Former Russian President and PM Dmitry Medvedev's comment/ riposte to the latest edition of the Zelensky Formula was posted to his Telegram, https://t.me/s/medvedev_telegram Lavrov he is not, but his formula is novel:

On the "peace formula" of the Kiev Nazis, the Swiss "peace conferences" and the real basis of the negotiations

When I hear the expression "Zelensky's peace formula", I experience an irresistible sense of disgust, which quickly turns into a sense of shame from the bad surrealism of what is happening. After all, everyone understands perfectly well, including the ragged Western liars, that even in much simpler situations during a war, peace can be achieved either if there is a mutual will of the parties on the basis of a reasonable compromise, or through the capitulation of one of the parties to the conflict.

The will of the so-called former Ukraine to negotiate is not visible. In any case, on the basis of recognising the realities, as Vladimir Putin said yesterday. For them, reality is the brain-clue's "formula for peace" of a provincial clown in a green leotard. And nothing else. It looks so artificial that the only way out is to construct your own, Russian formula, calm and quite realistic. Humane for all.

What? And for example, this one:

1. Recognition of the ex (hereinafter referred to as b.) "Ukraine" defeats in the military component of the conflict. Complete and unconditional surrender of the former "Ukraine" in the person of the neo-Nazi clique in Kiev. Demilitarization of the former "Ukraine" and a ban on the creation of paramilitary formations on its territories in the future.

2. Recognition by the international community of the Nazi character of the former Kiev political regime and the implementation of the forced denazification of all the authorities of the former "Ukraine" under the control of the UN.

3. The UN acknowledges that Ukraine has lost its international legal personality and that it is impossible for any of its successors to enter into military alliances without Russia's consent.

4. Resignation of all constitutional authorities of the former "Ukraine" and immediate holding of elections to the provisional parliament of the self-governing territory of the former "Ukraine" under the auspices of the UN.

5. Adoption by the interim parliament of laws on the payment of all due compensations to Russia, including payments to the relatives of the deceased citizens of our country and payments for damage to the health of the wounded. Establishing a procedure for reimbursement of property damage caused to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. Official recognition by the provisional parliament of the former "Ukraine" that its entire territory is the territory of the Russian Federation. Adoption of the act on the reunification of the territories of the former "Ukraine" with Russia.

7. Self-dissolution of the provisional parliament. UN recognition of the act of reunification.

Such may be Russia's soft formula for peace. That's a compromise position, isn't it? I think it is on this basis that we can seek a benevolent consensus with the international community, including the Anglo-Saxon world, and hold productive summits, counting on mutual understanding between our close friends, our Western partners.

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In a sane world those proposals might hold water, but not in this one. The west's Russophobia is in hyperdrive, and Micron's latest outbursts attest to this.

Additionally, I think both sides understand that this is existential in character for both parties: if that's correct then neither side can negotiate a way out of the impasse that is actually meaningful in the long-term. By that I mean, that any agreement is merely kicking the can down the road: this conflict (NATO versus Russia) requires a 'winner' if such a thing is possible in the nuclear age.

I could see the west seeking some form of negotiated settlement, but why would the RF trust them to abide by it? Minsk I and Minsk II failed precisely because the west ignored International Law and used the agreements as cover to arm Ukraine for what was obviously a long-planned campaign, be it economic, military, or both.

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The weapon that will supply the victory is still in the works--the new institutions and mechanisms for bypassing the dollar and Western financial structures. Although not apparent on the surface, the US financial system is destabilized and very volatile with genuine inflation still rising well beyond target. Rates will need to be increased to attract buyers of US debt which will further destabilize the banking system, and little help will come from the new EU colonies as they are also broke and need buyer for their own debt. If the RoW can refrain from buying that debt, rates will need to increase again as that's the only way to entice buyers. Interest on that debt for 2025 is at $960 Billion and will soon top the $1 Trillion mark.

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Do you honestly think that the US will go gently into the night, or will it rage, rage against the dying of the light? I suspect the latter; hence my belief that both sides see this as existential, but from different perspectives. For Russia, it's obvious in terms of its security and NOT having NATO armed to the teeth on its doorstep as VVP recently alluded to. For the US, its hegemony is built around the post-WW2 Bretton Woods agreement, where all things have been shaped to maintain its power.

The USD as the world's de facto currency allowed the US to print at will, live luxuriously, and ship all its inflation overseas. Once those "new institutions and mechanisms for bypassing the dollar and Western financial structures" come to or near fruition the writing will be well and truly on the wall, and I don't expect Washington or any of its European vassals to accept that, as they will be beggared within a generation.

To my mind this will go to the very end, and I think war is inevitable, because the west will absolutely rage, rage against the dying of its light.

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I've been following the geoeconomic end of the geopolitical struggle for years now and know that the dollar system is very dysfunctional and has been since it first appeared after WW1. The problem is ANY situation where one nation's currency acts as the global medium of exchange is going to be unstable as Hudson and Desai have shown on their series of programs that examined the dollar system. Despite some benefits, liabilities also exist for that one nation and its currency, and they would be present even if the benefits weren't abused.

The dedollarization threat has always been present but until now the world's nations never had the solidarity to overthrow Bretton Woods and its institutions and create a whole new structure where no nation's currency is the so-called reserve currency. The neoliberal parasites may rage, but there's nothing they can do about it as waging war on the world isn't going to get the RoW to cease. Then the vast majority of IMF and World Bank "loans" will be declared odious and cancelled. And here's nothing the Empire can do about that either as this isn't the 1920s.

The world isn't over for the Outlaw US Empire's neoliberal parasites as they have Europe, Canada and their own public to continue to suck the life-blood from, and IMO a nuclear confrontation is the last thing they seek because they do know they'll lose, and their wealth and power will vanish.

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Reading this will cause ZioNAZIs to have conniptions.

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Thank you Karlof1 for your persistent transcription work.

Without you, we wouldn't even know these very important words had been said.

We are here (in the West) held in silence and darkness.

And drowned in biased comments without access to the source of the information and the facts.

Your work is therefore as essential as it is unique.

Many thanks

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absolutely agree! and i find your posts on moa quite substantive.. thanks..

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I was surprised there were no replies to my post on the trans thread. Hudson had his birthday yesterday--85. Read his latest if you haven't yet. There's a major point he needs to get out that takes on a major power structure and unmasks it as a fraud.

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thanks karl.. the. moa trans thread was overwhelming.. i didn’t read it all or see your comment.. i will seek out hudsons latest. thanks!

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A trans thread on MoA where it was "verboten" to talk Covid.

Too funny

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I found it insipid.

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karl. thank you..

‘ it is already underway’. statement… yes, i believe russia has recognized this is a war with nato right from the start.. nato says otherwise, but they are not very good liars or fakers..

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Agreed. And I think that's why there are large (unused) military formations currently sitting in Belarus. At first sight they pose a threat to Kiev and its environs, but more realistically I think they are there as a check on any NATO ambitions to attack Russia through the soft underbelly of Belarus.

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yes, i think you are right about that..cheers..

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