Now that you’re sufficiently chilled and ready for a toddy after those last two photos, we’ll get on with the topic of logistical connectivity and the role of railroads in Russia’s past, present and future.
Karl, I love what you do but I'm unsubscribing for a period, as I am from others, so that I'm less distracted. But bookmarking to pop in once weekly before I post my Russian update. Thanks.
Thanks for your support, Mike. What I look at is viewership, not the number of subscriptions, although the two are somewhat connected. My international audience thanks to VK, MoA, and Pepe Escobar is very high, almost 2/3s. When I started in July, my expectations were rather low, so how this has progressed is gratifying. Enjoy your hiatus!!
Wonderful that Russia has, and is investing in even better, rail systems, and that they're publicly owned. This benefits people, the economy and the environment.
Russia's Railway is run as a quasi military organization complete with uniforms and ranks, which is a holdover from Tsarist and Soviet times. If you go to the linked event page and click on the photo icon you'll be able to see what I mean.
Comparing the ever-late Deutsche Bahn with the Russian Railroad makes my head continuously shaking. Yet their Managers have got double allowances for reaching gender improvement goals and other important stuff.
Railways are the way to go for those huge distances and the cost of transport per mile, including fuel efficiency. Hubs, intermodal transport, accommodations for traveling humans, it all takes money and time. My best wishes for them.
Canada has a nice and well working East - West railway infrastructure.
Yeah, james and I discussed Canada somewhat. Not treating railways and public utilities was a big mistake here in the Empire and killed passenger rail. I still like riding trains though. Can't wait to go to China and ride theirs!
i love trains... any chance i can travel by train - that is my favourite mode of transportation... living in canada, the opportunities are next to nil... and the cost is extremely high too.. our country came together based on making the national railway, but it has never been embraced in a way to continue in that tradition.. instead, only really wealthy people use the railway for leisure.. kudos to the foresightedness of russia and its leadership in implementing these great developments!
I've wanted to ride the TransCanadian but have yet to do so. I too was a train nut as a kid with model railroads and such. I've ridden most of our long routes within the USA. You could drop down to Seattle and take the Empire Builder to Glacier National Park, spend some time there, and then return, which would make a nice one week excursion that's not too expensive as coach fare would be proper.
thanks karl! good idea! we traveled on train in spain, portugal, italy, slovenia, and croatia in the past 5 years... all great experiences... many years ago i traveled by train with a girlfriend from mexico city to merida on the yucatan peninsula.. and much earlier in the 70's from guaymas down to mexico city.. back then you could get your own room and bed and etc for very little money.. i suspect that has changed.. and of course we traveled on the trains in india in 1998 when we were their for 6 weeks. that was quite nice too! i have traveled across canada on the train since i was 12 years old, but not in the past 20 years... it is a nice ride if you have the time. my friend goes down to seattle from vancouver on the train and quite likes that also.. i have always wanted to travel across russia on the train... we didn't get to travel in turkey on the trains as at the time in 2012 they were working on the lines.. but i would like to go again and see about taking the train from istanbul to tehran... i can't convince my wife of this trip though!!
You've done a good bit of globetrotting; myself, rather little, but we do have ambitions. Another great scenic trip is from Oakland to Denver as the train goes places cars can't/don't and traverses the intermountain desert at night. Eventually, all of Central Asia will be connected with Russia and China, which is about the time when we might have the time to explore Eurasia.
thanks - yes and i hope you get to do likewise! i may still make it to these far off places on my list to go to, but i really have no excuse for not checking out the trips you mention here! i have only taken one train in the usa from grand central station in new york, up to montreal in sept 91... that was quite pleasant too - going by lake champlain as memory serves..
Karl, I love what you do but I'm unsubscribing for a period, as I am from others, so that I'm less distracted. But bookmarking to pop in once weekly before I post my Russian update. Thanks.
Thanks for your support, Mike. What I look at is viewership, not the number of subscriptions, although the two are somewhat connected. My international audience thanks to VK, MoA, and Pepe Escobar is very high, almost 2/3s. When I started in July, my expectations were rather low, so how this has progressed is gratifying. Enjoy your hiatus!!
Wonderful that Russia has, and is investing in even better, rail systems, and that they're publicly owned. This benefits people, the economy and the environment.
Russia's Railway is run as a quasi military organization complete with uniforms and ranks, which is a holdover from Tsarist and Soviet times. If you go to the linked event page and click on the photo icon you'll be able to see what I mean.
Comparing the ever-late Deutsche Bahn with the Russian Railroad makes my head continuously shaking. Yet their Managers have got double allowances for reaching gender improvement goals and other important stuff.
Railways are the way to go for those huge distances and the cost of transport per mile, including fuel efficiency. Hubs, intermodal transport, accommodations for traveling humans, it all takes money and time. My best wishes for them.
Canada has a nice and well working East - West railway infrastructure.
Yeah, james and I discussed Canada somewhat. Not treating railways and public utilities was a big mistake here in the Empire and killed passenger rail. I still like riding trains though. Can't wait to go to China and ride theirs!
i love trains... any chance i can travel by train - that is my favourite mode of transportation... living in canada, the opportunities are next to nil... and the cost is extremely high too.. our country came together based on making the national railway, but it has never been embraced in a way to continue in that tradition.. instead, only really wealthy people use the railway for leisure.. kudos to the foresightedness of russia and its leadership in implementing these great developments!
I've wanted to ride the TransCanadian but have yet to do so. I too was a train nut as a kid with model railroads and such. I've ridden most of our long routes within the USA. You could drop down to Seattle and take the Empire Builder to Glacier National Park, spend some time there, and then return, which would make a nice one week excursion that's not too expensive as coach fare would be proper.
thanks karl! good idea! we traveled on train in spain, portugal, italy, slovenia, and croatia in the past 5 years... all great experiences... many years ago i traveled by train with a girlfriend from mexico city to merida on the yucatan peninsula.. and much earlier in the 70's from guaymas down to mexico city.. back then you could get your own room and bed and etc for very little money.. i suspect that has changed.. and of course we traveled on the trains in india in 1998 when we were their for 6 weeks. that was quite nice too! i have traveled across canada on the train since i was 12 years old, but not in the past 20 years... it is a nice ride if you have the time. my friend goes down to seattle from vancouver on the train and quite likes that also.. i have always wanted to travel across russia on the train... we didn't get to travel in turkey on the trains as at the time in 2012 they were working on the lines.. but i would like to go again and see about taking the train from istanbul to tehran... i can't convince my wife of this trip though!!
You've done a good bit of globetrotting; myself, rather little, but we do have ambitions. Another great scenic trip is from Oakland to Denver as the train goes places cars can't/don't and traverses the intermountain desert at night. Eventually, all of Central Asia will be connected with Russia and China, which is about the time when we might have the time to explore Eurasia.
thanks - yes and i hope you get to do likewise! i may still make it to these far off places on my list to go to, but i really have no excuse for not checking out the trips you mention here! i have only taken one train in the usa from grand central station in new york, up to montreal in sept 91... that was quite pleasant too - going by lake champlain as memory serves..
Yes, the Hudson River line to Niagra Falls is on my list, and aside from Canada is the last one on my USA list.