I think that Crooke's comment is outdated. The immediate reaction to the horrific depiction of Oct 7th in the propaganda fed to Israelis had an impact which is now wwearing off. Just as it is in the "West".
There are three essential strands to the Israel project.
1/ The Zionists who see antisemitism as endemic everywhere and flight, rather…
I think that Crooke's comment is outdated. The immediate reaction to the horrific depiction of Oct 7th in the propaganda fed to Israelis had an impact which is now wwearing off. Just as it is in the "West".
There are three essential strands to the Israel project.
1/ The Zionists who see antisemitism as endemic everywhere and flight, rather than integration, as the only option. This depends upon the maintenance of a narrative which is, frankly, no longer credible. Far from being a persecuted minority in most of Europe and America Jewish heritage is no bar to social progress. In societies with much more recent immigration Jews tend to e a settled part of the establishment and far from being poor and powerless.
This source of support for Israel is likely to be drying up.
2/ From the first there has been a left wing to Zionism which held that migration held the promise of building new communities from the ground up- egalitarian, socially, economically and sexually- which would form the building blocks of a community in which all races and religions could find refuge.
The last of these people are either angry opponents of the government or highly disillusioned and prey to racism and other symptoms of fear and despair.
3/ From the first there has been a small but very powerful minority of what are essentially greedy criminals- political demagogues and con men (am I repearing myself?) who have always designed the ethnic cleansing and genocide that propels it now reaching its apogee in the West Bank as well as Gaza. These are the people who surpevised the long land assembly process which makes the theft of the Mohawk valley look like a fair real estate deal.
Beginning in the late C19th when Jews owned approximately 2% of the land by one means or another, almost none of them even superficially fair, and relkying heavily on 'charitable' assistance from outside almost all of the land is now in either public or private Israeli hands.
Hand in glove with these criminals have been the 'revisionist' zionists, which is to say the fascists who were not ashamed to flaunt their criminal tendencies of whom Netanyahu is a prime example- a fascist son of a fascist.
For a long time Israel depended on the goodwill of a public opinion that was hypnotised by the Holocaust in which they were taught they had vague reasons to believe they were among the authors, it was believed that the world owed Jews a safe refuge and that Israel would treat the indigenous Palestinians with justice and brotherly love.
The inclination, encouraged by propaganda, was to believe that Israel was continually under attack by "Arab terrorists" cartoon cut out wahhabis straight from CIAentral Casting.
All those myths are dead now: the pessimists believe that Israel is pursuing this horrible genocide for the fun of it. Optimists believe that it has its eyes on the land, the offshore oil and the Mediterranean real estate.
The current imagery indicts all those within Occupied Palestine; if Netanyahu's a War Criminal, then the entire polity is. It's impossible to predict what the world will do if Netanyahu orders the killing to resume. I know what I'd like to see. The Five Musts have already been put on the table and the UNGA has spoken on one aspect that shows its mindset. Almost all the vassals abstained. The Zionists have never been so alone.
I prefer to view this various factions as a "perfect storm" - much like in 2001 when the neocons, the Israelis, the oil companies, the MIC and the banks that finance them all came together to start the Iraq war (and more generally, the "War on Terror".)
In the current situation, the Zionist fanatics, the Zionist con-men (as you put it), the Jewish "faithful", the scared ordinary Israelis, and of course the US neocons, the US MIC, the banks that finance them, and the US Christian-Zionists, have all come together to support Genocide as well as enabling the seizure of Palestinian (and Lebanese) gas and oil, not to mention the gas and oil in Syria, Iran and everywhere else in sight of Israel, as well as the military destruction of much of the Middle East for the benefit of the US and Israel.
So both Crooke and you are correct. There is no need to make significant distinctions. All these people are the enemy and should be dealt with by military means of the Resistance.
As a side-note, my Internet has been down since last Thursday and was only repaired tuesday, November has been a very bad month, as I may mention in a new Substack post shortly.
I guess that puts me in your “optimist” camp. “Kick their ass and take their gas” graffiti was spray painted on walls in my Brooklyn neighborhood (Williamsburg) within weeks of the 9-11 debacle. It’s not hard to imagine that there is a significant faction amongst the MOTU in the Big Oil patch that supports the Zionist agenda. The mineral rights to those off (and on) shore deposits belong to Gaza and the Palestinians living there unless they can be completely evicted. Only then can Israel lay sovereign claim to the territory. Egypt is right to refuse the idea of refugee camps that would hasten this turn of events. The beleaguered Gazans are truly between a rock and a very hard place. I pray that the growing Global outrage will empower cooler heads to prevail.
IMO, China has stepped in for Russia because of the problem has with so many of its nationals living in Occupied Palestine, and China is perturbed. IMO, it's had quite enough of the Outlaw US Empire's games and is jumping on this unique opportunity to slam dunk on the Empire's head as the Empire shoots its credibility in the mouth with a shotgun by very visibly supporting a very overt Genocide that finally kills the Establishment Narrative about Chinese human rights abuses. Another issue fueling China's ire is the lack of a Palestinian solution is very bad for business and regional development. And if China can bring a halt to the conflict, it will shine in the eyes of billions, and might embolden the captured national leaders to free themselves from US occupation and attain genuine sovereignty. And that needs to be done to accelerate development globally.
