Feb 16Liked by Karl Sanchez

Since you mentioned Navalny at the end of your article, in my latest one I have analyzed the hypocrisy of Western MSM and governments/elites mourning Alexei Navalny's death in Russian penal colony, while ignoring Gonzalo Lira's death in a Ukrainian prison a few months ago and the illegal detainment of Julian Assange in a British jail: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/hypocrites-mourn-navalny

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https://gilles-verrier.blogspot.com/2024/02/notre-cause-au-forum-des-partisans-de.html Its in french but I guess you can use your translator.

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Who are the 17 nations or territories ? Is it possible to contact the secretary of the group ?

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"the core reason for the violence is “the Western intention to hold on to its dominance in world affairs at all cost. People in Washington are convinced that doing so would be easiest amid a global chaos,”

Patrushev has it exactly right. What is irritating to me is that even the most pro-Russian, anti-American analysts. i.e., "the usual suspects" we are all familiar with, can't forthrightly say that. They dance around it, asking stupid questions like "why doesn't Biden do this", or "why doesn't Biden do that". Of course Biden isn't going to do this or that to solve any of the outstanding crises. The crises are what he and the rest of these morons want!

Every time I hear the word "negotiations" coming out of the "usual suspects" mouths, I want to barf. There will be no negotiations over Ukraine, or Gaza, or Yemen, or Iran, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Iraq or Taiwan or anything or anywhere else. The West doesn't not negotiate. Period. End of story. Any so-called "negotiations" are either a CYA fig leaf intended to go nowhere (like the Iran JCPOA "negotiations" Biden conducted for over a year) or a con job or bullying.

The West will only "negotiate" when it suffers a serious military defeat in which it loses significant military assets, e.g., several aircraft carriers or a couple hundred aircraft or 50,000 US troops in ninety days. And that's assuming the US doesn't go nuclear in that event, which is quite possible.

I suspect the West will not even "negotiate" if it suffers an economic crisis identical to the 1920's Depression. After all, the rich who run things won't be suffering that much. So unless there is a revolution that drives them out of power, things still won't change. And driving them out of power will require those in power to be killed - "voting" does not work in this system by definition. Third parties take decades to build. I have zero confidence in that approach.

No, it's going to take a major war to alter things. It may be inevitable that a nuclear war will be necessary.

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Glade to see the Russian security council statement by Nikolay Patrushev recognition of the Ansar Allah Al-Houthi movement claims under un charter and condemnation of US led strikes on Yemen.

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