Fyodor Lukyanov is the editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs, chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and research director of the Valdai International Discussion
I've long suspected that the concept for the Twin Towers attack quite possibly could have been broached to Al Qaeda - assuming they were in fact involved - by Israeli intelligence through double agents in Al Qaeda. Or if Al Qaeda per se was not involved - IIRC bin Laden never accepted blame. merely expressing approval of or understanding of the reasons for the attack - then perhaps the actual perpetrators were persuaded by Israeli agents posing as jihadists for some other group or country. Or of course they could well have been simply Saudi dissidents recruited by Israel to hit the US for its support of the Saudi kingdom. Any number of scenarios could be concocted.
I recall Israel used false Islamists to conduct attacks in other Middle Countries in the past, and were also caught attempting to "recruit" Islamists under false pretexts in another case. I forget the details, but this sort of intelligence operation goes on all the time.
The point is, if we ask "cui bono" - who benefits? - Israel immediately comes to mind, along with the neocons, and indeed the oil companies, the military-industrial complex, and the banks who finance those industries.
Great article. You should do more polemics like this. Really helps bring the truth forward.
I wanted it to be longer. Maybe you're own piece on the topic Lukyanov chose?
Like JFK'S assassination, 9/11 just becomes more interesting as the final explosion of imperialism nears. It's like the current stage of breakdown shines a new light on everything in the last 25 years or so.
Thanks. I was pissed as soon as I read the first paragraph. Context tells us a great deal about many things. That's another reason why history is so important.
i am mixed on this.. yes, i too believe 9-11 was an inside job, but one is immediately called a conspiracy theorist if they say this openly... perhaps he's being coy? i would however be curious to know how he would reply to you here, if he read your article, but i am unable to find any contact info for him, so it looks like it ain't gonna happen..
Yep, I want to believe 9/11 was 'an inside job' mainly because of building 7. But I still don't really have clear evidence of that.
We I/we all have clear evidence of, though, is that we've had nothing but lies and obfuscation of it ever since it happened and all the way to this day. And THAT is enough for me to prove beyond doubt that there's deeply inimical to us, evil forces controlling the USA.
The controllers of the USA I've said are at war with the world. The whole world. They hate the whole world. And I think that's the truth of it. They hate every man, woman and child of us.
They planted their seed in Kiev and look what came out of that ! Could anything, anywhere, any time be any clearer ? The whole Kiev Ukraine nations is steeped in an devoted to nothing but hate ! It is astounding, incredible, amazing, virtually unbelievable but we see it, it is undeniable.
Laughing happy young women - you know, our cliche epitome of 'nice' and 'good' and attractive - happily mouth phrases calling for the obliteration of every and any 'Russian' person, young or old, male or female. And I put 'Russian' in quotes because they include their own Ukrainians - the Donbas Ukrainians - in their hatred, as their targets, their victims to be.
Just exactly the same way those Israeli matrons call for the deaths of every Palestinian being, man or woman, young or old.
You don't need to be any fancy philosopher nor any devout religiosi to recognise this as quite simply 'evil'. If 'evil' has any meaning this is it. They are evil and propagate evil, before our eyes they train their toddlers in it now.
And the root of all this evil?
That comic book lunatic land the USA. Fat, greedy, overfed, unfit, uneducated. With it's frightened childish bullying infatuation with guns and worship of money. A land without moral fibre. A land that would laugh at the very notion.
Their highest goal for each man would be to be the gunslinger who rides into town and kills all the baddies and then turns out to own vast estates - really a sauve sophisticated total 'success' (i.e. rich). What a hero ! What an aspiration for man. What an aspiration for a country !
And the ironies. A land of mirrors where everything is back to front. The 'baddies' of their ego dream take other people's land, trample their crops, run their cattle on those poor people's land, bully small people..... When in 'hero dream' mode they kill those baddies for doing that.
But in reality, in everyday life what? In everyday life this is precisely what the USA does to everyone and anyone all over the globe.
What's the answer ? It looks so hopeless.
Maybe it is hopeless. Maybe not. The answer is that 350 million Americans simply wake up.
They are asleep. Total zombies sleepwalking and in their sleepwalking allowing the national might to destroy the world as though they were doing it themselves, spreading death and suffering and chaos everywhere.
