The Honor Guards march showing Eyes Right as they pass the unknown soldier memorial today in Moscow.
As in the past when this day was celebrated, Russians can say things Americans cannot. Here is the latter portion of what President Putin said to those men after he awarded Hero of Russia Gold Stars to them:
Vladimir Putin: The Tomb of the Unknown A soldier – no one even knows how many such unknown soldiers there were. Thanks to their efforts, courage, and very hard work at the front today we have Russia, we are defending it and we are doing it–-you are doing it–-with dignity. We are not ashamed of you before our fathers, before our ancestors.
We are fighting for the Motherland and we will do everything–-I know that you are those who are next to you–-we will do everything to pass it on to future generations, our children, our grandchildren.
This is how fate turned out, this is how it pleased the Lord, if I may say so: Such a difficult, but honorable mission fell on our shoulders: to protect Russia.
You know, I looked at what was written in the order to cross the Danube in one of our wars. The words surprised me. This is the XIX century, from headquarters the order to cross the Danube is transmitted. A very difficult combat work, associated with a huge risk. And the words are as follows: a great honor fell to the lot of your regiment—to be the first to cross the Danube and the first to achieve victory over the Opponent.
People were going to their deaths. Yes, in fact, the Danube in this place where they crossed is hard. These were the first orders, St. George Crosses. And what words were chosen: your regiment has had a great honor.
It is a great honour for us to defend Russia.
For us Americans, we have no conception of what it means within Russian culture to have such a mindset, to have such devotion, and to be treated with such great respect by our fellows. IMO, the Revolutionary and Civil Wars would come closest, but Americans have never faced the task of having to defend against an invading enemy bent on annihilating all—that’s what Russians have faced three times in 100 years. Each time they emerged victorious but with far fewer Russians returning home. Perhaps this time the West will finally learn to leave Russia alone, for it cannot defeat Russia despite having greater numbers of people to waste in the process. And that’s what’s being done today: The West is wasting Ukrainians because it knows its own people cannot defeat Russia, and will not fight Russia willingly; so, the West propagandized and Nazified Ukrainians to die for them not knowing what they were unleashing—again. The dictatorial people who met with Macron need to be placed inside a dugout on the line of contact and made to fend for themselves since they so madly desire to defeat Russia. Let them try; Russia will now what to do with them. Western citizens ought to take a cue from Russians and defend themselves from their own governments and the parasitic elites that own them—yes, including Trump and the Duopoly. Freedom from tyranny means freedom from Billionaire Rule, which not so long ago was Millionaire Rule and just as bad.
Today is a day when Russians can both celebrate and mourn then celebrate again. Few nations have histories that allow them to do so, and that are also so very recent.
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I worked in Russia, many moons ago. Fantastic place. People often asked me what it was like, and I would tell them that it was fantastic, that the people were friendly, and I'd end with: 'They're tough bastards. Glad we never fought them.' Some things never change.
Well, my maternal grandparents family were almost entirely exterminated in the Great Patriotic War, I'm not even sure there are graves to visit. I don't think any other country, definitely in the West, has experienced anything that comes close the devastation Nazi Germany inflicted on Mother Russia and it explains everything about the nature of the Special Military Operation and why the Russian people volunteered in such numbers to lay down their lives, again.