Medvedev’s full essay title is “How the Anglo-Saxons Promoted Fascism in the XX Century and Reanimated it in the XXI: Five Questions on History to Our Former Allies.” Published just prior to Victory Day 2024, Medvedev is Deputy Chairman of The Security Council of the Russian Federation.
Disappeared? Likely not, just went somewhere else. To name a few, Nakba, war against Korea, Vietnam, Laos, coups on behalf of United Fruit & Co., fascism and massacres in Pinochet Chile and Suharto Indonesia ...
IMO, his hypothesis is correct, but he didn't go far enough. He omitted CIA/MI6 succoring OUN during the postwar years that kept Nazism alive, and there's lots of resources proving that fact. IMO, the BIG question is how close to being correct was Henry Wallace's 1944 warning about American Fascists. IMO, he was 100% correct.
Russians. It was published on the website of Russia's Security Council, so a secondary audience would be those in the West that keep tabs on that website. The only issue is it being in pdf making machine translation difficult.
it is a very powerful document and needs to be said! kudos karl for posting this... he articulates some of your thinking regarding the illegal empire too... a fascinating and necessary document... a few minor typos, but regardless - very necessary for others to read...
Dmitri Medvedev, Yes the Allies so-called 'Won' & have imposed our one-sided Victors' justice of Censorship Propaganda Indoctrination & execution of millions. Nuremberg was the few ALLIED Colonial Empire exploiting nations (Britain France, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia, Russia etc) having & still committing 100s of millions of genocidal death & destruction today, imposed on our subject colonized people, continuing at a consistent rate of one million killed per year in the past 80 years, Victor justice upon the 50 AXIS nations & many others.
There was never an impartial trial (I'm not justifying either side's atrocities). In order to honour the 33 million Russian & as many others killed from all parties, Many put the total at 100 million dead from all war-related & destroyed infrastructure causes.
I support Russia's just intervention to protect the 1/3 Russian speaking population of Ukraine from mass ongoing atrocities. However Joe Biden & sons, Victoria Nuland, Chrystia Freeland & Jeff-Bezos spent the past 30 years in many 10s of billions of US$ financing indoctrination, arms-training of a Post Soviet unemployed generation of youth in Ukraine. These CIA, Mi%, CSIS programs perverting Ukraine's role as one of 50 AXIS aligned nations, into hatred for all things Russian. However if you & Vladimir Putin in your own one-sided indoctrination, never submit your worldview to debate & violently impose your one sided anti-Nazi Victor law without understanding why 50 'Fascist' (Latin 'fasci' are the bundle of sticks, which together can't be broken) nations joined together?
NEVER-AGAIN?!!?** it is important for us to be severely honest & not suppress, censor & indeed execute the captured holders of any perspective, whom we have not fully 'debated' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight'). You propose repeatedly in your Critical Essay the silencing of many. Such an inability to engage in formal Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded Dialogue is INTELLECTUAL COWARDICE. We are all responsible to make our case dialectically with both sides equally presented so the whole world will make up their own minds.
You base your Critical-Essay on Russia's Soviet fake 'Communist' 70 year period, experience & perspective of having entered into a war strategically pushed by western oligarchs, where 33 million Russians were killed. While Russia fought the war, the western nations put all of their resources into the Manhattan Project developing & building the Atomic Bomb for our ongoing Colonial empire Oligarch world control. 85% of scientists & others working on the Manhattan Project were Jewish (some-of-my family in-3-branches), just as 85% of the Russian parliament for the decade following 1920 were Jewish. This hegemony is not a coincidence.
As you may be aware in 1917 Lev Davidovich Bronstein financed by Jacob Schiff, head of the New-York Stock Exchange & Germany's Warburg financed millions of 1917 dollars to impose violent false revolution for their command & control on Russians who had, at the time, the world's largest 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') movement (I am a communist because I'm committed to 'economic' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') 'community').
