In 1973, my unit's C-141 shuttled materiel to Israel that essentially saved them from defeat. At that time it was war between nations. Same in 1967.

This kerfuffle is more like US' reservation system for Native Americans. Isolate 7 October and I see Custer and a battalion of 7th cavalry defeated.

War is state sanctioned industrial level murder. In most cases all factions are terrorists according to the observer. Why Christians who abide by the Word are pacifists.

Israel is terrorizing Gazans in their reservation (open air concentration camp), shooting Gazans like fish in a barrel.

Grave evil than most state on state wars!

US is funding murder of innocent Gazans. Most of the casualties from precision guided, high cost, iron bombs paid by my taxes are non combatants.

The world must censure the US and its tools!

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I notice in myself a sea change toward guarded optimism. Not long ago I felt overwhelmed and despondent that the world was headed on a one way street toward dystopia. I now see that this dark totalitarian narrative is actually a creature of the West. It's not what the rest of the world sees.

The evolution toward multipolarity and away from the Western colonial mindset is a real thing. To see how Putin and company are effecting positive change is breathtaking. It's a whole new vision for humanity. Russia will be a world leader and will help bring about a new era.

I feel like I'm over the hump. Even if I die tomorrow I will carry with me the inkling that the world has turned a corner and a bright future is ahead.

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Yes, change in thought! That is really what is at stake, isn’t it?

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I have some ideas on the new thoughts but need some time to organize them. I'm hoping comments here and elsewhere will prove fruitful.

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Jan Patočka, Czech phenomenologist, talks about an importance of metanoia - a turn towards a new meaning. His starting point is Socrates and his ‘leap’ into an unknown, into search for new meaning....which means to question inherited meaning that has become ‘ossified’.

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Yep. We need a massive sea change. No one seems to be able think massive enough, though. Seems to me. Implicit in all proposals for possible futures, good or bad, is the assumption that the most significant thing about our modern world goes unchanged.

And that is the non participation of the people.

You can claim people never participated. Mostly true. But always they knew they were not supposed to.

The difference in our modern age - which I'd date as starting after WWII ended - is that they're not only supposed to be able to participate they're supposed to be doing it all !

Representative two party systems, etc. are only an acknowledged 'stop gap' or compromise because of the practical inability to run a democratic system with everyone having a voice when populations are so vast as against little Greek city states.

So there's the sea change no one seems 'big enough' to predicate, tentatively or not.

Let the people participate.

Two problems there:

1. Technical. Fairly easily surmountable with internet and ubiquitous smartphone connection with it, plenty of existing software and an overabundance of wealth of totally talented programmers amongst the people.

2. The people have millenia of precedent. They are currently, 'democratic' or not: asleep, comatose, unresponsive, unaware, disinterested.

That can all be changed. Memes run through them, the mass consciousness with lightning rapidity nowadays. The next meme could be to adopt practical democratic government by the people via the web.

Govt. does nothing without running it past the people first.

Every little sod in govt no matter how lowly knows full well he works for the people, not vice versa.

All these guesstimates of the future envisage today, essentially. When they speak of 'nations' they mean the controllers and manipulators in those nations, not the people.

When they speak of religions they mean the same thing.

When they speak of anything they mean the same thing.

Always the people are discounted. Totally.

With good reason. For currently they are as I say.

Witness Kiev Ukraine. Where the people are as nothing before the manipulations of the various cliques, coteries, cabals.

Where the people are too docile, apathetic, disinterested, sheepish, humble to check facts for themselves and apparently really believe they are stemming an invasion when since 2014 they have been the invaders. They really believe the are preserving democracy when they have none and Nazi figures are raised to high status. etc.

Where 400,000 of them die in order to further and invasion the goal of which is to ethnically cleanse their own brothers.

Forgive them lord for they know not what they do.

Well that's it. Right.

And that may well be a practical test. Ukraine or maybe even Israel though the heat of the insanity there is orders of magnitude greater. But either or both of them: if the people suddenly have a meme of reality and truth understanding of their own ability to find it, assess it, use it and above all their own ability to make friends with each across the chasms created by the manipulators...... well then that'd solve both those terrible situations.

Don't hold your breath.

But hope. There is a chance. In the end it has to happen for it is the truth and it will out.

The old order is well and truly done.

