it would be nice if more people, especially americans, learned about how the imf and world bank work and what they have done historically with these 2 levers of power... john perkins book - confessions of an economic hit man, is a very good place to start..

thanks karl!

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The Global Times article, and presumably China's foreign policy behind it, displays sound global geopolitical thinking. It's a basis on which all nations can benefit from a rising tide, rather than just one country disproportionately reaping the rewards.

That is mankind's future right there, if there's to be one we can all live with.

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With the US- nothing is given freely- always strings attached. The US provoked the war in Ukraine, built up the military weapons and fortifications in the sincere belief that Ukraine could then destroy Russia. The best interests of Ukraine were never a consideration- they were merely a pawn to do the dirty work and accept the killing for the US in its struggle to destroy Russia.Now that it is clear they will never win, they are discarded like garbage and their country is left in ruin with more than 1 million dead. The US even has the gall to ask for repayment of the money and weapons they gave them to fight Russia. This behavior of the US -using other countries in such a selfish heartless and destructive manner- should be a wakeup call for the entire world-particularly the EU that was dragged into this and is also seriously on the losing end.

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My point that what were grants/handouts are now being called loans and repayment demanded got serious pushback from a local troll when I exposed that point at MoA today. Same ideology goes with Trump’s Gaza Hotel Resort abomination where the Zionists are to die so the US can claim ownership when the genocidal deed is done. But IMO we must be clear that it was the Outlaw US Empire that instigated an undeclared war with Russia—a war doctrinally desired for decades—and used Ukrainians as weapons to attain victory. IMO, that truth isn’t getting the airing it deserves.

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I can't help but recall the hope that surrounded Gorbachev, the "reform" process that was misplaced, and resulted in the dissolution of the USSR. This is looking more like Trump's fate some well founded reforms that will be resisted, and actually too little too late. The criticisms of the USAID changes from the usual deep state operatives, that's to be expected. About a quarter of the US budget is debt repayment, and increasing. I doubt that the external trappings of empire will be shed fast enough to make a difference. Abandonment of Europe and Israel, an absolute tectonic off the Richter scale shock. Overall the approach of continuous shock therapy to the deep state seems the most likely way to keep those forces off balance from launching an outright coup. The USSA is heading down that road.

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You’ll want to read what Crooke has to write, or at least what’s outside his paywall:

Trump and his team have been busy dismantling -- and exposing to public view -- the mechanism to the all-encompassing narrative control machine which has been shown to be both authoritarian and industrial in its global scope.

The Musk investigations have begun to peer into the USAID complex. They reveal a system that Musk and President Trump postulate, is one fully designed to generate fraud.

The big picture however is not that USAID has been a sub-silo for CIA; that is not revelatory. What is revealing, however, is the evidence that USAID was so heavily involved in in domestic influence operations. This latter aspect serves to highlight USAID’s relationship with the CIA and the fact that CIA, FBI, Dept. of Homeland Security and USAID were one big Intelligence Community structure, held together (in flimsy legal terms) by the Office of Director of National Intelligence (the role that Tulsi Gabbard will fill now she has been confirmed in post).

Trump’s insistence on Gabbard for the post reflects his absolute need for Intelligence ‘truth’; but it is also likely that the DNI will become be the locus for unscrambling and revealing the shadow ‘Intelligence Control Machine’ that is twin to the narrative manipulation complex. https://conflictsforum.substack.com/p/trumps-shocking-curvatures

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Start reading it, but your opening reminded me of Brian Berletic’s latest broadcast. Have you seen it? https://globalsouth.co/2025/02/12/doge-is-sharpening-the-tools-of-us-empire-not-dismantling-them/

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Not yet. I have some time to look now. I see by the header he sees the Empire jettisoning loose baggage and tools that no longer work as desired which is a view also expressed as a possibility by Hudson and Wolff--the declining empire must make alterations lest it drown too quickly, the goal being to not drown at all.

I suppose if I were to advocate the overseas empire be abandoned so we can focus on our debt and other major problems, my design might be seen in a similar fashion. The key to my path, however, is to eliminate Neoliberalism and the ways it used to capture the government. That Trump isn't doing despite the desperate need to raise large amounts of revenue rather quickly.

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Interesting! I see it this way: two contradictions in Trump’s plan of MAGA. To succeed, he would need to built industry and good luck with that! Second, he wants to isolates the USA, but then what about his oligarchs? They are all globalised. Who knows?

