Jun 3Liked by Karl Sanchez

I watched the Q&A with Lloyd Austin; it was obvious how uncomfortable he was having to engage with the audience and act as if the US is not in the process of engineering the conditions for war in the Asia Pacific region.

Notably when a representative from China's Ministry of Defence challenged Austin about NATO expansion being a cause of the Ukraine conflict, Austin's rebuttal, restating the vanilla Western narrative (Russia big bad, Ukraine innocent and weak) received big applause.

Great to see China being more assertive in these summits.

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Yes, but the West still can't resist opening its mouth where it doesn't belong, https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202406/1313546.shtml

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

I'm almost apprehensive about opening my own mouth after learning what's happened to Scott Ritter.

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Must open mouths when threatened to support others and yourself.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

The fact 'they' prevented SR from going to Russia to talk means that they fear or dislike the significance and/or the results of his talks to an extent greater than before

With respect to SR, it's not as though suddenly his writing has increased by many times in power pertinence and influence, it is that 'they' are more fearful and weaker than before

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There's also the wide spectrum of people viewing people like Judge Napolitano. Controlling the range of discussion is one task of BigLie Media that's now failing thanks to social media.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

If the Nazis running Kiev can try to grab back Russian territory sewn into Kiev by Stalin..... then Chinese running Beijing can take back China n Formosa.

Biden needs to stop giving away bombs for Netanyahu to kill Palestine!

US should get consistent!

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I see under the radar that the United States of Mexico have elected their first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum of the ruling Morena Party in a landslide.

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And she is Jewish....is she a Zionist? If so that will be bad for Mexico and Nth America.

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Jun 6Liked by Karl Sanchez

An important and necessary forthcoming step for China and Russia is to increase the offering of each other’s primary language in public schools. Starting with primary schools, Russian needs to at least be an elective in Chinese schools and putonghua needs to likewise be offered in Russian schools. The quicker basic communication barriers can be eroded away the better. Things are moving fast, so this needs to become a priority sooner than I expected.

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Agreed. IMO, both nations see the same issue and are adjusting. Russian education is currently undergoing some very basic transformations that I hope to get more info about. Some futurists are writing about what they're called the Eurasian Nation.

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Jun 5Liked by Karl Sanchez

The current machinations reveal a global power shift away from the "West" and towards what were once supposedly American ideals of non-interventionalism and free trade. (despite all the warts, the ideal was positive). Nowadays, China and Russia seem to more consistently represent those values. All of the lead actors in the U.S./U.K. led power structures represent the basest traits of human behaviour, IMO. Luckily, the Empire is dying and my hope remains that the process does not destroy every being on the planet in the process. Karl, I appreciate your contributions to the conversation and hopefully MoA will come back online at some point.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks Karl - this is very informative.

Powell is 'on the ball' in his analysis - but will Oz elites take note? Following the crazy submarine deal probably not - another country placing US interests above it own Citizenry - of course it still has an English king so my incorrect use of 'Citizenry' rather than 'Subjects' is intentional.

China's rhetoric is much more 'hard ball' than we have become accustomed to - Dong, especially, pulled no punches - and the liberal use of the word 'NEVER' throughout from the Chinese is new and addressed unequivocally to the US State Dept. and the Pentagon.

Looking at the sponsors - the usual MIC suspects again - and placing the puppet Marcos jnr. for the opening speech was provocative - Duterte might have been a thug - but at least he was a pragmatic thug. Marcos jnr has simply delivered his country back to its colonial master.

China vs US - Calm vs Chaos: no contest

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Thanks Don. I wonder what Peter AU1 would say to all that? Miss being able to inform people who want to be informed but are kept from that for whatever reason.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

I'll check Peter out on his royalty/republican leanings when he returns from tracking China's little groundbreaking trip to the Dark Side of the Moon!

Hope 'b' recovering well.

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I read the Global Times editorial and report about China's moon feat and though of writing an article about that, but info on that's easy to find. Something else appeared which will soon be made known to the Gym.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

Participants said that the forum was staged to suppress and smear China, particularly this year.

The core of Austin's speech is that the US aims to achieve leadership in the "Indo-Pacific" region through initiatives - - - hinting at a Pacific version of NATO"

Blinken has been pushing that theme for a while now. Austin just parrots DoS.

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Austin does nothing on his own. He's what was once known as a house slave.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

There was an article in the FT a while back along the lines of "China threatens US interests in the South China Sea". Bless the ability to make comments, the piece was laughed at by most people. The author clearly could not compute the insanity of his position.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

Powell laid out some powerful truth bombs. The world can't move ahead until it deals with the evil US hegemon which destroys everything in its path to feed its greed. US aggression united Russia and China into a military alliance because the loss of either country to the US is an existential threat to the other. We are in the early stages of the reshaping of the global order.

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My intent in posting those four items was to impress upon readers the change I see in China's attitude, and I'm not the only one seeing that change. Of course, deeds will tell the tale.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

Mission accomplished, Karl. Thanks.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

I have just watched John Mearsheimer at the Centre for Independent Studies from 4 years ago…and it is really interesting experience. His analysis of the fall of the liberal international order is very illuminating. But his answers? – “Russia is a declining power, it is a big gas station” and China wants to become sole hegemon that the USA needs to crush it. As I said, 4 years ago and very informative in the light of this post. https://youtu.be/7kRtt4Jrd_Y

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I've never bothered with him as he's a well proven faulty analyst.

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He's a US exceptionalist just trying to camouflage his actual position, but if you dig into his past talks it's plain to see.

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Jun 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

I persist! 😎

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