I composed the following to address several objections raised to Lavrov’s End of Year Presser provided in the previous article by those at the Moon of Alabama blog that can be found on this thread. Those wanting to read about China’s Initiative mentioned below can find in several pages back in the Gym’s archives, same with Wang Yi’s 9 January speech.
The "Empire of Lies (Chaos)", tip of hat to Pepe Escobar, is facing the real prospect of being in court as an accomplice to genocide; its outlaw status confirmed, and its various agent/vassals also identified. I've maintained that once ships of industrial and other goods stop filling the shelves the fake money system will be moot. Well, that's probably the "nuclear" option, but we seem to be edging to that point. Before that there are various options including rupturing of diplomatic ties, closure of airspace for overflight (this would be quite an inconvenience to the five eyes grouping, particularly those in the South Pacific. For some time it has been apparent that the US banking system has solvency problems, a lot of work done by John Titus dissecting data sets from the FED and FDIC, his last work eleven months ago showing exactly this. The outlaw empire will have its hands full re-industrrialising and gaslighting its populations in a reverse iron curtain scenario.
Reindustrialization anytime soon is a pipe dream as the entire financial system is against such an undertaking as it/they can make more fiat via financializing with their fictitious capital. The entire national system is tuned to support that, not the people. I showcase Russia because it provides a vivid example of another path as does China, but China isn't as transparent as Russia.
I agree, it won't happen hence a reverse "iron curtain" blocking any with skills or ability from exiting the system. The stolen "300 billion" talked about is more likely to be used to bolster US debt payments intra cartel - completely short term thinking to the end of 2024.
On Re-industrialization, I'm involved in solidarity with 1st Nation & worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') communities & friends for over 60 of my 71 years of age. Being the son of a Machinist-Mechanic, I rebuilt my first gasoline engine at 4 1/2 years old, raised in a 12 year apprenticeship of building, design & innovation to my father, involved in accounting since 15 years, PhD studies since 16 years, involved in building, design & architecture since the age of 3 years, etc. so I don't argue against industry except for our present context of Oligarch commanded & controlled systems of subjugation & how this leads to the tragic disintegration, mass-pollution, war, poverty & self-imposed ignorance.
However, I have learnt a lot about Biosphere & life aligned design, to understand the incredible weaknesses of Oligarch-imposed 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') mechanical & linear design. I start with offering my experience in just one area here to give the reader 'one-example' of many in Biosphere aligned design to begin with, so folks can imagine a 100 fold increase in productivity.
SYLVALIZATION (Latin 'sylva' = 'tree'). As empires spread, hungry to extract & exploit abundant indigenous Polyculture Orchard materials hardwood Oak for weapons of war, forts, arms, ships etc. the main productivity loss is the indigenous, carefully cultivated 3-D POLYCULTURE ORCHARDs of all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors, which because of:
a) Polyculture's 92-98% Photosynthesis compared with 2-D 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field') 2-8% photosynthesis.
2-D 'Agriculture' (L. 'ager' = 'field') was all settlers & 1st Nations had left to 'farm' (French 'ferme' = 'contract of servitude by the peasant imposed by the armed aristocrat') b) Deep Polyculture roots descending many 10s of metres into the substrate mining minerals, pumping water, developing extensive nutrient colonies etc. c) Polyculture photosynthesizing >95% of solar energy, creates continental energy cold spots or vacuum, which draws warm moist ocean winds inland. 60% of moisture transfer sea to continent is through condensation of warm-moist ocean winds upon Quadrillion square kilometres of leaf & bark fractal surfaces. 3-D Polyculture being 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than 2-D 'agriculture'. This is a very conservative estimate of Polyculture benefits. One example of Polyculture's 1000 times more productive Polyculture is the Oak Orchard, which each 100 year old tree (average of Turtle-Island/N. America Oak aged trees in ~1600). in 50 square metres (eg ~7 metres by 7 metres) of land-base will produce over 3 tonnes of nuts in an average year & 10 tonnes in a mast year. The same area of wheat or other grains might produce 3 kilograms of wheat berries, but only after extensive labours (X 20) of ploughing, seeding, weeding, watering, mechanical harvesting, winnowing & drying). To understand these core Sylvalization calculations refer to this web-article. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies
