Jul 1Liked by Karl Sanchez

fascinating! thanks for all your work here karl..

"inverting the NATO military paradigm to yield an ‘Alt’ Eurasian security system.."

yes - what a great idea... start something else, as nato doesn't work - it's worse then broken... that is called foresightand frankly it's brilliant... if the world is to wait for nato to correct itself - it will be waiting for forever... it won't happen... this on the other hand can happen and be shown to be inclusive of many more countries, as opposed to being run out of washington... of course that is exactly what nato is - run out of washington, with all their vassals in tow..

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Jul 1Liked by Karl Sanchez

I have something to say to all the Western leaders. How could all of you be and act so stupidly at the same time? Now look at the mess you put yourselves in dragging the rest of us into your economic and social death spiral. You're all a bunch of low life narcissistic idiots incapable of managing a grocery store let alone national economies. Hell hath special reservations for you. Up yours too, fools. Now, I feel better. lol

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If it's unbearable, there are alternatives. They haven't built a wall to enclose us--yet.

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

I got it good here, Karl. I'll stay and join the resistance when the day comes. But as a Westerner, I try to separate myself from these embarrassing ruffian imbeciles who only know how to lie, cheat, steal, and deceive its citizens with their woke self-destructive policies and conduct. They fail at everything. Nice work, Karl.

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Flinging insults may make you feel better, but will not make you think better -

It's not feelings that can change the behaviours of the society you live in but thinking

Only rational analysis of the reasons why your leader class behave in the ways they do, then what may be done, can lead to actions to alter this

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

There is no changing the doom loop that the West is in. But, like I said, I got it good and my bases are covered. Most people have no clue what's coming down the pipeline and they are like captured zombies too late to save or enlighten. Now it's a matter of survival of the fittest and smartest and keeping two steps ahead of the impending collapse.

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Community cooperatives within large cities where the populace mostly live in apartments that make such endeavors difficult that engage in the pressure canning of foods is one way to educate and stay ahead of the curve. I suggest the canning of stews and various vegetable blends. For example, I can get a 50# sack of #2 Russets for $8.90 but will need to can at least half or they'll spoil as I can only eat so many potatoes. If I add some more veggies and a few chickens, for $25 I can make close to 50 quarts of chicken stew: economical and nutritious, plus when done properly it will last for years.

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Worry I have with canning is that modern tins have plasticised lining (in spite of some 40 yrs of awareness and publicity and campaigning about this). The periodic reassurances by regulators and manufacturers about changing to low-oestrogenoid plastics and all the rest of it (like the talk about changing to safe soft-plastics, BPA-free, etc.) are smokescreens behind which the plastics industries continue to do what is cheap, convenient, toxic and profitable.

(Thanks for your sage commentary on Crooke's pieces, btw.)

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I use jars, which I can reuse over and over. Just need to replace the lids when they become compromised. Thanks, actually, I'm very delighted to have Crooke's essays to comment upon.

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

I've been prepping since just after the 9/11 inside job when I figured out the nefarious game plan against us. I have a two-year food supply and live far outside any city comfortably in a small town surrounded by lakes, lumber and game if needed. I own hard assets and money outside the banking system debt-free. Thanks for your time and input and best wishes, sir.

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Great report. Thanks again!

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Quoting Denis above; "I have something to say to all the Western leaders. How could all of you be and act so stupidly at the same time?"

Imho Denis, blackmail, by the unscrupulous against wanna be unscrupulous. And I believe, as rock star Pat Benatar so eloquently sang in her shrieking soprano voice, "Hell is for Children".

However, I'd too like to say thanks to Karl for all he does too, utterly boggles my mind, weekly.

My pipe dream deals with Russia's escalation, which I hope that the BRICS find a solution to the genocide occurring in Gaza, to show the rest of the world they DO have a vision for a more peaceful planet. How, i've no idea? But my pipe dreaming surmises a powerful EMP, set off above occupied Palestine and the eastern med, crippling the slaughter in Gaza and beyond likely causing havoc for america's military backup capabilities? For such a plan to prevent further escalation, though, perhaps one of Israel's own nuclear missile(s), could be remotely fired, but shot from the sky by any one of their foes, who seem to have that capability, if both time and precise coordinates are previously known?

Yeah, i know, big dreams, but you oughta see my nightmares!