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It will take a little longer to discern what Trump really has planned. But it’s clear he’s tackling what he sees as problems to be resolved.

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Oh, yes. That part is clear and he is now prepared. Still, in this age, I am not sure how globalised oligarchy can function as national oligarchy. We just have to wait.

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The Outlaw US Empire behaves in a cancerous, metastatic manner. In its delusional exceptionalism, it believes that those places where its power does not reach are empty places that it must occupy. It is possible that the Outlaw US Empire will end up phagocytizing itself, extinguishing itself on the horizon of that black hole that its own institutions have been generating.

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Have you ever read McKInley’s words about conquering the Philippines? Almost the same as the 15th Century Papal Bulls claiming the world for Christendom and slavery for all other peoples. Krainer touches the topic during his chat with Nima.

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"I have been criticized a good deal about the Philippines, but don't deserve it. The truth is I didn't want the Philippines, and when they came to us, as a gift from the gods , I did not know what to do with them." McKinley

What a kind and selfless man this McKinley is. When a man talks like he is God, you can be sure he is a criminal.

Thank you for your comment.

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I hope you found further words by him that reflect his messianic nature.

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YES — this highlight sums up the hope for the end of devastating wars… “The "vacuum" that truly needs to be filled is not geopolitical maneuvering, but rather the responsibilities and commitments in global governance”. Will we live to see it, is the question, Karl?

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I’ll be 70 later this year. Much depends on what follows Trump and what occurs during his term. Given US history, probably not. Maybe if I make 95.

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As for me, add 5 to it….so, maybe, this is the great age to know that *I* die soon! I lived in both systems, so to speak, and this one is not the best. Thank you for your work!

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Thank you!

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Love him or loathe him DJT is kryptonite to the so-called parasitical Western Elite.

It is indeed a joy to watch the worms squirm, not knowing which of their filthy treasonous clandestine dark-operations will be exposed next.

How much of the 'swamp' will be drained after a forensic investigation by Elliot Ness, er Elon Musk's DOGE Task Force? Early dawn raids in Tesla Batmobiles, Larry Fink, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon, Bill & Hill, Vicki Nuland and Tony Blinken arrested in their underwear . . . . . and hey, we're only into 3 weeks of 4 more years. Bwahahaha

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Thank you Karl for highlighting this important statement from China. Allow me to pour cold water or maybe caustic soda on proposals for a Yalta 2. We have it now germinating in BRICS. Please let us avoid yet another distraction conference attended in splendor by global community and economic development achievers and academics and UN grandees.

As indicated in China's statement we have an existing set of UN approved Sustainable Development Goals that are undermined though lack of international cooperation. Slowly but surely that cooperation is building, the saboteurs illuminated in stark relief, the achievers gladly showing the way forward. Turning the apparatus of the UN around to be goal focussed and dutiful / thorough in its implementation of General Assembly decisions grows slowly but surely. We even have a strong sense of strength in numbers percolating through the General Assembly to the International Court of Justice. It is slow and turgid stuff for sure but it is underway thanks to the champions that adhere to and support the United Nations process.

It is successful methodologies as China describes that make the way achievable. To see how not to do it then consider the USA and its closest neighbor Haiti. This nation has been persistently disabled by the USA - beggar thy neighbor! Recall that in 2010 in the aftermath of an horrendous magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit the country's capital, Port-au-Prince, there was scandal after scandal perpetrated by the Clinton Foundation who just used the calamity as yet another mechanism to hoover up relief cash intended for public rebuilding and support. The Clintons were not alone, there was the USA Red Cross who raised half a billion dollars and built SIX homes. Try the search term "Red Cross scandal in Haiti" on andisearch.com. ANGER!! The USA / IMF is not a helper in this world, it is a vulture and it propagates a vulture capital mindset and approach to everything it does.

Today Donald Trump used twatter xxx to ask Reuters to refund the $9,000,000 it took from USA.I.D., then he asked other media gangs to refund. What more do observer countries in this world need than to see the cruel, depraved crushing of Haiti or Cuba and then the deranged allocation of US A.I.D. development $$$ to prop up media billionaires and then the closest allies of the USA are now cast adrift on their own little canoe called hubris - and the world watches in dismay as the vulture eats its own.

No more Yalta conference needed here, just time for things to settle down, wars to grind on until capitulation arrives, the peace and new economic relations to filter into place, the villains vanish from the limelight into the shadows yet again. Meanwhile Trump and his clown cart will provide shock and entertainment.