I think that Crooke's comment is outdated. The immediate reaction to the horrific depiction of Oct 7th in the propaganda fed to Israelis had an impact which is now wwearing off. Just as it is in the "West".
There are three essential strands to the Israel project.
1/ The Zionists who see antisemitism as endemic everywhere and flight, rather than integration, as the only option. This depends upon the maintenance of a narrative which is, frankly, no longer credible. Far from being a persecuted minority in most of Europe and America Jewish heritage is no bar to social progress. In societies with much more recent immigration Jews tend to e a settled part of the establishment and far from being poor and powerless.
This source of support for Israel is likely to be drying up.
2/ From the first there has been a left wing to Zionism which held that migration held the promise of building new communities from the ground up- egalitarian, socially, economically and sexually- which would form the building blocks of a community in which all races and religions could find refuge.
The last of these people are either angry opponents of the government or highly disillusioned and prey to racism and other symptoms of fear and despair.
3/ From the first there has been a small but very powerful minority of what are essentially greedy criminals- political demagogues and con men (am I repearing myself?) who have always designed the ethnic cleansing and genocide that propels it now reaching its apogee in the West Bank as well as Gaza. These are the people who surpevised the long land assembly process which makes the theft of the Mohawk valley look like a fair real estate deal.
Beginning in the late C19th when Jews owned approximately 2% of the land by one means or another, almost none of them even superficially fair, and relkying heavily on 'charitable' assistance from outside almost all of the land is now in either public or private Israeli hands.
Hand in glove with these criminals have been the 'revisionist' zionists, which is to say the fascists who were not ashamed to flaunt their criminal tendencies of whom Netanyahu is a prime example- a fascist son of a fascist.
For a long time Israel depended on the goodwill of a public opinion that was hypnotised by the Holocaust in which they were taught they had vague reasons to believe they were among the authors, it was believed that the world owed Jews a safe refuge and that Israel would treat the indigenous Palestinians with justice and brotherly love.
The inclination, encouraged by propaganda, was to believe that Israel was continually under attack by "Arab terrorists" cartoon cut out wahhabis straight from CIAentral Casting.
All those myths are dead now: the pessimists believe that Israel is pursuing this horrible genocide for the fun of it. Optimists believe that it has its eyes on the land, the offshore oil and the Mediterranean real estate.
The current imagery indicts all those within Occupied Palestine; if Netanyahu's a War Criminal, then the entire polity is. It's impossible to predict what the world will do if Netanyahu orders the killing to resume. I know what I'd like to see. The Five Musts have already been put on the table and the UNGA has spoken on one aspect that shows its mindset. Almost all the vassals abstained. The Zionists have never been so alone.
I prefer to view this various factions as a "perfect storm" - much like in 2001 when the neocons, the Israelis, the oil companies, the MIC and the banks that finance them all came together to start the Iraq war (and more generally, the "War on Terror".)
In the current situation, the Zionist fanatics, the Zionist con-men (as you put it), the Jewish "faithful", the scared ordinary Israelis, and of course the US neocons, the US MIC, the banks that finance them, and the US Christian-Zionists, have all come together to support Genocide as well as enabling the seizure of Palestinian (and Lebanese) gas and oil, not to mention the gas and oil in Syria, Iran and everywhere else in sight of Israel, as well as the military destruction of much of the Middle East for the benefit of the US and Israel.
So both Crooke and you are correct. There is no need to make significant distinctions. All these people are the enemy and should be dealt with by military means of the Resistance.
As a side-note, my Internet has been down since last Thursday and was only repaired tuesday, November has been a very bad month, as I may mention in a new Substack post shortly.
I guess that puts me in your “optimist” camp. “Kick their ass and take their gas” graffiti was spray painted on walls in my Brooklyn neighborhood (Williamsburg) within weeks of the 9-11 debacle. It’s not hard to imagine that there is a significant faction amongst the MOTU in the Big Oil patch that supports the Zionist agenda. The mineral rights to those off (and on) shore deposits belong to Gaza and the Palestinians living there unless they can be completely evicted. Only then can Israel lay sovereign claim to the territory. Egypt is right to refuse the idea of refugee camps that would hasten this turn of events. The beleaguered Gazans are truly between a rock and a very hard place. I pray that the growing Global outrage will empower cooler heads to prevail.
IMO, China has stepped in for Russia because of the problem has with so many of its nationals living in Occupied Palestine, and China is perturbed. IMO, it's had quite enough of the Outlaw US Empire's games and is jumping on this unique opportunity to slam dunk on the Empire's head as the Empire shoots its credibility in the mouth with a shotgun by very visibly supporting a very overt Genocide that finally kills the Establishment Narrative about Chinese human rights abuses. Another issue fueling China's ire is the lack of a Palestinian solution is very bad for business and regional development. And if China can bring a halt to the conflict, it will shine in the eyes of billions, and might embolden the captured national leaders to free themselves from US occupation and attain genuine sovereignty. And that needs to be done to accelerate development globally.
“Slam dunk on the Empire’s head”! Brilliant. You go,daddy!