Thank you Kalof1. I really appreciate your commitment to bring us the smorgasbord of the best cuts. The USA bully boy is utterly incompetent at home an abroad. Sure it can deliver blows as you so rightly describe in your closing paragraph, but the night of retaliation is upon them and all they can do is exhibit even greater follies. Do take a peek at the recent work at John Helmer at dances with bears. He too has been writing fine prose for us all. What fabulous times we live in, some promise for better is a good thing.

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The US likes to bully to get its way, failing that it will buy its way. Blinken is busy across the Pacific declaring China priority number one.

It will take time and some stubbing of toes, but the trend is clear. Thank you.

Wrapping up Ukraine will take a while and a lot of money, slowing Blinken down.

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Just had this thought: The Global Majority acting as vigilante mob to drive the global policeman off the planet.

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Getting the big bully to back off by the formerly fearful is a tough act. You never know when that evil dragon start spitting fire again.

Caution and trepidation if we assume human analogies to be appropriate. Nation states often don't work that way.

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Great minds think alike.....

I like seeing who disagrees with whatever narrative is being pushed.

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The bigger they are the harder they fall.

When school yard slogans fit the case, one expects the delusions will come to an end sooner than the bully expects it. The bully is the last to notice.

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Possibly off topic and aplogies for that, but this piece mirrors a lot of your own analysis.


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As you'll see, I just wrote about that essay.

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