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Pat Benatar. "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" and many other hits remind me of my youth. Good carefree times. I knew a guy from BC who said he made personal visits to her house in a van crossing the border loaded with BC goodies. The parties were great. It's all hearsay, of course. lol

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

More specifics on what Alastair said to Napolitano on the sanctions issue: "The logic of what we're talking about, an alternative NATO stretching right across to North Korea and Vietnam and probably others too, is if you're going to be sanctioned, well you have the strength with more than half the population and a greater proportion of GDP than the G7, why don't you sanction the West, particularly in raw materials and key strategic materials and energy that the West can't survive, can't produce, can't mount a military response to China. If those elements were switched off it would change the strategic balance of the entire globe. I'm not saying that's on the agenda, just that by the very logic of things, de-dollarization in the trading system is very much on the agenda. Part of this process is to get control of commodities. For too long commodity prices have been set in the US and Europe by paper commodities that are managed and manipulated by the hedge funds and big banks in America for financial gain, not just for political gain."

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Glen Diesen wrote an excellent book almost 10 years ago that discussed Russia's geoeconomic strength versus that of Europe and beyond to which we must add the manufacturing prowess of China, Russia and ASEAN. Africa wants to join that group but must transition to being more than just raw material providers to value added manufacturers. Their use of what was once exported will work as a natural form of embargo that will reduce the available supply and raise price. And once commodities are no longer exclusively priced in dollars, pounds or euros, it will be interesting to see what happens to those currencies's purchasing power. For example, it's projected the dollar will lose 30-50% over a rather short period as the market readjusts to the reality of it being burdened by so much debt. And who will buy that debt at the current rate of return? The Junk Economics the Outlaw US Empire's been living on for the last 45+ years is going to crash head-on into reality, and it's not going to be pretty.

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

While the Western military industry appears increasingly incapable of facing the conflicts it provokes, something similar is happening with its propaganda media. The famous fable of the naked king reaches its apotheosis here: the king is not only naked but he is afflicted with all kinds of diseases. A castaway with water up to his neck worried about polishing his shoes.

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Talking about terrorirst attacks, have you heard/read about the increase of alert level of US bases in Europe at second-highest level (Charlie)? Could they be about to stage a CIA "false flag" operation, to extend the war with Russia from Ukraine to the whole Europe?

I talk about it in my latest article, where I also discuss the removal of Hezbollah from the list of terrorist organizations by the Arab League: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/us-command-in-europe-raises-alert

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Good for the Arab League. Putting Project Gladio assets to work in Europe is always a possibility.

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Well let's hope that Karaganov's thinking succeeds in heading off full-blown World War III - although it will continue in various forms for quite a while yet.

More news on dirty-bomb from Ukraine as false flag again emerging ....

Due to its importance to RF, Syria remains strategic and as Hezbollah has assisted Syria spose a few little presents from RF would not go astray for their efforts to counter the 'savagery' of the Zionist regime.

Crooke's Monday is now on the calendar - as is this site.

Minor point: Was Mercator a Russian?

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Gerardus Mercator was Flemish and was a member of the Holy Roman Empire when he died in 1594. Here's a short bio, https://msflindia.medium.com/an-atlas-for-the-world-the-story-of-mercator-and-modern-maps-b6431c87581a

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

My apologies Karl. I was being somewhat tongue in cheek .... RF looks impressive in Mercator Projection - throw back to my Geography schooldays!

That said, thanks for the link.

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Actually, bringing up the Mercator Projection is a very good point since so many don't know why it distorts Russia's size and take the Projection as accurate, thus feeding the thirst for possessing it.

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

Might even be why Trump tried to buy Greenland from Denmark ... all that 'real estate' ...

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

We are living in interesting times, two very nasty wars running and the world potentially splitting into zones. Of course none of this will occur overnight, I guess most of us who see the wrongs of our own side just hope that something better indeed does form. I suspect unpleasant times ahead for US vassals both via woke autocracy and economic declines.

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Jul 3Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you Karl, I love reading your work and the comments all excellent and a great pleasure thanks!

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Thanks Natasha! Today it's the SCO in Astana. Oh, the revolt's spreading in the EU as Pepe Escobar reports at his VK:

"Yes, it’s true. Marine Le Pen is negotiating a merger with Orban’s new Patriots of Europe party in the European Parliament, which congregates Austria-Hungary-Czech Republic.

"This means that Marine’s party will have to abandon its membership in the ID (Identity and Democracy) front, which includes Geert Wilders' Dutch PVV.

"Matteo Salvini’s Lega in Italy may also join.