I spent the decade of the 1970s with Russian Doukhobor, German-Mennonite, English-Quaker & American Pacifist Communities in the West Kootenays of British Columbia. Unfortunately all these volunteer & state 'community' experiments failed, largely because of the faulty 'One-member/One-vote false 'co-operative' (L. 'co' = 'together' + operatives' = 'stakeholders') system of economic organization. I spent 2 decades organizing & implementing 'co-ops'. I helped organize, develop & operated the Natural Food Co-op networks of British Columbia & Quebec. As our systems were failing, many provincial organizers formed an Indigenous Economy Study Group to learn about all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') heritage as summarized in the 'Circle-of-Life' found in every indigenous nation on every continent.
This was the indigenous research which Lewis Henry Morgan shared as Ancient Society on the laws & practices of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy with Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels or Russia's Petr Kropotkin learned from decades among Russia's indigenous population, which he publishes as MUTUAL-AID, a factor of Evolution in 1915. Mutual-Aid.
As a result of these economic organizational failures, many people have died, including how many you might ascribe to Ukraine's Holodomor through forced ineffective collective 'farm' (French 'ferme' = 'contract-of-servitude imposed by the Aristocrat upon the peasant).
GERMANY as part of 50 AXIS NATIONS (Achsenmachte-German, Polenze dell’Asse-Italian, Sujikukoku-Japanese, Greater-East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere 1936-45) Powers & aligned collaborating governments & >50 nations as part of: Tripartite & Anti-Comintern, Pact-of-Steel Agreements & alliances with: Germany, Italy, Vichy France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Slovakia, Czechia, Soviet Union, Romania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Crimea, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, West Africa Dakar, Azad Hind India, Jammu, Kashmir, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Inner-Mongolia,
ECONOMIC ENGINE OF POPULAR EMPOWERMENT These 50+ AXIS aligned governments & aligned populations were supportive of the Multistakeholder 'Participatory' (L. 'part' = 'share') Corporation laws, constitutions & policies found within the 12 main AXIS powers which required all corporations over 30 employees to convene voting share ownership of all stakeholders (eg. Workers, Founders, Managers, Suppliers, Townspeople & Consumers) in various combinations. Participatory Accounting enabled these countries & collaborator populations to gain local control of their means of production & livelihood, not available in the Oligarch commanded & controlled Colonial Empire extractive & exploitive colonial Allied British, French, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia countries. DEPRESSION RECOVERY success of Germany under the National Socialists derived from issue of LABOUR SCRIPTS or certificates of Labour time & tasks. German, Austrian, Hungarian, Korean, Japanese etc. 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') economic background of Participatory Ownership, also involves corporate, institutional & government Time-based, equivalency accounting practices. Real 'Socialism' (L. 'socius' = 'friend') involves people who know each other operating in control of their local enterprises not the false 'communist' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') basically imposed on Russia through Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) & Vladimir Lenin. financed with millions of 1917 $ USD & armed by the New York Stock Exchange Leader Jacob Schiff (Jewish) & Schiff's colleague Germany's financier Warburg (Jewish). Both real socialism & communism are defined to be bottom-up people-powered through time-based equivalency accounting in Economic Democracy
From humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' point-of-view in the 'Kaianere'kowa' or 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution', what the AXIS missed out on was the importance of accounting, recording & valorizing collective 'Domestic-Economy' contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen (mostly women) in the Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) where 70% of people lived then & now. Indigenous tradition puts the Domestic economy as the core economy with Industry & Commerce (mostly men) as being subset economies. 70% of people today & all humanity's world-wide indigenous ancestors & 1st Nations live/d in the 50-150 person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) today within an average of 32 dwelling units = ~100 people. The Multihome is the 1st proximal FRACTAL ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') of collaborative 'economic' Livelihood.
20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome-extended-family contribute 2trillion$ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring/year, as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions.
This is an excellent journey into history; Michael Hudson in his SUPERIMPERIALISM shows the American side of the financial shennaigans that led to Hitler's Reich.