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Paradigm Changes are chaotic times, and this time is no different. All the major players in the Global Majority see, understand, and talk about what's happening so collective action can ensue--and that's different from previous Shifts. War almost always attends these Shifts too.

M. K. Bhadrakumar is likely correct that to keep its places, both the Zionists and the Outlaw US Empire need to win the coming war; but as he also notes, the alliance dynamic is very different now versus just a few years ago, Here's one key excerpt from his latest blog entry, which I suggest reading completely:

"No power on earth can stop Israel on its tracks now. Its stability and defence is inextricably linked to this war, which will also ensure abiding US commitment to its security as a key template of American global strategies for the foreseeable future. Therefore, Israel’s best chance of survival lies in expanding the scope of the war in Gaza into Lebanon — and possibly even into Syria — shoulder to shoulder with the Americans." https://www.indianpunchline.com/us-israel-to-open-second-front-in-lebanon/

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Thank you Karl, I have been reading M. K. Bhadrakumar for several years now, and for him to be forth right in predicting "Israel’s best chance of survival lies in expanding the scope of the war in Gaza into Lebanon — and possibly even into Syria" means he thinks WW3 has begun.

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Thanks for your reply. My position is we've been engaged in a Hybrid Third World War since the 2014 Ukraine Coup and subsequent illegal sanctions regime (economic war) aimed at the West against Russia. Russia countered that move domestically and also through its intervention in Syria. Other actions by the Outlaw US Empire have escalated the war during the last Obama/Biden years and those of Trump, where his focus was on China and Palestine, not Russia so much. Anyway, that's my basic POV. Thanks again for reading and commenting!

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Perhaps it's then more precise to say the kinetic stage of WW3 is now beginning.

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Fair enough! Although I'm sure we'd both like to see that not occurring.

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Agree, as does M. K. Bhadrakumar, conducing: "No, this won’t turn into a world war. It will be fought in the Middle East only"

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I will read it. Haven't yet.

The excerpt at least is a great example of that of which I speak.

'No power on earth' he says. Can stop 'Israel'.

'Israel' means the current influential lunatic coteries, whicher/whatever they are and does not mean the people. Illustrating what I say: people are discounted automatically.

And 'no power on earth', of course, also totally discounts any question of a joint universal thought arising in people's minds.

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By "no power on earth" IMO he's referring to stopping the escalation. But there is a power and that's Hamas and its allies; and therein lies the Zionist's huge political dilemma--will the cost to implement their project be less than the benefits.

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Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

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I've used that in trying to find a solution for this problem. Will run through the process again..

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I am not yet seeing an end. In scenarios such as this the rich parent will try to buy the children and their friends.

The Israeli effort of 'mowing the lawn' in Gaza has antagonized a lot of countries and people everywhere. People will move only if their own interests are affected.

How long before Germany makes friends with Russian again? Germany is turning against its Muslim population. Zelensky does not know yet that he will be leaving and Blinken really is trying to hand the hot Ukie potato off to anyone. The US has lost a lot of virtue with Gaza. Time to buy friends.

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But, is there anyone to buy?

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All the entities so strenuously objecting can be bought. Qatar, Saudi Araba, UAE, Jordan are just going through the pro-Palestinian motions. So does Egypt. They have a cozy relationship with the West, not a boat good for rocking. Virtue signaling, Arab style, to coin a phrase. Destroying Hamas is a fool's errand. Those preteens watching will be motivated for the next go around. Genociding them all is unlikely. It is like applying a pesticide. You have to kill the roots and what is worst, keep killing them. Nikki Haley is being quite offensive.

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If they had two brain cells in order to generate a spark of intelligence European and UK politicians (read imperial lackeys) would have realised that they are equally liable, or "...at a real risk of collusion ..." of being charged alongside the government of Israel with a War Crime. However, it would seem that skill and intelligence is not required of an imperial lackey. Nor it seems is any ability to see where the future lies, a requisite skill by the Washington DC imperium of its compradors. Further, if those compradors do reflect the attitudes for the majority of their domestic populations, those populations are equally guilty of a War Crime.

So, to repeat Ed's final sentence "The world must censure the US and its tools!"