Let them wake up and begin to see the truth and communicate it to each other via the web and smartphones and all today's wonderful technology and there could be a swift sea change. A very swift one.
Building 7 is the one that was brought down having suffered no impact. The additional motive for NY and DC was the elimination of evidence of massive fraud--Trillions. Then BushCo ensured most of the forensic evidence was carted away with no examination.
Yes, thankyou. I have edited my post. Why I said '11' I have no idea. Having a 'senior moment' I guess.
Yep, I heard about the missing billions, the records of which disappeared.
Only thing about that story I find nowadays is why would they bother? They don't seem to give a damn what we find out/know about them. They simply do as they please. I think we are lower than cattle in their estimation for they can't get the same return per head from us quite so easily.
They have ever mounting experience that no matter what they do we will not respond, they will get away with it.
The covid thing must have been breathtaking for them. I am sure of it. As a 'class', meaning including all those that are of the same ilk though probably nowhere near 'management' or 'top dog' or drawing really significant remuneration, they frequently were quoted in the press at the time saying that their constituents would certainly never put up with this or that: masks, home confinement, etc...
And I am quite sure they were as astounded as I when it turned out their constituents actually embraced those measures. Leap to give up their rights, their freedoms, their agency.
I think ever since then - which was very recently wasn't it - they've just thrown caution to the winds.. they just can't believe their luck... their wildest dreams have been realised... they are the only real people in the world and the rest of us are just total dumb passive cattle.
I think they can be excused for thinking so.
The evidence seems to bear it out.
Look at half a million Kiev Ukrainians marching to their deaths to fight an invasion that isn't taking place ! Standing on their neighbour's land and claiming they're standing on their own fighting off an invader, etc. !
And yep, the unseemly haste to get rid of all the physical evidence - shipped overseas for god's sake ! Astounding.
Yep. I'm astounded. And I think they were astounded.
I find myself stripped of any belief in the support and amity of my fellows.
They find themselves relieved of any need for caution.
I think it's 'civilisational' evil. It is an essential component of, what I call, the Imperial Project and the exceptionalism that seems to be a key cultural feature. Ancient imperial projects often validated their sense of exceptionalism via the use of the term 'barbarian'. The sense of 'exceptionalism' here in the UK, which has been derived via T' British empire is both sad and hilarious, especially when viewed in terms of the ridiculously low reading age of the current UK population compared with non-western nations.
The first firefighters at the scene said they heard explosions, plural. That was aired on the day then swept away never to be seen again.
Amazing, isn't it that all those Saudi passports miraculously escaped the inferno of exploding 'planes' to be found with nary a singe mark.
And of course the notorious Building 7, pronounced collapsed by the BBC live on air, but actually visible over the reporter's shoulder.
It was an inside job. Veterans Today had a ton of good stuff on this. I think that Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth (https://www.ae911truth.org/) has a ton of info on all this as well.
WTC were attacked in 1993, with a van full of explosives, blowing a cavernous hole in the underground levels but leaving the structure intact. Those towers were desingned back when US knew how to build. The logical follow up to the attack would be to . . . oh I don't know, stop them from falling over sideways, in case the episode might be repeated at larger scale. The episode was repeated, and indeed the buildings didn't fall over sideways, saving the adjacent neighborhood which contains important offices, including of the financial world and city administration. It's not that complicated.
Thomas Drake was one of those assigned to study the 1993 attack. He went back to his superiors and others in various services and places and said that this was a preliminary attack and there is a need to prepare for a larger attack. His positions was ignored and one rejection famously said "they are a bunch of rag heads so nothing to worry about."
His background included forensic analysis, for example, flying over East Germany and translating the Soviet calls.
This interview gives more of his background and you can hear his speak directly. Some quotes
"DRAKE: And I ended up being summarily visited by the FBI in November 2007 when they raided me, raided my house, and raided my office down at the National Defense University. And then, long story short, in April 2010 I was very publicly indicted on a ten felony count indictment, five under the Espionage Act, facing 35 years in prison. Fortunately, I’m sitting in front of you as a free human being. I never did it end up in prison, never did end up paying a fine.
JAY: Okay. And we’re going to get to that story. We were chatting quite a bit off-camera before we started the interview, and you repeated several times the phrase that you feel burdened by history. What do you mean?