Yesterday Europe was bloated with power, two hours after a phone call between a world leader and a president and they are in shock and disarray and dummies are spitting more than usual. Early this morning I read the following on telegram:

"Discussions about Ukraine’s territories in the context of its "inevitable collapse" require precise historical analysis, stated Sergey Naryshkin, Director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR):

Poland has legitimate reasons to be interested in Lvov, as Ukraine, in fact, only took shape during the Soviet period, formed from lands of several neighboring states and integrated into a historically Russian territorial foundation.

Transcarpathia was part of the Kingdom of Hungary since the 11th century. After Austria-Hungary's defeat in World War I, the region briefly became part of Czechoslovakia before being incorporated into the Ukrainian SSR in 1945.

Parts of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, which were transferred to Soviet Ukraine in 1940, remain of interest to Romania."

Just do it comrades, it will make my day.

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I’ve come across an essay Lavrov wrote on 4 February, “The UN Charter Should Become the Legal Foundation of a Multipolar World”, that I plan to translate and publish. Trump wants the spheres of influence principle to provide justification for the illegal Monroe Doctrine and further colonialism.

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Yep. China is a mature nation. Russia is a mature nation.

With mature and responsible leader.

Western nations are immature, irrational, lunatic. With leaders of that type. Because of leaders of that type.

Western people do not even know what maturity means in this area.

But they are beginning to learn, here and there, I think, I hope.

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I believe these immature leaders have been put there intentionally, to be controlled.

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Here is Elon Musk and setting out the current propaganda line that accompanies the DOGE spectacle they are unleashing. This furthers their agenda that is roughly: 'All private capitalism good and all Government sector bad'.

Elon the hun addresses the World Government Summit. The channel is hosted by a Musk groupie who is open about his trajectory.


Yes its straight out of Animal Farm.

They started on US A.I.D., and they are about to work over the Internal Revenue Service. I expect their staff bullying and intimidation and threatened prosecutions will lead to a major exodus of qualified well intentioned public servants and result in a self fulfilling accusation about government BAD!

So we can see why this perpetual hatred of Cuba, Russia and now China must culminate (for them) in destruction of any socialist concept throughout the world.

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Thanks uncle. But did you know you cannot file your US federal income taxes for free anymore? No more EZ-1040. You must pay to be reimbursed or to pay some more. I’m going with what Crooke predicted about this Trump term: We’ll see the Good, Bad and the Ugly. What’s worse from my wife’s POV is Trump’s narrow victory has emboldened some of the worst bigots present at the state government level in what I’ve called the Bigot-Belt most of my life. That’s potentially bad news for our young kin in Alabama and Tennessee.

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I do like their Game of Thrones analogy. I hadnt thought of it that way, but yes there are Houses that need to fall hard.

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Yes, that was well placed and begs expansion. If I only had more hours in the day!

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It is very hard for a nation where most citizens believe in the trope 'USA, USA, We'r Nr. 1, to convert to humility.

During football games, the hometown crowd still yelling 'Kill, kill, kill?'

The politicians are still talking about a 'strong America,' which follows the same line of thought.

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Yes, Manifest Destiny will prove hard to slay.

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The USAID "debate" in the USA is like a US presidential campaign debate: It's a phony, stage-managed debate that deliberately obscures the most important issues.

Namely, USAID is not a humanitarian organization but rather a humanitarian trojan horse that America hides behind in order to advance its regime change machinations, destabilization campaigns, or other dirty covert operations against other nations.

The Trump regime is not ending these covert operations or even ending USAID, which will be subsumed under the control of the fake "multipolarist" Marco Rubio and his State Department.

In general, Donald Trump and his MAGA movement are just the Republican version of the Democrats and Barack Obama's "Hope and Change" psyops.

They are all Change that You Can't Believe In.

Former Marine: Trump Isn't Ending USAID. It's WORSE Than That.


Trump’s USAID purge has revealed US scheming in Kiev, but won’t stop it


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USAID’s negatives were outed by Senator Fulbright in 1966 in his book “Arrogance of Power,” which I recently reviewed and cited that relevant portion. Something like it will continue if the Outlaw US Empire continues as an empire. What was done with it is part of a much larger process of scaling back Empire to what is more affordable. I expect NATO to go under as well as it should have in 1991. A lot is happening at a very rapid rate.

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I watched Brian Berletic here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ti1pjFeHQo&t=608s

All the hopium of Trump and Doge is not what it appears. He makes a very convincing case.

Highly recommended. 14 minutes

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