Dec 14, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

It is as Karl says kaput, or very close to being so. A parrot (deceased).

And what will take its place is a very moderate, friendly, socialist tinged zionism from the influential and powerful current of Jewish opinion which has consistently spoken out for peace and solidarity in the Levant. There will be a Palestinian state and there will be a Jewish state. And over the course of a generation or less they will confederate into One State- from the river (and some probably) to the sea- in which all will live together in peace and friendship.

All that stands in the way is the rotting corpse of the old world- the greedy careerists polluting politics everywhere, unbalanced demagogues, foreigners fishing in troubled waters. like the Sissis and Erdogans, Kier Starmers and Joe Bidens, Trumps etc of this world for whom national tragedies are just opportunities for vote collecting , fund raising, weapon selling and other obscenities.

I just hope that people have been keeping score and recorded the enthusiasm with which, for example, the entire governing caste in NATO threw its collective weight, money and information machine behind the assault on Gaza. Without them thousands of children and civilians would be alive today. But they insusted that it was OK to bomb hospitals, that is was cool to reduce cities to piles of rubble and it showed remarkable restraint on Israel's part that all human life in Gaza had not been snuffed out.

The Zionist project may be kaput but, unhappily, the wider imperialist project still requires to be put to death.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you Karl for that report, it is always a worthy time spent.

John Helmer contributes some analysis as to the casualties in the Gaza district of Palestine. In addition to the consistent Russian attitude toward the illegal occupier, there is the persistent crime against humanity that Russia is yet to address in any conclusive way.


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Thanks for your reply. I hope you read my answer to Hack. For Russia to change its policy and describe what's happening as Genocide instead of similar but rhetorically milder terms would need to be arrived by a consensus of Russia's leaders. Well, Russia's made efforts going back to USSR times when Lavrov was at the UN to alter the situation via diplomacy which the record shows was constantly rebuffed by the Outlaw US Empire and the Zionists acting together. Short from invading Palestine, what was/is Russia supposed to do?

The Palestinian Issue is perhaps the biggest roadblock blocking the formation of a Multipolar World as it's an International Issue affecting all nations whether they like it or not. A supermajority of the world's nations expressed what they demand done with yesterday's UNGA vote. What coalition of nations is going to enforce that demand? Either solution of Palestine becoming a single state or sharing some of the area with Israel will require force to employ. Again, what nations are going to perform that task?

We both want a Just solution. The problem is how to implement one or the other. However, one thing IMO is certain--The Zionist Project is kaput.

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And with the ZIonist Project being kaput so any notion of Saudi normalization, at least in the context of normalizing with a Zionest state.

In the interim regardless the outcome of Gaza or UN intervention, the fact remains Israel is sitting in the middle of a well armed and organized jihaist hot bed, particularly now perhaps more so then anytime in its history.

I am of the opinion the longer this genocide is allowed to continue the worst off for any balanced solution favoring an Israeli state, particularly now in light of the lack of international intervention to stop killing Palestinian people.

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Perhaps I should take the time to expand on Lavrov's dicta that Palestinian security and wellbeing is the best way to secure Israeli security, a truism Zionists are blind to because of faith in their Project. Whatever solution is arrived at, it will need to be enforced for a long time, unless the Zionists completely abandon the region.

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"We will never agree to any agreements that will undermine and infringe on Israel's security. We are convinced that it can be ensured only in accordance with UN decisions, which presuppose and demand that an independent and independent state of Palestine should live and develop next to this state in security and good-neighbourliness with each other and with all neighboring countries."

This is why Russia loses. Because that is completely the wrong approach. The reason is that the original UNSC decisions were the completely wrong approach. The world has been making the wrong approach for 75 years - and now the Russians want to continue that approach.

Thus it will be left to Hezbollah and Hamas and their allies and possibly some of the regional states to sort it out properly. There is no other possibility. And that will mean a major Mid-East war which will kill probably a million or two million or more people, mostly Arabs and Persians region-wide and Jews in Israel.

As an individualist anarchist, I have to shrug. This is what you get from humans.

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The unfortunate issue for Humanity is the Hitlerian Vision within the Zionist's Project was never seen/understood/anticipated until after the USSR and many other nations recognized the state of Israel, although many of the Zionist Terrorists at the time and before had expounded on that Project and stated it as their goal. Even the League of Nations Mandate of 1923 made a Palestinian State mandatory; so, the Two State Mandate has existed for 100 years, and Russia is 100% correct that it's the West that's blocked the formation of a Palestinian Nation in cahoots with the Zionists. Oh, and Russia hasn't "lost" as it's been very transparent in its policy whereas others have not.

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