Contesting Fyodor Lukyanov and So Much More
Fyodor Lukyanov is the editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs, chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and research director of the Valdai International Discussion
In an op/ed published by RT, the esteemed Fyodor Lukyanov’s short essay is entitled “World War Three has started, here’s what it will look like.” In the first two sentences of his opening paragraph he writes:
The journalistic cliché that World War Three is already underway has often circulated from one publication or another for decades. Indeed, since the beginning of the 21st century, when the US was attacked on 11 September 2001, people have been talking about a clash of civilizations as a new form of global conflict.
“The US was attacked” is the key phrase. Who attacked it? As one reads further, it’s clear the esteemed Mr. Lukyanov accepts the Outlaw US Empire’s explanation that the deed was done by an external opponent. But the cover story used to declare war on the entire world—the War OF Terror—is false and is linked to the previous announcements of the Outlaw US Empire that it intended as its #1 policy goal to attain Full Spectrum Domination of the planet and its people, once in 1996 (Joint Vision 2010) and again in 1999 (Joint Vision 2020). Thus, the Third World War was launched by the Outlaw US Empire well prior to the events known as 911. Why doesn’t the esteemed Mr. Lukyanov seem to know those essential facts? I’m just a mere historian engaged in trying to ascertain certain facts and am well informed of the Outlaw US Empire genuine policies and their aims because that’s my business.
I’m making this attack because I’m so very tired of so-called experts spouting bullshit. The prep work for the demolition of the WTC towers was done during the Clinton/Gore Era. The Zionists knew when it would happen as they had a film crew placed at an excellent vantage point who were arrested but released. Neocons prior to assuming office when GW Bush was illegally made POTUS by the Supreme Court had openly called for the need for “another Pearl Harbor moment” in order to advance Zionist interests in 1996 in tandem with the first announcement of the Non-Declaration of War on the world. The Joint Vision schemes were direct outgrowths from what’s known as 1991’s Wolfowitz Doctrine.
Review what was done to Yugoslavia, Russia and then Serbia by the Outlaw US Empire prior to 2000. Then review what occurred after 911 and where most of the aggression took place. Don’t forget the many Color Revolutions and the faux Arab Spring. Do read the esteemed Mr. Lukyanov’s short essay, and you’ll see he cuts out a lot of important events to prove his thesis that World War Three hasn’t yet begun. He contends that since nuclear weapons haven’t been used that a Third World War doesn’t yet exist. I contend that notion is deeply mistaken. Russian President Putin and many members of his Security Council all say a “Hybrid War” exists between Russia and NATO/Outlaw US Empire. Given the many dimensions of this Hybrid War and the breadth of its nature, what’s considered traditional war no longer applies. As we’ve witnessed since 1989, the nature of war has entered a completely new dimension where great damage can be done without the use of guns.
At the end of his essay, the esteemed Mr. Lukyanov says the UN Charter is under unprecedented assault, which is a very gross error that all too many people make as they refuse to see the Truth. When the UN Charter came into legal existence in October 1945, the USA and numerous other nations—the UK and France being the most obvious, but others too—were already in violation of it. And the Outlaw US Empire has been violating it daily ever since. We might say the Outlaw US Empire has continued WW2 since it supposedly ended in September 1945. We do know it kept Nazism alive so it could be used today. But all that seems to escape the purview of the esteemed Mr. Lukyanov.
The above are just some of the very unsettling facts that go unnoticed and unaddressed, although to notice and address them would greatly improve our world. The esteemed Mr. Lukyanov and many others have podiums they could use to do good, podiums I would very much like to have. The failure to challenge the Outlaw US Empire’s Narrative about 911 is a huge mistake that continues to cause havoc. The failure to expose the parasitic nature of Western Neoliberalism also creates havoc. Mr. Putin just said the Outlaw US Empire’s goal is to generate chaos globally so it can profit from the mayhem it causes. Why isn’t the esteemed Mr. Lukyanov promoting and further explicating his President’s admonitions as to the real criminal force in today’s world? Perhaps someone will tell him about my missive and he’ll attempt a rebuttal. That would be very welcomed because then he’d be awakened to the points I’ve put forth and perhaps improve his future analysis.
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I've long suspected that the concept for the Twin Towers attack quite possibly could have been broached to Al Qaeda - assuming they were in fact involved - by Israeli intelligence through double agents in Al Qaeda. Or if Al Qaeda per se was not involved - IIRC bin Laden never accepted blame. merely expressing approval of or understanding of the reasons for the attack - then perhaps the actual perpetrators were persuaded by Israeli agents posing as jihadists for some other group or country. Or of course they could well have been simply Saudi dissidents recruited by Israel to hit the US for its support of the Saudi kingdom. Any number of scenarios could be concocted.
I recall Israel used false Islamists to conduct attacks in other Middle Countries in the past, and were also caught attempting to "recruit" Islamists under false pretexts in another case. I forget the details, but this sort of intelligence operation goes on all the time.
The point is, if we ask "cui bono" - who benefits? - Israel immediately comes to mind, along with the neocons, and indeed the oil companies, the military-industrial complex, and the banks who finance those industries.
Great article. You should do more polemics like this. Really helps bring the truth forward.
I wanted it to be longer. Maybe you're own piece on the topic Lukyanov chose?
Like JFK'S assassination, 9/11 just becomes more interesting as the final explosion of imperialism nears. It's like the current stage of breakdown shines a new light on everything in the last 25 years or so.