It's a pity that the term 'diversity' has been so tainted with such toxicity and hypocrisy. I find it very hard to read that term as anything other than cynical and grotesque, even if I appreciate the context.
That is an excellent document and framework to build peace and security for all. Pleased to see it holds strong to the UN (flawed as it is) as a cornerstone of global architecture. Earlier agreements and entities directed at peace and security need to be acknowledged, modernised and refined to fit the evolution of human needs, knowledge and global adaptation. A great step forward.
I've been making this point in conversations for a while now: the nations and multilateral groupings that can most effectively assure inclusivity, security and democratic rights for all citizens will win out in the economic long-term. Seeing as how the US is abandoning even the pretence of adhering to liberalism, it won't be long before the effects become apparent. The challenge lies in providing opportunities and satisfying work for citizens in the Global South. A US-engineered global recession will require continued cooperation to negate the intended consequences of poverty, crime and terrorism.
Wonderful invite to Eurasia EU, to join in a peaceful , not boring coexistence.
But then there is the human element which has so disappointed our sensibilities recently in the Ukraine.
May as well take a chance rather than do nothing but cry about the affairs of the State .
It's a pity that the term 'diversity' has been so tainted with such toxicity and hypocrisy. I find it very hard to read that term as anything other than cynical and grotesque, even if I appreciate the context.
That is an excellent document and framework to build peace and security for all. Pleased to see it holds strong to the UN (flawed as it is) as a cornerstone of global architecture. Earlier agreements and entities directed at peace and security need to be acknowledged, modernised and refined to fit the evolution of human needs, knowledge and global adaptation. A great step forward.
I've been making this point in conversations for a while now: the nations and multilateral groupings that can most effectively assure inclusivity, security and democratic rights for all citizens will win out in the economic long-term. Seeing as how the US is abandoning even the pretence of adhering to liberalism, it won't be long before the effects become apparent. The challenge lies in providing opportunities and satisfying work for citizens in the Global South. A US-engineered global recession will require continued cooperation to negate the intended consequences of poverty, crime and terrorism.