DRAKE: I’m extraordinarily burdened by history. It’s the what ifs, it’s the dirty knowledge I had about secret surveillance, it’s the dirty knowledge about critical intelligence that NSA actually had prior to 9/11 that was not shared properly with national command authorities, as we call them. They could have stopped 9/11 all by itself, just from the NSA intelligence, never mind CIA or FBI. It was a systemic failure. I’m burdened by the massive multibillion-dollar fraud on an extraordinary scale, that the response to the failure of the government to provide for the common defense was let’s just spend a lot more money ’cause we’re too big to fail. I’m burdened by the mass surveillance regime that was put into place in the deepest of secrecy. All of this I’m burdened by. And it’s going on 14 years now. I looked into the Pandora’s box, and it was very, very dark. And the abyss looked back at me."
In short, Drake's investigation showed the 9/11 could have been prevented. He went to congress members and their staffs, to people at CIA and DOD to tell them. His rewards was to be labeled a traitor. Life threatened.
He was tried in the VA federal court that ALWAYS supports the government. Took a plea deal rather than spending 35 years in prison. Lost pension, marriage, friends, ability to work in his field. Last I heard he was working in the genius bar at an Apple store.
John Kiriakou is the CIA whistleblower about torture in the war on terror. He also made a plea deal and was sentenced to 30 months in prison. In a recent interview he described how the VA court is a tool for the government. Something I heard from him for the first time was that Ed Snowden wanted to come back to US and face the music. Kiriakou said that he asked his 4 attorneys' opinions and they said to Ed, do not come back to the US.
Recall that in these Espionage Act cases one cannot make a defense. They are a one sided trial meaning that they are not a real trial. Kiriakou tried to submit thousands of pages which were rejected. Thomas Drake's findings disappeared.
As blinkered as it is, Fyodor Lukyanov's perspective is an almost verbatim regurgitation of our beloved Leader Putin's mutterings on the subject over the last 22 years.
Love it Karl. Some of your language made me smile in agreement. "I’m making this attack because I’m so very tired of so-called experts spouting bullshit." and the 'mere historian' phrase was a classic ;o)
I've long suspected that the concept for the Twin Towers attack quite possibly could have been broached to Al Qaeda - assuming they were in fact involved - by Israeli intelligence through double agents in Al Qaeda. Or if Al Qaeda per se was not involved - IIRC bin Laden never accepted blame. merely expressing approval of or understanding of the reasons for the attack - then perhaps the actual perpetrators were persuaded by Israeli agents posing as jihadists for some other group or country. Or of course they could well have been simply Saudi dissidents recruited by Israel to hit the US for its support of the Saudi kingdom. Any number of scenarios could be concocted.
I recall Israel used false Islamists to conduct attacks in other Middle Countries in the past, and were also caught attempting to "recruit" Islamists under false pretexts in another case. I forget the details, but this sort of intelligence operation goes on all the time.
The point is, if we ask "cui bono" - who benefits? - Israel immediately comes to mind, along with the neocons, and indeed the oil companies, the military-industrial complex, and the banks who finance those industries.
See my reply to Arthur.
Great article. You should do more polemics like this. Really helps bring the truth forward.
I wanted it to be longer. Maybe you're own piece on the topic Lukyanov chose?
Like JFK'S assassination, 9/11 just becomes more interesting as the final explosion of imperialism nears. It's like the current stage of breakdown shines a new light on everything in the last 25 years or so.
Thanks. I was pissed as soon as I read the first paragraph. Context tells us a great deal about many things. That's another reason why history is so important.
i am mixed on this.. yes, i too believe 9-11 was an inside job, but one is immediately called a conspiracy theorist if they say this openly... perhaps he's being coy? i would however be curious to know how he would reply to you here, if he read your article, but i am unable to find any contact info for him, so it looks like it ain't gonna happen..
He's the Valdai Club Director; his contact info is there.
send him your post and see if he responds..
Once I return home from my Tennesse trip, that's a good probability.
safe travels and keep us posted if he ever gets back to you on this.. i for one am curious!
Yep, I want to believe 9/11 was 'an inside job' mainly because of building 7. But I still don't really have clear evidence of that.
We I/we all have clear evidence of, though, is that we've had nothing but lies and obfuscation of it ever since it happened and all the way to this day. And THAT is enough for me to prove beyond doubt that there's deeply inimical to us, evil forces controlling the USA.
