What Mackinder called the Rimland, part of which is depicted in the map above, has through various means become part of the Heartland which the West seeks to control because of its wealth of resources, while the people’s residing there want to remain independent and sovereign.
"Iran and its allies take a different view: They regard a state’s power to rest on intangibles, rather than literal tangibles: strategic patience; ideology; discipline; innovation and the concept of military leadership defined as the ability to cast a ‘magic’ spell over men so that they would follow their commander, even unto death."
There is, in my opinion, no chance the 'Collective Waste' can compete with this level of commitment. The concepts of 'anomie' and 'alienation' dominate in that wasteland, or should I say 'this wasteland'. Increasingly it is becoming obvious that even the notion of 'Collective' within their conception of some sort of international identity is a misnomer as 'things fall apart' and their effete narcissism facilitates a collapse of their centre.
The lead up to this Spring Equinox has provided some very powerful messages. Alaister Crooke and the Judge are a valuable start to the week. The interview with Matt Ho was revealing...
"Iran and its allies take a different view: They regard a state’s power to rest on intangibles, rather than literal tangibles: strategic patience; ideology; discipline; innovation and the concept of military leadership defined as the ability to cast a ‘magic’ spell over men so that they would follow their commander, even unto death."
There is, in my opinion, no chance the 'Collective Waste' can compete with this level of commitment. The concepts of 'anomie' and 'alienation' dominate in that wasteland, or should I say 'this wasteland'. Increasingly it is becoming obvious that even the notion of 'Collective' within their conception of some sort of international identity is a misnomer as 'things fall apart' and their effete narcissism facilitates a collapse of their centre.
The lead up to this Spring Equinox has provided some very powerful messages. Alaister Crooke and the Judge are a valuable start to the week. The interview with Matt Ho was revealing...