Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Most people I know here in Spain are fed up with Washington, London and Brussels (to put it briefly).

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I have a few barfly friends living in Spain, Paco being the most active, who are in the same league.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

It occurred to me reading this article that one of the most unfortunate, and manipulated, outcomes of WWII was the concerted never-ending crusade against nationalism, equating it with Nazism, equating it with gassing Jews in large shower rooms. Only those in favour of genocidal mass murder can possibly support any sort of nationalism, which is partly why Europeans across the board so enthusiastically supported putting a EU Central Government above their own sovereign governments in place, feeling virtuous and enlightened in so doing.


Maybe as foolish as the Americans a century or two earlier founding their own centralizing 'Union' now an incorporated, post-constitutional entity unaccountable to all except their own internal thugs, whom the sleepy masses think of as 'National Security' or 'Intelligence' and who serve an even higher, well occluded class.

Excessive nationalism of a fanatic or deluded sort is dangerous, but that is true of all politico-social gestalts; extremism of any stripe is unbalanced, unbalancing and therefore dangerous, to be avoided. But reasonable nationalism is the sine qua non of having some sort of healthy, happy polity comprising a people pleased and proud to be so. Americans should be good people and proud to be so and be Americans and so for every other nation in the world.

Hopefully this tentative move back towards healthy nationalism in an attempt to get one's political class to benefit the interests and well-being of the people will have legs and will not be crushed by the wailing intelligentsia desperately pulling people towards totalitarian sheeplehood.

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Russia's in the vanguard of such "healthy nationalism" citing its diversity as its source of strength. Russia went through a very long and tragic learning process to get to the point it's now at. China too. Putin held talks today with the President of the Republic of Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso whose views on nationalism would be interesting to hear. E pluribus unum is possible as long as divide and rule doesn't destroy its potential as is the case with the Outlaw US Empire.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

First of all, you can access Christopher Caldwell's article on the New York Times here: https://web.archive.org/web/20240627095225/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/23/opinion/european-union-elections-nationalism.html

Secondly, a couple of comments regarding upcoming European elections:

- regarding French elections, I am surprised that Alastair Crooke is not aware that very recently Bardella (leader of the National Rally party) said that he is NOT "opposed to support for Ukraine" - see my latest article: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/the-sheer-hypocrisy-of-the-west

- regarding UK elections, recent polls shows that Labour is still leading the race, despite a dip in the last month or so; however, nothing will change, at least in foreign policy, with Starmer at the helm. The other parties have no chance of winning the elections: https://yougov.co.uk/elections/uk/2024

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Thanks. I tried to go the archive route but was foiled. I clearly need more practice. So, Bardella is just another stooge. I seem to recall Crooke expanding on the situation in his chat with Judge Napolitano. Most of Europe needs to create a new set of political parties as most in existence are compromised.

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Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

An additional technique is to click on the "reader view" (on the address bar of Firefox) which will often present the otherwise blocked text. It did in this case.

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Use a Chrome extension (with Brave Browser) called 'Archive Page' and if they don't already have on in the database they make one for you which takes 1-3 minutes. I cannot remember the last time it didn't work.

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Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Re the archive: I tried the first snapshot, but it was paywalled... then I tried the last one and I was lucky! :) The problem is when the free snapshot is in the middle. He, he!

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Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

In today's debate Bardella said that He said his position is support for Ukraine and avoiding an escalation with Russia.

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Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Exactly my point and what I reported in my article a few days ago: Bardella supports Ukraine.

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Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

My wording was a bit convoluted, as I used a citation from Alastair Crooke's article, and it may cause some confusion if not read carefully.

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Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

how could he not? he is like most young people - brainwashed by what the msm presents to them... i don't know if le pen is as naive... thanks for pointing this out..

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Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Here is a link to the Chris Cauldwell NYT article. Should be good for at least one view, Karl, so be the first to try….


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from which: "Europe was to be, like America, a promise, a dream, a multiethnic experiment based on rights and principles, not blood and soil."

Yeah, right! Tell that to the North American Natives!

