I composed the following to address several objections raised to Lavrov’s End of Year Presser provided in the previous article by those at the Moon of Alabama blog that can be found on this thread. Those wanting to read about China’s Initiative mentioned below can find in several pages back in the Gym’s archives, same with Wang Yi’s 9 January speech. Other points presented I’ve written about many times over the years, the outlaw nature of the USA was formulated in the mid-1980s, although I don’t claim originality. Of course, knowing the entire context behind the complaints and my writing is crucial. Those few readers who’ve read everything at the Gym will have the greatest understanding. I should also use this opportunity to suggest readers to sometime soon read/watch Dr. Hudson’s latest interview on the Big Picture as well as his almost as recent interview with an Indian organization on Neoliberalism/”Perfecting Imperialism”.
When a law is passed, it's either obeyed or violated. The UN Charter is a corpus of laws that was signed and ratified by all nations wanting to become UN members--one must be done for the other to occur. Once a nation agrees to obey a law it becomes an outlaw if it disobeys. As documented many times here and elsewhere, at the moment the UN Charter attained its legal status, the USA and many other Western signatories were already violating the law and thus became outlaws. An Outlaw remains an Outlaw until it's brought to justice and as part of its penalty says it will refrain from breaking the law again. Since all those outlaw nations have yet to face justice for their actions, they remain outlaws. It's really that simple. When the history of the making of the UN Charter is studied, it becomes very clear that the Four Freedoms are at the base of it and are within both the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Part of my Big Picture argument is that WW2 never really ended as the fixtures that were to provide for a lasting peace were never attained: Denazification of Europe was prevented by the USA, UK and France, meaning they immediately broke the covenant by which they were rewarded with permanent UNSC seats and vetoes. Thus, the three main Plundering nations immediately gained outlaw status by November 1945, and have retained that status ever since.
The Global Majority Movement aims to right the wrongs that emerged in November 1945, the primary document being China's Global Security Initiative (GSI), which is essentially a restatement of the UN Charter specifying no hegemonic nations will be allowed to join. If such nations are to exist, they will exist outside the primary global organization and will remain outlaws since they choose to be outside the laws of nations. Such a reorganization of the UN will eliminate the "privatization" of its global agencies by the hegemonic outlaws that's impeding their ability to do good and exacerbating the potential for them to do ill, like the subversion happening at the World Health Organization. Of course, the reorganization won't be perfect--there'll always be problems with governance no matter what, which is Putin's mantra, the point being to accept that fact and continue to strive for excellence. Wang Yi in his New Year's speech on 9 January said it's China's goal to make the GSI a reality this year as a supermajority of the world's nations have already said they will join.
The League of Nations failed for a number of reasons. The UN is failing because it's held hostage by outlaws. Humanity needs an organization global in breadth that helps Humanity organize to advance its wellbeing while solving problems affecting the global community, a fact differing little from the visions expressed by many in 1944. The reformed UN will immediately be improved since it's no longer held hostage, and the Security Council will be reformulated to exist without the veto since there're no hegemonic members requiring it to protect themselves from justice.
Humanity is on the cusp of evolving beyond armed conflict to solve problems. Universal moral values have advanced for that goal to be possible, but to-date the hegemonic outlaw nations impede that progress. It appears the best way to change their behavior is to relegate them to the Out Group until they prove their behavior's changed and they've atoned for their outlaw past. Yes, the outlaw nations will yell and squeal, stomp their feet, pull their hair, and propose all sorts of threats that prove exactly what they are and why they need to sit in the corner and think about their actions like the small children they show themselves to be. Yes, it will probably take a generation or so (20 years) for them to figure it out--they've been serial outlaws for almost 80 years and even longer before that, so their ways are habitual.
The job is to formulate the future so Humanity cannot just survive but thrive. The past can and will be argued about endlessly, which is a given. But enough about the past is agreed upon so the future can be formulated and constructed. It's time to take a big step outside the box to do what must be done. As was once said: Lead, follow or get out of the way.
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The "Empire of Lies (Chaos)", tip of hat to Pepe Escobar, is facing the real prospect of being in court as an accomplice to genocide; its outlaw status confirmed, and its various agent/vassals also identified. I've maintained that once ships of industrial and other goods stop filling the shelves the fake money system will be moot. Well, that's probably the "nuclear" option, but we seem to be edging to that point. Before that there are various options including rupturing of diplomatic ties, closure of airspace for overflight (this would be quite an inconvenience to the five eyes grouping, particularly those in the South Pacific. For some time it has been apparent that the US banking system has solvency problems, a lot of work done by John Titus dissecting data sets from the FED and FDIC, his last work eleven months ago showing exactly this. The outlaw empire will have its hands full re-industrrialising and gaslighting its populations in a reverse iron curtain scenario.
On Re-industrialization, I'm involved in solidarity with 1st Nation & worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') communities & friends for over 60 of my 71 years of age. Being the son of a Machinist-Mechanic, I rebuilt my first gasoline engine at 4 1/2 years old, raised in a 12 year apprenticeship of building, design & innovation to my father, involved in accounting since 15 years, PhD studies since 16 years, involved in building, design & architecture since the age of 3 years, etc. so I don't argue against industry except for our present context of Oligarch commanded & controlled systems of subjugation & how this leads to the tragic disintegration, mass-pollution, war, poverty & self-imposed ignorance.
However, I have learnt a lot about Biosphere & life aligned design, to understand the incredible weaknesses of Oligarch-imposed 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') mechanical & linear design. I start with offering my experience in just one area here to give the reader 'one-example' of many in Biosphere aligned design to begin with, so folks can imagine a 100 fold increase in productivity.
SYLVALIZATION (Latin 'sylva' = 'tree'). As empires spread, hungry to extract & exploit abundant indigenous Polyculture Orchard materials hardwood Oak for weapons of war, forts, arms, ships etc. the main productivity loss is the indigenous, carefully cultivated 3-D POLYCULTURE ORCHARDs of all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors, which because of:
a) Polyculture's 92-98% Photosynthesis compared with 2-D 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field') 2-8% photosynthesis.
2-D 'Agriculture' (L. 'ager' = 'field') was all settlers & 1st Nations had left to 'farm' (French 'ferme' = 'contract of servitude by the peasant imposed by the armed aristocrat') b) Deep Polyculture roots descending many 10s of metres into the substrate mining minerals, pumping water, developing extensive nutrient colonies etc. c) Polyculture photosynthesizing >95% of solar energy, creates continental energy cold spots or vacuum, which draws warm moist ocean winds inland. 60% of moisture transfer sea to continent is through condensation of warm-moist ocean winds upon Quadrillion square kilometres of leaf & bark fractal surfaces. 3-D Polyculture being 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than 2-D 'agriculture'. This is a very conservative estimate of Polyculture benefits. One example of Polyculture's 1000 times more productive Polyculture is the Oak Orchard, which each 100 year old tree (average of Turtle-Island/N. America Oak aged trees in ~1600). in 50 square metres (eg ~7 metres by 7 metres) of land-base will produce over 3 tonnes of nuts in an average year & 10 tonnes in a mast year. The same area of wheat or other grains might produce 3 kilograms of wheat berries, but only after extensive labours (X 20) of ploughing, seeding, weeding, watering, mechanical harvesting, winnowing & drying). To understand these core Sylvalization calculations refer to this web-article. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies