Jan 31·edited Jan 31Liked by Karl Sanchez

I think what's interesting here, is the fundamental influence of the Soviet Union, which at first sight might seem to be a contradiction but in fact the idea of multilateralism stems organically from the former Soviet Union's relationship with what used to be called the Third World and which we now call the Global South. It reveals the importance of the role of the Russian Revolution as the first step in breaking the stranglehold of the Imperialist/Colonial powers and shows just how the West feared the Russian Revolution and did all in its power to strangle it at birth. Of course today's Russia has a love/hate relationship to the USSR and understandably so, it was a difficult birth but clearly there would be no multilateral world without it.

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Yes, certainly the Russian experience is key. Putin often remarks about the 1905 Revolution's influence on current Russian attitudes and politics, as well as it being the forerunner to the 1917-8 Revolution. Funny that the Secret Treaty revelations don't see as much emphasis today as they deserve for they unveil a different tale to WW1 than that written in history books.

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Jan 31Liked by Karl Sanchez

Interesting post, especially the interview to Elvira Nabiullina.

Knowing your "love" for Maria Zakharova, you may like my latest post... ;)


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Feb 1Liked by Karl Sanchez

Where's NAM meeting?

Not even mentioning.

What, its bigger, 150 countries?

Its no time for complexes

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NAM met in Uganda, and its Declaration is provided by me in an earlier article. It has 120 nations.

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Is there any way for individuals to buy from BRICS countries in a way that supports the transition it's creating?

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Just look where the product is made, although you don't want to buy some TNC product that was made there to take advantage of wage differential, clothing being the most usual example. The two nations I'd consider before the others are Egypt and Ethiopia. Aside from products, national bonds issued in the host nation's currency would be another perhaps easier way to go. Since you're in Canada, it would be easier for you since fewer sanctions.

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Thank you, karlof's 1, for bringing this to our attention.

It is unfortunate the white elephant in the room, the Palestinian genocide, did not deserve a mention in Lavrov's opening remarks. It sounds like an insult to read Lavrov stating "What is happening in Ukraine is a tragedy," given the Palestinian tragedy supersedes that of Ukraine by several orders of magnitude. One hundred thousand people killed and wounded, are so invisible did not fit in the opening of a meeting allegedly to cradle the new "multi polar world."

Outrageous, to say the least.

Ukraine and Palestine are two different vectors into that multi polar world, Palestine the weakest link in the chain of resistance, reason it got the bigger end of the stick. Several factors created the ongoing tragedy that engulfed Palestine, one of them is the defeat of NATO at the hands of Russia in Ukraine. In a way, the Palestinian genocide is a giant PSYOP for the Collective West, which is taking full advantage of the carnage criminal Israel has unleashed on the Palestinians, to distract the attention of the world from their defeat in Ukraine.

Russia's policy toward Palestine, is shameful.

Lavrov has made pronouncements on the ongoing Palestinian tragedy using diplomatese, such gobbledygook that he created an uproar, as we all tried to understand the meaning of his tiptoeing. Russia continues to beat a dead horse with the old and decrepit "two-state solution," unable to see the Palestinian uprising as the flame lighting the way to a new multi polar world, burying the last outpost of the colonial world.

Russia has a powerful Jewish lobby, which they will need now and, in the future, as a link to attract capital and investments into the new Russia Putin is envisioning. Self-interest might be the reason they decided to bury the Palestinian genocide as an outcast to BRICS+, even when new member Iran is deeply invested in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine. Russia and China need to review their foreign policy toward war criminal Israel, wake up and smell the Palestinian children blood, take off the blinders of self-interest and see the Global South, from Indonesia to South Africa to Turkey, deeply committed to the struggle of the Palestinian people.

Otherwise, the inclusion of Civilizational Islam in the creation of the new multipolar world, is only words and paper. Palestine is a red line for humanity, if we are to move forward to a higher state of consciousness. If Russia, China, and by extension BRICS+, do not take a stand on Palestine, their position as pioneers and pathfinders in the search for a new paradigm, will be ethically and morally compromised.

Lone Wolf

PS: I am not sure Russia and China can see the geopolitical consequences of the ongoing Palestinian genocide, as Israel/Collective West objectives are to create a wedge into BRI, the SCO, INSTC, all the economic corridors that crisscross West Asia, the Caucasus, and deeper into the stans, Russia and China. The Collective West is hell bent in creating a gap in Russia’s weakest flank, the Caucasus underbelly, and has been actively corrupting both Armenia and Azerbaijan to break the INSTC, among other corridors. A total defeat of the Axis of Resistance, ulterior goal of Israel/Collective West in the current conflict, could consolidate Israel as the dominant power in the region again, and break up any hopes of an integrated Eurasian Heartland. If Russia and China are not adding this variable into the equation, they are geopolitically blind.

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Feb 3Liked by Karl Sanchez

WRT “... white elephant in the room, ...” and your assertion that the “… Palestinian tragedy supersedes that of Ukraine by several orders of magnitude.” is sufficient justification for a blanket condemnation of Russia and the ‘multipolar world project’ is, at the very least, an over statement I would expect from an agent of t’empire. Although unsurprisingly the statement, “Russia's policy toward Palestine, is shameful.” that immediately followed and was in no way elaborated upon in order to justify or explain that statement probably provides an accurate assessment of your overall intent.

Further reading certainly suggested, if not strongly indicated, that despite the ongoing activities of the Israeli government and the unswerving support of the USA, UK and EU you want to blame Russia for the current war crimes being carried out by the IOF and Israeli government.

The assertions, or should I say projections, follow in a steady stream from that point onward: ‘Russia has a powerful Jewish lobby’, ‘Self-interest’ WRT regard to YOUR assertion, although qualified with the word ‘might’, ‘… be the reason they decided to bury the Palestinian genocide ...’.

Russia and China are then accused of being more concerned with ‘self-interest’ than the same issues as the other members of BRICS+, which was connected to a suggestion of a divide between Russia and China on the one hand and Iran and the rest of BRICS+ (as well as Turkey the vacillating NATO member) WRT to attitude to Palestine. Followed by the claim that BRICS+ have NOT taken a stand on Palestine, which is a patently false claim on your part and constitutes a ‘straw man’ argument to suggest the overall multipolar project ‘will be ethically and morally compromised’.

It’s difficult to see why you are not sure that, “Russia and China can see the geopolitical consequences of the ongoing Palestinian genocide” or that Russia is vulnerable in the South Caucasus. Your suggestion of a “total defeat of the Axis of Resistance”, which you admit is one of the possible goals of israel/collective west(waste), is once more a subtle projection of a ‘break up [of] any hopes of an integrated Eurasian Heartland’. The final projection of the diplomatic ineptitude of israel and the collective waste onto China and Russia is the suggestion of geopolitical blindness, which is on a par with an earlier assertion that Lavrov of ‘diplomatese’ and ‘gobbledygook’.

PS I did note that someone appears to have liked your post. I suspect that was you, so I will attempt to ‘like’ this reply as a test of that theory.

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Yes, it's quite odd that one can like one's own comment. I allowed the trolls yammering to stand as a testament to the sort of projection we see daily via Western policy. That trolls feel it's important to place their misinformation on my not very widely subscribed substack shows just how threatened and fearful they are of their Project's consequences for their Masters. Furthermore, the BRICS+ agenda is bigger than just solving Palestine; it's about putting hegemony of all types out of work forever more.

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