"Then we will have a France-Italy-Austria-Hungary-Czech front.

"Woke EU crumblin’ from within."

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

What did you make of Alastair's talk of this new financial/security architecture using sanctions against the West in terms of their access to "raw materials and key strategic materials and energy." He doesn't say this is a stated part of the plan, only that it logically follows. If it happens I think it would escalate the tensions between the West and this bloc to a fever pitch; OTOH it may be necessary to lay their cards on the table and say "this is what you could be up against so choose your course wisely" - not that I expect the West to respond with anything remotely resembling wisdom, they're much too rabid at this point.

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Good question that I anticipated being raised in comments! Russian sanctions are aimed at individuals since Team Putin feel they are the only legally permissible type as all others are various forms of interference in a nation's internal affairs, and thus can only be levied by the UNSC. Further, such illegal sanctions grossly interfere with markets and thus distort their ability to work properly, which is dysfunctional for global trade. Lastly, Russia feels/sees that illegal sanctions are more detrimental to the sanctioner than the target; so, let the West cutoff its trade with Russia on whom it was and remains dependent geoeconomically as such actions only serve to harm the West. Furthermore, there's Russia's outstanding reputation for honesty in its business dealings and upholding that Honor; so, it's extremely unlikely Russia will do anything to damage such a major soft power asset for fleeting, temporary gains.

Sure we can do that, but why?! is Russia's POV, IMO. What I see is increasing interest in doing business with Russia at all the various economic forums, and not just those in Russia. Today's main article will focus on one point in that overall mix.

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Jul 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

All great points and they fit with statements Putin et al. have actually made so thanks for that reminder. It's also reassuring to see political leaders who rely on considered, principled logic instead of engaging in reactionary tit-for-tat. Because the whole idea of a BRICS is not to force anyone to irrevocably choose sides as this may be to the detriment of their own interests.

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Karaganov’s “induce fear” is just another version of terrorism, which has proven ultimately useless as a means of changing beliefs, thinking, and behaviour, or making things better.

A strategy for dealing with NATO, the dollar, economic sanctions and other weapons of coercive control is to disengage, bypass and do your own thing together. This is an alternative to fighting it, an addictive belligerence at odds with the very nature of mutualism.

An issue that international mutualism will have to address is toxic sovereignty in its participants.

A sovereignty is toxic when its orthodoxy [correct beliefs] of governance contains injunctions to create or maintain inequalities of harm. Its few rulers systematically visit deliberate harm on its many subjects. It doesn’t matter whether the few are religious, military, mercantile, hidden, ethnic, propagandisers, or surveillors. There is always the temptation or compulsion for a toxic sovereignty to inflict harms on nations whose beliefs or behaviour it deems unacceptable, thereby violating the working principles of mutualism it has notionally agreed to.

Mutualist participants have agreed not to intervene in fellow nations exhibiting egregious national self-harms. How far can such tolerance go?

The AngloAmerican hegemony has for the past three quarters of a century waged war on, and by various means destroyed, mutualist governance wherever it has arisen, for example in Indonesia, Ghana, Chile, Venezuela, nearly a hundred times.

International mutualism may judge itself obligated to stop it happening again wherever the AngloAmerican imperium operates. How this is to be achieved is an issue its various institutional manifestations currently face, which is what these reports are addressing.

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I almost always disagree with Karaganov. Replace "fear" with "respect" and we might get somewhere positive. And IMO, that's the Eurasian Goal--overturning/inverting the Atlanticist "formula" will generate the needed respect as that type of power trumps nukes for all nukes can do is destroy. Today's entry will riff a bit on the theme that sanctions are useless I used with Russia's education system and where it's going.

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Reality and Hope..

All this is too litlle too late.

Its big difference in between "it will" and "it is", huge difference.

Hegemon does not understand, simply doesnt want to, he has with his private armies, based all arround the world.

All international institutions, starting with the UN are long time compromised, dead in essence.

The hegemon wants war.

It will get one no matter who and how wants to avoid it.

Read scottish rittery, Albert pike's letter.

Its all there.

Political figure heads on global south are too lame, (the socio-economic relations are very much interconnected) the greed and Corrupt ion has infected Everyone.

I dont see a solution in this way and this pace, i only see repetition and its not going to give a solution, only prolong the agony.

The reality is either you serve God or you serve interest of greens.

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There're alternatives as I wrote to another commentator, and one can do many things besides "serve." Obviously, I don't serve and promote a much different alternative.

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