Karl, A pleasure to get to know your writing & research. If Russia restores 3-D Polyculture Orchard or Sylvalization progressively to their traditional 2-D 'agriculture', rivers will be restored, soil will build, food nutrient quality with minerals, enzymes, vitamins & other micro & macro nutrients greatly improves, productivity will skyrocket. Polyculture's approach is progressive over many decades. Replanting hedgerows with such as Hazelnuts & other quick productive small trees, but maintaining existing 2-D field economies until 3-D Polyculture & lowering labour & material inputs provide the producer with greater revenues. I collaborate with a Serb-Croatian who has developed a 45 year Polyculture with now 90,000 Oak, Butternut & other trees. My friend Dag (speaks Russian) an engineer with 7 engineering licenses 1st encouraged Land-scape contractors to bring their fall-leaves, branch chips, grass-clippings & barn-cleanings to his property. Over 500,000 tonnes of materials have now been spread over 10 acres. Squirrels, groundhogs & bluejays planted the 90,000 trees starting 45 years ago. The Creeks flow year round. Beaver have dammed a couple of creeks to create ponds which grow high value Aqua-culture plants. The land is so rich now that huge vegetable produce comes with very little labour. This 50 acres with Tree & understory energy storage, just upstream west of Montreal & release enjoys Frost-free growing season 2 weeks later in the fall & 2 weeks earlier in the spring compared with its neighbours. While I help Dag with contacts on the 3 village design he is implementing, I personally work & Polyculture in the city. 3 short films on POLYCULTURE. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-how-to-grow-your-own-raw-vegan-food-garden
thanks karl.. i learn a lot from reading your articles... i am negligent in not being able to read them all, but i appreciate all your work, regardless... ultimately your short article here is positive... it takes time for change to come about, but i, like you, believe it is coming... whether the UN remains, or it takes a revitalized and new form - hard to know, but regardless it is necessary.. here is hoping for positive change sooner then later.. i will try to find time to catch up.. thanks for the links and etc...
Thanks james! I applaud your efforts! History is a process as all Russians note, the aim being to be on its "right" side, which I deem the moral, ethical side.
Thanks for your reply. Odd how the critics are focused on one particular aspect of my comment and not on its overall content. One refuses to place its comments here, posting them at MoA instead. That the attitude changed when I mirrored and commented on Simplicus's article is very curious.
I have always found this unfortunate feature in many different forms - I would say that we have a saying, which sums it up - missing forrest for a tree. Keep your good work!
I linked to the Moon of Alabama thread where my initial comment was made that brought out several fleas to spam the thread and such. It's all over and done now, the trolls now exposed as such and the world continues to revolve.
"An Outlaw remains an Outlaw until it's brought to justice and as part of its penalty says it will refrain from breaking the law again. Since all those outlaw nations have yet to face justice for their actions, they remain outlaws. It's really that simple..."
At risk of wrangling about semantics I disagree.
It is when those accused of offenses are brought to justice that they are declared to be outlaws. That is something that could be happening to Israel now.
The problem with the Three Western Allies-UK US and France- is that they have escaped justice for eighty years, claiming to be above the law, not beyond it.
Outlaws cannot operate in civilised society: they are boycotted, sanctioned and shunned. They are not allowed to take part in social decision making or avail themselves of its credit or its legal protections.
Robin Hood was an outlaw, which is why he lived in Sherwood Forest and kept away from the cities.
What we are dealing with is an offender who ought to be outlawed but who has been too powerful to punish- a scofflaw, who proclaims others, Russia, Serbia etc to be outlaws.
But things are changing- South Africa, from the depths of its unexampled experience of dealing with this scofflaw culture, is showing the way.
Now we need Yemen- still reeling economically and otherwise from the punishment meted out to it for its opposition to the illegal war on Iraq- to take the next step and bring the United States, France and the UK before the ICJ as accomplices and enablers of genocide.
And then let the Court solemnly declare those states to be Outlawed. And therefore liable to invasion, plundering and all other sanctions.
Sorry bevin, but law enforcement agencies issue wanted posters for outlaws so they can be caught to face justice. The #1 problem is the fact of them being outlaws hasn't been pushed by anyone until very recently with the efforts by Russia and China, although the USSR did try during the Cold War but its accusations were parried as Commie Propaganda by the Outlaws.
I get barred from making comments when I employ the Outlaw US Empire term by those who advocate free speech. Is the term extremist? No, it rankles because it's a Voldemort Truth--One that cannot be mentioned.
OK. But first the candidates for outlawry have to be identified. And the nature of their offenses, recorded.