My only objection is the use of 'Anglo-Saxon' as term of art for this group of predators ("I hate the bloody English"). As a descendant of Scots, I know that it was Norman French who conquered England, Ireland, Wales, and some of Scotland. William the Conqueror set up his henchmen in estates throughout the conquest, and their rule was bloody and extractive. William even catalogued his loot as he considered himself the 'owner' of all his conquest. The Norman court spoke French (thus we have the distinction of 'beef', Norman, and 'Cow', English).
Only when politics and war cut the British Normans from their French cousins did they adopt the English language.
The descendants of Normans still hold rule in Britain in the main, allied with their English subjects who have 'ascended'.
As I commented earlier, Medvedev could have gone further and deeper as the historical facts support such an effort. What's missing from our historical essays is one that begins in the late 1870s when the English Rentiers began their counter to the Classical Economists who proved the fact of unearned income--Rent. That counter led to today's Neoliberalism, but on the way to today it also fostered Fascism and Nazi philosophy. Hat tip to Dr, Hudson for generally exposing most of its beginnings. How much of it gets included in his third volume on debt remains to be seen.
Personal annotations are a very key source of historical information, which Fischer's use of the Kaiser's notes proves--he found what many previous historians completely missed.
I very strongly suggest reading George Seldes "You Can't Print That" and his interview with von Hindenburg at the immediate end of WW1 and ask that you wonder what it would have negated had it been published at the time,
Yes, there're other very good examples of editorial and government censorship within it. But that interview is IMO the most important section of that book.
Disappeared? Likely not, just went somewhere else. To name a few, Nakba, war against Korea, Vietnam, Laos, coups on behalf of United Fruit & Co., fascism and massacres in Pinochet Chile and Suharto Indonesia ...
Very, VERY interesting... to say the least!
IMO, his hypothesis is correct, but he didn't go far enough. He omitted CIA/MI6 succoring OUN during the postwar years that kept Nazism alive, and there's lots of resources proving that fact. IMO, the BIG question is how close to being correct was Henry Wallace's 1944 warning about American Fascists. IMO, he was 100% correct.
Last paragraph is the best; the end of the multi generational cabal and bringing those who survive to justice.
Well said by Medvedev. It's like an economic breakdown of the contents of the book human smoke.
Russia is the light of the world. Civilizations last chance.
I hadn't seen before the pic of Bojo struggling under the weight of that cannon🤣.
Nothing changes. History is women following behind with the bucket.
Many, many thanks for this! It's a great help.
Thank you. Do you know who was the primary audience for this essay?
Russians. It was published on the website of Russia's Security Council, so a secondary audience would be those in the West that keep tabs on that website. The only issue is it being in pdf making machine translation difficult.
thank you... shared.
remarkable document, thanks for translating and sharing.
it is a very powerful document and needs to be said! kudos karl for posting this... he articulates some of your thinking regarding the illegal empire too... a fascinating and necessary document... a few minor typos, but regardless - very necessary for others to read...
Yeah, I should have spent more time editing, and some of the images were also educational but got omitted.
the small typos are very minor..
Nuremberg 2.0! Long, long overdue in the west. Thanks for this one, Karl.
Dmitri Medvedev, Yes the Allies so-called 'Won' & have imposed our one-sided Victors' justice of Censorship Propaganda Indoctrination & execution of millions. Nuremberg was the few ALLIED Colonial Empire exploiting nations (Britain France, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia, Russia etc) having & still committing 100s of millions of genocidal death & destruction today, imposed on our subject colonized people, continuing at a consistent rate of one million killed per year in the past 80 years, Victor justice upon the 50 AXIS nations & many others.
There was never an impartial trial (I'm not justifying either side's atrocities). In order to honour the 33 million Russian & as many others killed from all parties, Many put the total at 100 million dead from all war-related & destroyed infrastructure causes.
