I wonder if any NATO countries would ever be willing to leave that useless and violent organization. I'm so sick of seeing our tax dollars going towards killing innocent people instead of addressing the actual needs of people and planet.

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IMO, NATO will soon begin to fall apart as the economic situation worsens and it becomes clear that Russia doesn't desire any further European lands once it finishes its SMO. Yes, that will take 5-10 years, but many smaller nations already see the negatives involved with membership. Unfortunately, Canada will be one of the last NATO members standing unless its citizenry forces the government's hand.

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Good news and bad news. I agree about Canada. This country is in lock step with the USA, especially under Trudeau.

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Five to ten years is generous. The US and its satellites have denuded themselves of productive capabilities and next resources and energy access as they get priced out of markets that can demand "real" payment. I'm hoping that the BRICS+ payment/settlement system can be implemented quickly (given both Russia and China have system already). The credentialed cretins that permeate the combined west don't have a plan B outside their reset fantasies, and most banks are effectively insolvent (just check 3rd quarter 2022 FDIC datasets).

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Did you listen to Crooke talk about the EU's dual Bond scams? A hard fall is coming that's somewhat similar to the late 1920s. The Outlaw US Empire strategy is for Europe to buy all the shit the Empire can make, but Europe won't have the foreign exchange to pay or afford to borrow to get dollars; thus, the economic/fiscal boost the Outlaw US Empire thought it would get by colonizing and deindustrializing Europe is going to backfire. Hudson has already talked about that as has Wolff.

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No I missed this, but the mindset of empire has its guideposts to dissolution and destruction. I doubt that they have the sense for a tactical reversal of policy like FDR's "new deal", they'll run headlong towards Orwell's rundown panopticon.

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well said, karl, neatly unpacked.

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Alastair will speak at <nightfalls.info>The Assange Epic this coming Saturday.

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Thanks for providing that info, John. I see it's happening this coming Saturday in Melbourne. Hopefully the many Aussie readers will take note and some will participate. I posted an FYI at MoA for the Aussies there.

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I already read it this morning (morning in Australia that is). Now I am awaiting Strategic Culture entry. Alastair Crooke is just really good!

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I'm new on the karlof1 substack since yesterday, still a non-paying subscriber thinking about becoming a a paying one.

The summary of the Alastair Crooke column is highly interesting, especially as I don't read Al-Mayadeen (I must confess I never heard of Al-Mayadeen).

However, the citation at beginning of the substack attributed to Hitler ("Don't Cry Because It's Over, Smile Because It Happened") is dubious, first because it sounds very un-Hitlerian, second because one minute's worth of research reveals that while this quote has been attributed over the years to various persons - including Dr. Seuss and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, but not including Hitler - it apparently dates back to a 19th century German poet with the name of Ludwig Jacobowski: See: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2016/07/25/smile/ A bit more care in attributions would be welcome.

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For those who read German, here is Jacobowski's poem in which this cite appears:

Ach, unsre leuchtenden Tage

Glänzen wie ewige Sterne,

Als Trost für künftige Klage

Glüh'n sie aus goldner Ferne.

Nicht weinen, weil sie vorüber!

Lächeln, weil sie gewesen!

Und werden die Tage auch trüber,

Unsere Sterne erlösen!

Apparently this poem was adapted by none less than Rabindranath Tagore.

Attributing a citation to Hitler that actually came from a 19th century poet who helped found the Association to Combat Antisemitism is rather rich.

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Your critique is well taken. I looked long and hard for some image that was somewhat close to the content, and although disappointed with the choice made, I posted it anyway so I could finish my work and retire for the night.

I suggest you look over the archive that's been compiled since last July when I moved my writing from VK to substack, although I still keep my VK site active. Doing so will give you an idea of the content that gets sent to subscribers and its frequency. Reader comments have always been rather thin and are mostly populated by my fellows from the Moon of Alabama blog where I've been writing for well over a decade.

Thanks again for your comment and interest.

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All clear. I've looked at the archive and must say that you're really productive and produce very worthwhile content! Which should fill important gaps in what I'm reading elsewhere. I look forward to continuing as a subscriber.

BTW: doing some quick research regarding the citation and learning about the poet Jacobowski (whom I wasn't familiar with) was fun and worthwhile.

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Chickens coming home to roost. Took long enough.

Looks like the SHTF will more deliveries to the fan. I don't think the NATO populace is ready for sending their sons and daughters as a polyglot army under an uncertain military command structure. 'They will not be combatants' might ring a touch hollow.

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I was surprised that Galloway got back in to Parliament. I wasn't aware he was running again.

I just watched a short clip of him refuting the notion that "Israel has a right to exist". His impromptu Sky News interview apparently has gone viral, giving him ample opportunity to demonstrate that debating George Galloway is a bad idea. Someone else referred to him as the "best debater in the world". which I can well believe, having seen his debates with Christopher Hitchens over the Iraq war and his appearance before the US Senate.

I've often said that as an anarchist the only party I'd consider voting for would be Putin for President and Galloway for Vice-President. Either that or General Zod - and yes, he is running for President yet again in 2024:


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You are not an anarchist, you are a convicted criminal, a two time convict and a cowardly compliant sheep. Now run along and get your 8th "booster".

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Count your Rs. You are too immature for the pirate party and still have too many legs to stand on.

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See the comment below by grr.

I am unsubscribing.

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Be of good cheer, comrade! I remind you of this already famous Galloway quote - “Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are two cheeks of the same backside, and they both got well and truly spanked here tonight in Rochdale!”

I would submit that our resident troglodyte troll is ‘that wot issues forth’ between those “two cheeks”.

“Cleanup in aisle seven with a mop, please!”

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