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dear karl, could you please explicate your views on some GCC recent actions which seemingly support the zionist regime rather than members of the bri? i have faith russia, china & iran (as well as syria/lebanon/yemin/iraq) have long considered the current events as inevitable & given the trajectory what is the best counter move? blessings

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In my comment to Arthur, I suggested he read the linked article, which also notes the futility of Blinken's meeting with some GCC members. Also note what the UAE is doing in tandem with Russia at the UNSC--it along with Russia called for today's "closed-door" session on Palestine. And then there's the supreme confidence exuded by Lavrov that it will be Palestine's neighbors who fashion the eventual negotiated agreement, not outside actors, which is something I've seen in the works since Iran's proposals at the 2020 UNGA. Further, Qatar and Bahrain are very unhappy with the current crisis and the Empire's declared inability to stop the Zionists, and those two host very important Imperial bases that will draw fire if the conflict escalates into a regional conflagration.

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thank you, dear karl, for bringing truth & reason to our world. blessings.

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thanks karl... i like your optimism, but not sure about that here.. i like the parallels with apartheid in south africa, but that was different.. most of the world, outside thatcher and some other world leaders, were supportive of south africa.. this is not the same here.. the same nato gang are still very supportive of israels stance, which is shocking, but a fact.. usa- uk and germany in particular, but also canada, aussieland and a number of others..

i read the autobiography of mandela... he was a galvanizing figure who helped move south africa forward and beyond apartheid.. unfortunately there is no one in palestine, and perhaps only nasrullah with some similar cache and he woundn't count as i see it... so while the parallels exit, it is not the same.. the bds movement doesn't generally get a lot of traction... the university campus's are not protesting what israel is doing, or if they are, they are being left out of future jobs and ostracized by these same institutions... bottom line - censorship is alive and well in the west and has never been this strong in my lifetime... i was born during the mccharty era, but didn't actually live it.. i hope something gives here and that a change is coming, but it is tough to see it clearly at this point...


how long?

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Your genuine concern is shared by billions, but we aren't informed of that fact and must search it out. Change is already happening, but for the moment it isn't the change we desire. Crooke knows the alteration is nowhere near close to becoming final. Escalation IMO is a certainly, but its specifics are unknown now. We see the chess pieces, but can't see how they'll be moved.

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My suspicion is Gaza is "not the hill the "resistance is willing to die on". The financial markets are not showing risk of major war.

I think the "resistance" will support Gaza, north Israel may have skirmishing, Golan too hard a nut this time, but it is not out to start the' battle for the multi-polar world'.

Unlikley anyone will plug Hormuz.

Done properly, the multi polar world will evolve without major conflict. More emphasis on neo colonialism and state sponsored JDAM terrorism!

In a way it is too early!

But Thomas Schelling may game it differently.

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The problem is the Multipolar World isn't driving the tank or flying the jets--Zionists are. Politically and economically, the Zionists are finished and will only have fellow criminals for friends. The only move that can provide some redemption for the Zionists is to win a major regional war; and the same is also true of the Outlaw US Empire. When now seems to be the only question.

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I do not think time is on the empire's side.

For example, Clinton likely would have pushed for war in Ukraine, why the years of Russian interference claim.

"Resistance" should avoid escalating.

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Yes, Nasrallah is being patient but also acting in places where acting is possible and fruitful. Tactically, every loss the Zionist's incur from Hamas harms them more (Occupied Palestine's "Citizen Soldiers" are integral to its economic performance and the time factor combined with physical losses is harm that will be difficult to overcome), and Hamas is keen to entice the Zionists into a Kill Zone of their design. As I've said, this is a siege on three sides, not just on Gaza.

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I think that one real difference between Israel and South Africa (apart from the fact that Israel isn't offering any Bantustans worthy of the name) is that in all the NATO countries, the US, Canada, UK, Germany and France at least, the issue is seen as an election winner.

And that is worth thinking about: "Re-elect us because we brought honour and prsoperity to the country by giving our full support to the genocide of a defenceless population."

To be honest the slogan doesn't have much appeal to me. But what do I know?

The high priced psephologists, PR men and Campaign managers behind Trudeau, Sunak, Scholtz and most of all everyone on the ballot, from north to south and Coast to Coast in the US obviously think it's a surefire winner. One thing wedo know is that its got Bernie Sanders and Hillary, Trump and Halley, Biden and McConnell, all on the same page.

Now all we need is for someone to close it.

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Except the likely outcome of the coming war won't be "honour and prosperity."

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