The controllers of the USA I've said are at war with the world. The whole world. They hate the whole world. And I think that's the truth of it. They hate every man, woman and child of us.
They planted their seed in Kiev and look what came out of that ! Could anything, anywhere, any time be any clearer ? The whole Kiev Ukraine nations is steeped in an devoted to nothing but hate ! It is astounding, incredible, amazing, virtually unbelievable but we see it, it is undeniable.
Laughing happy young women - you know, our cliche epitome of 'nice' and 'good' and attractive - happily mouth phrases calling for the obliteration of every and any 'Russian' person, young or old, male or female. And I put 'Russian' in quotes because they include their own Ukrainians - the Donbas Ukrainians - in their hatred, as their targets, their victims to be.
Just exactly the same way those Israeli matrons call for the deaths of every Palestinian being, man or woman, young or old.
You don't need to be any fancy philosopher nor any devout religiosi to recognise this as quite simply 'evil'. If 'evil' has any meaning this is it. They are evil and propagate evil, before our eyes they train their toddlers in it now.
And the root of all this evil?
That comic book lunatic land the USA. Fat, greedy, overfed, unfit, uneducated. With it's frightened childish bullying infatuation with guns and worship of money. A land without moral fibre. A land that would laugh at the very notion.
Their highest goal for each man would be to be the gunslinger who rides into town and kills all the baddies and then turns out to own vast estates - really a sauve sophisticated total 'success' (i.e. rich). What a hero ! What an aspiration for man. What an aspiration for a country !
And the ironies. A land of mirrors where everything is back to front. The 'baddies' of their ego dream take other people's land, trample their crops, run their cattle on those poor people's land, bully small people..... When in 'hero dream' mode they kill those baddies for doing that.
But in reality, in everyday life what? In everyday life this is precisely what the USA does to everyone and anyone all over the globe.
What's the answer ? It looks so hopeless.
Maybe it is hopeless. Maybe not. The answer is that 350 million Americans simply wake up.
They are asleep. Total zombies sleepwalking and in their sleepwalking allowing the national might to destroy the world as though they were doing it themselves, spreading death and suffering and chaos everywhere.
Let them wake up and begin to see the truth and communicate it to each other via the web and smartphones and all today's wonderful technology and there could be a swift sea change. A very swift one.
It wouldn't be hopeless then.
Building 7 is the one that was brought down having suffered no impact. The additional motive for NY and DC was the elimination of evidence of massive fraud--Trillions. Then BushCo ensured most of the forensic evidence was carted away with no examination.
Yes, thankyou. I have edited my post. Why I said '11' I have no idea. Having a 'senior moment' I guess.
Yep, I heard about the missing billions, the records of which disappeared.
Only thing about that story I find nowadays is why would they bother? They don't seem to give a damn what we find out/know about them. They simply do as they please. I think we are lower than cattle in their estimation for they can't get the same return per head from us quite so easily.
They have ever mounting experience that no matter what they do we will not respond, they will get away with it.
The covid thing must have been breathtaking for them. I am sure of it. As a 'class', meaning including all those that are of the same ilk though probably nowhere near 'management' or 'top dog' or drawing really significant remuneration, they frequently were quoted in the press at the time saying that their constituents would certainly never put up with this or that: masks, home confinement, etc...
And I am quite sure they were as astounded as I when it turned out their constituents actually embraced those measures. Leap to give up their rights, their freedoms, their agency.
I think ever since then - which was very recently wasn't it - they've just thrown caution to the winds.. they just can't believe their luck... their wildest dreams have been realised... they are the only real people in the world and the rest of us are just total dumb passive cattle.
I think they can be excused for thinking so.
The evidence seems to bear it out.
Look at half a million Kiev Ukrainians marching to their deaths to fight an invasion that isn't taking place ! Standing on their neighbour's land and claiming they're standing on their own fighting off an invader, etc. !
And yep, the unseemly haste to get rid of all the physical evidence - shipped overseas for god's sake ! Astounding.
Yep. I'm astounded. And I think they were astounded.
I find myself stripped of any belief in the support and amity of my fellows.
They find themselves relieved of any need for caution.
I think it's 'civilisational' evil. It is an essential component of, what I call, the Imperial Project and the exceptionalism that seems to be a key cultural feature. Ancient imperial projects often validated their sense of exceptionalism via the use of the term 'barbarian'. The sense of 'exceptionalism' here in the UK, which has been derived via T' British empire is both sad and hilarious, especially when viewed in terms of the ridiculously low reading age of the current UK population compared with non-western nations.