I support Russia's just intervention to protect the 1/3 Russian speaking population of Ukraine from mass ongoing atrocities. However Joe Biden & sons, Victoria Nuland, Chrystia Freeland & Jeff-Bezos spent the past 30 years in many 10s of billions of US$ financing indoctrination, arms-training of a Post Soviet unemployed generation of youth in Ukraine. These CIA, Mi%, CSIS programs perverting Ukraine's role as one of 50 AXIS aligned nations, into hatred for all things Russian. However if you & Vladimir Putin in your own one-sided indoctrination, never submit your worldview to debate & violently impose your one sided anti-Nazi Victor law without understanding why 50 'Fascist' (Latin 'fasci' are the bundle of sticks, which together can't be broken) nations joined together?
NEVER-AGAIN?!!?** it is important for us to be severely honest & not suppress, censor & indeed execute the captured holders of any perspective, whom we have not fully 'debated' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight'). You propose repeatedly in your Critical Essay the silencing of many. Such an inability to engage in formal Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded Dialogue is INTELLECTUAL COWARDICE. We are all responsible to make our case dialectically with both sides equally presented so the whole world will make up their own minds.
You base your Critical-Essay on Russia's Soviet fake 'Communist' 70 year period, experience & perspective of having entered into a war strategically pushed by western oligarchs, where 33 million Russians were killed. While Russia fought the war, the western nations put all of their resources into the Manhattan Project developing & building the Atomic Bomb for our ongoing Colonial empire Oligarch world control. 85% of scientists & others working on the Manhattan Project were Jewish (some-of-my family in-3-branches), just as 85% of the Russian parliament for the decade following 1920 were Jewish. This hegemony is not a coincidence.
As you may be aware in 1917 Lev Davidovich Bronstein financed by Jacob Schiff, head of the New-York Stock Exchange & Germany's Warburg financed millions of 1917 dollars to impose violent false revolution for their command & control on Russians who had, at the time, the world's largest 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') movement (I am a communist because I'm committed to 'economic' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') 'community').
I spent the decade of the 1970s with Russian Doukhobor, German-Mennonite, English-Quaker & American Pacifist Communities in the West Kootenays of British Columbia. Unfortunately all these volunteer & state 'community' experiments failed, largely because of the faulty 'One-member/One-vote false 'co-operative' (L. 'co' = 'together' + operatives' = 'stakeholders') system of economic organization. I spent 2 decades organizing & implementing 'co-ops'. I helped organize, develop & operated the Natural Food Co-op networks of British Columbia & Quebec. As our systems were failing, many provincial organizers formed an Indigenous Economy Study Group to learn about all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') heritage as summarized in the 'Circle-of-Life' found in every indigenous nation on every continent.
This was the indigenous research which Lewis Henry Morgan shared as Ancient Society on the laws & practices of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy with Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels or Russia's Petr Kropotkin learned from decades among Russia's indigenous population, which he publishes as MUTUAL-AID, a factor of Evolution in 1915. Mutual-Aid.
As a result of these economic organizational failures, many people have died, including how many you might ascribe to Ukraine's Holodomor through forced ineffective collective 'farm' (French 'ferme' = 'contract-of-servitude imposed by the Aristocrat upon the peasant).
