current President of the United States, I have always had business-like, exclusively business-like, but at the same time pragmatic and trust-based conversations I would say.
I cannot but agree with him that if he had been President, if his victory had not been stolen in 2020, then maybe there would not have been the crisis in Ukraine that arose in 2022. Although it is known that Trump, being President in his first iteration, also introduced a significant number of restrictions and sanctions against Russia. I don't think it was a decision that was in line with the interests not only of Russia, but also of the United States itself States. By the way, Biden picked up this baton and introduced even more Restrictions. And the result is known - there are a lot of decisions that are harmful to the economy of the United States.
For example, undermining the power of the dollar itself, because the ban on Russia using the dollar – and we did not abandon the dollar, it was the previous administration that did not give us the opportunity to use the dollar as a unit of account – in my opinion, this decision causes very serious damage to the United States itself. But now we will not go into this. I can only say that we see statements by the current President about his readiness to work together. We are always open to this.
As for the issue related, say, to the talks, we have always said in this sense, I want to emphasise this again, we are ready for these talks on the Ukrainian issue. But there are also issues that require special attention.
For example, as you know, the current head of the regime in Kiev, when he was still a fairly legitimate head of state, issued a decree banning negotiations. How can negotiations be resumed now if they are prohibited?
We are now at Moscow University. As you know, I have a basic education as a lawyer, and I graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg, then Leningrad University. I can tell you that if negotiations begin within the framework of the current regulatory framework, they will be, strictly speaking, illegitimate, which means that the results of these negotiations can also be declared illegitimate.
The current regime in Kiev is happy to receive hundreds of billions from its sponsors, sorry for the simplicity of popular expressions, as we say among the people, it is happy to hamster these hundreds of billions on both cheeks, but it is in no hurry to follow the instructions of its sponsors – and we know that there are such instructions – to cancel the adopted decree on the ban on negotiations.
But I think that in the end, those who pay the money must still force him to do this, and I think he will have to do it. But until this decree is repealed, it is quite difficult to say that these negotiations can be started and, most importantly, completed properly. Of course, some preliminary outlines can be made, but serious negotiations, of course, in the context of the ban from the Ukrainian side, it is quite difficult to talk about anything serious.
On the whole, of course, we can have quite a lot of common ground with the current administration, a search for a solution to the key issues of today. These are issues of strategic stability, these are issues of the economy, by the way. Why? We are one of the largest producers in the world, for example, of oil, the United States is now generally in first place, then Saudi Arabia and Russia.
But what is characteristic of the Russian and, say, American economies? We are not just one of the largest energy producers, we are also the largest consumers of energy resources. And this means that both our and the American economy and too high prices are bad, because by using energy resources, you need to produce other goods domestically, and too low prices are also very bad, because it undermines the investment opportunities of energy companies. In this area, we have a lot to talk about. There are other issues in the energy sector that may be of mutual interest.
By the way, in this sense, I doubt that the current President of the United States, Mr Trump, I repeat, we worked with him in the first period of his presidency to make some decisions, even if we hear about the possibility of introducing additional sanctions against Russia, I doubt that he will make decisions that will harm the US economy itself. He is not only an intelligent person; he is a pragmatic person. And I can hardly imagine that decisions will be made that will damage the US economy itself.
Therefore, most likely, it is really better for us to meet, relying on the realities of today, to talk calmly in all those areas that are of interest to both the United States and Russia. We're ready. But, I repeat, this first of all, of course, depends on the decisions and choices of the current US administration. [My Emphasis]
Very curious indeed that this POV would be made public the same day Trump orders the release of all papers related to the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations and orders the freezing of ALL foreign aid.
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There have been over 70 court cases by Trump's team about the election and they lost all of them.
A clear violation of election was making up, with no connection to voters. an alternative slate of electors for the president.
I got involved with election integrity in 2004 when W Bush stole the election here in Ohio. I worked with a couple of men who have worked on this issue for many years and one is an international election observer, a professor and an attorney. He took information from a man who knew how the election was stolen and published it too soon and the man died in an airplane crash. His wife told him to be very careful.
His name is Robert Fitrakis. He wrote the first exposures of Epstein. When he was writing, Epstein had the largest house in Columbus. He worked with the billionaire Wes Lexer who is mostly in the clothing department store business. Lexner uses military Rickenbacker airport and is one of only a couple of ports that goods could be brought in with little or no inspections. Robert was approached by the FBI to be very careful exposing Epstein's activities.
I have been pissed for years that the Democratic Party did not make election integrity a core issue and make it happen. After all these years of neglect, the Republican party owns the issue and they are committing fraud to win elections with fewer voters and exclude blocks, like blacks, who have consistently voted for Democrats.
Clearly Putin does cold showers and snow baths and it keeps his mind sharp. Trump, not so much.
This is the essential difference between the western war coalition and Russia: for the westies all inconvenient details are ignored, swept under the rug and out of sight. Fuzzy headed blather is their medium of choice. For the easties there are foundational unresolved issues that create legitimacy. No lasting peace can be achieved by creating a flimsy decision exempt from a legitimate interested party. However I suspect Putin advances this 'illegitimate president and parliament' in Ukraine at this stage to simply confuse and frustrate the Trump/Kellog desire for a quickie. So too with Putins jibe at the oil price threat.
Ukraine is a region cobbled together as an aftermath of the Russian victory over Nazism and Hitlers scourge. So it can be said to not have a legitimate government from any perspective and even more so of late as it has omitted to hold elections even within it's so called constitution when specifically required. Trump is in a rush and is banking on getting some dividing line in the centre of Ukraine asap. Its an old trick see Korea, Vietnam and so on. I doubt Putin will going along with that.
I expect we will see a dramatic increase of long distance missile attacks on Russia over the next months and all carefully claimed to be UK or France or even Ukraine fabricated devices. Given the winter will thaw and mud will become a thing throughout March - May the next phase will be mainly air based assault from both sides with little territorial gains and limited scope for Ukraine to reform its army. That is enough time to establish an election cycle but I don't believe the Zelensky team are in the mood. The fukusa gangsters continue to strut the stage dressed as naked apes.