The first firefighters at the scene said they heard explosions, plural. That was aired on the day then swept away never to be seen again.
Amazing, isn't it that all those Saudi passports miraculously escaped the inferno of exploding 'planes' to be found with nary a singe mark.
And of course the notorious Building 7, pronounced collapsed by the BBC live on air, but actually visible over the reporter's shoulder.
It was an inside job. Veterans Today had a ton of good stuff on this. I think that Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth (https://www.ae911truth.org/) has a ton of info on all this as well.
WTC were attacked in 1993, with a van full of explosives, blowing a cavernous hole in the underground levels but leaving the structure intact. Those towers were desingned back when US knew how to build. The logical follow up to the attack would be to . . . oh I don't know, stop them from falling over sideways, in case the episode might be repeated at larger scale. The episode was repeated, and indeed the buildings didn't fall over sideways, saving the adjacent neighborhood which contains important offices, including of the financial world and city administration. It's not that complicated.
Thomas Drake was one of those assigned to study the 1993 attack. He went back to his superiors and others in various services and places and said that this was a preliminary attack and there is a need to prepare for a larger attack. His positions was ignored and one rejection famously said "they are a bunch of rag heads so nothing to worry about."
His background included forensic analysis, for example, flying over East Germany and translating the Soviet calls.
This interview gives more of his background and you can hear his speak directly. Some quotes
"DRAKE: And I ended up being summarily visited by the FBI in November 2007 when they raided me, raided my house, and raided my office down at the National Defense University. And then, long story short, in April 2010 I was very publicly indicted on a ten felony count indictment, five under the Espionage Act, facing 35 years in prison. Fortunately, I’m sitting in front of you as a free human being. I never did it end up in prison, never did end up paying a fine.
JAY: Okay. And we’re going to get to that story. We were chatting quite a bit off-camera before we started the interview, and you repeated several times the phrase that you feel burdened by history. What do you mean?
DRAKE: I’m extraordinarily burdened by history. It’s the what ifs, it’s the dirty knowledge I had about secret surveillance, it’s the dirty knowledge about critical intelligence that NSA actually had prior to 9/11 that was not shared properly with national command authorities, as we call them. They could have stopped 9/11 all by itself, just from the NSA intelligence, never mind CIA or FBI. It was a systemic failure. I’m burdened by the massive multibillion-dollar fraud on an extraordinary scale, that the response to the failure of the government to provide for the common defense was let’s just spend a lot more money ’cause we’re too big to fail. I’m burdened by the mass surveillance regime that was put into place in the deepest of secrecy. All of this I’m burdened by. And it’s going on 14 years now. I looked into the Pandora’s box, and it was very, very dark. And the abyss looked back at me."
In short, Drake's investigation showed the 9/11 could have been prevented. He went to congress members and their staffs, to people at CIA and DOD to tell them. His rewards was to be labeled a traitor. Life threatened.
He was tried in the VA federal court that ALWAYS supports the government. Took a plea deal rather than spending 35 years in prison. Lost pension, marriage, friends, ability to work in his field. Last I heard he was working in the genius bar at an Apple store.
John Kiriakou is the CIA whistleblower about torture in the war on terror. He also made a plea deal and was sentenced to 30 months in prison. In a recent interview he described how the VA court is a tool for the government. Something I heard from him for the first time was that Ed Snowden wanted to come back to US and face the music. Kiriakou said that he asked his 4 attorneys' opinions and they said to Ed, do not come back to the US.
Recall that in these Espionage Act cases one cannot make a defense. They are a one sided trial meaning that they are not a real trial. Kiriakou tried to submit thousands of pages which were rejected. Thomas Drake's findings disappeared.
As blinkered as it is, Fyodor Lukyanov's perspective is an almost verbatim regurgitation of our beloved Leader Putin's mutterings on the subject over the last 22 years.
An extremely healthy reaction! I wish more us in the belly of the beast had it.
Love it Karl. Some of your language made me smile in agreement. "I’m making this attack because I’m so very tired of so-called experts spouting bullshit." and the 'mere historian' phrase was a classic ;o)
When the hegemon said it wanted 'Full Spectrum Domination', did they mean 'sexually'?