That is the problem here: nobody has dared to identify the putative oulaws as lawbreakers to be dealt with. Largely because any state doing so would be sanctioned, couped, attacked (Cuba for example, or Nicaragua which took the US to the ICJ). And any individuals tracked down and killed. Or, like Julian Assange, subject to persecution and incarceration.
Now, inshallah, cheered on by Cubs, Nicaragua, north Korea and Venezuela (not to mention billions of honest people) the culprits are being accused.
Thanks for your reply, bevin. I see the storm at MoA this has caused, which is odd since I've posted very similar writings before over the years and there was never so much hair pulling and feet stomping. Plus, none of those comments are being made here.
Yes, Assange was providing the evidence to convict the poster boys. The criminality is massive, that's why Hudson called it "Super Imperialism." I find it amazing he's still allowed to talk and write.
I hope you don't think that one of my Scorpion comments was 'raising a storm' although I do disagree with some of your word choices and historical interpretations. Such as that the main reason the US went wrong after 1945 is not hunting down enough Nazis and/or letting them stay in office in Europe and importing some into the US. There is so much more to US corruption than that. IMO. But my remarks there and here are not hostile.
I think I prefer Putin's framing in that he keeps pointing out - and many others of course - that the US is 'agreement-incapable'. That is similar to calling them Outlaw (a term I now understand what you mean by thanks to my (not hostile) question!) but better I think because it simply and directly describes the actual process. Law technically springs from mutual agreement, be it between two parties or citizen and State (relative to statutes etc.). Neither American nor any Zionist type at these administrative-political levels is agreement-capable. Put another way: they are always lying and scheming.
I believe they were all lying and scheming their way through the League of Nations, through the Versailles peace conferences, through both World Wars, throughout our modern history. I believe the US Constitution is a compromise job that had enough poison pills in it by design to ensure it ends up with a Central Bank in 1913 and all the rest which has inevitably followed. I don't think any of this has anything to do with WWII Nazis, their presence or absence anywhere, moreover far too much of what we were told about them is wartime propaganda which should be put to rest.
Furthermore, at least at first, the Nazis made war on that same international financial hegemony. Whether their emphasis on a certain tribe or ethnicity was justified, the hegemonic nature of the tyranny they were up against was real and they were right to fight it. Maybe he was a secret agent as some believe, or simply went mad later, but the fact is that much that is seriously off in Western polities existed well before National Socialism in Germany and, since it beat them, continues after to the present day.
And that means that much that is wrong about the US Empire is not just a US issue. It was there at the beginning of the UN which was a phony organization and the Russians who participated were not saints either. And there in all developed nations at least since the Industrial Revolution and arguably before. The level of corruption has been thick throughout.
So what we need is not to fix the UN but to build something better. Now you think the Russia-China axis is doing that, and I hope you are right but after Covid reserve judgment. But I hope they just move forward doing what works for them and gradually let the old institutions which I believe are hopelessly corrupted ab initio wither and die. Let them go already. Others can join new institutions set up by different nations with different procedures. Start fresh.
An interesting historical hypothesis. I should take a vacation away from it all and the computers to outline my own hypothesis that I've been meaning to do for too many years as everything is in fragments. The is one value that existed in 1787 that is endangered today--Honor. Within the Outlaw US Empire it's dishonored.
A huge topic. Honour is the basis of all civic relations, ultimately, no matter the ostensible system. But that comes from the bones of a culture, not statutes or ideology. I think one way of gauging the state of any civilization is the degree to which values are valued, and honour is the art of holding to such values no matter how tempting it gets not to do so. We all face this each and every day in both small and big ways.
A classic line indeed! My dear parents (rip) were great fans of Pogo Possum and his creator, artist and writer Walt Kelly. They even had an lp of his, “Songs of Pogo “ that i wore the grooves down on by a considerable bit. Also let us not forget “Iron Mike’s” modern classic, “Everyone has a plan.....”
The "Empire of Lies (Chaos)", tip of hat to Pepe Escobar, is facing the real prospect of being in court as an accomplice to genocide; its outlaw status confirmed, and its various agent/vassals also identified. I've maintained that once ships of industrial and other goods stop filling the shelves the fake money system will be moot. Well, that's probably the "nuclear" option, but we seem to be edging to that point. Before that there are various options including rupturing of diplomatic ties, closure of airspace for overflight (this would be quite an inconvenience to the five eyes grouping, particularly those in the South Pacific. For some time it has been apparent that the US banking system has solvency problems, a lot of work done by John Titus dissecting data sets from the FED and FDIC, his last work eleven months ago showing exactly this. The outlaw empire will have its hands full re-industrrialising and gaslighting its populations in a reverse iron curtain scenario.