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I am delighted beyond words to see an essay about the OUTLAW U.S. EMPIRE. Very hopeful is that Mr. Trump GETS IT when he says something that was probably never published in the mainstream media: https://x.com/glenn_diesen/status/1804163315393819058?s=46&t=ENUaA4b8I-9RHUup3Np2hw

Today's debate will probably tell the tale of what will happen…

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Thanks for the Diesen X video. Unfortunately for Trump, he allowed the Nazis to fester and attack Donbass throughout his term--he did nothing to stop the issue or force his EU puppets to implement the UNSCR/Minsk Agreements. He also argued for Europe to reduce Russian gas dependency, along with a host of other wrongs from the standpoint of reducing the Outlaw US Empire's law breaking.

As for the "debate," neither's been nominated, so it has no legitimacy.

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Yes. He doesn't seem to be particularly educated about issues in depth even though his instincts are quite good. He ordered a warehouse full of Hydroxychloroquine, for example, but Fauci had the stronger influence in the media.

And Trump has stated that he would end the war in Ukraine in one day if elected. That remains to be seen of course!

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Yeah, he also said he'd drain the swamp but visited CIA HQ as soon as he was inaugurated. Since I'm a "Values Voter," I'm behind Jill Stein. Unfortunately for whoever becomes POTUS, the USA's internal problems are structural thanks to our outmoded constitution and the form of government it created.

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Jeffrey Sachs is voting for Jill Stein too. I would too except that I'm Canadian! 🙂

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Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

Latest French poll:

Far-right National Rally at 36%, New Popular Front at 29%: poll

A new poll by IFOP, published this afternoon, puts the far-right National Rally at 36% for Sunday’s first round of the election in France. It is followed by the left-wing New Popular Front at 29%.

Emmanuel Macron’s allies are at 21%, according to the poll.

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Who makes it to the second round will be very interesting. BUT, will the outcome lead to genuine policy change?

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Jun 27Liked by Karl Sanchez

it serves the present uk and euro gov'ts in power right! they deserve what they get even if it takes a few election cycles... thanks karl..

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And talk of mandatory conscription has to be getting under the skin of young people. https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-why-many-nato-countries-are-thinking-of-introducing-conscription-and-the-issues-that-involves-227080

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One would hope that's the case. I'm reminded of the Moody Blues "Question?" that remains as valid today as it was 50+ years ago.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Karl Sanchez

Currently I am listening to a lot of music from the 60's and 70's - mainly mid 60's to mid to late 70's and have noted their relevance with regard to today's social, economic, political and psychological issues. Two that immediately come to mind are 'US Blues' by the Dead and the other - particularly relevant to Michael Hudson's FIRE economy - is 'The Low Spark of High Heel Boys' by Traffic (and no it has nothing to do with LGBQ+-/*)

US Blues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE-jfVaKFTk

"... Shine your shoes, light your fuse. Can you use them ol' U.S. Blues?

I'll drink your health, share your wealth, run your life, steal your wife.

Wave that flag, wave it wide and high."

Low Spark ...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEZH0t5Yozw

"... The percentage you're paying is too high priced

While you're living beyond all your means

And the man in the suit has just bought a new car

From the profit he's made on your dreams"

Question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdyqhMzzWkw

"Why do we never get an answer when we're knocking at the door

With a thousand million questions about hate and death and war?

'Cause when we stop and look around us, there is nothing that we need

In a world of persecution that is burning in its greed

Why do we never get an answer when we're knocking at the door?

Because the truth, it's hard to swallow, that's what the war of love is for..."

As a teenager none of this really penetrated to the extent that hearing those words now does. However it may suggest a certain degree of longevity of the integral issues that confront us today. They may be unique in terms of their intensity and ubiquity but they have not just happened. I suppose the existence of the USSR in particular meant that the capitalist 'Establishment' had to tread lightly in order to persuade us to support what we now see as an extremely predatory economic system/philosophy. Of course all that changed after the events of 1989-91 and the gloves came off.

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Not much to add. I've moved from Jazz almost all the time to a diet like that above. There's a power within all that remaining to be tapped.

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