Draft: Statement by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus on a Joint Vision of the Eurasian Charter for Diversity and Multipolarity in the 21st Century
Another Primary Document
As promised in the Government Hour article, here the translation of the draft treaty for a new Eurasian Security Structure:
Brest, November 22, 2024
of the Eurasian Charter for Diversity and Multipolarity in the 21st Century
We, the representatives of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, proceed from the recognition of the following key realities of our time:
DIVERSITY AS THE BASIS OF PEACE – Peace has always been characterized by a diversity of life, civilizations, cultures, traditions, features of historical development, value systems, and with the formation of the state as the main element of international relations, a variety of forms of state political structure and models of internal socio-economic, cultural and humanitarian development.
Respect for the full spectrum of diversity has traditionally served healthy competition and the overall progress of humanity, while the neglect of this key phenomenon of public life by states has led to interstate wars and conflicts and various crises.
DIVERSITY IN TODAY'S WORLD – The essence and importance of diversity are becoming clearer and the need to respect this phenomenon is especially needed in today's world in light of the rapid development of digital technologies, which greatly expand the knowledge of all people on the planet.
PARADIGM CHANGE – In the modern world, objective and irreversible profound transformations are taking place in international relations, caused by accelerated tectonic changes in various fields, which have a huge impact on all participants in international life.
MULTIPOLARITY ON THE HORIZON – The world is inexorably moving towards a state of multipolarity, which is a consequence of its inherent diversity. This represents an opportunity for building a just and inclusive democratic world order and peaceful coexistence in the interests of security and common prosperity of all states on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation and genuine multilateralism in the long term.
SLOWING DOWN FACTORS – At the same time, the evolutionary movement of the whole world towards multipolarity and a polycentric model that meets the interests of the World Majority slows down if the fact of the diversity of civilizations, cultures, traditions, features of historical development, value systems, forms of state structure and models of internal development is ignored, and the norms and principles of international law are violated.
PECULIARITY OF EURASIA – Eurasia is the geographical center and material foundation of the emerging multipolar world, ancient civilizations are located here, around which states, integration associations, regional organizations and centers of power have been formed.
THE IMPORTANCE OF EURASIA – The Eurasian continent, due to its geographical location, size, population and resource potential, has historically played and continues to play an important role in international relations, acting as a locomotive of global development as a whole. It is in Eurasia that the main contribution to the progressive growth of the world economy is ensured, and independent development centers are being strengthened.
FUTURE OF EURASIA – Effective interaction between all subjects of the Eurasian space, harmonization of relations between the centers of development in Eurasia, are indispensable conditions for the consolidation of the continent in the interests of all states located on it, which in the end will also serve the goal of building a just world order on a multipolar basis.
COMMON GLOBAL INTEREST – In the context of the important role of Eurasia, the achievement of the goals of peace, security, stability and prosperity in this space meets the interests not only of the states of the continent, but also of all countries of the world.
In this regard, we commit to:
RELY ON INTERNATIONAL LAW – Be guided in their actions by the norms of international law, based on the UN Charter in its entirety and interrelated, and other international legally binding documents.
RESPECT DIVERSITY – Recognize and respect the diversity and equality of civilizations, cultures, traditions, historical features and systems of universal values, the diversity of forms of state political structure and models of internal socio-economic development of the countries of the world, oppose exceptionalism and double standards in international politics.
CREATE A MULTIPOLAR WORLD – Contribute to the speedy construction of a multipolar world and a just global order.
IMPLEMENT INITIATIVES – Implement initiatives that contribute to the recognition by all countries of the world of the diversity of development paths, the establishment of a dialogue among civilizations, a dialogue on global security, the formation of a new type of international relations in the interests of creating a cohesive community of states, the development of regional economic processes and partnerships in Eurasia, the implementation of mutually beneficial pan-Eurasian projects, including for the purpose of forming a Greater Eurasian Partnership and strengthening cultural and humanitarian cooperation.
STRENGTHEN SECURITY - To form a new continent-wide architecture of cooperation in the field of security, based on the principles of indivisibility of security, justice, legitimacy, sustainability and joint contribution of the participants.
RESTORE THE ROLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS - To promote the restoration and strengthening of the central coordinating role of the United Nations in world affairs and the effective use of the mechanisms of the UN system to overcome common global challenges and threats, to strengthen the voice of the countries of the World Majority in the Organization.
STRENGTHEN EURASIA - Work to consolidate the Eurasian space to ensure peace, stability and common prosperity on the continent in the interests of all its states.
TO COOPERATE IN THE AREAS - To contribute to the processes of strengthening practical cooperation on the Eurasian continent in the fields of security, economy, culture and other spheres on the basis of openness, broad inclusion, equality and mutual benefit.
USE EURASIAN MECHANISMS - To implement this task, use multilateral cooperation mechanisms operating on the Eurasian continent, including the EAEU, CSTO, CIS, SCO, ASEAN, CICA, LAS, GCC, Union State. To promote cross-platform interaction between them, the implementation of joint initiatives.
PREVENT INTERFERENCE - Counteract attempts by external forces to interfere in the affairs of the Eurasian states and pursue a policy aimed at undermining the processes of consolidation and cooperation on the continent, to impose their own development models, ideological attitudes and alien spiritual and moral values.
ESTABLISH EXTERNAL PARTNERSHIPS - Interact and interface with regional economic processes taking place on other continents.
We, the representatives of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, invite all Eurasian states to join the dialogue on a set of issues affecting the principles of interaction in the multipolar era and related to the continental architecture of security, cooperation and development, with a view to developing, taking into account the provisions of this document, the "Eurasian Charter for Diversity and Multipolarity in the 21st Century".
It's a pity that the term 'diversity' has been so tainted with such toxicity and hypocrisy. I find it very hard to read that term as anything other than cynical and grotesque, even if I appreciate the context.
Wonderful invite to Eurasia EU, to join in a peaceful , not boring coexistence.
But then there is the human element which has so disappointed our sensibilities recently in the Ukraine.
May as well take a chance rather than do nothing but cry about the affairs of the State .