Reindustrialization anytime soon is a pipe dream as the entire financial system is against such an undertaking as it/they can make more fiat via financializing with their fictitious capital. The entire national system is tuned to support that, not the people. I showcase Russia because it provides a vivid example of another path as does China, but China isn't as transparent as Russia.
I agree, it won't happen hence a reverse "iron curtain" blocking any with skills or ability from exiting the system. The stolen "300 billion" talked about is more likely to be used to bolster US debt payments intra cartel - completely short term thinking to the end of 2024.
On Re-industrialization, I'm involved in solidarity with 1st Nation & worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') communities & friends for over 60 of my 71 years of age. Being the son of a Machinist-Mechanic, I rebuilt my first gasoline engine at 4 1/2 years old, raised in a 12 year apprenticeship of building, design & innovation to my father, involved in accounting since 15 years, PhD studies since 16 years, involved in building, design & architecture since the age of 3 years, etc. so I don't argue against industry except for our present context of Oligarch commanded & controlled systems of subjugation & how this leads to the tragic disintegration, mass-pollution, war, poverty & self-imposed ignorance.
However, I have learnt a lot about Biosphere & life aligned design, to understand the incredible weaknesses of Oligarch-imposed 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') mechanical & linear design. I start with offering my experience in just one area here to give the reader 'one-example' of many in Biosphere aligned design to begin with, so folks can imagine a 100 fold increase in productivity.
SYLVALIZATION (Latin 'sylva' = 'tree'). As empires spread, hungry to extract & exploit abundant indigenous Polyculture Orchard materials hardwood Oak for weapons of war, forts, arms, ships etc. the main productivity loss is the indigenous, carefully cultivated 3-D POLYCULTURE ORCHARDs of all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors, which because of:
a) Polyculture's 92-98% Photosynthesis compared with 2-D 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field') 2-8% photosynthesis.
2-D 'Agriculture' (L. 'ager' = 'field') was all settlers & 1st Nations had left to 'farm' (French 'ferme' = 'contract of servitude by the peasant imposed by the armed aristocrat') b) Deep Polyculture roots descending many 10s of metres into the substrate mining minerals, pumping water, developing extensive nutrient colonies etc. c) Polyculture photosynthesizing >95% of solar energy, creates continental energy cold spots or vacuum, which draws warm moist ocean winds inland. 60% of moisture transfer sea to continent is through condensation of warm-moist ocean winds upon Quadrillion square kilometres of leaf & bark fractal surfaces. 3-D Polyculture being 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than 2-D 'agriculture'. This is a very conservative estimate of Polyculture benefits. One example of Polyculture's 1000 times more productive Polyculture is the Oak Orchard, which each 100 year old tree (average of Turtle-Island/N. America Oak aged trees in ~1600). in 50 square metres (eg ~7 metres by 7 metres) of land-base will produce over 3 tonnes of nuts in an average year & 10 tonnes in a mast year. The same area of wheat or other grains might produce 3 kilograms of wheat berries, but only after extensive labours (X 20) of ploughing, seeding, weeding, watering, mechanical harvesting, winnowing & drying). To understand these core Sylvalization calculations refer to this web-article. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies
Russian ag is working with polyculture as it applies to its resources.
