Like many, I'm voting for Jill Stein because I'm a "values voter" and she come closest. What's most interesting, however, is the fear Trump strikes in the hearts of Euro-vassals. Unfortunately, Trump made one very major promise and utterly failed to deliver on it, actually it was worse as he completely capitulated to the Swamp by visitin…
Like many, I'm voting for Jill Stein because I'm a "values voter" and she come closest. What's most interesting, however, is the fear Trump strikes in the hearts of Euro-vassals. Unfortunately, Trump made one very major promise and utterly failed to deliver on it, actually it was worse as he completely capitulated to the Swamp by visiting its HQ as soon as he was inaugurated to assuage them of any issues they might harbor. And then he turned its servant. So, essentially, Trump is no worse or better than Biden, especially when you consider the team he hired. The reason Russia has no illusions regarding who become POTUS is policy continuity remains steady, unchanging. And there's only two ways that will change: The US citizenry overthrows the bastards or a nuclear war wipes them and most of us out.
Like many, I'm voting for Jill Stein because I'm a "values voter" and she come closest. What's most interesting, however, is the fear Trump strikes in the hearts of Euro-vassals. Unfortunately, Trump made one very major promise and utterly failed to deliver on it, actually it was worse as he completely capitulated to the Swamp by visiting its HQ as soon as he was inaugurated to assuage them of any issues they might harbor. And then he turned its servant. So, essentially, Trump is no worse or better than Biden, especially when you consider the team he hired. The reason Russia has no illusions regarding who become POTUS is policy continuity remains steady, unchanging. And there's only two ways that will change: The US citizenry overthrows the bastards or a nuclear war wipes them and most of us out.