GERMANY as part of 50 AXIS NATIONS (Achsenmachte-German, Polenze dell’Asse-Italian, Sujikukoku-Japanese, Greater-East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere 1936-45) Powers & aligned collaborating governments & >50 nations as part of: Tripartite & Anti-Comintern, Pact-of-Steel Agreements & alliances with: Germany, Italy, Vichy France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Slovakia, Czechia, Soviet Union, Romania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Crimea, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, West Africa Dakar, Azad Hind India, Jammu, Kashmir, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Inner-Mongolia,
ECONOMIC ENGINE OF POPULAR EMPOWERMENT These 50+ AXIS aligned governments & aligned populations were supportive of the Multistakeholder 'Participatory' (L. 'part' = 'share') Corporation laws, constitutions & policies found within the 12 main AXIS powers which required all corporations over 30 employees to convene voting share ownership of all stakeholders (eg. Workers, Founders, Managers, Suppliers, Townspeople & Consumers) in various combinations. Participatory Accounting enabled these countries & collaborator populations to gain local control of their means of production & livelihood, not available in the Oligarch commanded & controlled Colonial Empire extractive & exploitive colonial Allied British, French, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia countries. DEPRESSION RECOVERY success of Germany under the National Socialists derived from issue of LABOUR SCRIPTS or certificates of Labour time & tasks. German, Austrian, Hungarian, Korean, Japanese etc. 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') economic background of Participatory Ownership, also involves corporate, institutional & government Time-based, equivalency accounting practices. Real 'Socialism' (L. 'socius' = 'friend') involves people who know each other operating in control of their local enterprises not the false 'communist' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') basically imposed on Russia through Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) & Vladimir Lenin. financed with millions of 1917 $ USD & armed by the New York Stock Exchange Leader Jacob Schiff (Jewish) & Schiff's colleague Germany's financier Warburg (Jewish). Both real socialism & communism are defined to be bottom-up people-powered through time-based equivalency accounting in Economic Democracy
From humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' point-of-view in the 'Kaianere'kowa' or 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution', what the AXIS missed out on was the importance of accounting, recording & valorizing collective 'Domestic-Economy' contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen (mostly women) in the Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) where 70% of people lived then & now. Indigenous tradition puts the Domestic economy as the core economy with Industry & Commerce (mostly men) as being subset economies. 70% of people today & all humanity's world-wide indigenous ancestors & 1st Nations live/d in the 50-150 person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) today within an average of 32 dwelling units = ~100 people. The Multihome is the 1st proximal FRACTAL ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') of collaborative 'economic' Livelihood.
20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome-extended-family contribute 2trillion$ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring/year, as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions.
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? web-based Community-Circular-Economy software supports individuals, family, extended-family, community recognition of each person & entity's contribution, experience, expertise & decision-making-acumen.
This is an excellent journey into history; Michael Hudson in his SUPERIMPERIALISM shows the American side of the financial shennaigans that led to Hitler's Reich.
My only objection is the use of 'Anglo-Saxon' as term of art for this group of predators ("I hate the bloody English"). As a descendant of Scots, I know that it was Norman French who conquered England, Ireland, Wales, and some of Scotland. William the Conqueror set up his henchmen in estates throughout the conquest, and their rule was bloody and extractive. William even catalogued his loot as he considered himself the 'owner' of all his conquest. The Norman court spoke French (thus we have the distinction of 'beef', Norman, and 'Cow', English).
Only when politics and war cut the British Normans from their French cousins did they adopt the English language.
The descendants of Normans still hold rule in Britain in the main, allied with their English subjects who have 'ascended'.
As I commented earlier, Medvedev could have gone further and deeper as the historical facts support such an effort. What's missing from our historical essays is one that begins in the late 1870s when the English Rentiers began their counter to the Classical Economists who proved the fact of unearned income--Rent. That counter led to today's Neoliberalism, but on the way to today it also fostered Fascism and Nazi philosophy. Hat tip to Dr, Hudson for generally exposing most of its beginnings. How much of it gets included in his third volume on debt remains to be seen.
Personal annotations are a very key source of historical information, which Fischer's use of the Kaiser's notes proves--he found what many previous historians completely missed.
"Germany's Aims in World War One" is where he puts what he found to use. And not just the Kaiser's notes.
I very strongly suggest reading George Seldes "You Can't Print That" and his interview with von Hindenburg at the immediate end of WW1 and ask that you wonder what it would have negated had it been published at the time,
Yes, there're other very good examples of editorial and government censorship within it. But that interview is IMO the most important section of that book.
Let me know your thoughts after you've read it.
Really confidant King--not!
I believe it was Standard Oil, but it could have been Shell, who provided the Franco Rebellion with fuel for its war.
Clash of the Titans wasn't just a Myth.