Karl, A pleasure to get to know your writing & research. If Russia restores 3-D Polyculture Orchard or Sylvalization progressively to their traditional 2-D 'agriculture', rivers will be restored, soil will build, food nutrient quality with minerals, enzymes, vitamins & other micro & macro nutrients greatly improves, productivity will skyrocket. Polyculture's approach is progressive over many decades. Replanting hedgerows with such as Hazelnuts & other quick productive small trees, but maintaining existing 2-D field economies until 3-D Polyculture & lowering labour & material inputs provide the producer with greater revenues. I collaborate with a Serb-Croatian who has developed a 45 year Polyculture with now 90,000 Oak, Butternut & other trees. My friend Dag (speaks Russian) an engineer with 7 engineering licenses 1st encouraged Land-scape contractors to bring their fall-leaves, branch chips, grass-clippings & barn-cleanings to his property. Over 500,000 tonnes of materials have now been spread over 10 acres. Squirrels, groundhogs & bluejays planted the 90,000 trees starting 45 years ago. The Creeks flow year round. Beaver have dammed a couple of creeks to create ponds which grow high value Aqua-culture plants. The land is so rich now that huge vegetable produce comes with very little labour. This 50 acres with Tree & understory energy storage, just upstream west of Montreal & release enjoys Frost-free growing season 2 weeks later in the fall & 2 weeks earlier in the spring compared with its neighbours. While I help Dag with contacts on the 3 village design he is implementing, I personally work & Polyculture in the city. 3 short films on POLYCULTURE. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-how-to-grow-your-own-raw-vegan-food-garden
thanks karl.. i learn a lot from reading your articles... i am negligent in not being able to read them all, but i appreciate all your work, regardless... ultimately your short article here is positive... it takes time for change to come about, but i, like you, believe it is coming... whether the UN remains, or it takes a revitalized and new form - hard to know, but regardless it is necessary.. here is hoping for positive change sooner then later.. i will try to find time to catch up.. thanks for the links and etc...
Thanks james! I applaud your efforts! History is a process as all Russians note, the aim being to be on its "right" side, which I deem the moral, ethical side.
Thank you, Karl. I really needed this constructive way to think about our future. Trust, hope and reason seem to be in a short supply these days.
Thanks for your reply. Odd how the critics are focused on one particular aspect of my comment and not on its overall content. One refuses to place its comments here, posting them at MoA instead. That the attitude changed when I mirrored and commented on Simplicus's article is very curious.
I have always found this unfortunate feature in many different forms - I would say that we have a saying, which sums it up - missing forrest for a tree. Keep your good work!
If we do not have an overall understanding of the situation, individual trees will not help us. 😇
Go tell that to the one tree in need of water.
Indeed. But that is a different consideration. I am talking about ideas. Each side has its own domain.
I have a question. I read the comments here, what are you talking about? Who are you talking about?
I linked to the Moon of Alabama thread where my initial comment was made that brought out several fleas to spam the thread and such. It's all over and done now, the trolls now exposed as such and the world continues to revolve.
Someone in NATO is predicting a NATO war with Russia somewhere in the next twenty years. Probably in Zero Hedge today.
How do they get away with all this warmongering?
It's their job and the media doesn't allow dissenters, although there are many along with most nations.
"An Outlaw remains an Outlaw until it's brought to justice and as part of its penalty says it will refrain from breaking the law again. Since all those outlaw nations have yet to face justice for their actions, they remain outlaws. It's really that simple..."
At risk of wrangling about semantics I disagree.
It is when those accused of offenses are brought to justice that they are declared to be outlaws. That is something that could be happening to Israel now.
The problem with the Three Western Allies-UK US and France- is that they have escaped justice for eighty years, claiming to be above the law, not beyond it.
Outlaws cannot operate in civilised society: they are boycotted, sanctioned and shunned. They are not allowed to take part in social decision making or avail themselves of its credit or its legal protections.
Robin Hood was an outlaw, which is why he lived in Sherwood Forest and kept away from the cities.
What we are dealing with is an offender who ought to be outlawed but who has been too powerful to punish- a scofflaw, who proclaims others, Russia, Serbia etc to be outlaws.
But things are changing- South Africa, from the depths of its unexampled experience of dealing with this scofflaw culture, is showing the way.
Now we need Yemen- still reeling economically and otherwise from the punishment meted out to it for its opposition to the illegal war on Iraq- to take the next step and bring the United States, France and the UK before the ICJ as accomplices and enablers of genocide.
And then let the Court solemnly declare those states to be Outlawed. And therefore liable to invasion, plundering and all other sanctions.
Sorry bevin, but law enforcement agencies issue wanted posters for outlaws so they can be caught to face justice. The #1 problem is the fact of them being outlaws hasn't been pushed by anyone until very recently with the efforts by Russia and China, although the USSR did try during the Cold War but its accusations were parried as Commie Propaganda by the Outlaws.
I get barred from making comments when I employ the Outlaw US Empire term by those who advocate free speech. Is the term extremist? No, it rankles because it's a Voldemort Truth--One that cannot be mentioned.
OK. But first the candidates for outlawry have to be identified. And the nature of their offenses, recorded.
That is the problem here: nobody has dared to identify the putative oulaws as lawbreakers to be dealt with. Largely because any state doing so would be sanctioned, couped, attacked (Cuba for example, or Nicaragua which took the US to the ICJ). And any individuals tracked down and killed. Or, like Julian Assange, subject to persecution and incarceration.
Now, inshallah, cheered on by Cubs, Nicaragua, north Korea and Venezuela (not to mention billions of honest people) the culprits are being accused.
And guys like you are putting up the posters.
Thanks for your reply, bevin. I see the storm at MoA this has caused, which is odd since I've posted very similar writings before over the years and there was never so much hair pulling and feet stomping. Plus, none of those comments are being made here.
Yes, Assange was providing the evidence to convict the poster boys. The criminality is massive, that's why Hudson called it "Super Imperialism." I find it amazing he's still allowed to talk and write.
I hope you don't think that one of my Scorpion comments was 'raising a storm' although I do disagree with some of your word choices and historical interpretations. Such as that the main reason the US went wrong after 1945 is not hunting down enough Nazis and/or letting them stay in office in Europe and importing some into the US. There is so much more to US corruption than that. IMO. But my remarks there and here are not hostile.
I think I prefer Putin's framing in that he keeps pointing out - and many others of course - that the US is 'agreement-incapable'. That is similar to calling them Outlaw (a term I now understand what you mean by thanks to my (not hostile) question!) but better I think because it simply and directly describes the actual process. Law technically springs from mutual agreement, be it between two parties or citizen and State (relative to statutes etc.). Neither American nor any Zionist type at these administrative-political levels is agreement-capable. Put another way: they are always lying and scheming.
I believe they were all lying and scheming their way through the League of Nations, through the Versailles peace conferences, through both World Wars, throughout our modern history. I believe the US Constitution is a compromise job that had enough poison pills in it by design to ensure it ends up with a Central Bank in 1913 and all the rest which has inevitably followed. I don't think any of this has anything to do with WWII Nazis, their presence or absence anywhere, moreover far too much of what we were told about them is wartime propaganda which should be put to rest.
Furthermore, at least at first, the Nazis made war on that same international financial hegemony. Whether their emphasis on a certain tribe or ethnicity was justified, the hegemonic nature of the tyranny they were up against was real and they were right to fight it. Maybe he was a secret agent as some believe, or simply went mad later, but the fact is that much that is seriously off in Western polities existed well before National Socialism in Germany and, since it beat them, continues after to the present day.
And that means that much that is wrong about the US Empire is not just a US issue. It was there at the beginning of the UN which was a phony organization and the Russians who participated were not saints either. And there in all developed nations at least since the Industrial Revolution and arguably before. The level of corruption has been thick throughout.
So what we need is not to fix the UN but to build something better. Now you think the Russia-China axis is doing that, and I hope you are right but after Covid reserve judgment. But I hope they just move forward doing what works for them and gradually let the old institutions which I believe are hopelessly corrupted ab initio wither and die. Let them go already. Others can join new institutions set up by different nations with different procedures. Start fresh.
And enough about Nazis already!!!!
An interesting historical hypothesis. I should take a vacation away from it all and the computers to outline my own hypothesis that I've been meaning to do for too many years as everything is in fragments. The is one value that existed in 1787 that is endangered today--Honor. Within the Outlaw US Empire it's dishonored.
A huge topic. Honour is the basis of all civic relations, ultimately, no matter the ostensible system. But that comes from the bones of a culture, not statutes or ideology. I think one way of gauging the state of any civilization is the degree to which values are valued, and honour is the art of holding to such values no matter how tempting it gets not to do so. We all face this each and every day in both small and big ways.
"Humanity is on the cusp of evolving beyond armed conflict to solve problems."
So then we'll start killing Romulans and Klingons and AIs... Unfortunately the latter are much more likely to kill us (unless we become them.)
People forget the classic line: "We have met the enemy and they is us." Also the line: "Hope is not a plan."
A classic line indeed! My dear parents (rip) were great fans of Pogo Possum and his creator, artist and writer Walt Kelly. They even had an lp of his, “Songs of Pogo “ that i wore the grooves down on by a considerable bit. Also let us not forget “Iron Mike’s” modern classic, “Everyone has a plan.....”
Did you read Simplicius's article?
Yup. Commented there, too.
Hope may not be a plan, but it's its vanguard.
So is awareness and accurate assessment. Of course, being human, we need emotions to make that happen - but it's still not a plan.